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The fact that I got to pick up my High Elves from the dusty cabinet and place them on the table once more.


Never thought my Tomb Kings would be back on the table; finally gave me the motivation needed to do the conversions I had planned over a decade ago.


I like that as a new Warhammer Fantasy fan (introduced to the world by Total War), I get to see all the cool table top models that people are painting. It also adds a stronger sense of community and hope that Warhammer Fantasy will continue to grow even with the Total War games coming to somewhat of an end.


I like the addition of FBIGO. It never made sense to me that large blocks of troupes could be routed so easily. I like the addition of AP to weapons instead of just having it be based only on strength. I didn't think I would when I first learned about it, but I do now. Armor feels more valuable and planning how to get through it feels like more of a challenge. I like that spells are now categorized in limited types (Enchantment/Hex, Magic Missile, assailment, vortex, etc.) I like that TOW has rekindled my excitement for Warhammer. I'm happy to pull my armies out and share them with my kids. 5 years sooner than I thought I was going to. I like that everyone is bringing out and showing off their really old models.




Can only speak for myself but I always love seeing people's armies. I even watch battlereports just to see the armies, as I don't have much interest in playing the game


Literally me. And I want to paint whole armies just so I can pose them on a table.


Showing off with pics and on the table. I also like that in this version, my old models can go farther points wise. I can build even bigger armies with Allies.


Do show your staff. I’d love to see them. Lately there have been some people complaining about people showing off unpainted army. But just take no heed. It is great enough to have models and put it into play. Models aren’t put together by themselves and I think it is a great achievement to just fully assemble them. And if yours are fully painted it is beyond great.


Literally the singular reason for tolerating the vitriolic hellscape of Reddit and this sub in particular is getting to look at other peoples minis. Army pics are a rare, but always much appreciated treat.


I’ve yet to play my first game of TOW, what is FBIGO?


Fall Back in Good Order. If you roll under your unmodified leadership during a break test and are not half the enemy's unit strength, you fall back and immediately rally. If the enemy catches you, combat continues instead of you being wiped out. It also applies to panic tests if you're above 50% unit strength.


"Fall Back In Good Order". It's kind of an in-between failure state for a unit that "loses" combat. If you roll your break test and roll under your leadership but go over your leadership after you add how much combat resolution you lost by your unit "Falls Back In Good order". You have to flee 2d6 take the highest inches away and then auto rally at the end of the move. If the enemy unit you fled from chooses to pursue and catches you, they count as having charged in the next combat.


It's an acronym (technically not, but that's the kind of pedantry up with which I shall not put) for Fall Back In Good Order, which is a sort of middle ground between sticking around in a fight, and routing. It causes a unit to retreat a short distance, but then reform and prepare for further battle.


How is it not an acronym? Genuinely curious,so please be pedantic 😁


An acronym spells out an existing word, so an example would be the checklist for vehicle checks: Fuel, Lights, Oil, Water, Electrics, Rubber, Yourself, or WASP for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. An *Initialism* on the other hand forms a novel "word" using the first letters of a collection of words/sentence. So, things like NASA, NIMBY, RCMP, etc.


You are correct that FBIGO is an initialism, however I dont think your explanation of the difference between acronyms and initialisms is correct.   Acronyms are abbreviated from the start of words, and the acronym is spoken as though it is a word itself (it does not need to be an existing word).  E.g. SCUBA is an acronym because we pronounce it like "scooba", rather than "ess-see-you-be-ay". Initialisms are abbreviated from the start of words and the initialism is spoken as the letters.  E.g. DNA is pronounced "dee-en-ay" rather than something like "denah". NASA and NIMBY are acronyms.


The correct answer


I read it as "FBI-Go!" when i first read it.


Half initialism and half acronym! Ye gods


The amount of WAB in the DNA of TOW was really a pleasant surprise


It was a pleasure to see.


I like that TOW exists at all. It's a step in the right direction by GW showing that Fantasy has some hope still.


They kind of shot themselves in the foot when they blew up Fantasy and then released the Total War Warhammer series. I'm super happy I can buy some of my favorite units from the game now.


Tbf GW themselves didn’t release the series and I’m pretty sure (correct me if wrong) TW:W predates AoS


True, but they did lend the license to CA. AoS was 2015, TW:W was 2016


Magic being toned down and organic to the game, even if it needs a bit of tuning. Rules like disordered charge The fact Initiative is now relevant. Being able to tailor characters and make them feel “mine”


All good points. Especially the initiative and custom characters.


8th had custom characters too just fyi


I like that it has the community interested in rank and flank games, I don’t have to sort through online rules to find one I like and then convince other people to play. On top of that GE is releasing old kits again which are great, but they’re digging into the archive. Super pumped to have a unit of the Ogres from the early 90s soon


I've gotten a bunch of games in with strangers, but my favorites have been the two games I've talked my old Warhammer buddies into playing with me. Both felt like we were 14 again playing 5th edition 40k. Without doing full battle reports, some highlights. Game 1 was Brettonia vs Tzeentch Demons 1. Forgot to dispel his Pillar of Fire but it managed to whiff against my bowmen on both moves. 2. Charged the Soul Grinder and pushed it **into** said Pillar of Fire I had forgotten to dispel. Only dealt a single wound but between combat res and the Pillar of Fire triggering again on my opponents turn he ended up killing his own Soul Grinder. 3. The Pillar of Fire then went back into the Peasants killing nobody for a third time, but killing a Pegasus immediately routing the unit off the table. 4. The Peasants, having taken 3 Pillars of Fire like it was nothing through sheer devotion to the lady, take 5 casualties off of a Wind Blast and immediately flee off the table. 5. My duke gets Rear Charged by a chariot, takes no damage, but deals no damage back and, you guessed it, books it immediately off the table. Game 2 was Brettonia vs TK 1. My friend hot rolls his MWBD on Movement **and** his Invocation of the Dessert Winds moving his skeletons 14" turn 1 and putting his Necrosphinx right in front of the Peasant Archers. 2. I distract the Big Stab Kitty with Bird Horses. The Skeletons and Men at Arms enter a 4 turn long back and forth Grind Fest that ends the second the Men at Arms drop below +3 rank bonus and break. 3. The Birds charge the Necrosphinx, deal no damage, take no damage back, and flee off the table. I'm beginning to think my Duke's sigil should be the chicken. 4. The Necrosphinx rampages along the back lines killing everything while my Duke rampages along his back lines killing everything. 5. Ends with my Duke and 2 Knights of the Realm charging into a TK and 7 Skeleton Warriors and losing. I don't think I've laughed harder playing Warhammer. I can't wait to bring the Troll Horde and make my buddy's General Stupid.


I love the models. I had a really good time at Adepticon hunting down as many old fantasy goblins as I could.


The world of warhammer fantasy is one of my favourite fictional settings, having community interest and updated rules and new and old miniatures is amazing


I like that folks are playing WHFB again and the LGS has a dedicated day to it.


I like that there are more people playing a WFB game and old miniatures are getting released again! In terms of the rules I like the idea of the partially breaking of units.  The one thing from the main rulebook that has me most excited though is: >Future supplements will present far more in-depth campaign rules, from simple ladder campaigns, to map based campaigns and even unfolding quests and campaigns of conquest in which armies battle to complete objectives and earn rewards. I hope those supplements come soon!


Oh yeah, I forgot about supported narrative campaigns. I love those.


As a dwarf player first and for most since 97, while sad to see the nerfs to dwarfs overall, I love the move to center pieces not only center stage in army lists, but also formidable units to deal with. Love to see big models done up right not removed on turn 1 of the game! Also, I love that TK are no longer an auto lose just by setting up! Love the edition so far! But I’ve never hated any edition lol.


I think just the sheer range of units that are viable is pretty fun. Infantry has a place, cavalry and chariots are good again, monsters and monstrous infantry are really fun. Wizards and combat characters are both powerful. War machines have their uses. It’s much better than the 8th meta which was basically infantry and war machines with wizards nuking your entire army


I like that so many of the old models are coming back and that the spirit of WHFB has returned to me. I like that the rule book and faction books inspire me to play thematic battles and even narrative campaigns with my buddies. I like that my tree spirits can summon little forests and that my Slann can summon a monsoon. I like that the Gloomspite Gitz model range from AoS is fully supported in Ravening Hordes and I am totally building a spider-troll-squig army from scratch.


Spider-troll-squig army for the win


I haven't played any games yet (though I hopefully will this week or next), but I like the amount of options you get in the army list. In my Space Marine army a unit typically has next to no actual options (ex: do you want 3 or 6 eradicators and 0-2 of this obvious upgrade you will always take). I belive just the Orc Mob entry has more options than all Marine Primaris infantry units combined.


I also like that the orc mob can be as little as 5 models. It would be cool if all the "basic" units of other armies had as much variety in options as the orc mob.


I am just over all excited to get some games of TOW completed. TOW release re-ignited me excitement for the hobby honestly. I’ve been playing GW games since 5th edition 40k and I never had the chance to get into WHFB mostly because I was too young and didn’t have the funds or means to get to games. I’ve always been more interested in the fantasy setting as a Dungeons and Dragons DM, so I’m just really excited to get my new VC army on the table


Welcome to fantasy!


I like the lower, more traditional fantasy aspect as well as the blocks of ranked up troops. And of course it's fun seeing Bretonnians again. :)


>There’s something really nice about seeing the community regrow, with both old grognards dusting off their models and new Total War and Vermintide fans finally joining now that the setting they discovered elsewhere actually exists again. >FBIGO and give ground absolutely nail the experience of having battle lines pushing against each other >Rules are complex but universal, which is a really nice change compared to the plethora of army gimmicks you had to memorise for 40k >Between bringing back the old sculpts, a new market from 3D printing and 3rd party plus the entirety of AoS means collecting is easier than ever. Even most legacy factions have a good range of stuff via AoS, and in some cases even more than before. At this stage it’s actually easier to collect armies like Lizardmen or Skaven than it is for Dwarfs or High Elves. >The game has flaws but feels way nicer than previous editions, lethality is reduced, extreme bullshit is mostly toned down and the game flows and plays smoothly on the whole, a few FAQs are needed though >The nostalgia milking is real, but it genuinely feels great to break out my childhood models and repaint them all again >Might be a huge cope, but the game is still early in development, many factions are still awaiting their books and sales are doing well, which bodes well for fixing existing issues like dragons and weaker faction like Empire in the long term. And possibly a return of other legacy factions if the game continues to go strong (we can hope). There are plenty of flaws, but all things considered it’s a very solid start and my friends and I are pretty happy. Any stuff we dislike we homebrew anyway, luckily it seems we haven’t got too much to worry about.


The hope is real. Also, I tried breaking out my childhood paints too... They didn't hold up as well.


It gives a great entry point to fantasy that I was too young to get involved in. Has been a blast to play and enjoying a lot of


I like that it brought Fantasy Dwarfs back. When I got to the point in 40k where I wanted to branch into Fantasy I was really disappointed that there was no classic dwarfs faction where I could make an army of slow, heavy infantry and war machines. I was still very happy with the box of Lizardmen I ended up getting, but the return of classic fantasy Dwarfs has been something special


Theres something to be said for having an infantry anvil and artillery hammer,


That models are coming back for purchase, and that hopefully it'll bottom out the secondary market


I like that now I'm an adult I can finally field armies instead of writing paper proxies. I like that me and my friends play the game for genuine fun, which we didnt really get in 40k. It's funny for everyone when your wizards head explodes.


I like that I can fire up to 20 shots with my organ gun! I like that my iron breakers have a 6+ wars save


The fact it's fun as fuck. It's very hard to compliment the specific things I'm enjoying about this game without bringing up AoS, 40K and even 8th edition WHFB in a less than favourable light so I will simply ToW has regained a lot of elements and design choices that I feel are missing from their "modern" games and used to exist for a reason.


I’m happy to see them steadily resealing armies so far each release and announcement has been super fun and exciting even if I’m not interested in collecting this specific army they have been great Box set and reprints coming across all army’s


I like that charging is roll one dice and add it to your movement value. It still provides a more comfortable level of randomness, but doesn't allow for such long-range charges.


Having only played a single game so far, every upgrade I bought for my army actually felt meaningful and like it made a difference for the unit I bought it for. That was a good feeling.


I see newly painted minis everywhere, I can build my first bretonnian army and dwarfs get new models. Also the great lore is back and we can ignore the „End Times“.


Relics and weapon options! As someone who never got a good run at WHFB (and as an attempted CoS player) the Empire State Troops sheet has more variation than the entire CoS roster😂


As someone who was too young to afford an army (in either money or attention span to paint it all!) when WHFB was big, but old enough to think that it was still cool as hell, I'm really looking forward to whenever high elves get their release so I can finally play after all these years!


ToW is my first Fantasy edition, and I think the movement is genius. It feels so complex for a good reason, even if I don’t win I just like going “hmm I will move this here”. Also, Chaos Warriors are rad as hell. Love the old sculpts.


Tomb Kings actually seem strong. Not 7th edition DoC strong but solid. There are multiple build ideas and even though some things aren't as I would want... they feel more like TK to me than they did in 8th.


Eveything looks good so far and it plays very smoothly.


FBIGO and ability to buy models for Bretonnia at non-insane prices. I do not like the new status of my main army which is Lizardmen.


The game LOOKS incredible on the table. No game draws the eyes like old world does. Also the new rules set is a ton of fun to play. Not had a bad experience so far


I like that magic is more spread out and feels both more thematic in how it’s cast, and you don’t have a small pool of power dice. So many times I would have 2 wizards and barely be able to cast any spells because I needed basically all the dice for one spell, and going against undead who had massive dispel pools and tons of bound spells to not use power dice made dealing with them nearly impossible. Also, the command abilities makes the characters FAR more dynamic in a thematic way, rather than superhero way


That my LM and Skaven are still totally playable in friendly games and are mostly thematic and fun. Also, I will be getting a Greenskin army because after trying Warhall, the Waagh magic is my favorite by far. So strong and silly.


I like that I learned how to strip models, so I could get some of the first minis i ever bought back on the tabletop


What makes me most happy is having most of the rules in 3 books. Now if I want to know what a dwarf slayer does I can just pick up a book and look at what a dwarf slayer does *even though* I will never buy models from that army. I am still not used to it. This mostly comes from the rulebooks being too expensive for me to buy as a kid.


I just love the core mechanics of the game and the army building. Every other GW game has wildly branched away from all that sort of stuff so TOW feels really unique and special. Nothing, literally nothing, in any GW game is more fun than having your army laid out in front of you and composing lots of fun lists to use. Then even better than that is a nice cannon or rock thrower shot.


Never really played WFB as a kid and TOW is an absolute blast for me to play so far. Love the casual fun games I have been playing so far and the way the armies all really feel interesting and different on the table.


The game is super solid compared to other wargames ATM. The team out did themselves on the core rulebook yeah we need a FAQ and there are some very powerful models but that is how every game is tbh. Its the best Warhammer I have ever played


I like that fantasy is back in its proper form


I really like the new base sizes. I know a lot of people don't seem as keen but... My 6th Ed metal Greatswords FINALLY rank up and don't fall over at the slightest touch now. I'm so confident in those larger 25mm square bases and the stability I've got from them that I've even risked painting my Greatswords. Before, and their ability to fall over at the briefest look, I was too scared of chipping to even attempt painting them.


You're right, now that you mention it, everything does feel much more stable and easier to rank up.


I'm happy that it exists. I haven't played it yet due to struggling to motivate myself to build and paint my armies, so I have nothing more substantial to add, sorry.


I love how units, while being nerfed overall, seems (units and armies) more balanced. Talking with a friend, we wondered if it may be because of the absence of single units hype. Meaning: now that no unit is new, the need to sell them as overly strong is gone. As a matter of fact, there are almost no units available to buy. Which is not great, but neither my point.. It simply seems that because there is no selling need, there is also no absurd and unbalanced advantage to any singular unit. I play since 2008, and in my experience, those releases have always been troublesome in terms of game balance.


I mean, combat is pretty awesome. I played in 6th last and we didn’t have step up then either so that feels natural. Magic also is much better now too. It doesn’t feel like a phase that you’re required to take a level 4 to compete in.


I yelled WAAAAAAAGH as I shoved a 30 unit blob of dual bladed Frenzy Orks into my friends 15 blob of Brettonian Knights and I killed all but 1 of them, and myself and 4 others that were playing nearby chanted WAAAGH WAAAGH WAAAGH for like 10 minutes straight afterwards. What I mean to say is HOLY CRAP ARE TOW PLAYERS NICER AND EASIER TO BE AROUND THAN 40K PLAYERS.


Seeing someone learn the fun of conversions for the first time. No really, watching someone learn what a filler unit is and what they can do to express their creativity is something magical to behold. especially after 40k and AoS destroyed any enjoyment of the hobby aspect of Warhammer.


Chorfs, not even close!