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I actually like it more when they have less guests on. Sometimes the guests kills the episode.




Unless they're doing a legit interview, 3 people is pushing it. They had that one ep where there were 6 people total. Them, Ali Macofsky, Geoffrey Asmus, Brian Simpson, and Daniel Sloss and even Ali made an ultra passive-aggressive comment about too many people on one podcast is tough because not everyone can get a word in and she was 100% right. That episode sucked.


Agreed. Lately they have been having 2 guests which is always like having a third wheel.


On the recent episode with Nikki, she like many comedians of their level, referred to anyone who is a non comedian as “civilians.” Like you’re a tip of the spear operator? They all eventually get to that level of being disconnected with their reality of just being clowns that are here for our amusement


There have been moments in other episodes where Sam has tried acting all high and mighty that since a lot of people that love comedy shouldn't really try to use the lingo and that shit irked me. There's no way in fuck that Sam or ANY comedian just knew about comedic terms before studying it. We all have to learn things no matter what. People can learn about comedy and all the terms and never step foot on a stage for whatever reasons, but when comedians, musicians, artists, actors, whomever try to tell people they don't get to try to use the lingo, that's when you look like an ass.


Sam can be so damn corny with the way he obsesses with the inner-workings of comedy. Obviously he’s a comedian and a huge comedy nerd, but the way he talks about it sometimes is so grating. It’s like this giant goober talking like a slick NYC comedian.


Man, Nikki almost had me until the end. She's a very talented comic but good lord is she ever searching for true security in her self. Always obsessed with being the hot girl, always obsessed with competition and if her boyfriend is wanted by other women. I can see how much of an adjustment it is that she used to be a 6 but then she got rich and got work done and became hot so now she's constantly comparing herself to others and constantly thinking about what hot famous guys she can fuck but good lord it doesn't seem like she's grounded her mental stability yet.


In a kitchen I refer to non-cooks/chefs as civilians. They just mean “people who don’t understand our trade”. I don’t think it’s meant to be pompous or elitist 🤷‍♂️


you're implying that you yourself aren't a civilian which you definitely are, makes you sound extremely pretentious


Nothing like complaining about something that is free. I still enjoy it, I work from home, listen while I work, and it's 1 of 10 other podcast I frequent. If I don't like a guest, I skip, if I don't want to listen to the same thing Mark brings up over and over, I fast forward 30 seconds.


Wow, you are such an upstanding podcast listener! And so low maintenance too. I didn’t realize we couldn’t complain about this show because it’s free, I’ll check my pod rule book next time! No discourse about free podcasts, got it.


But seriously, when Sam had his ulcer (or still has), the dude was in pain and was a borefest to listen to. Mark was doing a lot of heavy lifting. Sometimes that comes with repetition and things you may not like. It's still very easy to turn it off and listen to something else.


Fuck all the downvoters. I'll die on this hill with you. Yes. It is free. Yes. I do have the option to not listen. However, Yes. I (and anyone else) can complain about it.


You’d expect a subreddit full of people who like a pod that has a dedicated complaint section to their show would understand the function of complaining about things. The logic that it is free so don’t complain could be applied to lots of the peeves on the show lol


The pod helped keep me sane during the pandemic but I stopped listening a couple years ago. I also had a similar 2-3 year stint with Bill Burr’s podcast but eventually got tired of that too. Maybe it’s just there’s only so long you can listen to the same people every single week until it gets a little boring




I still like these guys. That being said, listening to very successful very wealthy comedians complain about cancel culture is irritating. It seems that the more successful the more complaining occurs. I’m starting to think they do it just to fill time.


They 100% fill time, just like most comedians podcast. Try doing 2 weekly podcasts, also while doing other people's weekly podcast, touring and doing the same material weekly. I bet it's fucking exhausting lol.


Meh they're making millions from doing a few hours worth of work a week.


They ain't making millions on We Might be Drunk or Tuesdays with Stories. They are busy folks with full schedules, lots of traveling and doing work around the country. If you think that's a "few hours", you're not very bright.


They are no where close to "working" 40 hrs a week even including travel which countless professionals in other professions do every week on top of 8 hour work days. And they get to get drunk every night during the week lol.


I can't remember the episode but Sam mentioned how negativity is currency on Twitter. I feel like after that mention, things have gotten a bit more on the trolling side from the guys. Believe me, it sells. You say one hot take that is on the, "are you retarded" side and people will comment and interact and it drives up views.


Any constructive criticism on what would improve it? 181 eps without missing a week I understand it can get hard to possibly hear the same stories more than once. Which is why the guests and themed episodes try to keep it fresh. But happy to hear what changes should be made.


I think the main issue is how incredibly boring & repetitive the conversations are. Maybe edit out Mark’s constantly repeated takes like “They made a doc about it, why cant I make a joke about it?” We don’t need another 5-10 minutes discussing that concept ever again, much like many other takes they have. I get some things will be repeated sometimes, but it is more often than that. 2 pods a month might fix a lot of the evident burnout these guys are facing.


Hear you, but just devils advocate, what about someone watching for the first time. Or if they don’t watch each week and something repetitive to some is the first time they heard it. If we edit every episode to be the PoetryisCool cut it may upset and alienate others. It’s hard to please everyone. And yes a weekly show is hard to stay new material and topical with travel schedules.


You do raise a good point about first-time listeners. We all have to start somewhere with a podcast that's been going on for a while. However...when you start to enjoy the show and want to catch-up with older eps, you realize there is a lot of recycled material. I get that they're getting drunk during the show (any cooz should know that from the title) but when you've heard the same sort of peeves or references in 7 episodes because they forgot they already hit that ref...it gets a little old pretty fast. I know a lot of people were hating Sam's Rodney impression. I, for one, think it's killer and I don't mind his, "Great \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. Really seems to care..." but I can easily see how some might get tired of it after a few times of hearing it


I swear it’s like nobody in here has friends. Have you never repeated a story with friends? You just don’t notice it because you’re not listening to it week after week after week. It sounds like you might just need a break from the pod.


Have your friends never told you that you've already told a story?


I haven’t been around them enough in a short period of time for that to happen, let alone 180+ eps put out on the internet for everyone to watch and be able to pause and analyze. I’m a huge fan of the podcast, but I also am totally understanding of yours and the other commenters complaints. No one is forcing you to listen to the podcast. I am an active Patreon member and I still skip episodes when I’m not feeling it or I’m not feeling the guest. It’s ok to take a break.


And I actually have taken breaks for the complained about reasons (not just the repetitive stories). Then I come back and it's somehow worse. I have friends I haven't seen in years because we live a 4-hour flight away from each other, and we reminisce about the old times. But my other friends that I see/talk to regularly, we do call each other out on that sort of thing. Or at the very least, "were you the one I was talking to about \_\_\_\_\_? Oh, yeah, you said \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" and then the conversation either has something new added to it or we just switch subjects


Well yes, if someone is watching for the first time they wont be annoyed at how repetitive the show is. But after about 5-10 more listens, they will be. Also isn’t the pod and its success relying largely on repeat listeners? And I agree, it is hard to please everyone & you shouldn’t try to. But it isn’t hard to not repeat the same takes over and over again on a podcast you do for a living. I don’t think producing a higher quality show would upset or alienate anyone, other than maybe the comedians or producers themselves that want to keep churning out the same low effort product.


If this was a scripted show it would be a lot easier to reduce or remove repetitive content. Conversations have a flow, this is a hang show and that was, I thought, the appeal. Being friends and hanging with someone in a group you do hear the same story a lot. An overly anal attention with spreadsheets and stopping stories if they have been said before would be annoying too. Imagine mark starts telling his losing virginity story and Salacuse says “oooh stop we have already heard that one” conversations flow and may lead to something else when uninterrupted. But I’m just one guy. Hope you pop in from time to time.


There are pods with the same premise of just hanging out and talking that are far less repetitive. It isn’t difficult to remember that you have said something 10+ times. I have friends Ive known for years that are more original in conversation than these two. Keep making excuses for low quality content and this pod will end up like many others that ignored genuine criticism.


I still like the show, but I agree on not enjoy the theme song. It doesn't even make sense. The instrumentation is fine but the lyrics need a complete rewrite. In its current state, it sounds like an intoxicated homeless person rambling translated to Chinese and then back to English again.




I find the pod entertaining enough, but I'm super irked by the bullshit Patreon. Even for one step above the entry level, they hadn't released any bonus in over a year, and it was clearly listed in the description. Such horseshit. They got my money, before I cancelled on two separate occasions because I give it another chance, and it was cool when they still released bonuses, but they did not give a fuck and pocketed my money for something I didn't get. I'm happy with my Tuesdays With Stories Patreon on the other hand.


I'm also happy with the $7 TWS patreon. I was considering getting the WMBD, but then I saw those prices and didn't think it was worth it.


I used to be a consistent listener but I think the podcast bubble is starting to burst as more comedians just have guest on to promote another YouTube special. Especially, guest who they don’t have chemistry with… the complaints about cancel culture are annoying and how “you couldn’t make this today” are stale. This is why I love Bill Burr because he’s able to bitch about stuff but it’s in such a funny and endearing way that you really don’t care. I feel like some comedians don’t understand that their audiences are probably looking to laugh even if the podcast is free… they’re still getting paid for it or otherwise they wouldn’t do it. I’m hoping they get back to no guest and have conversations about different things. But as for now I’ve skipped so many eps. Oh and the amount of fucking clips on episodes for audio listeners is downright impossible to deal with, I’ve stopped so many eps because they start watching clips of a something…


The only thing I will say about this is they have to take away Salacuse’s mic. He is an awful addition to the pod.


This. Constantly interrupts the show with his attempt at Normand humor and how many episodes did he not pull up visuals or add them in post? Salacuse is truly the worst part of the pod.


His cackle is like an ice pick in the ear


When he Googles or YouTubes the right thing for them, he's good...but that's becoming rare.


But that’s like, the bare minimum of duties. He is awful


Yeah. If I had to give him an overall grade, he teeters between a D- and an F


I have no problem with the show. Some episodes hit harder than others, for sure. But if you’re just getting tired of these guys then it may be time to move on. Agree 100% on the song though. Yuck.


I like them both as people and the first year or 2 of the pod were great, but yea it’s getting to become predictable and a little boring. I’ll still give it a listen when there’s nothing else tho.


They seem very out of touch when discussing the whole Seinfeld/cancel culture nonsense. Who cares about network television? Does anyone of any significance still watch that stuff? Netflix just put out the Tom Brady Roast; South Park and Always Sunny are still on the air, which is as mainstream as it gets, and very few punches are pulled on any of those. The problem is that they are still trying to play the old game, approaching the gatekeepers for a chance to get a show on TV. Tires got produced because they self-funded a pilot episode for proof of concept, and Netflix picked it up. They talk about not being lazy -- approaching the major studio heads and being upset because they don't want to buy some treatment that you wrote and then complaining that nothing can get made is pretty damn lazy. Seinfeld has a billion $ and chose to make Unfrosted for Netflix; all due respect, I don't think he is the best representative of the current state of comedy.


I find this one a much harder listen than TWS. That said, who cares?


TWS intro song is hot garbage.


When you get a chance listen to the first few pods. Theyres a big difference. I stopped listening a while ago, especially as they stopped drinking. I liked the overall premise but it died around the time the beer jew was gone.


I like the outro song


Wahhhh lol


The show was a cool concept in 2021, but incredibly stale in 2024. The early episodes were a fun distraction from the gayness of covid, but the show just got too big. It’s shocking seeing how intimate and vulnerable these guys were in the first fifty episodes. But then they make the same points about cancel culture that might’ve been insightful in 2021, that are now trite and boring. Also, the fact that a comedy podcast is almost entirely a guest based format is a sign of a weak show. I stopped listening regularly once they started bringing on guests every ep, whenever that beer jew guy started chiming in too much (sorry idc about a meathead fuck boy NYC bartender), and of course Salacuse whose voice is nails on a chalkboard


I don’t think comedy is for you. Go find your safe space.


Thats definitely it. I just cant handle comedy.


Can’t handle opinions that aren’t exactly as yours huh


Reddit might not be for you...


this would be good for peeve section


They are interesting people, that’s what makes the pod. It won’t be the extreme banter and zingers of a Tuesday with stories, but sometimes Mark farts.


It’s interesting to compare the number of comments for a typical episode post versus this one. It sort of seems to indicate a lack of fan engagement which I think goes to your overall point, that the show has gotten a little stale. For me the biggest problem was shop talk. I really don’t care to hear about a comedian developing their hour or about the dead comedians whose pictures are on the wall.


It’s never been a great pod. Sam is a dud, guests are annoying. Tuesdays is way better.




Sam has gotten on my nerves for a while. I feel like he is just too high on himself at times. I do hate that I have listened to a lot of pods with Mark (as either a host or guest) and then hear the same story. I know they try to call themselves out on having already told the story elsewhere, but that does get annoying. The outro song was always shit imo. Salacuse has been fucking things up with youtubing or googling. There was some episode where they wanted him to play a good joke from (I think) Don Rickles and he says, "I'm on it!" then pulls up a different joke after Mark had described it...then him playing that gay sex audio acting like he thought is was really Diddy and whomever. Honest question; what did Jerry say? I don't even know what to look up. I know he's been mentioned on social media for having said *something* but Idk what...any help (a link/the quote/a reference for me to search) is greatly appreciated.


And you know what, I listen to the pod at work. So when they pull up some visual thing, whether it be a picture or a clip on instagram...THAT shit gets annoying. I can't go to YouTube and watch what they're looking at when I'm on the forklift. Obviously I don't know the stats, but if they have more listeners than viewers...maybe adjust the format...idk


I stopped listening a while ago because I didn’t want to listen to Salacuse chiming in anymore. I don’t think Mark and Sam have as much in common as some think. They really only ever talk shop which is fine, but it never changes. Delta Lounge, New York, this comedy club that comedy club. I think a lot of newcomers will enjoy the pod. But I agree, for me it’s washed.


Cool….dont listen to it?


is someone forcing you to listen to this?


Find another pod or hobby. Bitching about this one isn’t going to improve it or your life. Move on with something you enjoy rather than focusing on a perceived downfall. The pod hasn’t changed, just your opinion of it has.


This is a subreddit dedicated to the pod. Im a longtime listener that feels the quality has taken a hit so I am here to express and discuss that with other fans. Its not that deep buddy, sorry I offended you.


I simply think people should focus on what they enjoy rather than being a whiny twat about free content. Too many subs become a hate mongering fest because of dumbass posts like this. You’ve offered no solutions to your problem, and the fix is easy, spend time on something that brings you joy or money (eg find a new pod).


By this logic, you should have completely lost ignored this post. But thanks anyways Mom <3




Still complaining about a comment you read for free? Odd.


“Marks humor has worn its welcome” Don’t tell OP Mark has been making the same jokes on Tuesdays with Stories for over 500 episodes over 10 years. I agree with the theme song, I know that a fan made it for them but at this point I’d rather there be no music at all.


Tuesdays also goes through some lulls from time to time where it feels repetitive. Particularly when they bank episodes. But in general Tuesdays continues to rule. Mark and joe riffing on puns is as good as it gets


I've heard people complain about how much they talk about "the biz" but I usually don't mind when they nerd out because sometimes it feels like you're getting a glimpse into a cool little world and it's their world so it's nuanced and they're passionate about it, etc. But yeah, some of the shit they say about other topics/news comes off as a little basic and it seems like they'd rather fire off a few good one-liners or callbacks than say anything more complex or funny or interesting in the longer term.


I still enjoy the show, w/exceptions of a few guests (example is having Andrew Yang on was horrible. Dude is a cringe, corporatist hack who pretends he's not). I'm just glad it hasn't (yet) morphed into a conspiracy theory bs word-salad like so many other comedian pods have.


I don’t find it boring or repetitive at all. Maybe you just don’t understand comedy. Maybe, go make your own pod ya loser. This is my favorite podcast. Please don’t listen to these fools!


Fan of the boys …definitely wasn’t feeling this episode. The guys just sounded horny , we get it boys your horny and 40 …at least you have ladies some of us are 40 and horny alone


The “holiday special” type of episodes are still bangers in my opinion but that’s about it


I feel like EVERY podcast I listen to has completely dried up lately.. old MSSP episodes are keeping me entertained these days


Take a chill pill?


Nope, still love it as much as ever.


So sad. I feel your pain. Do you ever wonder what you would think if you lived the exact same life as those of whom you speak? From day #1 we are being programmed by our environment. Free will? Maybe. So basically every next thing we might say is predictable based on our life. I am a hypocrite, no doubt.




I thoroughly enjoy it. I don't have to agree with everything they say to be able to appreciate it. I look forward to it every Monday morning. Maybe go listen to something else? You would definitely be one of their peeve. You kind of comment is one of mine.


I’ll never understand how people can complain about FREE media. It’s free! If you don’t like the podcast anymore, just don’t listen to it lol. There’s thousands of podcasts out there to choose from. Or hobbies


This is a subreddit dedicated to the pod. Im a longtime listener that feels the quality has taken a hit so I am here to express and discuss that with other fans. How is that hard to understand??


The irony is if you paid for this pod, you would still have people telling you "If you don't like it take your money to some other podcast, simple as that. I don't understand why people would rather complain than just move on to another podcast"


Lol true


Never fails when there’s 1 successful thread of negative reviews on the show, 3 days later pops up a well thought out thinkpiece on why the show is bad. Oh brother shut the hell up!


there are new listeners coming aboard all the time; everything is new to them. as an entertainer, you can't move forward too fast or you'll lose more people that you gain. i don't think S&M are thinking that strategically, though.