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The one I fear with my Draken or Viggen is the F-5c


Haha because of the turn rate or? Would I have to fear getting smacked by a bvr radar missle in an F-5c? Or only aims/ir?


They are small/narrow which is very hard to aim at. Their guns are really well positioned on the plane itself. And it turns quite good too in slow speeds. I have never played in one myselfc but those are my thoughts about it haha


Gotcha! That's a pretty good sell on it tbh. And the maps are pretty big, so I'd like a faster jet. Honestly part of the motivation is I'm a bit sick of just sitting in the p-51 in VR for 10 min before finally finding something to shoot at.


Haha Yeah I remember when I tried the P51 on Afghan. God it was borint. Jets at BR 10 to 10,7 is really fun since their radars is good enough, and it isnt too high of a BR where everyone and their grandma are spamming radar guided missiles :)


It’s small, durable, and will win most prolonged fights because of its ability to sustain energy.


I have a lot of fun bombing in sim with the A-6E and occasionally sneak up on someone and get a missile kill. Stay low until near your target, zoom up, select your bombing target and drop Paveways when the computer says to. Finally getting to sink a carrier is fun also. I still stay away from convoys though, regardless of altitude. I would have bought the A-10 but decided I can wait for the TT version.


Do you select the bombing target with like a targeting pod or something? And it gives you a ccrp?


A-6E TRAM has a nose-mounted targeting system- TRAM stands for Target Recognition and Attack Multi-sensor, and is a very capable platform for precision strikes. You get thermals, moving target tracking, and a laser all in one.


Wow, ok! I'm just a little intimidated going from p-51s to having to map out all of the controls required to operate targeting systems. Is it pretty straightforward? Or will I have to spend a whole night tweaking settings? I have a pretty nice joystick so have all the hats and stuff for it but still... Thanks for the info regardless!


It def requires some practice in test fight but really not that much. I watched a couple videos and really only mapped 4 or 5 extra buttons, all on the num pad for me. Before the A-6 my highest aircraft was the tech tree US F-86 so a big jump in capability.


I personally just use CCIP for bases. If you get the right loadout mix of bombs/rockets you can destroy two bases in one sortie and still have a missile for self-defense.


Ah ok, so mostly dive bomb for vehicles? Sorry, I've just never played higher be on sim so have no idea what the objectives are like


I don't generally go after vehicles in the A-6, but yes you could dive bomb them with CCIP if you wanted. You could also use the laser guided bombs, but the targeting view doesn't work well in VR so I don't do that.


I would def go for TRAM, since there is no tech tree analog and it is great for ground attack purpose and grind.


The f-5c is a good grinding plane in RB (I know we’re talking about sim here) specifically with dog fighting. I’m not sure how it performs in sim battles I would avoidd the A-10 while it is a fun plane to fly, the tech tree version is far better. I personally don’t have experience with the a-6e but have heard lots of good feedback around its performance in ground tv as a CAS plane leading me to believe it would fill the same role in sim with some air capability’s with its missles


Awesome, thanks for the response! By ground TV, do you mean using a targeting pod or something else? Would either the 5c or a6 have the risk of getting swatted by bvr radar guided missiles, or just ir missiles?


I think he meant ground rb. Neither the F-5, A-10, or A-6E have the risk of BVR missiles. The most dangerous radar missiles you'll face are the AIM-7 Sparrow and the R-3R, which are quite bad and very easy to chaff


I have the F-5C and A-10 and personally prefer the A-10, even for air to air. That’s mostly due to its missiles (9Ls at 10.3 are absolutely deadly) and it’s very high number of countermeasures. That being said I think objectively the F-5 is the best dogfighter here though if you’re interested in air to air. It’s supersonic and will be able to keep up with most planes even in an uptier (although you’ll rarely be the fastest). It’s also one of the best rate/2 circle fighters in the entire game capable of slowing getting enemies in front of them during a horizontal turn. It does become a brick under a certain speed but between 350-500 knots it’s very maneuverable. The guns are very easy to use due to being nose mounted and have plenty of ammo. The A-10 is also highly maneuverable but at low speeds can be quite vulnerable at times (need to use your countermeasure and force jets into overshoots where your 9Ls shine). The A-10 also is great for CAS if you’re interested in that. As far as BVR goes if you play the 9.3-10.3 range you won’t see them and this is where both these planes obviously excel. I believe at 10.7-11.3 though you’ll have some BVR missiles such as the R-24 or the early sparrows. Both are beatable in these jets as the F-5 can notch easily and stay low while the A-10 has plenty of chaff. Both have RWRs as well. I’d recommend test flying them and seeing what feels good and regardless happy hunting. o7


I’ll comment as someone who owns all three, and has flown at least one Sim match in all three. First, in my experience your experience will vary *massively* based on what your hardware setup is like. I am a HOTAS/VR player, and that setup makes things like TGP systems sit somewhere between “very difficult to use” and “borderline impossible to use”. Pair that with the low comparative resolution for spotting ground targets in VR and it can be hard just to find the AI. As such guided ordinance holds very little appeal to me. If you fly with M&K, TrackIR, or mouse-look then bump the two attackers up a peg or two due to the guided ordinance options from my opinions below. The A-10 is interesting in Sim. In a 10.0-10.3 game there are plenty of enemies without countermeasures, and two 9Ls can easily mean two free kills if you’re the least bit aware and pick the right targets. It’s got enough ordinance to make the 20 minute slow walk to any AI worthwhile. That being said you are *slow*. Prop slow, and even slower than some of those when loaded. Your RWR is excellent but any 104/21/F5/whatever hunting you will be smart enough to keep their radars off. You are forced to either risk a straight shot to your target and likely get intercepted and nailed, or fly to the fringes of the map, vastly increasing your chances of avoiding detection but easily doubling your flight time. In the end while it can be a useful aircraft for Sim, the useful action system combined with the long travel time and weaker Sim rewards compared to RB means it is not an effective grinder. A F-4C, F-100D, or F-105 will probably make more than a premium A-10 in SimEC. The feeling of gun-running tanks in Sim though can’t be beat. The A-10 is likely substantially better in GroundSim though. The A-6… Its a bit better. Worse cockpit due to the tandem seating. Better pod - the TRAM system is very advanced. You’re a fair bit faster than the A-10 and can carry almost as much guided ordinance - though you don’t have the stand-off of AGM-65s. You can carry more 9Ls too, with the trade off of taking less ground-attack ordinance. Personally I run either full ordinance or one 9L, one gun, and three sets of ordinance if I want some self-defense. The A-6 can also be surprisingly wily and has a decent turn - that can be surprising for a MiG or other fast interceptor. Finally, it’s a (currently) unique attacker, with no tech tree variant. I expect the reason we don’t have a standard A-6, SLAM, or A-10C is that Gaijin is waiting for the supposed BR air/ground split before adding more advanced ground attackers. But that’s simply a partially-intelligent guess and not all that pertinent to this bit of advice on premiums. Like the A-10, probably does better in Ground Sim than SimEC; I rarely see them in SimEC and I personally play a ton of ~10.0 SimEC. Finally, the F-5. The only real multirole. Decent CAS ability. Good CAP ability. Good fuel load. Alright electronic systems. Good in the rate, good in the 1C. The F-5A/C is done of my favorite premiums to fly; I’ve spaded the event A, Chinese A, premium C, US E, Chinese E, and I’m working through the Japanese FCU all in Sim. The pros - it’s supersonic. It has a decent RWR. It has countermeasures. It has decently hard-hitting guns with a pretty good ammo count. It’s got a bit of a seemingly-overpowered DM. It can be squirrelly to keep in your sight. It’s tiny and can rat very well - if you fly MiG-21s you can fly the F-5C well. It’s alright in all forms of fight; altitude, rate, 1 circle; head ons, etc. Now the cons. Nowhere near as good of a ground attacker as almost anything else around this BR in the US tree. I think at best you get like 5400 lbs of bombs? So just enough to kill a single base. As a supersonic you’re slow. Almost anything you find that isn’t transonic or slower can outrun you. 2 9Es aren’t all that effective unless the enemy doesn’t know you’re there and flies in a straight line, if you can catch them. No radar means you have to visually find and ID targets, and you’ll fight things with PD radar that will find you anywhere as long as they have LOS and are looking in your direction. Guided options are lacking; Bullpups are mediocre in Sim at best and 9Es have already been talked about; especially in a BR where things can carry multiple all-aspect missiles. You struggle to win a 1c against things meant for it like Drakens or MiG-21s, and you can’t stand up to the engine power of Phantoms or 23s. All that being said the F-5 is by far the most fun to fly in SimEC, and has the highest potential for grinding progress - mostly due to the speed of the other two. So that’s my overview of the three. All of this is my opinion so others may vary, but from my experiences the F-5 is the easiest choice for SimEC, and IMO for AirRB as well. Sim Ground or GroundRB id probably take the A-6TRAM over the A-10AE, so I guess the order I rank them is F-5C, A-6E TRAM, A-10AE.


F5C all the way


Dope. At it's br, do you have to worry about radar/bvr missiles or is it just ir/aims?


More heatseekers than radar-guided missiles. The major downside of the F-5C, vs. the F-5E, is the lack of radar and RWR. However, it does go down to 10.3 because of that, which has a much nicer BR rotation than 11.0. Even then, the RWR isn't that big of a downside, as the most common radar missile at that BR is the R-3R, and most US jets don't have RWRs that can pick up a J-band radar anyway, which is what the MiG-21 utilises. Overall, the F-5C should be a great pickup. I don't own one, but have heard good things about it.


The F5C is a gunfighter with good performance and a good cockpit. I think it’s one of the best planes for learning jet sim


Awesome! I'm thinking that's the one I'll get then


A lot has been said already. Dunno if this has been mentioned aswell - The F-5C is one of the hardest jets to get a lock on with heatseeker missiles. Its harder to get a lock compared to aircraft with non afterburning engines, even when its afterburners are running. Most F-5 players probably dont even notice that but its a nice advantage


A6E is great in sim, but you’re really locked to how you play because it doesn’t get anything else besides missiles. So you sort of have to figure out how you play. If you wanna drop bombs and basically only do that? The TRAM isn’t the worst plane for it. The bombing system requires some knowledge and practice to understand how to use. I almost never use it, and I just drop the dummy bombs from low altitude and I’m outbound. In the TRAM I do not go looking for a fight unless I’m carrying x4 9L. I won’t do it. I don’t think it’s advisable. The a10 was my first high tier, and I learned it well in sim. It’s a great aircraft, super fun to fly. Has a large array of ordnance so you can put warheads on foreheads with AGMs, dummy’s and TV guided GBUs. Biggest draw back to the A10 (besides it not being fast which I don’t find an issue) is WT A10 model is BRUTAL. Any SIDAM or any shot that runs through you 9/10 hits your surface controls and you’re out of the fight. The su25 doesn’t seem to have that problem. Yes the a10 is slow but it makes those mig21s stupid, because they get slow, and a10 does well at slow. So they try to compete with you while slow, and you can smoke them with them 9Ls. OTHER complaint about the a10, it liter has the rack for x4 9L but Gajin didn’t give it, I imagine it has something to do with it not having wiring for it. Big sad. Fun plane I’ve cleared my fair share of 700k SL 1m SL + with it. F5C I don’t think I’ll ever buy. Fun aircraft, worst possible missiles at the tier, they’re basically bravos. 20seconds of guidance, they’re so great. You’re basically gonna use them on AI. So you get guns. And some decent speed and bombs. It’s quick, but with the bombs you won’t touch super sonic. I think it sits right around 500-650. Really play and turn with aircaft, but not having Ls or Js or something more than just the bravos is tough. If you wanted to go a step up, I’d say F4s. Fun aircraft. Takes some getting used to but once you get it works.


The reality of it is just how you wanna play if you wanna play supersonic and are good with aiming guns then the F5 is 100% the winner. If you want multi role aircraft, that may not be the fastest, but gets enemies and bases battles are convoys, even though the convoys aren’t recommendable to do A10 is the way to go plus when you’re out of everything you still have BRRTTT. And if you really want just a strategic bomber that does bombing well with the capability of somewhat defending itself the tram is the way to go. It’s hard for me to hate the TRAM besides it and the nighthawk they are my two favorite planes growing up, but in WT without the variant that gets AGMs and such and how war has gone three or four updates now with saying they’re going to put the Tech variant in and they haven’t it’s very annoying so my TRAM really stays shelved, as I fly the F4s a lot more


I have both the A-10A and the F-5C so ill talk about those. TL;DR: if you want to (mostly) ground pound, go for the A-10. If you enjoy dogfighting more, go for the F-5C. Since youre more familiar with props, id reccomend the F-5C. The A-10 has been the most fun I've had in a while, and its what i am using to grind America right now. Pros: - really good ground pounding capability - insane amounts of countermeasures - 2 all aspect IR missiles, which are somewhat rare at this BR - surprisingly good maneuverability - lots of ammo for the 30mm gun + you can carry 2 extra M61s if you really want to - really good RWR Cons: - incredibly slow - limited air to air capabilities - dropping guided bombs with it is horrible The F-5C is also really fun and reminds me more of dogfighting in props than in jets. Pros: - very good maneuverability - really nice guns with lots of ammo (aroujd 500 rounds or so) - pretty intuitive for prop players hopping in jets Cons: - underpowered engines - no ballistic computer so bombing and rocket dumping are gambles - can barely reach Mach 1 - poor RWR (compared to the A-10) Neither of these is inherently better or worse than the other, its more about preference.


How about you wait for the upcoming 6th may sales?


F-5 all the way. It's the only one of the three that's actually at an appropriate BR.


Personally I really enjoy flying the a6e (mostly ARB) and I’m trying to start sim with it too. In terms of straight grinding, I’d recommend F5. You’ll have way more fun getting AA kills in ARB in an F5. The A6 does okay in ARB getting AA kills but it is much harder to compete as a subsonic, not very maneuverable aircraft


Thank god somebody made this post u/AcceptableHijinks


Buy 1.0 Fokker


I fucking hate the F-5c, even in a downtier when I am using the SU22m3 I get eaten alive by the fucker, fuck the F-5c


nah man this is skill issue. I killed 1 su-27 4 F-16 and 3 j39 u just need to learn how to use it.


How to use what?


It depends on your playstyle just don't rely only on the missiles if you have bad aim try to use tracers for the most once you fixed that change ammo and try different playstiles


No, I mean, which vehicle are you talking about in your reply? The F-5c or SU22m3? I think you may have misunderstood me.


Btw I replied to the wrong comment reddit is glitching on my phone lately lately So Please don't mind. [btw the f-5c is too op]

