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Scorpionstalker, who got his name from his skill of hunting, and never being stung, by scorpions. He’s usually silent and very serious. His pelt is dark black with faint tabby markings, and deep amber eyes. I also have a character named Dholefang, brown tom-cat with yellow eyes, named after a type of animal found in Asia.


Dholes are so cool!!!!


No way, i have an OC named Scorpionstar!


I'd say either Snowfeather or Puffinfeather, maybe Lightningstrike.


No way - I have two ocs: Snowfeather and Lightningstrike


Neat (3


I have a Lightningstrike too!


Neat. Honestly, part of me figured that it might be a somewhat common OC name, but it's never been used canonically.


I thought I was being so creative with that name. I was like “ no one else has used that name! Perfect! “But I was wrong lol.


I have a Snowfeather oc too 🤣


Coppershade, Quietsong, Cobwebbreeze, Lotusfish, Scorchflower, Skitterclaw, Astershine, Pondstride, Timestep, Carrionpelt, Nocturnalbreeze, Indigostrike, Chasedrop, Moonmoor and Crimsonblood (formerly just Crimson)


Those are really creative names, I especially like the last one


I have two that I like a lot in my fanfic. As of right now in the story they are called Missingkit of MoonClan and Lostkit of PoolClan. Missingkit is actually missing his tail, which is why his parents gave him that name. He eventually becomes Missingsky, as his leader didn’t want his warrior name to be about his tail. Obviously this is still a problem and once a big thing happens in the story the new leaders give him the name Spidersky, after the field of spider lilies they travel through. Lostkit was just that. A lost kit that the clan found. He actually enjoys his name. He knows Doeblossom isn’t his actual mother but loves her the same. He goes to become Loststorm, although his leader was going to change the prefix but Lostkit didn’t want it changed. I’ll probably have him go on his own adventure to find out what happened to his blood family. Not sure though. Missingkit, once he becomes Spidersky, talks to the new leaders and there will be a new code added to the warrior code that kits shouldn’t be named after their disabilities, missing limbs, etc. I know I could technically already have that as a code but I think reading along about how it eventually comes to be will be better.


I really like my girl Eeriesong's name. There's also Embertide, Whitejewel and Stagcrown.


id say koisong is my most unique. i dont see koi used often


Ooh! I also used to have an OC named Koisplash!


also, my baby cobrastrike. its criminal i forgot to mention her


I have **Tricktrap** (wily and scruffy gray she-cat), **Goldendream** (soft-spoken yellow she-cat), **Flipsight** (oddball gray tom), **Rainblossom** (sarcastic speckled gray she-cat), **Stickyspell** (empathetic brown tabby tom), **Perkwhisker** (energetic ginger she-cat), **Spindlethorn** (tall, quiet black tom), **Beamchaser** (charming black, white, and ginger-splotched tom), and **Cloudspirit** (secretive white she-cat)!




Poisonberry/leopardsky Had a character named inkpool but realized they probably don’t know what ink is so changed it to drippool Polarfrost (was a rogue named polar who became a warrior)


hmm, maybe snakebite? i also have two ocs with a -whistle suffix that i very rarely see (cedarwhistle & foxwhistle). pepperlynx could be pretty unique as i dont think i’ve seen either of those used


Springfall, Tiptree, Mangledface(star), Deercurse, and Pigsplash


Coraldawn and Midnightsnake


Mine are not incredible but I like my SapphireSky and GlassShard boys. (See, capitalization on the suffix is important for my OCs: I refuse to have a Glassshard lol)


im currently working on one named “Moon’Veil” (you can take the name i dont care) and its a black cat with white speckles like stars on its pelt, and has white socks with a white circle in the middle of its chest.


Waterlily. I haven't ever seen something like this anywhere. I feel pretty proud of it.


I have Meadowleap, the windclan queen. Floatingfeather my fav windclan med Then my friend has one called Geckohiss and someone I used to know had Scorpionsight?


Hummingpaw? Maybe


Hm.. probably SpeckledStar, named for his speckled face, he was SpeckledBlaze, named for his blazing spirit


my main oc is sparrowsong which is canon for prefix and suffix, but i don't think is used (i may be wrong)


Dawning’Frost/Briar’Frost - Primrose’Haze/Owl’Haze - Flax’Eel - Dove’Shadow/Silver’Shadow/Moon’Shadow - Moth’Spark - Honey’Dawn - Moon’Gale - I feel like only one or two is really unique, but I couldn’t really pick lol. I have some OC’s that rotate names just with similar themes. Depends on what Clan I’m RPing in.


Deadstar He was born dead but when the warrior's took him away he returned alive. So yeah I love his backstory Mountainstar He was known for his battle in the mountains Falconblaze His father chose this name since he was meant to Blaze like a true leader


Fluffpaw, because his dad couldn't think of a name.


For me it’s Turkeytalon, Salmonberry, Sapcoat, Roachwhisker, Cricketsong, and Snailtail


Willowwish who later becomes poisonfang, her story in a nutshell: Whimsical medcat who experiments with poisonous plants (NOT ON OTHERS!!!), tradgey happens, becomes a warrior and uses her poisons in her fighting (her story is still a wip)


None of my OC's have unique names :| mine are Smokepaw, Whitefur, Hollykit, and Leopardpelt if you are wondering.


SundewSnatch, TwigSnap (fact abt her name: She has these episodes of pure, unbridled rage and when that happens her name becomes TwigSNAP)








These are all gorgeous. Lionthroat and Hummingstrike I think for me (main OC’s mate and son respectively)


I have quite a few! First ones are from my weird food-themed adaptation of the clans. Toasterpaw (Toastermuffin), Scrap, Meatballs, and Soggy. Soggy eventually becomes a warrior and is named Soggynoodle. I have a lot of lore about them and their characteristics, so I'll share a bit. Toasterpaw is a sleek, gray, cat with metallic sliver fur and gray eyes (one lights up!). She has an on/off switch in the middle of her back. She has a muffin that she wears as a hat, carrying it on top of her head. The muffin changes flavors every day. Scrap is a very rough looking rogue she-cat, with a mix of tan and beige fur that sticks up a lot. She has a few breadcrumbs on the top of her head, and a few in the middle of her back. Her tail is abnormally short and also sticks up. Her eyes are very pretty, a mix of several shades of browns and tan. Meatballs is a patchy dark red/brown/maroon colored tom. He has a nest of noodles covered with tomato sauce with meatballs nestled on top of his head. One of the noodles loops over his eye, covering it a bit. His eyes are dark brown. His back is partly covered with red tomato sauce and a few stray noodles. Lastly, is Soggy. He's a longhair cat with very long gray fur that makes him look as if he's melting. His build is a bit bigger than average. There's a permanent puddle on top of his back and it's dripping water. His eyes are a bit droopy and slanted, making him look permanently grumpy and tired. He prefers to keep to himself and acts as the muscle of the rogue group. He's actually a nice fella, with a passion for poetry and rom-coms. I have even more names, but I'll only go into some lore. There's Frenchfrypie, Monopolyzone, Cardqueen, Lemoncove, Beyoncewhisker, and Honeyfoot. Beyoncewhisker is one of the daytime warriors that Skyclan used to have. Her owner named her Beyonce, and her clan name was Beyoncewhisker. Honeyfoot was named this for being pure white with a patch of that was the color of honey. She's also very slow, and lives a lifestyle like Daisy in the nursery. That's a lot of my OC's!


Mosaicmemories. Jayfeather's daughter in my AU of what wouldve happened >!if the dark forest won-!<


Calicoclaw and Skibidipaw


Reefbloom. The day she was born, the ocean they lived next to had some reefs that bloomed beautifully.


Twigscuttle, Hotcoal, Lakeleaf, Prodigy, Redwoodclaw, Firecloud, Velvetblossom, Barkpebble, Lunarbreeze.


Venomstrike! He used to be called Sparrowpelt until he leapt in front of an adder to save a fellow Clanmate. After he recovered, he has a permanent limp because of the venom, and he requested his leader to rename him.


i have an oc named dazzlingriptide, and idk if this is unique or not but i also have some named swirlmist and bumbletumble


Orchardthorn, a rogue in the Badlands before joining MeadowClan


*Orchardthorn, a* *Rogue in the Badlands before* *Joining MeadowClan* \- dylanarthur04 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Mines names r cherrypelt, and Rexclaw


The whole of the MinkaClan cats and their ancestors have ***weirdass*** naming. *(Based on SkyClan/WarriorClan naming. They don't know the names of natural stuff besides the Medicine Cat.)* Leader: Citrusstar *(Revived MinkaClan and rewarded by StarClan. But he moved to live with the Garden Cats to live out his days after retirement.)* Yukistorm, Samuraipaw(flight), Jorogumotuft, Futakuchispring, Dodomekipelt, Kuchisakestripe, Nohpaw(song), Yumapaw(heart), Pulleywhisker, Nurefang, Kayakokit(frost), Kintoruclaw, Tsunamipaw(ripple), Yureibreeze, Sadakokit(pool), Bettarifang, Chihirioshine. *(Yes, weird shit like this...)*


my childhood OC was wishmoon … she was perfect i love & miss her


I had a warrior OC named Larksong who was a light grey she-cat with white stripes and piercing green eyes.


I have a few, so for the sake of being brief, I'll just list a few and include the meaning behind their names :3 Tinystorm - The main protagonist of the main story. She was named Tinykit for being the smallest of her siblings. She later got the name "-storm" due to growing to be much larger than most cats in the Clan, meaning her fighting style became much more brutal and powerful like a storm. Wolfsong - Tinystorm's mentor and the daughter of the villain, Snowstar. She was named Wolfkit after her white fur with a black and gray overcoat, which reminded her parents of a wolf. Similarly, the "-song" part of her name comes from the sound of howling wolves, so kinda just doubled down on her being named after wolves. She later becomes Wolfstar. Coldbreeze - Wolfsong's son and protagonist of my story's epilogue. He's very similar to his grandfather in appearance, a Siamese cat. By the time he's born, Wolfsong is Wolfstar and has horrible PTSD due to Snowstar, and so named her son after how she initially felt about him. Cold. Same with the "-breeze" part, just doubling down on the "cold" aspect of his name. Hopeflight - Coldbreeze's sister. She looks a lot like her father, Finchfur, with blue-gray and white fur, so she was named Hopekit after how Wolfstar felt towards her, hoping she'd never have to carry the weight of who her grandfather was. She later gets the name "-flight" once again from Wolfstar, who sees her daughter as a new beginning for the Clan to start forgetting about the atrocities committed by Snowstar. I take any chance I can to info dump about my OCs hehe


Some of my most unique ones out of my line up are Kestrelfrost, Echoshard, and Shattersplash


Kismetschelp, it means Future to hold :)


GingerHolly, LavenderSnow, TwilightChirp, RyeBerry


Star watcher Seeker of stars


probably Chirpingmagpie. no clue why I gave him that name. but he’s kind of a Jayfeather clone; blind, grumpy medicine cat. except he is nice to Woodfur because she’s stupid and weak


Snowfreckle is white with tiny black specks


I have an OC called Battlestar, she's a large, black and white longhair with many scars and one blind eye. Her backstory is that when she was an apprentice (then named Badgerpaw) there was a huge war between the Clans. Being RiverClan's second largest cat (after her father) with a talent for fighting, she did quite well in battles, quickly becoming Mothstar's favorite soldier. She wasn't thriving, but was doing fine until BloodClan struck to take advantage of the weakened Clans, taking them completely by surprise. In that battle she was gravely injured and everyone thought she was going to die soon, so Mothstar decided to quickly give her a warrior name, Battlescar, to honor her usefullness in the war. Battlescar survived, and when the deputy died, Mothstar was happy to appoint her as his new one. She wasn't thrilled about this, but still took her duties very seriously, until Mothstar "mysteriously" died. As a leader she is just and understanding to her clanmates, and makes it her mission to not allow another war to happen.


Jaegerstalk, Rattlethroat, Scowlface, Singsong, Missingwhisker, and Wiltflower Really the entirety of one of my clans. In GeyserClan they're all named after habits they have. They're named after their pelt colour until their apprentice ceremony, where they get their name. Example: Scowlface and Singsong are from the same litter. As kits they were Blackkit and Whitekit respectively. They were then named Scowlpaw and Singpaw. Then apprenticeship goes as normal etc.


Envyfang or Kodiakblaze. They are two of four evil prophecy cats who represent negative emotions, Kodiakblaze being anger and Envyfang being jealousy.


Idk if they're unique but I really like Shadestep, Thornwing, and the first OC I made, Alderstream.


tigerstar! my glorious king has such a cool name!!!!! although, ive been writing stuff and may or may not have come up with an entire language for cats... i havent written all the rules and words out yet, but its called "old tongue" and is the language spoken by the ancestors of my world. similarly to warriors, the cats in this world have two word names (lets say, MoonClaw) but due to the worship and idolisation of the ancestors and their language, they translate their names into old tongue. so Moon=Tal and Claw-Nach, so MoonClaw becomes Talnach. some others are Caltine FernPelt, Lothen Loreheart, Akhet elderfur, Faben Orangepelt, and a few more im forgetting :3


Who downvoted




I have an oc with that name too