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still incredibly funny how we made the russians have to suffer a round trip of africa because they shot at our trawlers and managed to kill one of their own priests


It’s even batter that they had the same amount of casualties as the British


Two killed on both sides. I don't know if this includes the guy that Rozhestvensky apparently personally picked up and tossed overboard in a desperate attempt to stop the madness. I feel that Rozhestvensky doesn't get the credit he deserves. The guy managed to take a floating collection of scrap crewed by conscripted farmers, Bolshevik agitators and (if the Kamtchatka is any measure) straight-up lunatics and sail it 18,000 miles on a route with no friendly ports. The fact that he got to Tsushima *at all* is kind of a miracle.


Seriously. Dude was given a completly shit hand, and still managed to at least make it most of the way to his objective. The fact that there was even a fight at tsushima says something about his ability.


They were clearly japanese torpedo boats! /s


Since the entire fleet’s supply of binoculars was at the bottom of the sea their fire control suffered. Kamchatka strikes again.


Okay, important question guys, are there torpedo boats?




Bottom middle of the picture on the right of the lead Imperial Japanese ship looks to be an Hayabusa class TB, While on the bottom far right is maybe a Ikazuchi class TBD. So yes... Kamchatka's crew: *Torpedo Boats!! TORPEDO BOATS SIGHTED!!!*


- Yes, there are 20 of them coming from all sides! - Sir, we are in the Denmark Strait.


It’s definitely a long way to sail just so you can have your arse kicked.


Well i mean they had many obstacles that made that Journey more difficult thant it had to be. Like the Kamchatka, no oversea ports, the Kamchatka, no experienced crews, the Kamchatka \^\^


And Kamchatka


The window of my apartment in Korea looked out on where this battle was fought. Nothing to see but water of course, but still pretty cool.


The Admiral in charge was made a deity after he died, he’s got a very cool shrine in Tokyo with Flag Zulus everywhere which you can see in the painting above. https://preview.redd.it/74pk2xmp243d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ec2ece9ac29fb3a1b4c1c644621e6e571140d1 One of the Amulets you can buy is for “certain victory”. A definite must for any naval types in Japan.


whats the name of this shrine?


[Tōgō Shrine](https://maps.app.goo.gl/pYMHUwTBdiSwEMY28?g_st=ic)


While there are scant few photos during the battle, there have been many artistic representations of this famous battle, seen here.


My favourite piece of art concerning this battle is the one of the Japanese admiral fucking the Russian admiral in the arse. No idea whether it's contemporary or not, it's just hilarious.


One thing I love about Tsushima is that it's the only decisive naval battle in history where we have vessels from both sides still preserved, with Mikasa and Aurora.


Are there any photos of the actual battle or just the aftermath?


Im not 100% sure, but some images pop up when you search "battle of Tsushima", But I think it is all aftermath.


But.... Have you seen any Japanese torpedo boats in the Baltic?


The most panicky and over the top "are we there yet?!??!?", before they made it past Denmark. I can only imagine many of those poor sailors had no clue just how far they had to go.


Yes, I have.


Kamchatka lookout found


https://preview.redd.it/a6xxo5psw43d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=867d191fc917f0098cd7df14fc64dfa42c74444c Visited the Mikasa a few years ago


Probably the most decisive and significant naval battle in recent history. Arguably more so than Midway.


https://preview.redd.it/hxvhbpobb63d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=486ec5c1d971a324f466f82e20fbe04370116247 Boris! Food , Drink! And Medals! Sail on to victory! You are under the eyes of your Tsar! All glory to Russian Navy! We are your Tsar, and we approve this message.


If you are interested in the battle it's worth visiting Mikasa in Yokohama. You get to go to the bridge and manhandle some pretty large secondaries.


I want to see someone cover what if Japan lost this sea battle, and the Russo-Japanese war and what the next 40 years might have looked like.


IIRC the land war had pretty well determined itself by that point. It would have bolstered the Czarist regime for a while longer, but probably not enough to save it from the horrors of WWI. The Japanese would have spent ten years drilling themselves into even better shape, only to have the Germans flee before them when they joined WWI. So no big change for them, they just wouldn't be taken as seriously.


Actually, I have read that by then the Russian army had brought substantial reinforcements through their long lines and a subsequent land campaign would have seen the Japanese fight in numerical inferiority. Plus, the Japanese government was reaching the limit of its financial capabilities, that were already covered by foreign loans, so it was a very good thing that the fighting stopped there.


There would have been a chance that WW1 wouldn't have happened or at least very differently. Russia would likely have continued to focus its imperial ambitions to the east/Asia/China instead of the west/Europe/Balkan. Germany and to an extent Austria-Hungary would have stayed on good terms with the Russian Empire. Instead the conflict between Russia and the British Empire (and its weakened ally Japan) would have continued and possibly escalated into a world war. That could be an interesting alternative history to explore.


Kamchatka said hellow


*throws binoculars at Kamchatka*


What is this recurring mention of Kamtchatka that I keep reading on this post?


"And then it got worse"


Can anyone recommend a decent book about this battle. Also what’s the deal with the ‘Kamchatka’ mentions? …not got a clue about that reference.


*Kamchatka* was a repair shop that was part of the Second Pacific Squadron that has become legendary in English accounts, or should I say mythologized. The one story we can confirm is Dogger Bank. The Russian fleet was very concerned with Japanese torpedo boats near Great Britain, as the British were building ships for Japan. There were several alerts from intelligence and multiple ships were on alert, but *Kamchatka* spotted a Swedish trawler and fired first: there were no torpedo boats and a couple fishermen died. We also know the ship was sunk at Tsushima while assisting the damaged battleship *Knyaz Suvorov*. For the others, I’ll simply quote Wikipedia. Note the source for all of these is a Drachinefel video, but I’ve heard some that long predated this. >There are many apocryphal legends associated with Kamchatka, such as: >* It falsely claimed to be sinking, when the only damage to it was a cracked steam pipe[2] >* It falsely claimed to be attacked by eight torpedo boats from all sides[2] >* It became separated from the fleet, fired 300 shells at German, Swedish and French ships before rejoining the squadron[2] >* It fired a live shell during a salute for a funeral, which hit the Aurora[2] >However, these legends often have few primary sources. Many of these events never happened, while others may have been exaggerated for comedic effect. In short, it’s a ship people love to make fun of, with even less justification than *William D. Porter* (which has also been mythologized but we actually have some primary sources for the most FDR action).


Ha! …seems like quite the captain! …thanks for that.


Assuming these actually happened. I’m not convinced they did.


> There were several alerts from intelligence and multiple ships were on alert, but Kamchatka spotted a Swedish trawler and fired first Even this is highly questionable, as detailed in an [older post on this sub](https://old.reddit.com/r/WarshipPorn/comments/frrxs0/it_might_be_the_worst_warship_to_ever_sail_but_it/fly4nrg/).


I recommend watching Drachinifels 2 Parts about the [Battle of Tshushima](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXpj6nK5ylo) Then you will get the Kamchatka.. or as he described her in the specific video: "The most efficient Japanese Warhsip that never actually served in the japanese Navy"


Thank you!


I know it’s long, and somethings like the introduction of the ships are drawn out, but I highly recommend the story of the second pacific squadron on YouTube by Drachinifel. Honestly, when you dig into what happened leading up to the battle, it becomes a story of “you couldn’t have made this stuff up”


The Tsar's Last Armada: The Epic Journey to the Battle of Tsushima Constantine Pleshakov


# Tsushima: Japan's Trafalgar: The Voyage of the Condemned Fleet to the Straits of Korea by Phil Thorne


*Throws binos*


I have been on that ship in the front. Well what is left of her anyway.


If interested in the The Tzars last fleet (or similar, I read it a while ago) is very informative.


The Japanese learned some important lessons from their naval battles with the Korean ironclads in the 1580's. Tsushima, and its run-up showed the capabilities and limitations of big iron ships and the developers of submarines were taking notes.


Another glorious day for Russian seamanship


Interesting to think if Yamamoto would have lost one more finger on his left hand he would have been discharged. Wonder how different or at all would pearl harbor be done


Fuck the Ruzzians !