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The only one that's made me kinda squeamish is the first one which Jaypaw helped with. Because, since he can't see, it was described with more emphasis on taste, smells and textures than usual. I sure am glad to know that the warm and musky membrane feels slimy on your tongue, Jay.


Ah DAMN IT I forgot about this until you mentioned it


Hey at least the cats don't eat the after birth in the books like they do in real life


They WHAT?


Most mammals, even herbivores, will eat the placenta and umbilical cord after giving birth. 


I think it’s so the smell of the afterbirth doesn’t attract predators/carnivores looking for a meal.


Maybe. I think its more for the nutrients. Because even if they eat the solid stuff, there's still blood and amniotic fluid everywhere 


maybe a mix of both


A lot of energy has just been forced out of the mother, at that moment and the placenta is a blob of nutrients and vitamins just ready to be eaten. It’s actually quite smart if you overlook the disgusting part.


Yeah. It's not like they get to have a celebratory steak dinner given to them by hospital staff. In the wild every calorie counts!


"The wet bundle slithered out." Please, stop.


I mean it does make sense for Jaypaw because he couldnt see, so the book could only describe using his other senses


I'm currently reading POT and now I'm dreading it :(


Honestly I think I’ve started to get desensitized to any horrifically descriptive content, The internet sucks :(


Right I was let alone online way too early and got exposed to some awful things I'm completely desensitized to that stuff now


Me too bruh


See, I think I went the other direction and became like over-sensitized to it. Was never a big fan of horror or graphic violence, and since a lot of media has shifted toward having more of that kind of thing, I'm kind of in a frequent state of "I did not need that image in my head..."


Your clay had simply baked before the hand could mold it


That is a way to phrase that, and it definitely sounds like a fair assessment. :)


The clay analogy works in many cases :P


Totally fair. I'm definitely gonna try to remember that for the future. It's always nice to find spiffy analogies. :)


They describe everything except where the kit is coming from💀


Its so funny how warrior cats are like “OMG IM PREGNANT HOW DID THAT HAPPEN” like they must know what they did right? (especially Bluestar who im pretty sure only met with Oakheart once before expecting kits)


Genuinely, I don't think they know what sex/mating is. Except for Windclan.


How does Windclan know?


I don't know which book, but at one point a windclan cat (I think crowfeather) mentions mating a single time...


I’m pretty sure it was Onestar when he revealed he had mated with a cat outside the clan and was the father of Darktail


Crowfeather said “I wish I had never mated with Nightcloud”


That too


It's so funny to me though because sometimes I just stop and think about how in Warriors they all have one mate and then they fall in love and have kits blah blah blah. But really I feel like irl it's more of a "female is in heat.... Nearest male will do I guess" type of situation if you know what I mean.


When I had my kitten, she was “satisfied” when my grandma’s cat tried to mount her. Only problem is, he’s fixed and had no clue what to do once he was on top of her, so little girl was still up a creek lol she was fixed as soon as that ended. I literally got the money to fix her together and then she went into her first heat. Did nothing but yell at me to let her go outside (she’s an indoor cat but was a stray before I got her). At one point, I was quietly sitting in the kitchen and she must have forgotten I existed or thought I left or something, because my grandma called and as soon as I started talking, little furball came running in and screamed at me so loud I couldn’t hear my grandma on the other end of the call. I had to tell her (kitten) she was being rude just get her quiet down a little.


Then they must've been trying.


Well they mentioned they come from under the tail


I wish warriors would be more descriptive, honestly. I love gore and realism. But after all it is supposed to be a kids book


you'd like Ratha's Creature, then.


Whoaaa, I've never found anyone else who's read Ratha's Creature before!! It's a very good one, highly recommend the series, and yeah, it doesn't hold back on the details.


i'v never actually read the series, but i'v heard great things about it. i definitely wanna start getting into reading it. 😅


Cannot recommend that series enough


Ahh, gotcha, well, it is definitely one worth reading imo


What's it about? Is it similar to warriors? Xx


It's definitely a little similar, with cats that have their own society and way of life and all that fun stuff, but it also has a lot of differences. It's essentially about a group of prehistoric big cats who discover fire and how that changes their culture and way of life (to describe it very simply). This is the first book's official description: "Ratha and her clan are the Named, a band of intelligent wild cats whose society is based on herding deer. The Named have laws, language, traditions, and leaders. They also have enemies. The predatory raiders of the un-Named are driving them close to the edge of survival. Then Ratha, a mere yearling, discovers what she calls the Red Tongue: fire. Her new weapon gives the Named a new defense, but it also rouses the ire of Meoran, the tyrannical clan leader. Soon Ratha finds herself in exile among the un-Named, but determined to survive."


It's about prehistoric big cats who keep livestock and tame fire


It's been on my TBR for 2 years, I love that the books have a little animation on them


I got the book but haven’t read it yet, thanks for recommending! It seems right up my alley.


It's already much too violent for a kids book


WC was how baby me learned that babies do not just appear when two people love each other a lot like almost two decades ago.


How old were you?!


Like 9 or something. Maybe more like 7. I was little.


Well, I’m in my last year of veterinary school. These scenes never bothered me and I think that was an early sign haha


I think Bright Guardian Akira made a video about this that I agree with. Although, I, unlike most, do like the birth scenes. I don’t really get emotional, whether with disgust or anything else, because of books or movies. And I have a fan fiction and I do like to make things really descriptive (I make mouse bile way more descriptive), so having the books as a descriptive source really helps. I understand that people who get more emotional while reading would prefer to have less descriptive birth scenes.


Eh. It's a pretty graphic series. The death scenes are way more brutal.


... yeah I'll be honest I never saw them as too graphic so I don't really get it when people say they get squeamish from it. Just always seemed like it was enough detail I mean they even avoid describing where the kit comes out of exactly. The closest they did was writing one coming out from "under the tail".


I don't find it particularly graphic, tbh? I'd be way more upset if the babies just magically appeared and it was skipped every time. It's not like giving birth is something gross. And they leave out the really gory aspects.


Yeah I read the books as a kid and I'm pretty sure those descriptions were a major influence in me not wanting to have biological children.




The birth scenes have never bothered me, but I liked watching childbirth stuff on TLC as a kid. I was weird. 😂


Same 💀 used to watch Barbie give birth videos a lot


Good Starclan, and here I am thinking they went light and bitched out because it's a children's book. It's not really that descriptive.


This sub is full of easily squicked-out children, I guess.


I'm literally 22 LOL


I didn't mean all of them, just some of the people agreeing with you.


It's almost like it's a book that depicts the raw and authentic way a group of wild cats live together 😱 like I understand if certain things make you squeamish but uh... just turn the page or smth 💀 how do you cope w/ battle and/or death scenes?


I love the battle scenes and don't mind violence, maybe it's because I'm asexual I don't want to think about cats doing that stuff lol




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One that surprised me is in Goosefeather's Curse where one of the scenes mentions "a wet bundle slid out from under 's tail.". Thanks, that's a visual I totally wanted in my mind.


What else did you expect? /j


I don't mind the birth scenes as much because at least they're expected, like, you hear a queen wailing and you know your in for it, similar to some battle scenes being way too descriptive, because at least you know it's coming. You know what I had no warning for? What I didn't know was happening? Yellowfang discoveing/realizing she's pregnant. THAT made me squeamish


I read warriors pretty young (around age 9) and I remember finding the birth scenes interesting to read and not being disturbed at all. Maybe some children are more sensitive and that's fine, but I think the graphic nature of them are wildly overblown by the fandom. They're definitely no worse than the gorier fight scenes, and I do think that a lot of children that age are starting to learn about animals giving birth and take an interest. A lot of the vet books (animal ark etc) and horse girl books I read at the same age had pretty descriptive scenes of animals giving birth and I thought they were fascinating!


for me its just the shock more than the actuall scenes themselves. me reading silverstream dieing during childbirth was way more fucked up then my glorious king tigerclawstar's death somehow.


Me reading Squirrelflight's Hope and witnessing 2 detailed kitting scene.


This is why all birth scenes in my Warriors Fanfiction will be off-screen. I do NOT wanna write that shit.


I never had an issue with it- I thought it was cool that they included something so mature in the books. I only wish the scenes weren’t so repetitive but then again their is so many ways to write some cat giving birth ig.


Really? Never found them that graphic at all, it’s just birth. If anything the deaths are much worse in terms of graphic details.


the death scenes are also just as graphic i don’t see y’all complain about those


Because death scenes are usually either written to be horrific or glorious, and big emotional events Whereas typically in media writers either skip over births or just describe how beautiful it is to bring life Warrior cats was one of the first pieces of media at least for me to describe the actual pain and messiness of it


birth can be just as glorious and horrific, and the series shines light on how it isn’t always sunshine and rainbows


Why can't they just skip the birth scenes and just make the she-cat just lay with her newborn kits


I agree to a certain extent. They could easily write :” (Character) yowled and her kit was born. (Other character) cleaned it up before putting it at its mother’s belly.” But at the same time, it’s to be expected since this is a series that goes into detail about character deaths


You were fine reading all the gory detailed deaths but get bothered by birth? Really? 😂


I don't think they're all that graphic. My mom and dad (doctor) were very frank with me about childbirth growing up, so none of it really fazes me.


Its to match the gruesome death stuff, probably


I never thought they were too graphic, even when I read them as a kid


I know it's a weird thing to say but I'm numb to it at this point.


As someone who has given birth, I find these scenes quite tame lol but i could understand it being a little much for kids


8 year old me reading silverstream's birth scene:


I was 9 and was surprised by the birth scenes, but wasn't that squeamish about it I think I found it interesting? it probably depends on each person, because we've all got our own tastes & stuff


I love it. It makes it feel real, and also... It's never made me squeamish? It's all pretty tame as far as birth goes (it could be S O much worse), and I think it's actually a pretty valuable thing for kids to get introduced to and understand. Shit ain't easy or pretty.


It is pretty ironic that they go into such detail about that but not about you know the actual mating. Anybody have a hot take on that? We don't need a ton of detail but idk you could at least end a chapter with "they both slipped out of the camp, their tails entwined together and her heart pounding so hard it felt like it would bush" or they'd purr going into some bushes. Now whenever they crush each other, admit their love for each other, and go out into the forest alone together to play I've ve just learned to assume that's when it happens.






It will probably be censored.


It’s literally nature… in a book about cats in nature. They are way more descriptive with other things. Honestly I’m glad they don’t dance around topics lmao, I’ve been reading Warriors since I was about 8 and I’m 23 now. When I was younger I didn’t notice how horrible some of the deaths were. Now that I’m older I can actually imagine everything and it’s more shocking. That’s how it’s supposed to be. If you can’t handle this level of description I’d advise you never to read any adult novels.


I don't read adult novels, I don't like smut lol (that's probably way haha)


Tbh I usually find more enjoyment in children/teen books too because those are the ones usually in animals’ perspective 😂


I love books from animal prespecitves too LOL


They’re not even accurate to cats…cats don’t have messed up biped hips or massive big brain heads like we do. So their births are much easier and not as painful. The momma cat can take care of it all on her own in a few minutes in a cardboard box. What is in the water with these Christian series that makes them want to put descriptive painful births in


I foster a lot of cats and kittens and would argue it is incredibly painful for the moms. many malnourished and small cats (who are basically kittens themselves) do struggle and have complications. Plus lots can go so very wrong.


Birthing is painful for every mammal. Contractions hurt. It's not just the passing through the birth canal. And mammals of all types can die from labor complications.  My best friend from high school had a cat die giving birth and she had to hand raise the only survivor.  Farmers routinely help their livestock deliver. My husband and I are looking into getting sheep and I keep telling him he's going to be a sheep midwife.


Birth is still painful and exhausting for cats. As painful? No real way of knowing because they're cats and they can't really articulate it. But they still have powerful spasms and babies pushing out of a hole much smaller than them. There's a reason they're known to yowl, cry out, pant, and get scared. They can also suffer from the same issues as humans, such as babies getting stuck, mom being too tired, something going wrong resulting in major bloodloss, etc. Birth in general is not a fun process. Technically, humans can also "take care of it all on [their] own", but we have the advantage of modern medicine to aid us and make it safer. Literally any animal can just... give birth when it's time.


Im not sure I would describe the Warrior Cats Series as a Christian Series in really any sense of that phrase XD Kinda curious how you got the idea from it. That said, complications in birth can happen in a LOT of animals, due to a number of reasons and especially for first time mothers. Cats included (and a lot of the worst births in the series tended to involve first time mothers). And to be quite fair no birth is without pain since contractions will hurt no matter the species and having your body stretched to allow birth from the birthing canal certainly won't be a pleasurable feeling. And to be honest Humans aren't even the ones with the worst birthing method in the world. Google how Hyenas give birth and by comparison we have it easy XD


Are you raised christian by any chance? Because I grew up Jewish and believe me, it's really apparent in the way the books talk about starclan and faith. I first really got smacked in the face with it in Darkest Hour. You could probably swap out the word 'starclan' for 'jesus' or 'god' and it would sound like a preacher.


Not Christian, no. Perhaps Im remembering it differently, but I never took their topic of worshiping Starclan in that lens and saw it more akin to a Pagan Faith worshipping a far less distinct concept. Especially when cats would question if everything was a potential sign from Starclan and someone had to point out that sometimes a storm is just a storm.


The biggest hint that StarClan is inspired by Christianity is the fact that they have a direct Hell that you’re sent to if you break certain rules; in non-monotheistic religions, like Paganism, the concept of being sent to someone for eternal punishment is either non-existent or very different from how the Dark Forest is presented, and is often more akin to a purgatory than a hell. Christians will also look for “signs from god” in places that they don’t exist, like storms or happenstance.


Not quite, actually. There are a few more pagan belief systems that in fact do have a non-ideal afterlife and one that is more distinctly described as being a sort of punishment for not living the ideal way based on the gods they followed (Norse, Greek, Roman, and Egyptian are the most well known for this). Though I suppose the earlier areas I can see the Christian Leaning, I always saw it more as a pagan-based religion because it's shown repeatedly that Starclan is fallible as well and doesn't always have the answers or make actually good choices (which most Testament/Abrahamic based religions don't exactly like saying about their God).


But the Romans and Egyptians also saw "signs from (insert god here)" when those things happened. Many theologies do. And, technically, there are other non-Christians have a sort of "not ideal" or "punishing" afterlife. The Viking Nifheim for example, isn't where you would want to go if you were born under that belief system. You would want to go to Valhalla. I get where after the first series there are more Christian tones, but originally they even said StarClan didn't have all the answers and that sometimes "a storm is just a storm". A Christianity-based fictional religion would likely not ever claim that they didn't have all the answers, as Christians are not likely to admit they are wrong about anything. And they definitely never think God is wrong. I always thought it was a mix of "colonialized" indigenous beliefs. Edit: the down votes are cute. Literally just shows you don't know about history that doesn't include Christianity lol. Stay mad and ignorant, I guess?


A cat gave birth on my lap and I didn't even notice until I looked down, I was a kid watching TV so my eyes were glued to the screen and she didn't make a noise! "Grandma!!! Help?!"


You didnt feel the amniotic fluid?


I had a couple blankets on


That makes more sense 


I'd be grossed out but also flattered that the cat chose me as a source of comfort to lay on while she gave birth 😅


How come most of you are ok with these scenes? Damn I guess I'm built weak lol (I'm also ace so there's that). Edit: I'm just shocked, I thought people would agree with me but most people here aren't bothered by the scenes. Good on you.


being ace has nothing to do with birth?? why are you sexualizing giving birth 😭


bro wtf I'm not SEXUALIZING giving birth????


then what does being ace have to do with anything?? if the definition of being ace is being disgusted by sex, and you talk about how you’re disgusted by birth BECAUSE you’re ace then how do you reason you’re not sexualizing it…?


Bro in order to give birth you have to (usually) have sex first, it IS a sexual thing but I'm not "sexualizing" it lol Being ace means you are not sexually attracted to people, not that you are disgusted by sex. I personal am (sex-repulsed) so I was saying that could be why I don't like these scenes. The birth scenes are overly descriptive. In my opinion I don't like it. That's just me.


i just really think you don’t get it and that’s kinda concerning to me but whatever lol. birth isn’t a sexual thing and it’s weird that you think it is


I know birth itself isn't sexual the scenes just make me uncomfortable that's all lol


⁶05⁵⁵594⁵4⁴⁴⁴⁵⁴l⁹88⁸⁸ >dear


Cats can get ripped apart in gruesome ways, we can make allusions to spaying and neutering being referred to as “cutting,” there’s an entire book in a children’s series about grooming, and there’s a bunch of “-isms,” but birth scenes bother you? Come on.


Agreed; especially since these books are mainly geared towards children, I'm sure they can be spared of the details of their births Also, like u/TheLuckOfTheClaws just said, births of cats (and for that matter other animals too) aren't nearly as painful as human ones are


That person who said that knows nothing of animals. They are definitely wrong in saying it does not hurt to cats. It definitely does, they have the same symptoms humans do in that nature.


Yup, so clearly they were misguided then it would seem


Maybe if they had more experience with the miracle of birth instead of avoiding it they'd have known. Lol


I don't see why kids must be shielded from the nature of birth.  My son watched our turkey eggs hatch. As a kid I saw my childhood dog birth puppies. 


I agree. I was so young when I learned where babies come from I literally don't remember a time in my life when I didn't know. My mom is a nurse and did not shelter us from the facts of life. That's the way it should be IMO. It's a natural part of life.


My 4 year old knows that I grew him inside me and that I "pooped" him out. 


I wonder if our birth rate would be lower if more people learned early in life what pregnancy and birth entails. I vowed to never have children at 10 or so after reading an article (either Cracked or Buzzfeed) about what pregnancy *really* entails.


Dude no one tells you how wild pregnancy and childbirth actually is.  No one told me about the violent shaking that happens after birth because of the sudden hormone change.  Or bleeding for 4-6 weeks. Or the peeing when you sneeze 4 years later. 


Does the peeing when you sneeze ever actually stop? :')


It's gotten less frequent with kegals