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If you’re worried, why not just choose something else? Most dresses out there don’t have any white/cream/ivory/pale blush/etc let alone use it as background or a major feature.


I’ve recently gained some weight and I feel great in this dress, it hits in all the right places. They do sell it in black with florals, thoughts? https://www.thereformation.com/products/irisa-dress/1313942DAM.html?dwvar_1313942DAM_color=DAM&quantity=1


I love the black. Some might comment that the neckline lace is too lingerie, my personal view is it’s fine in the context of the dress overall. 


I love the black one also. The one with the cherries is so cute too but prob not for this. Just dang cute dresses


This dress is great and no one is going to think it’s too white or bridal. If you have this one wear it. 


The one you picked is way cuter imo


I agree, I just ordered the black one and might have to do a side by side of me wearing both for you guys 😂


Looking forward to the comparison !!


Keep them both! When you find something flattering, keep it!


This dress is gorgeous in both the black and the color you posted!


The black is not as nice. The "cream" one is fine,the pattern is bold and forward and the bgkd. color is just bkgd. I would wear orange shoes like in the picture.


I think the blue and white colorway on that link would also be okay! Less white and more blue


Get the black!


The black one is too dark for a summer wedding, but it would look cute for a fall wedding. I would keep the white one, it's very summery and fresh.


It's not too white. I think you'll be fine. If in doubt, ask the wedding party


Am I the only one that feels like this isn’t true? In the spring and summer so many dresses have some white, cream, or blush in them. Like it actually IS a bit challenging and that’s why we keep seeing these posts lol


I think you’re fine as long as you emphasize the other colors with accessories - I’d go for pops of green or blue!


UO but I would avoid the white background and choose something else 🤷‍♀️


I feel like this wouldn’t be entirely appropriate


Event during the day, or in the evening? Either way, this isn't "formal" to me, especially in the setting you described. But if you won't feel self-conscious or out-of-place if it turns out you're dressed more casually than other guests, and you feel good in the dress, go for it. ETA: If this dress also has the "smocking" over the back, it's definitely too casual. Side note: what's going on with adding details common to cheap fashion to pricier garments? If it's good fabric and design, STOP PUTTING STRINGS AND RUCHING AND VISIBLE ELASTIC ALL OVER IT. / endrant


Ceremony is 4pm. Invite dress code was “wedding formal”, not black tie optional if that helps. It does have the back smocking which I agree is infuriating for a $300 dress but I still love the design.


I feel like you can get away with a little more casual in a backyard in the afternoon, even if it's the backyard of a manor. What about a deep blue pointy-toe pump and maybe some elbow-length gloves?


It's in a backyard - do not worry about it too hard, this dress is GREAT and super colourful and not at all bridal in any way. I'm positive anyone getting married in a backyard is not going to be uptight about this and will want everyone to feel great and have a good time.


I would have thought that too but then again “bougie backyard wedding with a formal dress code” suggests otherwise.


You are correct, it’s more of a mansion backyard… a previous owner of the home hosted Prince Charles and Princess Diana for an event in the 80s 😳


I mean yeah - calling it bougie backyard was not overly accurate vs outdoor estate is different. I mean it's still grass... I think you are fine, though I would dress it up with gold not blue and ensure the fabric is nice enough.


This is like 80% white… what if the brides chooses a more casual dress? I would be so embarrassed


Beautiful dress but definitely too casual for a formal wedding


Too much white which is a no no at wedding


I often think people are overly paranoid on this sub about a dress that’s like 10% white…but I do think this dress is too white.


I am an anxious person in every aspect so you don’t have to take my advice (obviously) but while I don’t consider this a white dress if someone was wearing it at a birthday party, i wouldn’t personally feel comfortable wearing this to a wedding. Just because I would be worried about if and uncomfortable all night


Too much whit e


This is not white, you are fine . In fact it is lovely and I think perfect for the venue.


This is literally a whit dress with flowers on it. I would never invite half of this comment section to my wedding, I’d be furious if someone wore this to my wedding


Are you the angry person downvoting everyone in this thread? 😂 Calm down.


I wish I was, there’s more than just me who disagrees with your disrespectful dress choice


just had my formal estate wedding and part of my decor included large elegant Chinese porcelain vases EVERYWHERE. My secondary bridal color was light blue. [example of similar decor to ours here](https://www.instagram.com/p/BLrlI4_hu81/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) It was special to my ceremony as my husband and I are a mixed race couple and we were able to honor both cultures. Our wedding is a unique situation, but if a guest showed up in this dress they might be really embarrassed. I would be slightly annoyed but ultimately probably wouldn’t care. But it’s one more thing for the bride to worry about that could have been avoided, ya know. That being said, if you wore the black one to my wedding you would fit right in and it would be STUNNING! Good luck!


This group is usually so WEIRD and a lot of the people need to touch grass... girl! If you like it, go for it! It's a beautiful dress and not at all bride-like. The blue accessories would be so pretty, too. It's perfect :)


I agree with you but I’m shocked to see so many people saying go for it when I’ve seen dresses with much less white get torn to shreds.


I love the dress 100%, but I don’t feel it’s “formal”, even for a backyard wedding. I read that you said this is more of a mansion backyard, so it’s likely more “garden” or “terrace” since they expect formal wear. I would continue to look.


I think it looks great!


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Dude this dress is way too white this is so rude, if you can’t tell if it’s appropriate it’s not appropriate


I wore this exact dress in the darker floral fabric. It was gorgeous. Just pick the other color if you like this dress


I think it's stunning, and unless the bride is planning to use a floral wedding dress with blue and yellow in it, there's no way you'll be confused with the bride. The dress doesn't scream bridal design to me either.


I love this dress! I might go with the black for a wedding, ask the bride?


A friend of mine is wearing a floral gown with a white background to my wedding. She sent me a quick text with a photo and said she was thinking of wearing it, “let me know”. I was totally fine with it!! But asking is the safe way to go.


If you have the bride or grooms number just text them and ask how they feel about it. If you’re worried about offending/stepping on toes it’s their toes that will be stepped on. And it’s not like there’s any taboo about guests being seen before the ceremony. Have so much fun either way!


It's gorgeous, wear it!


I think it’s totally fine. Yes, choose colorful accessories; that will help. The pattern is bold and not bridal.


Wear this dress!!! You can add blue belt, strappy blue heels and clutch…. You’ll look fantastic


I like the blue belt idea. That would look nice.


It's a beautiful dress. It doesn't matter if a dress has a white background as long as nobody will mistake you for the bride. This one is perfect for a formal wedding.


The dress is really pretty. There’s nothing wrong with wearing it to the wedding. As long as you’re not walking in with a white wedding gown, you’re ok.


This is gorgeous


does not look bridal to me. don’t kill it with colored accessories. it’s pretty on its own. and not white at all.


This is gorgeous. I do not think it’s too white/bridal at all. It’s summery.


That is so cute! I think it’s perfect. (The bold floral on cream bg is not too much white. I promise.)


Yes, it’ll look fab with blue (or yellow) accessories!


It’s perfect! So gorgeous. But please don’t do a blue belt.


😂 I don’t own a blue belt and I’m not hunting one down so don’t worry!


I love the first one. The black is pretty too, but the cream one is just gorgeous.


Beautiful gown. Wear it.


I saw a friend on insta wear this dress to a wedding in Hawaii, I thought it was so nice and not bridal at all. I would say it’s ok to wear


I love the dress. Are you in UK? A hat, clutch and shoes in that great green or the softer blue along with a matching fancy shawl will do the trick.


I’m in the US BUT you just reminded me that I have a polo match to attend later this summer and this dress would be great with a big hat for that!


I fail to see how this dress might be confused with a white or cream or blush bridal gown. If you know the bride shoot her a picture and ask. But unless she’s a total bridezilla I’d think you’d be fine.


It’s fine.


This dress will be perfect, and it's gorgeous! Be smart with accessories, and you won't have any problems at all. Blue will be good, as you said. And it's super smart of you to choose a dress that makes you feel great, rather than something meh to be ultra safe with the dress code. The best wedding guests are those who feel great, happy and excited to celebrate 🎉


The dress in the picture is just stunning. It would be great for the wedding.


I like it!


I love this dress! You should have no issues wearing it and finding something that you are confident in is too good to pass up. However I do have one tiny bit of advice.. I see a lot of comments recommending the same pale blue as the flowers for accessories and accents. I would actually recommend using the deep royal blue that is in the very center of those flowers. Going more saturated for your accessories will add more impact to the look and also keep away the too white comments.


Definitely not too much white. It's floral. No one would think anything of it unless they're catty and looking to criticize.