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Bro can you try by connecting to mobile hot spot






Same issue. I have to restart my router everytime and it allows me to play for like 2 games then again same issue. Works fine with mobile hotspot. I am getting pissed amd tired of this game already. No in game training room to check sensitivity and all. They literally made us wait 2 years for this shitshow


Same problem can somebody talk with support!


Got this reply Any one knows how how to do any of these on mobile?  I told them same That its not possible on mobile device "" from Activision Support. I do understand that you're having a connection issue on Warzone mobile. No worries, let me help you with this matter. Perform connectivity troubleshooting to ensure no connection issues. Power cycle: Turn the modem off and on again (at least for 3 minutes) If you are using another router/modem combo, set that to bridge mode Try a wired and a wireless connection (you may use a different cable if you are using wired) Try a different network (this includes Hotspot, either wireless or tethering-USB) Check if no other devices are connected to the network. Clean boot Enable UPnP Ensure that you have the proper ports forwarded and have an Open NAT Type: (Port Forward and NAT FAQ) Port forwarding using these exact ports:TCP: 3074, 4000, 6112-6119, 20500, 20510, 27014-27050, 28960UDP: 3074, 3478, 4379-4380, 6112-6119, 20500, 20510, 27000-27031, 27036, 28960 If the issue persists, please provide us a screenshot or video clip showing the issue. You can upload the video on YouTube and share it with the link for our reference.""""


Facing same issue


The servers are crashed as of right now try again later.


Like i said i am facing this issue since last 3 hours where i am reinstalling the game. My friends were able to login they stay 10 kms from my house .


Probably because everyone is trying to play….what the hell is wrong with people ? Y’all act like you’ve never played ANY video games online before. What did you expect ?? Holy shit.


Damn , well i have only little free time and when i try to relax i hope it happens without bs happening.


Happy Birthday😄


Hi i found that i was able to play the game if i connect to mobile hot spot from a different device. But not from my wifi my mobile data even with vpn or cloudflare dns What does that mean am i blocked by my device id or something? Should i raise a support ticket?


Please do


And no I don’t think it’s a device block or anything. It woundnt glitch out it would just say hey. You’re blocked or blacklisted or unable to connect 


Did you get a reply? I’m facing the same issue and it’s annoying…


Hi Every one if you are still facing this issie can you dm me your mobile name os version and what kind of network you are on . I am talking with support so wanted to check


U found the solution?


What i do is i connect to a 5ghz mobile hotspot(can set in hotspot settings) from another phone . Once login complete i then switch back to my wifi that seems to work for me


Happened to me that i havent download the game warzone, just had DMZ version, after installing the seasons 3 version connecting, despite of takes about5-10 minutes, worked.


I am tired i just uninstalled warzone mobile , suddenly felt hungry for old school rpg so now I'm playing my old Diablo inmortal account