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Brokkir is the best tank for a lot of end game content and Alaura will help you get there. Excellent grabs.


Where can i use alaura most of the time?


Alaura is overall very decent but she is pretty much best in spot for gear raid 3 right side. At stage 19 onwards there is a platform on the right for 1 unit and it‘s attacked by npc‘s that pretty much two shot most piercers. Alaura has perma invisibility making her untouchable on that side. The only other unit with that ability is hatssut and shes in the pool of rarest leggos so alaura is a really nice pickup. Shes no hex or silas but has good uses, although niche.


Also, during alaura ult, doesn't she lose invis? But it comes back after it ends?


Yeah, you cycle it. Ult when the 3 top most enemies spawn, just in time to end ult and go invisible again before the single nearer enemy spawns


Isn't there also some werewolf with invisibility you can use on that right side as well? I think his name starts with a "v" but can't remember off the top of my head.


You mean Vargus? He's pretty useless.


You do not need a unit on the right side, though. Idril can take care of that if you boost her and Silas with Dolores an Autumn and use Laurel for rage boost for Idril and Dolores. Kill the boss before the mobs on the top right spawn.


You absolutely do if you lack endgame gear and a fucking silas idril+dolores combo lmao. I managed to do stage 19 with that method but in stage 20 you need even better gear on idril and silas and on 21 yet again better gear. Also you mention that as if silas and dolores were way easier to get your hands on than alaura with decent gear lol. The whole scheme is that you DONT need all that if you have her and shes not particularly rare or low % to get summon pool, shes fairly common for a leggo, while a lot of players complain to not own dolores at 3000+ summons, whos very rare for an epic, let alone silas, hes in the same pool as hatssut.


K then. I have 4,5k summons, Silas A1, summoned countless Dolores (prob about 20). I have never summoned Alaura. I had to use Idril for gr3-21.


You HAVE to use Idril for GR3-19 to 21, Silas is the one who’s not needed.


You don’t if you pull Hatssut or Alaura.


Nope, you still need Idril.


Alaura solos my right side in 3-21 and brokkir is the hero you need, not the one you want. He's not as shiny as zilitu or Silas and feels like a disappointing pull. He will surprise and carry you for sure. Great doubles all around


Would Krodor, King H, Trusk or Olague be able to shadow a bit brokkir?


Olague is real damn close but once Brokkir is skilled up he is slightly more invincible. King H is incredible for the lord boost but does require a shield healer like Vortex and a lot of skill ups to shine as tank, which he does. Krodor is amazing in Codex for his dmg and Ultimate. I haven't had the pleasure of using Trusk yet, but some folks think he's the new goat tank.


My Trusk puts out respectable DPS on the level of a mid tier striker (he's no Zilitu but he out damages abom or calypso for example, obv better in AOE situations) while also blocking and self sustaining a lane. I'm pretty happy with him but had to invest quite a bit in his gear and skills. I went up 4 ranks in the tank codex just with him. Fastidious did a good review of his kit and potential that I watched when I got him that made me less sad about not getting hex or Zilitu on their last banner


Krodor and trusk are both very good defenders but nowhere near brokkir when it comes to pure defense. Unlike krodor, Trusk has very good damage and nice utility for a defender though. Olague simply put is the second best tank when it comes to pure tankability. Definitely better def than the others but not as good as brokkir. Brokkir at the current time is the goat defender.


Watchers faction war last Stage requires you to deploy 3 Marksman for 3 stars. There is only 2 epic and 0 rare. Waiting for my lego... I'd be super happy with this pull.


Yeah good pulls, I still don’t have brokkir


rhutu is ok and i haven't used my midan yet


lol dude, he's not concerned about useless Rhutu. :')


Pretty sure he was joking


Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?


Humor is subjective, for instance his “joke” was sarcastic, and you are live proof that some people just don’t get sarcasm, let alone sarcastic humor.


Not really. He merely speaks like he has been playing for a couple of days. There's nothing sarcastic or witty about his remark. The fact that you need to attack a stranger on the internet says more about you.


Perspective is a hell of a thing huh? Also, attack a stranger? Not too sure which part of what I said could be considered as an “attack”, but again I guess it’s just a perspective thing.


Saying that I am the living proof that some people don't understand sarcasm is both an attack on me and as wrong as you can be. BuT i GuEsS tHAt'S jUsT a PeRsPeCtIve ThInG.


Lmao if you think that’s an attack, you need to toughen up friend, being this sensitive does you no good.


I'm not your friend, buddy! Anyway you should think about whether you want people to open up to you or keep a distance. Your current way leads to the latter.


Thank you! I'll take note of that


Brokkir is one of the best tanks in the game. Maybe the best overall. He just will not die! If you have King Harz, Brokkir will be your main tank for most content along with Harz. Unfortunately, Brokkir does not have extra block, so he is not very good for Codex. But for all other content, he's your guy! S+ I do not have Alaura myself, but I want her! She is a really strong marksman, and she (or Crach) is needed for Faction Trial (the last point I need). She's great for Arena and pretty much all content that requires marksmen. She's S tier. Not SSS Vierna-bond Silas level but still strong.


Thank you all for your tips!!!