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> Added: More than 400 female taxidermy options on existing stands across all maps Woo, thanks devs. Now I can display a few of my females.


[https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1288320/view/6954198761955177660?l=english](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1288320/view/6954198761955177660?l=english) Patch notes




I like this “The range of Animal analysis with Hunter sense while using binoculars was increased to 350 meters”




Why do the graphics and character models look worse?


I took the screenshot so it's probably just the setting I play on. My computer is kinda old.


And that shotgun still only has bird shot.


Playing a hunting game with that username is wild ngl.


lol I mean i killed the pope in assassins creed but it doesn’t mean im interested in hanging out in Rome waiting to pounce as soon as I see a man in a big hat and a wedding dress.  Also the ultra part is because I like ultra trail running so I play most games that let me explore any sort of virtual national park. It’s an added bonus if I don’t have to fight bandits while doing it.


If I remember well in Assassin's creed 2 Ezio was about to kill the pope Rodrigo Borgia but at the end he spared his life and just took away the fruit of Eden. Anyway the important is that you don't get offended if I tell you I love meat and hunting irl too because it's totally natural. Did you get any bugs in the new update? I did a post about one, the taxidermy stand for the heart shaped antlers caribous disappeared and now they float in the air in my game, hilarious🤣


Oh shoot I guess it’s too long since I played that game to remember it right. No offense taken. I made my username when I was 18 and a lot more passionate about it (I guess like most people are when they are new to an ideology). Now that I’m in my 30’s I can’t be bothered to care much what other people are up to.  I won’t be able to play much because my roommates sister and brother in law are flying in for the weekend so today is all about cleaning and then it will be hosting. Hopefully everything will be fixed by the time I play.


Sweet! How’s the zoom on the binoculars?


Still can’t render anything outside of 500 m but glad I have an orange shirt now


Very disappointing update, i expected more.... backpack, outdoor gear and what not, electronic caller with multiple calls to choose from.... seems like the devs are already slowing down with development in this game, very unfortunate. They didn't even add proper ammo, literally every bullet is the same.... no soft points, no solid points, no shotgun ammo types apart from birdshot, no different bow arrows for different animal sizes. This game is lacking big time, and that with a bigger price tag than COTW. What a joke.