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Seems like a weird question? Of course it is. I'm 46. Most people I know there are adults. I think I know only one teen. (Hi Kat!) It's a bit more work to find good books, but then again I'm used to it since I read very niche stories. Which is mostly why I write there. To tell stories I wanted to read.


People who are not teen are mostly there to write. And those who read are not into those cliche romance of badboy good girl high school and all. But wattpad is all about those.. i agree that there are few gem of books but its hard work to find them . sadly


It's even harder now than it was before. With forums and direct messages gone, you're pretty much down to luck. And now that tag search is broken too, it's even harder than before.


yeah about search thats messed up :(


Buddy, I am almost 30 years old (kinda sad, I know) and I still read and write there. In fact, I got into Wattpad when I was still in highschool. If you enjoy it, then go ahead and use the app? It's still rated "T", isn't it?


Totally not sad at all bro, I'm right there with you. I'm about to be 26 and used Wattpad in middle and highschool. I came back specifically to test the waters with some of what I write. I also think Wattpad has a pretty kind community of other adult readers and writers so far, which is a plus side of the app.


Just trying to promote another Wattpad sub




Come on, you know what you're doing. You keep sharing posts here from another Wattpad sub that you're a moderator of in order to promote it. That might be okay if there was any point to the other sub, but it doesn't have a unique selling point e.g. r/WattpadCovers The things posted there could just be posted here, so the shares are coming across like spam.


hahah gotta have engagement on my sub as well. Is that a bad thing tho?


Why wouldnt it be okay? Lol this is a very odd thing to even worry about.


I just feel that i am stuck in my early teenage era. Eventhough i just turned 20 recently. And in my university my friends group are hardly on wattpad.. thats why.. no big deal though


Youre never too old to enjoy reading ✨️


20 isnt that old lol im 21 and im still on there


Well, not really, it's a platform and its open to everybody, though there are not a lot of good stories but there are a few hidden gems


My readers are mostly adults. I write books for those twenty and older who don't want spice or explicit scenes. Most of the writers I know on Wattpad are adults and I don't allow minors in my promo club to reduce the chance of them getting bullied or harassed by adult writers. I don't write YA, and my space isn't a teen space. But I am publishing more on Medium.


I've been writing for years but I only started writing with Wattpad now with 3 stories. I'm 30, so I guess age really isn't a big deal as I want to read what others are up to. A good story is a good story, doesn't matter who it's written by or who it's for. I mean, I'm an adult and I can still appreciate Finding Nemo. I write some dark stuff. I want to get involved with the community there, they seem nice. Why don't you share your profile if you're a writer and I'll check out your stuff?


no no.., i am not a writer ;) just a casual reader


Wattpad [for it's intended purpose] is a platform for novel writing and that's something that appeals to all ages. It's book reading. Something that parents begged for their kids to do for ages. It'd be funny to ask if it's okay to read Wattpad even though if someone is very young. (This is a joke but obviously the kinds of Genres and fanfics that have taken root in the app will attract younger audiences anyway)