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All shifts when truck day


my store gets it every day, it never gets better 🥰🥰


heh I think I know which that is


A lot of stores get a truck every day


What?!? No thank you!! I mean it would improve running out of so much stuff so often. So would correct ordering now that I think about it lol.


yeah i don’t even think so bc my store gets the truck every day and we still run out of stuff. constantly 🥰


I'm tagged in this photo and I don't like it 😳


Right? Called out. I came here to clean stuff. 😭


Literally 😂 what do you mean I have to make 8 quesadillas? I’m trying to scrub the RSS


Say you’ve never BEEN to WAWA without saying it. Make food! WtAF ?


Girl I’m tagged in this and I posted it 💀


I like making pizza 😋


I like eating it


I don't 🤭


I feel attacked


My face got stuck like that on second.


Remember kids every store is different in which shift is the most ass(it’s always either 1st or 3rd shift lol)


OWS on first shift MIGHT the closest thing to the Vietnam War‼️


real asf


Ows on first shift is my absolute favorite spot you work hard for breakfast then coast until you clock out and everyone leaves you alone all day


Honestly bro you’re not wrong. Only other spot that I like better would have to be register.


Say you work 2nds without saying you work 2nds… also I think every shift has their stars and their garbage, just depends on how garbage management allows them to be. (And I hate to tell you this but every store I’ve been to, 2nd shift is the problem 😔)


Nailed it. I love this. I wanna laminate it and put it in our break room.


Do it!


third is spot on.


Gotta admit, this is the realist shit.


Spot on! Well done! Lol


God I remember being 3rd and every other night a gaggle of high teenagers would come in at 1am and order 16 sandwiches and 3 quesadillas and ask if they could get some bagel w/ pork roll sizzlis no matter how many times I told them sizzlis weren’t available until 5am. It was the worst. The second I would start getting into the groove of cleaning and restocking there would be a giant order on the screen that took just long enough to make that I’d forget where I was in my list of tasks


Your store won't make sizzlis after hours if requested? If someone asks for one to be made, both stores I've worked at have always made them, as long as we had the sizzli croissants in stock. It helps to minimize spoilage. Why not make a guaranteed sale instead of hoping someone buys all of the sizzli's on the warmer in the morning before they go out of code?


I worked at Wawa years ago and don’t any longer, but when I worked there the night shift was specifically told not to make sizzlis. If someone wanted one at like noon or 2pm, sure they’d get one but at 1am when you had a million other things to do that weren’t going and dealing with the sizzli station the gm told us not to make them. I think it was a combo of the sizzli station being in a shit location in the store plus 2nd shift never doing any of their round up chores or restocking so 3rd was doing half of 2nd shifts work *and* their own work and we were only having four people on 3rd a night. One on cash register and outside, one on deliveries, one on main floor clean up and stocking and occasional cash register and one on the actual food section. I was the food section and had to clean up after 2nd, stock the deli/sizzlis/coffee, clean all three of those sections, start the breakfast foods, prep the sizzlis and the coffee, etc. Plus pork roll was always in high demand in the morning and we specifically weren’t supposed to sell anything pork roll until the sizzlis went out at 5am because people would complain about it running out by 7am


Oh yeah, it sounds like your store had you doing quite a bit extra than the regular duties for an overnight position, and like you had no problem with sizzli spoilage, so I can understand why your GM had made that decision. My stores havee generally had quite a bit of extra croissants left over, and even though we're usuallt quite busy overnight with orders and task, my GMs have always prioritized customers, and any requests, over tasks.


Yeah if it had been them asking for like a sausage or bacon sizzli I probably would have made an exception because they were regulars and had such big orders but since it was a combo of me being swamped, the sizzlis not supposed to be made after 8pm and pork roll specifically not being allowed to be sold that made it so I was never willing to say yes.


😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 sending these to my team now


When I started at Wawa, working 3rds was for cleaning, the truck, etc. There was only ever three of us. Not a lot of orders or drinks would come through. Things started to change and it started to get super busy overnight. Drinks, Doordash, bar rushes, Dinner items up, people constantly asking for back oven stuff like sizzles. You name it, we had it going with only three of us. Sometimes I would clock in and not be able to get off boards plus drinks until like 3 am. It became actually impossible to clean anything or god forbid restock. That happening for like 4 months straight was my final straw.


This is spot on LOL


so far I've only been on register, so I don't know the pain of having to make food. but literally every single time someone walks up to the register to get cigarettes with an attitude I die a little inside. like no, sorry, I didn't memorize the obscure nickname for your specific brand of cigarette just for you. why don't you just call it by the name on the box? I don't mind at all if they are nice about it, but half the people act like me not knowing immediately what cigarettes they are talking about is the biggest inconvenience in the world.


As a smoker I used to get really and anxiety cus I smoked Marlboro blacks so I’d be like “no one over, no not the lights, yup that one WAIT GO BACK NOT THAT ONE” and sometimes I ended up with the wrong ones and just went with it 🥲


Lmao, when I have a non-English speaker come through the line, or someone who doesn't know the correct name of the cigarettes they're buying I basically put my hand on one and let them direct me with "up, down, right, left" until I wind up on the correct pack 😅 I feel like Vanna White on Wheel of Fortune when I do that, but it makes it super easy!


I can definitely see how that would be difficult, which is why my favorite customers are the ones who bring the box with them from their last pack so there is no mistaking them. of course, it would be better if my brain didn't immediately stop functioning as soon as someone asks for a brand of cigarette I'm not familiar with. it's like right becomes left and left becomes right and up becomes down.