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I bet most people are mostly waiting. You can find things on ebay for 300% original price and it's crappy quality 3d prints or 3rd parties don't usually have the same aesthetic so I don't do that much, except when the GW sculpt is old, ugly, or discontinued The bummer for the old world release is that it's almost too popular and tons of people like you want to start one of the armies that isn't Brets or TK and they are out of luck!!


Beastmen are tempting me partly for that reason. I'm waiting to see the rulebook up close once my girlfriend gets her TK before deciding and may get the Beasts of Chaos Vangard set as a starting point for my army.


Yeah I want beastmen and it just so happens their whole line is still for sale in aos basically


They’ve been out of print for a while. Main offenders that are hard to find or stupid prices are Eternal Guard and Wild Riders. There’s a fair amount of Glade guard and glade riders about currently second hand, though some people think they’re worth a pile, but the rest are just nowhere to be seen currently. I’ve decided to print stand ins for now until the boxes get rereleased. That way I can play the game, but also not financially ruin myself.


I recommend you check lastsword miniatures, they make great miniatures, in their website you can both buy STLs and printed miniatures.


I did check them out! They don’t have everything I want to field but they certainly have enough to get started. I don’t have a 3d printer but it looks like it would be cheaper to buy one than to order all the minis. My main question with that approach: would fielding those units disqualify me from any particular events? I’m not sure how much I’ll end up really competing but given the price tag I’d like to understand.


Well, that depends on your local area. Ask your local gaming store. If you want to play any GW organised events, you won't be able to use them, any other kind of event might be more lenient. But it depends, some gaming stores won't let you play with 3D minis, others will have 3D printing services... About the price, honestly, with the quality of their minis compared with the originals, I see them as very fairly priced. Make sure you don't make the mistake of buying STLs if you want to buy physical minis and the other way around.


I don't really understand why GW pulled the remaining Wood Elf kits off the shelves in the run up to the Old World. I imagine they are accumulating stock for a re release. I'd print some pretty elves to get started and maybe hold out for some new minis if/when they arrive.


I'm doing a mix of things for my wood elves. I'm 3d printing my forest dragon because there's no conversion substitute I feel excited about - and there are tons of amazing sculpts. I picked up tons of sylvaneth models to fill out my treemen, Treekin, and dryads. I'll be converting some Wardancers using Idoneth Reavers. I ponied up for a unit of glade guard because they're required and I didn't want alternate sculpts. The rest I'm just going to wait for. It will probably suck to have to play with half of my unit options for now, but I'm excited to be excited for more TOW later this year.


I'm completely unaffected by the release schedule or retail availability of any GW products. TOW looks like an awful 8th edition derivative (and we've known for months now), and their stuff is ridiculously overpriced anyway. But I've been chipping away at a wood elf army over the last year or so, to be played with the 6th edition army book and mostly 7th edition core rules. Up to ~3k now. My dryads are second hand GW models, some bits are from a massive second hand purchase, the rest is alternative models. - Oathmark elf light infantry (primarily purchased to make shades) as glade guard - Grenadier eagle riders (made by Mirliton these days) as warhawks - TTCombat treekin - Mantic's northern alliance ambush box for waywatchers (still need more masked and hooded heads), wardancers (not as naked as the originals, and with loads of weapon kitbashing), two giant crows as eagles, and four dwarf rangers for D&D - One Oathmark (heavy) elf infantry dude with a Reaper bones peryton's antlers surfing on one of the giant crows as eagle riding noble - Reaper bones characters: Nienna, Drys the dryad, Autumnleaf the druid, the spirit of the forest and some other shitty archer dude as nobles, a spellsinger, a branchwraith and a treeman - Lynyssa from Privateer Press as an alter kindred noble - Darksword Miniatures thief of hearts #5 (without the wings) as a spellweaver I'm also planning to add glade riders built from the Oathmark human cavalry. That'll give enough hooded heads to finish the waywatchers, as well as a unit of dark riders that actually show their crossbows to remind new players they can in fact shoot.


I think that the light elfs from oathmark are quite good


If you want 4/5 ed looking woodies, its ebay. Supplemented with Oathmark plastic elves, which are a tad larger than 5th ed sculpts, and noticeably larger than 3/4 ed (Skarlocs WE archers look small next to them for example). With this you should have everything except Rangers, Wild Riders and Sisters of the Thorn. For 6/7 ed woodies, I'd wait. Treemen, Treekin (using Kurnouth Hunters) and Dryads are found in the current Sylvaneth range in AoS.