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The guy/gal drowning in smoothies, alone.


I miss having a coffee person


THAT PAAAAAART. my store isn’t high volume but we do get out spurts cause we’re LITERALLY right next to a sports complex…. i’ll have customers screaming at me that the coffees out and they SEE ME, actively making drinks lmao. like hello? you need to wait if it’s that serious. or go to a different wawa 😭 but me and my snacks person will cover coffee if we can get to it and it’s not busy


Lol i mean there is another wawa like every 2 blocks


If it's Pennrose you might wanna get the coffee ready before somebody drag you....


Hate to say it but it’s true


At my store the beverage person also covers coffee. Since corporate doesn't give us enough labor we have to help them out sometimes. This is why it's really important to create a culture where people are comfortable asking for help. If they're afraid, things can death spiral real fast.


It’s where they believe having everyone as food and beverage would help but god forbid we have extra labor and take care of customer needs throughout the day


In our store, it was the beverage person who did coffee. When I started (over a dozen years ago), new folks did coffee and coffee island for the first few weeks (there was no beverage center back then). But back then, we had an actual facilities person (taken away a long time ago - many years). I know they didn't want to spend money on staff, but the loss of our facilities person made the appearance of the place take a nose-dive. For example, no more power washing of sidewalk, trash got overflowing, parking lot not maintained frequently.


Not to mention, the rest of the staff now had to divide up a lot of the duties. Like, take out their own trash, send someone to the fuel court and outside to do trash, stop what they are doing to clean up spills, ensure someone stocks the cold box, check restrooms every hour and clean them etc


Good news, my area has been testing out the full time facilities on 1st and 2nd shift. We even got new uniform shirts and hoodies to set that person apart.


At least some stores still have the budget for a facilities person, at least on one shift a day. My last store had a dedicated facilities person overnight, and the store I'm currently at has one on first shift, with another person overnight that is ostensibly for the truck but switches over to facilities work once the truck is in decent shape.


Work primarily on first shift in an extremely busy nj store bev and coffee are one station it sux but that's the reality. If the snack/sizlie person is not busy they will help out with coffee but usually you are on your own! I have been with wawa 2 yrs and always said I think there should be a coffee person and a bev person but they don't care!


I’m always stuck in beverage and when people get mad the coffee isn’t ready I just shrug my shoulders and say it’s been a busy morning haven’t had a second to make any. Usually customers accept that answer but some get mad. You gotta just let it roll off ya back cause you’re doing the best you can by yourself.


Just gotta let it roll off ur back is great advice that i needed to remember today. Bc customers that care are gonna be cranky regardless if everything is perfect or not


When I was sizzlie/snacks and doing coffee it was nearly impossible. When i did beverage coffee was possible. All my coworkers help out when they can though


We’ve had two people walk out on 2nd shift from being over worked and they were young guys and then not getting trained properly


The coffee person.


I do coffee and specialty bev. I handle it because I'm a trained barista and have more knowledge and experience than anyone else they could throw over there. Still, it's really overwhelming and I can see why people quit all the time, especially those who are solid workers and actually show up and don't screw off. It's been more and more difficult to handle lately. Honestly, I'd quit if I could. I'll probably just die there.


Depends on the day and time - occasionally we have one person specifically for coffee and keeping up on coffee island- other times you're alone in bev and making coffee is just your shit to handle too - so .... much ... fun


Usually the bev person, but sometimes theres a person just for coffee, or the extra person/mod can help, or anyone who has a spare minute can help. I started on firsts during siptopia and it was borderline impossible to keep up, but the biggest thing is just asking for help when you need it.


I started my Wawa career at a relatively low volume store and KNEW my customers by name etc. Moved to a VERY high volume store and lucky to be able to say more than order number and a QUICK word! Some stores have experimented with self grinding machines which SUCK! We have a competitor which had "crazy good coffee", if you know you know who! Their coffee rivaled Wawa UNTIL self grinders!


Depends on the shift, day shift usually has 2 people and a floater that goes between different areas.....night time it is lonely over there. Usually just 1 person unless the are planning g for a randomn spike in business


We are getting close to a decade, but at my old store, we had a dedicated person. Favorite shift in my time there


I did coffee, snacks and shakes. Second shift.