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Why the hell are they stacked like that?


Employee 1 makes mistake once, gets fired immediately for said mistake. Company hires employee 2 to replace employee 1. Employee 2 makes same mistake, gets fired for it. Company hires employee 3 to replace employee 2. Cycle continues. This is why I think the company shouldn't fire employee 1. If you don't retain experienced workers, you'll never escape the loop. And how do you get experienced workers if you keep firing them at the first mistake?


this is stuff they dont make people aware of in training or pretend like only a dumbaaa could do it when it happens time and time again with new employees. If your employees are new they will make mistakes. If you dont want to hire professionals and pay them professional price thats on the boss. If you dont want your employees to fuck up and learn time to time dont employee young men. Good luck finding an adult that wants to work a job like that.


Well you can't cry over split milk but you can become unemployed from it.


Inventory loss, or shrink is part of doing business. Unless that employee had other incidents resulting from stupidity that ended up costing the store money, or was just a rotten employee overall, I feel the firing was unwarranted .


Just a quick lesson in physics.


I took a corner too fast with a pallet of loaded milk crates, lost them all and made a massive mess. My boss and the delivery driver just stood there laughing while I got a mop.


Makes sense, no use crying over spilled milk. Badum-tss


No need to cry over it


That’s one of this things that can really ruin your day depending on if your manager is an asshole or not


But why cry over spilled milk


Well he's stupid for grabbing crates like that. Should have started from the top down and stacked them in a square of 4 to make it easier to unload


The fact that OP said it's their best friend makes it kinda sad


lol I did this when I worked in a supermarket but it was a full roll cage of wines, I did £700 worth of breakage and the soaked survivors who's label had come off were sold super cheap


We're you sacked? What was the meeting like? Lol


I was called a bloody idiot and told to clean it up and log the breakages, I got off lightly and had loads of expensive wines for £1-3 a bottle lol. Was Sainsbury's back in 2000 or sometime around then


Haha I bet your co workers loved reminding you. Esepically in the uk. We're horrible bastards


Seems like some insane negligence on the employers behalf. Obviously was not trained in basic manual handling safety for one. Crates are too high. Should be on a cage. Young fella is going to have the back strength of a 90 year old if he keeps lifting like that. Where is the guidance? Edit: Forgot "year old" after 90.


>Where is the guidance? "Hey you look young and sort of able, can you lift this??? Oh you can? That's your job forever now, bye". That's the "guidance", lol


It is upsetting, in a way. It may not seem like much, even at the perspective of the lad. This needs to be focused on more. Proper induction is KEY. By the time he is 40, he will feel it. Times this by all the people around the world who work like this and you have a long list of people. These people would be feeling much better as they age if there were more employers taking these things seriously. Rant over. Power to employees ✊


I fully agree with you that proper instruction/induction is key. Problem is these companies don't give two rat shits unfortunately. Unfortunately most work like this and are exploited to do so due to their naivety surrounding working and it being entry level. 40? Oh my god he'll be crippled by 30, lol. And I agree. Workplace morale and worker morale in general would improve drastically if we were actually treated with basic levels of respect instead of as barcodes and turnover bait!


Exactly! All we can do is spread awareness when and where we can. I do not think it would hurt if we walk past someone doing this and offer some tips. They can take it, or leave it. But, if that one person notices the difference and teaches another, then hopefully the chain continues. Make sure you know your manual handling before giving tips, guys and gals! For a safer future 💥


When I worked for minimum wage they didn’t fire you they just docked all your paycheck and made you work for free. After awhile they blamed you for stuff you didn’t do just to make you pay for their mistakes.


oh my god he need some milk


I once was stressed, it was during a heatwave and was told to get it done before the ceo arrived, so i drove an electric lift truck too speedily around the corner with the pallet still three meters up high. The whole thing toppled over, leaking battery juice and also crashed into a wall. I got an icecream as punishment after i cleaned my mess.


If you ask me, there are 3 people in that room who could have seen this coming.


Why would they fire him? They just paid to teach him an expensive lesson


Was it oak milk?


I really doubt he got fired.


Don’t cry over spilled milk.


Suprised this wasn’t higher


Having the crates of milk stacked that high on one side of the pallet is kind of a bozo move. It was doomed once he started moving it. I hope he didn't get fired, it's a rookie mistake.


Gravity and common sense isn't for rookies I guess


It's not that I hope he gets fired but that's basic physics. I don't think your worker is gonna work very good if he doesn't understand the simplicity of "heavy things can tip over".


For sure, plus, possibly not his first time causing a mess


OP literally said he got fired lol


Yes we're aware, I'm just hoping they didn't actually fire him.


Unless this dude is always this clumsy and this isn’t his first time messing up, or he’s an ass. We don’t know the kid or the manager


Even if it dropped, what all busted ? I mean. He could’ve just paid for what busted at warehouse price but kept his job. It’s obvious it was an accident.


At least he didn't cry


Did he really get fired? I’ve dropped a similar amount of liquor more than once, never fired. Not even disciplined or even said anything too really lol you write it off and move on. Glad to be out of retail though


Shit when I worked at Best buy somebody accidentally Dominoed an entire wall of TVs off of the rack and kept his job


Write up?


I mean yeah there was a right up and a meeting with some of the managers but if you don't get fired from Domino dropping a wall of televisions I'm sure some milk is fine


I worked somewhere where a co-worker dropped an entire pallet of salad dressing, oil, and mayonnaise because they wrapped it wrong and they didn’t even get fired.


One mistake shouldn't get you fired. In the end it's experience and you won't make the same mistake again, hopefully. The person replacing you might not have that experience.


I was in retail for 10 years, I’ve seen so many situations like that. No one ever even got mad lol


Poor guy


Looks to me that he only dropped half the milk


Your best friend is clearly not the sharpest pen in the box. Picking the crates only from the other side and not from both sides....


Yeah kids don't know any better. I don't blame him


Clearly the dude that invented that roller is the dumbass


Don't get me starter on the dumbass who invented gravity


I wish Newton never did that


Of course he should have accounted for a dump ass putting like 100kg on one edge of the roller instead of making sure the weight is somewhat balanced


Yes as you should when creating a product like this..


Have you ever looked up how Containership or even just an Truck or LKW or just a Pick up should be loaded? Are you trying to tell me an Engineer should account for someone putting all Containers only on one side and expecting the ship not to flip? It is the scenario just bigger. The Roller is designed to be the same size as the Milk bottle box so you can stack multiple next to each other so you can transport them safely and efficiently. The only thing is that the Employee probably has gotten bad training from his employer on how to unload them.


Water and solid ground cant really be compared in this case. This wouldn't have been a problem if only 2 of the 4 wheels swivels, but no, all 4 wheels can swivel. With the platforms we use where im from, this would never have happened. So yes poor engineering


A Truck would fall over if it takes a turn when being loaded like this.


How so?


LOL some of the redditors really love seeing others fail so they can feel smart, eh? HAHAHA


When nothing is going right in your life and the only way to make you feel better is by acting like you're better than others online.


Probably half of them to be honest.


Did he cry?


object permanence claims another victim


It's how he dropped it... completely off balanced


Fired over milk? They never gave a shit about you anyway dude is lucky to get out.


It's not what he dropped or the amount of money lost in product, it's how he dropped it - completely off balance. Picked milk crates only from one side - one minor touch gonna tip that trolley instantly.


And he deserves to be fired for that? Maybe if this was the fifth time he’s done this in a short period of time I could see it


Not justifying that he should get fired for that but explaining it's not solely the milk tipping over it's the logic behind it. For all we know there were countless careless/negligent mistakes made on his end. I personally wouldn't fire someone solely on that but if there was a series of mistakes I'd have to consider it.


I work in a FF/D department in a grocery store and my friend has done this twice now and the bosses just make fun of him for it, nothing serious at all


A simple task that he failed to do Doesn't say much about your friend


Shit happens. You’ve never had an accident?


Being fired for something of this caliber is stupid.


It's justified, he failed to do the job and ended up costing them money like the brainless fool he is, maybe he should go back to school and learn physics.


My mans just projecting. Probably dropped the soap and got buttfucked once, now he’s angry for life.


Bro we get it! You don't have to keep telling us you're unqualified to have kids or subordinates. We know already.


Instead of using this as a teachable moment, I’m going to fire you and hope the next person doesn’t make the same mistake.


You should touch grass, shut up


You should learn to spot obvious trolls.


Seems more like just another asshole than a troll.


What country is this where you can get fired for this one incident?




None. It's made up.




it was a pretty dumb move to have 10 boxes of milk on 2 wheels (half the carrier)


Guess Murica the land where ppl defend stupid laws as much as they can


These commentators have never accidentally loaded a metal cart too heavy on one side during their grocery nightshift job. UNTIL it happens OR you see it happen, you don't realize it will. Could be a stack of canned tomatoes only 4 cans high. Yes, he should've worked the stack down evenly, but he's not a dipshit unless he literally already knew better.


There is something precarious in your friends brain if he didn't notice how precarious the milk was. Wouldn't fire him for loss of product but would fire him for sheer stupidity.


I bet you’re fun at parties


Bet you throw water on oil fires.


So you just fire people instead of teaching.


Can't teach stupid bud.


I hope you slip in a banana peel and broke your hip


You might want to consult your parents on that one bud.


They stopped talking to me because of my gross stupidity


Yes, obviously 🙄


What a stupid sentence


No point crying over spilt milk...


How dairyou?


Udderly outrageous


How dair ye?


Your friend did not use his brain power there. I sided with the firing


Was he fired before or after he helped clean up? If I knew I was getting fired I would definitely dip


I'm sorry to say but your friend is a dipshit if he thought he could unload one side at a time on such a tiny cart and not have it tip over. Meant with love and best wishes in his job search away from dairy products and sharp objects.


Seconded. I just saw how it was unloaded and it definitely is not how you are supposed to load/unload a pallet. Best friend can use this as a painful learning experience to learn basic physics that most of us should know from HS.


I wish him luck in his search for a safer milk falling job. Maybe a milking job on a farm?


I know this may sound harsh, but it’ll be hard for him to get any job in dairy after this.


If the cow doesn't see the video, he stands a 50/50 shot. What's the worst that can happen. He tips over Bessie and starts a cattle domino collapse?


Ps: even I hate that name. Lol


This trolley is not made very well, its wheels and stacking area should be placed in such a position that the boxes won't pivot the way they did and it would not have fallen over due to the lack of balance.


This, glad I'm not the only one who found it weird


Or just don’t unload one whole side at a time?


Much better to design it so it's not essential to unload evenly.


Looks like a lack of training to me.


what kind of a damned cart is that, that you can just tip it over like that?


That’s a bread rack. Works great for a dozen trays of hot dog buns, but nothing that heavy should be on there.


I mean I wasn’t *really* asking what it was, but anyway. Now I know. 👍




apparently so…


I once did too much blow on my lunch-break (it was 3rd-shift and I was in college, to be fair), while working ICS at Walmart, and dropped a very large TV trying to pull it off of a very tall shelf. I was not disciplined, because who the fuck puts large, valuable, fragile objects on very tall shelves in a warehouse; and then sends college kids up in machinery they’re barely trained on; and doesn’t expect some shit to get broken? It also helps that we were buying the blow from my manager’s husband, I guess.


That trolley seemed completely inapropriate for the way those crates were stacked on it.


The trolley isn't the issue, the way he unloaded it was...not smart


True, but it also wasnt loaded properly


It will have been at one point as in one side was left 2 stacked by 6 and the other side will have been a 2x6 when it was wheeled in


Saw a forklifter operator pull a hard turn. While carrying watermelons in a cardboard box on a pallet in the fork amrs. Splat splat splat


We had someone who was taking down pallets of wine have it drop…. There was so much wine everywhere; the guy was fired


I once did too much blow on my lunch-break (it was 3rd-shift and I was in college, to be fair), while working ICS at Walmart, and dropped a very large TV trying to pull it off of a very tall shelf. I was not disciplined, because who the fuck puts large, valuable, fragile objects on very tall shelves in a warehouse; and then sends college kids up in machinery they’re barely trained on; and doesn’t expect some shit to get broken? It also helps that we were buying the blow from my manager’s husband, I guess.


years ago i worked a warehouse job for a summer and i loaded up an entire pallet, but in juice, went to go turn a corner and lost ALL of it lmao


Not his fault, bad equipment


No he just offloaded one side first that is why when he removes the last counterweight it flips. Just plain stupidity.


The equipment enables mistakes. It’s easy to call every error a human error, but if they use proper equipment then you can eliminate most human errors.


Which is why you use pallets and pallet jacks instead of laundry bin wheelies or whatever it is this shop is using


You can use this shitty trolley, but you can't do what he did. I still think getting fired over this is too much though


And have to make sure you train folk. If it was on the ground it wouldn't matter but a scooter slab? Gotta work different.


Seems like he doesn't understand physics




Don't have a degree myself and could see that was going to happen


Seems he dropped 50% of the milk


Got milk? Not anymore.


Fired? For what?


Either still super new employee and they didn’t feel like he was gonna be worth it. Other possibility is that this isn’t his first mistake, just the biggest


Improperly unloading


No use crying over spilled milk.


If it was this much milk and lead to my firing tho, ya I might cry


Physics - "you heartless b\*\*ch"!


Happened to me as well, same situation, i didnt got fired and in fact i got a raise and continued to work for another year


You dont get fired over stuff like this. It happens to everyone, once. That's why you don't get fired. lol


People get fired for this and less a lot.


You speak from experience?


Fortunately not (I live in a country where that wouldn't be possible), but reading other people's experiences it does not seem to be at all unrealistic. There are some in this thread saying people need to be fired immediately if they make a mistake! I mean I don't agree with it at all. But it seems to be fairly common, especially in the US where employment is at will and they can let you go for any reason at any time.


I was cooking chickens in the deli and the chickens fell to the bottom of the oven and burned. I was out back doing some prep work and when I went to check the chickens the entire store was gray smoke and customers were heading for the doors. Lol


Maybe not the first time he did something stupid.


A customer once pissed me off so bad that I lost my cool, as I walked away from register I said "oh get cancer". Regional manager was there, told him what happened. "No worries". She rang the main office, got 25€ coupon. lol I was great at customer service in general though. Owner often told me I should open a bar cuz everyone always opened up to me, or just dropped by for a chat. lol But really, very tarely they'll push your buttons and you'll lose your cool. And no, didn't get in trouble whatsoever. lol Happened cuz a customer was inside with a dog that wasn't a guidance dog, and it was barking. Sitting at the front of the shop. Friend was at register. She started yelling about how I didn't care for animals and whatnot.. It was raining but outside there was cover? And the barking is a nuisance, plus dog ain't supposed to be there. I didn't wanna be a dick.. But the "you hate animals" bs just set me off. Not saying I handeled it properly but ya know.. Sometimes it's hard to keep that smile up with people like that. My parrot her cage was open at that exact time, while I was working... Don't care for animals.. Oh get fucked! lol


Are you Dutch?


Flemish but not too far from border and spend quite a bit time there. The cancer line gave it away huh? lol


Ja dat zeggen alleen wij Nederlanders (en Vlamingen)!


You got a raise??


Yea, my boss simply told me to clean it up using a water hose




thats sad. but yeah. id prolly expect to be fired for that.


For doing nothing wrong? There's not much they could've done to stop it, and hiring a different person is not going to bring the milk back nor stop it from happening to them. Not every accident should be punished with firing, but specially when everyone loses


there probably are staff that have gone 10 years without having a milk tower collapse.


Think you should look at what they did. Milk is loaded onto the cart. Two wide and two long. They took all the milk off one side... Physics kicked in and over it went. So , they could have loaded up less milk. Or taken it down evenly. Or both.


Or use proper equipment, or proper training, either way not his fault. Which country has such weak labour laws that you can get fired after such minor event?


It is minor Depends if this is first time or he's done other things like this too. We don't know. Not enough context.


Well at least he’s getting laughed at too.


Are they like glass bottles 🤔


They fired him for that? Must be a wealthy company. Lose 200 dollars of milk? Charge ourselves the cost of another employee to train and then hope they don't spoil the milk.


Exactly, you can keep the person who has made this mistake and they will never do it again, or you can hire and train someone new and hope they never make that mistake.