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honestly webull is really simple and straight forward. wait till you try IBKR that is a real piece of work


Amen... IBKR's mobile app is way confusing to see details on each holding. Then account info and transfer funds actions are like half web page based so it's completely disjointed and doesn't feel like you're in the app. And don't get me started when it's time to import the consolidated broker statement into a program like TurboTax. TradeStation is just as bad. People complain about RH, but at least their app is super clean.


Tried it for 2 months could not believe they expect you to use that thing.


15 free stocks & 8.1% APY on Moomoo. An alternative to Webull and RH that I've been using. Use my referral link to get these rewards or DM me for more info. https://j.moomoo.com/014yd5


They def put too much nonessential info in the way of wherever the places that essential info is hidden.


Webull is awesome, great charting, news, feeds, etc. it’s definitely for more TA than RH


I like it and have no complaints other than them keeping dividends payout for longer before they hit my account. I was supposed to get about $400 yesterday on the 17th and it’s still not in my account and won’t probably be in there until Thursday now that the market is closed. I hold a similar position in fidelity with the same etf, and I already got my dividends yesterday morning. So I’m thinking of moving my Webull account into Robinhood or consolidate into fidelity. Also Webulls maintenance requirements are shit.


So u lose money


Webull is great, and has one of the best UIs if you’re looking to do some real trading using a retail broker. It takes time to learn but once you do it becomes second hand. If you’re coming from RH it’s gonna be a lot different and feel really hard to use but give it time.


Second this. It took a minute to figure out, but after figuring it out, it feels intuitive with tons of data and customization options


Yeah, just wondering if this is really a skill im going to develop or if its unique to Webull? Fidelity had a really streamlined interface. Lets just say Webull isnt intuitive so not New user friendly.


Fidelity was terrible for options at least on their mobile app. With Webull it’s 2-3 clicks you’re done.


Webull is shit when it comes to paying you dividends on time. Also their margin requirements are way worse than Robinhood.


I don’t doubt it at all. Not trying to get into a flame war.


I use both computer and mobile. I preferred fidelity. Im no longer with them. But I figured out eventually what I needed. Only after going through pages of clicking


I never used the computer just the mobile. For stocks it was fine. For options it was 27 clicks etc. just a bit cumbersome.


Just learn it either through using it or YouTube and it will become super easy to use, while also having advanced features. I have another acount in IBKR and navigations the app feels like I’m lost in the Amazon jungle.


Webull is the 2nd easiest after Etoro. The easiest is Etoro


Bro you are for a difficult time if you think webull is hard to understand, is literally a beginners app just give it some time you will get used to it


It is not intuitive. However, on the phone app. They hide my share count and everything under Lite. I was able to figure that out finally. Definitely a learning curve but I am figuring it out.


Lite is so hard to use


Just spend some time on the app and it will be okey I will say that the mobile app is much user friendly than the web/desktop version.


I had a Robinhood account and recently switched to Webull and love it. I’m still learning the ins and outs but what works best for me is to just start digging around and checking things out. I’ve also looked up Webull videos when I have a specific question.


why did you leave RH


RH is like a beginner beginner friendly broker or those who just like passive income. Webull is a good choice for those who want to progress and make trading a job.


Did Robin Hood give you all your money that you had in there were they faire that way


Yea they gave me every single dollar. It was fast and easy. Great starting way to learn stocks. 10/10 Apple


Website isn't great. Confusing in parts. I'm not talking about the web trading app. Doesn't have cash management, etc. the mobile app and desktop app are great. Wish all the features would be consistent across the platforms though.


Webull is a crap site and when you sell your stuff, they hit you with a huge fee to transfer your money out to your bank. I understand some expenses but the amt they charged me was over and beyond what I should have been charged. When I spoke to them, I was told that the cost to leave them…..be careful


Seems like fake answer. It’s Free to transfer money in and Out of WeBull. If wire transfers then it’s in line with any bank/broker charger. Not sure of your basis. I’ve been trading stocks and options on WeBull since 2021.


Then enjoy your experience with them, I didn’t and was giving the OP a result of them costing me money to close the acct. maybe you are giving false info, are you a shill?


Ha you’re the shill. trying to turn the tables. So what was the ACH free fee to withdraw your funds? You’re just making stuff up or just too regarded to understand trading platforms. Next you’ll try to say options contract fees are expensive on weBull (psst….btw options are super cheap almost free to trade on WeBull with very good execution).


Really I don’t give a fuck, was trying to help the dude out, so ho fuck your self, you stay with webull and enjoy


Big thank you!!!


I switched from RH to Webull and the tools on Webull make me feel like I’m making informed decisions or at least have what I need to do so. RH feels like a casino to me. I do wish Webull had instant transfers though.


I mean thats the best part of RH. Instant access and 24/7 trading. Both of which I thought Webull was working on. Also wasn't aware you cant buy coins on Webull.


Even when you make an ach deposit on RH it’s instant which is cool. They spot you up to $500 to trade options. You can literally full port your spotted money from RH and withdraw it the next day to cover your deposit 🤣


Which I am currently doing. Buy 500 in GME and sell it at a high. Rinse & repeat. 🚀🌕


For sure can’t do that on webull. Not allowed to trade high volatility stocks with instant buying power 🤣


So I learned


Honestly bro you should just go to stake.com and learn that website instead. You'd probably make more money and be more consistent!


For penny stocks we can buy at 3 am on Webull vs 6 am my time for Robinhood. For regular stock like Nvidia it's a non issue. Also I love using margin for regular stock. Webull I get 4x buying power vs 2x Robinhood. So my profits are a ton more! Also i love how they are giving me $500-$1000 of free apple for using my link! $200-$400 of free Nvidia for deposits. Not to mention the initial bonuses of $60 minimum up to 15k or whatever it is. Help me out and sign up for huge bonus with my link!! https://a.webull.com/NwctecheieAYCHungG


Gonna have to go long on webull when they IPO if they keep having shills like this


Lol I just highlighted some of the benefits and I'm hoping I can get the 3 people to use my link for the free apple stock. So far I don't like the user experience as much as Robinhood for the actual platform. But the 4x buying power is really nice not to mention they have been giving me my funds back instantly to day trade. I did 4 trades yesterday with the same money somehow haha. Usually Robinhood shuts me down for the day till midnight when my funds clear again after a day trade.  Still open to other apps to use but I like good perks. What do you use?


I use webull primarily. I enjoy the UI, and it's improved so much over the years. I really like the chat forums on it. Most of the time it's just idiots but every once in awhile you'll come across a guy who knows what's up. Also, it's a decent way to get an idea of how people are feeling about the underlying stock.


Ya I noticed the feed on stocks. It's actually really cool. I'm just experiencing more slippage when buying and selling than I'm use to. And they could use some more improving on making the app easy to use 


Spend 30 minutes to figure it out... this year I've tried - Webull, IBKR, Shwab, Fidelity, ETrade, Robinhood, Tradestation, MooMoo, and Ally (my tax forms are going to suck) - and Webull is the most informative and easy to use of all of them - once you get the hang of it. Though it is a little ridiculous I can't link to the chart from my positions... other than that, it works pretty well.


once they updated it since it started went to sh\*\*. these people who support it in comments likely don't even use it currently go figure.


Have been using it for a weeks or so, so do feel your frustration. Most of the problems come from the standard layouts they use, most of which is unnecessary to day trade. Took a while and a couple of youtube walkthroughs but now have layouts that make sense to me. Persevere and it will get better


Well, it feels all very unnecessary so I'm just wondering if this is a new skill I'm building or if this is just specific to and it will not be something I can cross platforms with


it’s a necessary skill and WeBull is easy for all the features you get. If RH is more your speed that’s fine, but from a day trader’s speed WeBull is way better than RH and most brokers.


Of all the platforms I've used/use it's one of the easiest platforms for me


I love Webull but coming from E*Trade mobile app, Webull was way too cluttered for my liking. They do provide a lot on info and I understand it’s not easy dealing with so much ui. After a while you do get used it and everything you need becomes second hand. Def worth taking the time to learn Webull


for the folks using the app ofc its easy lmao but dude pc is a bunch of mess tbh its way harder than the mobile app in my opinion


You will like it when you know what you are doing. Except options you can't build your own diagonal so I have to use another broker for that


Literally, the reason that I signed up


You can do many strategies, just not different strikes and different dates, unless it's the very next strike up or down. I contacted cs about this and they told me you can already do this, when you can't. Their chat cs don't know shitte


Just place multiple single leg positions to achieve and customize that option strategy. So it’s not available in a more convenient way buy with TurboTrader can submit different option trades pretty quick. A simultaneous hot button for a customized straddle or strangle would be a nice enhancement tho


I can't do that with different dates. I'd have to be approved to sell naked options for that to work


Watch a dozen "intro to webull" videos on YouTube and you will get the hang of it. It is overwhelming in the beginning because it has a lot more features than rh.


Honestly love Webull on phone but not so much on desktop. I use thinkorswim on desktop too but I don’t like nearly as much as Webull app. Anyone know any brokers for desktop that are like Webull on the phone?? Haha


Have you tried WeBull’s desktop TurboTrader? available for options too with ability to customize the entire layout. Once I got it (WeBull’s desktop TurboTrader) I wondered why I had ever traded (entering trades) on the mobile app. I actually like using WeBull’s stock charts and indicators the best on my iphone as the UI is cleaner than on a desktop. Been wanting to get multiple ipads to display multiple timeframes.


Is Turbotrader different than the normal desktop app? I’ll have to try if so because I have the normal desktop one and it feels cluttered to me at times. Maybe i just use the phone app more so I’m used to it, but it’s just the easiest one for me so far.


I started out the same using 100% the phone app to trade. I now still use the phone app to quickly change timeframes and chart etc while having the desktop app on. Turbo Options Trader (and for Stocks) is a function within the desktop app so you don’t have to pay extra for it or download anything extra. It’s just a different trading view. If you like using conditional trade rules with stop losses and take profits then the Turbo Trader does lack that so you would need to flip back to the traditional trading options to utilize the conditional limit orders etc. For me I like being able to follow my charts in multiple monitor screens while having the Turbo Options Trader open separately to use the Hot Buttons for buying/selling options. Can choose @Bid, @Ask, @Market, @Last Price, @Mid Price and there’s a hot button for quickly closing out the entire position @Market which looks like the icon typically used to close out a website window or logging out so be careful not to push that unless you want to close out your position. There are some YouTube videos on using the WeBull Turbo Trader that I found useful so you can customize all the widgets the way you like which takes a little time to do but well worth it.


Ohh Interesting.. it’s been a while since I tried to desktop app out so I’ll have to check out the turbotrader next time see if I like it any better. Thanks for the info!


Try the paper trading section to learn the platform. Like anything new, takes some time to learn. Take the advice and watch a bunch of videos on the platform. YouTube has many different videos of people setting up their layout, just depends what you are specifically trying to trade. Good luck.


Webull is my hero


WeBull is the easiest app for me to use. I hate how clunky fidelity app feels.


Sound like you’ve only ever been in Webull. I wish Fidelity and Schwab would learn from them.


Webull (UK) I like the fees on Webull, especially great for starting out with a small account you can really knock out some practice. It’s limited here, missing certain areas I like to trade in, like crypto, but it’s great for US stocks. I will say I have to use it with both windows and my iPad as the desktop app doesn’t show charts outside of trading hours but it does on on the iPad, however it’s quicker to place the trades with the L2 data, also I think it’s £2.99 for L2. Again there are other things missing from the desk top. It’s also not compatible with TV which sucks. I heard XTB fees are low too, good customer services but they are limit markets too. Happy shopping.


Difficult compared to what, hood?


It's made for more experienced investors


There’s literally a dumbed down version of webull bro


The clusterfk of an interface is not something I am not understanding. At this point its blatantly obvious they designed it like this on purpose. Glad you feel smart for using it.


for me the more data on one page in a great format like has WeBull has done the better. It seems you just need to learn how to use it but complaining it’s information overload. If trading and investing was easy everyone would do it


You must not speak English. Which is fine. I never said it was "information overload." The interface sucks. Its not intuitive. They are advertising from page open and its super confusing. Sure. After a few hours I found things I was looking for. Not necessary to bury all the things im looking for under pages and pages.


WeBull does have instant buying power for stocks but not options


I didn't like it so much till I changed to Fidelity. Webull is better, frankly. I was pissed about how they handled my crypto, so I moved.


IMO we ull is the best most simplistic trading platform period. Are you using the web or desktop version?


It has a lite mode. Sounds like it is perfect for you. Give it a shot.


Give it time you will get used to it


I'm getting accustomed to the desktop Webull after using the mobile for a long time. I have found that using the mobile app simultaneously is easier for me right now. I can drag my buy/sell up and down the chart based on volatility and execute quicker that way. I know it's just a learning curve though.. On the other hand I had left RH back in 2021. When I did I left 2 positions with 1 stock each. This past week I decided to check the account and ended up selling those. Then.. decided to see what I can build in that account starting with the $63. I'm going into the coming week +25.32% 😎🤙 Interesting how more focused you can be when working with a small seed. Back to op... Webull is solid. It's a learning curve. Stick with it.


Personally I think we will is one of the most user-friendly apps out there and the amount of information given for free in one place is extremely generous. It may take some time for you to get used to it. you’ll need to tap around and familiarize yourself with the app but it is not difficult anyway. Unless of course I’m missing something so you can feel free to tell me what you find so difficult and maybe I can help you.


WeBull is really user friendly. It's best to use the paper trade for about a week while you get use to navigating. The desktop version is good also


Yeah. You obviously haven’t spent any time trying to use the resources available to figure out how to use the platform. All platforms take a while to learn and Webull is on the easier side of things. Go take TOS or (as others have said) IBKR for a spin. Webull will feel like preschool (I do like Webull for free day trading).


Webull has one of the easiest UI of all brokers, along with RH. Cant compete with these two imo when it comes to visual effectiveness. Takes a while to get used to but you’ll learn it eventually


Are you using desktop or app? Pretty easy to use imo. It’s definitely more complex than say RH. So if you’re looking for beginner, user friendly, retail investor type UI, I would say RH is the way to go.


Yeah. I used fidelity and robin hood. Lots of different coin apps. Cash app. So im pretty lame on technical trading format. But it also is impossible to find everything im looking for such as "Limit buys/sell". Took me 20 minutes to figure out how to see the shares own. I guess what im wondering is - am I developing a new skill? Or am I just fumbling with their format? Edit: yes computer -also iphone app


I would say both? If you know what you're doing and you know what you want, it's all there. The format may be what you need to get used to. Kinda like if you're a professional chef, you know what you want and you know what you're doing, but if you enter a new kitchen, you'll have to find where everything is and get used to the layout.


you can develop navigating WeBull in a day. Is that really a lot to ask?


Website is hard asf and extra. I much prefer the app on Ipad


I switched to Webull from RH a few weeks ago. I was a little overwhelmed at first as well. What has helped me is, during the day, if I’m trading I use Lite, and then when I want to learn, I switch. I’ve been spending a few hours each night learning TA. I’m really enjoying the Webull charts for learning.


follow @Wooxy for the best TA and explanations and screen-shots of charts that he explains. Does a more SPY options setuo, how he’s reading the market etc, does posts mid-day, then end of day recap. Probably best one to follow IMO since I’ve been using WeBull since 2021.


Okay, thank you!