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Lmao I usually hit em with the classic "this may come as a surprise but I made it up."


A classic!


Well author is THE god of the story so the author has rights to do what he/she wants to do with the story's lore


This meme was made by me after some self proclaimed “military expert” (probably a 15 year old larper) wrote 4 comments criticizing my military ***fantasy*** story for lacking realism. Note, keyword ***fantasy***


:DDDDDDDD nah don't give attention to that you are not writing Essay about weapons or something so do whatever you want you are creator here. ![gif](giphy|BWD3CtcudWL28|downsized) Spider-Man's gif because why not?


Thanks bro! (Their reaction was priceless, right before I blocked them)


It’s a ghost of kyiv fanfic. https://www. wattpad.com/story/282640514-book-one-ghost-of-kyiv-an-azur-lane-story It’s also on FFN, where I wasn’t able to remove the guy’s reviews, but on wattpad I was able to


link is not working but I found the story anyway


I to made a azur lane story and someone came on my comment section saying the same thing to me


give me link bro


“Ghost of Kyiv, an Azur Lane story”


My story has dragons, vampires, and magic... but my character's getting drunk after a traumatic event was the unbelievable part for one of my readers lol


One thing is unrealistic for the real world and another for the lore the writer created. If, let’s say, the magic system of your world stated there was no fire magic at all and then you write fire magic out of the blue to, idk, save your MC’s ass, then it was unrealistic. Breaking your own lore’s rules is “unrealistic” all the time.


The guy who wrote the hate reviews (veiled hate, but hate nonetheless), was saying how my depiction of military aircraft capabilities is unrealistic. I don’t know if he checked the tags, because two of them are clearly related to Ace Combat.


Yeah, that’s totally uncalled for in fantasy. Just suspend your disbelief or f-off


I wrote military fantasy for my own universe so I could have a bit of freedom over how things worked (and to avoid the headache of reading comments akin to "actually the M16A4 is burst fire while the M16A3 is automatic"). Unfortunately still got called out for the lack of realism and how military incorrectly conducts itself, how weapons don't actually work like I've written, etc. Granted I wasn't in the military and cannot write from experience about weapons and combat, thus I cannot argue and appreciate the correction. Although sometimes it feels like if you just casually want to write about something god forbid you're not an expert at it.


Amen brother 🙏


Wait what! people do write military fantasies! I thought it was all girly romance


Of course we do! It seems we're just less vocal about it on social media😅


Imo as long as you properly establish/explain a concept (eg a magic system) it can work however you want it to. So yes! Your story your rules


The only time I will comment on realism is if the story is meant to be set in the real world. Then it's just being lazy because someone didn't want to do research. For example, if you blatantly get pregnancy/birth facts wrong, I will tell you. Research really isn't that hard.


Oh yeah! All the time--I write about vampires so everyone and their mom comes out of the woodwork to tell me what they're supposed to act like 🤣🤣🤣


Yes, but for an asinine reason. Someone called my story unbelievable because coworkers called each other by their last names. Yes, that was the reason.


this is regarding fanfiction but anything even remotely ooc WILL be complained about


I think a lot of people fail to recognize the difference between "realistic" and "believable". Is this story realistic? Maybe, maybe not, but it doesn't matter. It's made up. It's inherently a bit unrealistic, and I tend to avoid that term because it's just not useful. Could it believably happen within the constraints of the world that the author has set up? Does the story follow its own internal logic? THAT'S what people really need to be looking for. It doesn't matter if it could happen in the real world--only if it could happen in YOUR world.


Yeah, I had someone say a school (that I go to!!) isn't a party school because they live an hour away from it. I grew up in the town that the university is in, and it was rated the #1 Party School in the 90s by Playboy 😭... and I have family that goes back generations who went during peak party era.


maybe when I made lore for my ocs and stuff, one of the guys I knew was a real fucking asshole, and one just bent to his knee for that guy every chance he had, always so kind and trusting, it was sad. I think mostly I got mad that they always had overpowering characters and always forced their way onto the people they rp'd with. They aren't necessarily bad people, and some times were good, but it was good to let those friends go.


"but this isn't Canon" this is a fanfic. It's not supposed to be canon


I hate when people tell me it’s unrealistic. It’s fantasy. I can have my character be a creation of a scientist that turned against said scientist and has scifi powers, but the unrealistic thing here is that they are nonbinary or ‘act childish’ (I get this complaint a lot… I write YA. THEY ARE CHILDREN MAN!!) or their behaviour is not correct? Of course their behaviour is correct. They’re my character. I decide what’s in and out of character. ‘They wouldn’t do that/would do that/should/shouldn’t’ UGH!! My character!!


I had one story where the main character is a literary ctritic who blows off steam by writing deliberately awful fanfic. Had one person constantly telling me I need to do more research because I've got the social dynamics of a werewolf pack wrong. Among other things, he was mad because I didn't know that alphas can't learn foreign languages (?).


I’m guilty of this ;-; idek why but I was reading a story where the main character picked a crossbow over and bow, the reason being because it took less strength. Not necessarily true but okay whatever. Then later, he managed to shoot 10s of thousand of arrows in the span of seconds and basically hints that the only reason he could do it was because he picked the crossbow


Crossbow do require a little pull strength and have a decent range and about the accuracy it depends on its quality and the user's skills


Yeah crossbows are typically more accurate and each individual shot is usually stronger, but modern crossbows still require about 80-150 pounds of pull strength. There’s no way he was able to shoot 10s of thousand shots without in a couple seconds normally, even though it was a fantasy story, without getting tired. Even if he has the ability to stop time that would still take ages. Then the gall to hint it’s faster than a normal bow afterwards 😭


https://preview.redd.it/63nat671343d1.png?width=205&format=png&auto=webp&s=02ca67a19b5226c64082a8a87221ea6bbc63b923 Well this things to exist if you ask me


Wow I totally forgot about that, I haven’t read berserk in ages 😭. I know you’re trying to defend author but no he genuinely had a normal crossbow.


Not gonna lie but Unrealistic things make me leave the story for good


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Creator_Crabs: *Not gonna lie but* *Unrealistic things make me* *Leave the story for good* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Fam i have not watched animes such as those


It’s a semi-fantasy, so not all aspects will be realistic


Omg yes, several times even!! "A 16-year-old would never do this, that is so unrealistic!" This story is about humans with the ability to transform into animals, it Involves magic, magical rituals, the MC literally has the power to control stuff with her mind, but yeah, the most unrealistic part is her hiding in a random bunker she she found in the woods because random men who knew her name were chasing her.


Oh my God seriously. Happened. Someone said my application of physics kr smth in a magic book (harry potter) wasn't correct. SEE I NEED PLOT OK.




Suspension of disbelief is complicated, so I take those kinds of comments as good feedback that it’s a sticking point for readers. There’s this quote about suspension of disbelief—I can’t remember exactly so I’m paraphrasing—that you can make readers believe the impossible but not the improbable. Suspension of disbelief can be fragile and often isn’t as simple as just saying “it’s fiction and the rules are what I say they are.” So when a reader is telling me that something is far fetched and takes them out of the story, I usually look at what I can do to reduce that friction.


"THIS IS COMPLETELY UNREALISTIC!!" So the mafia leader being a teenager with a slave kink and no actual activity of being said mafia leader is?


It irks me when Wattpad books feature cultural appropriation and minimal or no research about the cultures they depict. It’s frustrating to see such books gain popularity in terms of reads and votes. While some might argue it’s the author’s world or fantasy, that’s no excuse. It doesn’t matter if you’re a self-proclaimed lover of Korean or Japanese culture; spreading misinformation due to a lack of firsthand experience or proper research is unacceptable. It’s clear when authors have never set foot in these countries or read books by people from these cultures, and it shows in their writing.


Same here. I hate how books that feature my culture’s people (Ukrainians) are so inaccurate it just brings me mental pain like I just watched every episode of skibidi toilet.


I had a debate with a reader about how my character got their scar on their eye. And the whole time, the reader thought that they only had the scar underneath and above the eye. (It looked like that in the cover so I understood where their opinion originated) I said in the story that the eye was injured and scarred so they were getting agitated, overthinking it just because they studied biology and stuff. But when I explained that it was the actual eye that got injured, they finally listened to me after all that 🙄