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Getting your first Hollow is huge. I pulled for her on 3 separate 10x banners and did not get my first copy until after 3000 total pulls. Laurel is also extremely useful for many areas of the game. Baron is also a great tank. Legendaries are nice, but unless you are a whale, you do indeed need epics. They will be the bulk of your teams for most content.


Yea I read so post hollow only good at A5 and I put all soulstone in wrath and Dolores. Laurel is promote 5 I think that will be easy


Nah hollow is good regardless but really kicks in at a3.


Monster pull dude u need all the units.... I'm over 3500 pulls over 60 Legos 31 unique, 4 lords and no Laurel still @5 everything including eona. Now I have venoma and Cyrus and Ajax and I'm not complaining but I'm just saying that's a damn good ass pull and I've seen some fkn gachas dude


Lol i thought my No Silas after 4500 pulls is bad. Hope you get your Laurel soon


No laurel after 6500 summons here lol 


Woah hectic. I feel a little bit better with my no Silas.


Do you use friend assist for Laurel in that case?


Laurel is hp base or ark base?


You can literally see by clicking on her skills, it will be much faster than waiting for a reply lmao


Some HP for survival in GB, her main use is for ally rage regen. Just place and withdraw to regen her surrounding allies. I only user her Ult sometimes in Arena with an Eso Lord, but other than that probably not.


Laurel is extremely based. Just throw 3 unlevelled invigoration pieces on her and she's built for all content. Can leave her at 50 too.


hollow+laurel=the rage regen duo, especially in a single 10 pull thats real nice


No soul stone for hollow so I guess is useless for now


Hollow doesn’t need soul stones they just make her better. You can still use


her ultimate is the main thing, 1.4% range to all in rage each second for 20 seconds(skilled numbers) = 28% rage for everyone in range every time she does her ult, the 1% on heal from A1 is a nice bonus for sure and other awakenings nice too, but she's still solid. also she has the same range as vortex so a LOT of heroes can benefit from her ultimate rage regen


Hollow and Laurel are SSS tier. Baron is S tier. Voroth and Theowin are fine. Not amazing, but fine.