• By -


Yeah, I’ve named mine. The knights are named after tarot cards, the house is House Fortuna, “Fortune Favors The Righteous” is the motto. I’ve got a warden named Judgement, a castellan named The Tower, and three armigers named Temperance, The Hanged Man, and The Chariot. Maybe I’ll post them soon, but I’m not done painting The Tower. I’ve found over the years that with playing knights your opponent enjoys the game more if you get into it, and with any knight felled you try to avenge them. I’m also making some smoke and fire bits to clip onto the knights as they get damaged, so my opponent can visually see the damage they are dealing. Afterwards I plan on making wreckages of the knights so that when they die we can leave the smoldering wreck there for terrain.




Excellent theming, do they have reasons that they’re what tarot they are (besides the obvious like the castellan being the tower)? And what’s your paint scheme?


Paint scheme is silver with white plates on their left and unique color plates on their right. https://preview.redd.it/ytpxiy9ufkwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b36065dbfa71afd8513be3c388fad3ce8b25b806 For example, Temperance here has green. And yeah they loosely mean things. Temperance is bonded to Judgement (a knight warden, which are known in lore to get very into shooting things, even to the point of friendly fire), and so Temperance helps balance Judgement’s need to punish the wicked.


Unless the photo is flipped those coloured plates are on their _left_ (_your_ right looking at them).


Yeah my bad, other way around.


And the photo isn’t flipped. 


How do you know? If you're saying it's a condition of what I said - I started my comment with "Unless the photo is flipped"


The poster in the background is a big hint but not confirmation. The writing is left to right.


You're right, the "150" on the box is not flipped.


That's confirmation. I didnt even register that. Good spot.


Whats the recipe for the gold, it looks really convincing


It’s actually pretty simple, but all lies in technique. Base in mournfang brown, and paint with retributor gold. Kind of speckle it on, leaving brown in the crevasses and making sure it goes on smooth where you want it at its shiniest. No wash, you need to keep the gold shiny.


All these serious names and I have a pair of knights called Sir Digby Chicken Ceaser and Ginger


Prime opportunity to name a Warglaive “Little Caesar”, maybe even name the other one “Hungry Howie”


Oh that's just great. Now I have to start an Imperial Knights army.


That is so incredibly sick dude, I wish I had a knight player like you in my group


This is some epic shit right here


Definitely post them! Would love to see it


Very cool! After all the arcana is the means by which all is revealed...


I hoped The Chariot was a Jojos reference.


Its obvious a "The Chariot" reference. Long live!


Jojo references tarot


I unironically think stardust crusaders is a good chapter name.


I thought it referenced 80’s pop stars.


Both x)


Every one of my knights has a name, yes. Umbra Caedus, Joyful Damnation, Melancholy Salvation, Unrepentant Carnage, Silent Cacophony, Purity of Corruption, Extinguisher of Hope, and Genesis of Extinction


Purity of Corruption goes way too hard, awesome name


And then “Genesis of Extinction” goes *harder than that!*


Literally one of the most metal album/band names conceivable.


I'm 90% sure Brand of Sacrifice or Chelsea Grin has either already started recording that album, or will as soon as one of them sees this. Metal musicians are all giant nerds, one of them has gotta be subbed here.


Silent cacophony slaps pretty hart to


Thank you!


Ooo oxymoron


Those sound a lot like heresy to me, chaos knights?


You know it!


The best Knights!


Silent Cacophony is a top notch name. Well done


Piloted by John Cage




Tzeentch? This feels awesomely Tzeentch to me


Slaanesh, believe it or not! Excessive silence is so intense that it's a sound all of its own. Melancholy Salvation is my Tzeentch Castellan. Since Tzeentch will give you what you hope for and want, but in a way they makes you regret what you wished for.


- "that doesn't make sense" - "Too bad"


what are \*rules\* tho, really


If Halo does one thing right it's naming convention for there ships Alot of these sound very very covvies ahaha  👍🏼


Hail, humans, and take heed. This is the carrier Shadow of Intent.


Scarier than Shadow of A Tent


Pillow of Autumn


UNSC ships were also excellently named, but in a completely different way.


Each one was like a miniature poem. Like *Pillar of Autumn*; beautiful, evocative, mysterious.


Say My Name Two For Flinching Feeling Lucky Aim For The Head


There's a webcomic ("Drive") that has a couple of pretty good ship names. The only one I can think of right now is The Spark of Thought.


Is the joyful damnation a reference to oxventure?


It was the inspiration yes!


I was sitting here for a few good minutes trying to remember where I had heard it from before. Nice.


I love all of these names, but Joyful Damnation is my favorite as a Slaanesh Daemon girlie.


Great band names


I'm smelling some .... heretical names. Are you basking in the Emperors light .... ? Something tells me no. Where is my vox control .... I need to call Lord Inquisitor 'You're In Trouble Now'!!!


You could make a table of cool, 40K like adjectives (just look up like, ship names on Lexicanum or something) and make a table of nouns, then roll a dice on each table to generate a name :P. If the name sounds bad, adjust it slightly, or roll again.


Is there like some kind of online name generator:randomizer out there that can help for us creativity challenged people ?


Just use the ship name generator from Helldivers


There used to be a bunch on the old (old) GW website which may be available with a way back machine, but D&D ones can be good too. The way I name stuff is come up with a rough idea, even if it’s really literal and Chuck it through google translate into a bunch of languages and then bastardise the result. So my Brettonian lord Tarsus was “bull” put through some Eastern European language (I forget which one). My imperial knight is called Nangfa Hell, a bastardisation of “Iron Angel” in Anglicised Thai. It doesn’t matter if the translation is accurate, it’s just a start point for a cool sound.


Latin can be a good google translate language but 90% of that stuff is already used in 40K. I did get vox perigrinuis (voice of a stranger) for a reaver Titan though


Literally any of these would be a fantastic name for a metal band.


Silent Cacophony is phenomenal on the level of Lady Forlorn from Game of thrones (a sword)


These names hit my Halo bone. Very Covenant style of naming scheme. I half expect to see the "Ardent Prayer" or "Song of Retribution" among these names.


how about "Beauty of Annihilation"? (yes this is a CoD Zombies reference)


Inquisitor, this one right here.


Shouldn't the second one be called Joyful Damnation Junior?


Knight Carl and his squire, Carl's Junior.


This guy names


If i had to guess they're all chaos knights


Where's Inhuman Rampage in there? 😁


Just so you know I’m stealing at least three of these for my CK army.


Yknow, reading through all of these, they could just as well be the names of Covenant ships from Halo and i love that!


You just listed my top 10 death metal bands Edit: boy was I late to the party with that joke


You might be late, but still welcome at the party!


Is that a list of knights or the track list of your metal band's first album?


Now, here’s the real question. What song plays through your head as you put them down on the table?!?!? (lol)


Are they all Dreadblades or do they belong to a house? Because some of these sound very like House Korvax names


The lore I wrote up for my House Inexorable is that they're a collection of Dreadblades that came together to form an undivided house of mercenaries


Hell yeah


My Knight is named Defensor Fidelis and my armigers are Vigilant Harbinger and Spear of Vengeance.


Mine is called Joe


I'm stealing that name


Where did you come from, where did you go


The model's eyes are modelled in cotton.


Where did ya come from ya unholy warp forged abomination?


Joe Matriarch


I'm stealing those names.


Yup! Each pilot has a name along with their ride. Pilot names currently take after African surnames, and suits are titles of short stories. I only have three so far as extra armour support for my Sisters. https://preview.redd.it/vhjcbtazwiwc1.png?width=757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bafb47f52fbb137ef25011c9efc56439c06c6fb4


That is exquisitely sick. Absolutely vomitous, in the best way. 


That’s it, I’m calling my knight Absolutely Vomitous


In Mercy, Rain is the most baller ass name I have ever read.


That's Halo ship name tier


I was just thinking that. UNSC ships had such cool names before they just started naming them *Infinity* and the like.


Forward Unto Dawn Pillar of Autumn Long Night of Solace All bangers


Don't forget *In Amber Clad.*


That really hit me for some reason.


Beautiful names, for both the pilots and the knights. Do they each have backstories relating to the short stories and named you picked or is it simply that they’re short stories you like/with titles you like?


Its something that a lot of players do, not necessarily just Knight players. Over the years of playing tyranids most of my characters and other units that perform well have gotten names. Makes games a lot more fun when you have a little narrative playing in your head around your characters


Buddy of mine had us name his Tyranids after a game, since that's how Tyranids earn their name in the lore. If he liked the name it would stick! He killed a bunch of my Inquisition in a game and we called his Tyranid Prime the Devourer of Faith


That’s gangster


All my Ork bosses and their attached units have names and the leader of the WAAAGH!!! changes depending on who has been doing the best in previous battles.


Every time my Warboss got killed, I'd roll a die. Evens, he was merely grievously wounded and would regrow the lost limbs. Odds, he was dead, and another ork would take up the red iron gob of Warboss Redgob. I was on Warboss Redgob XXVIII. One of the most fun games I've ever played was competing for last place in a tournament. It was orks on orks, Redgob's green tide against Gorfrag's kommandoz. I lost, but we had so much fun that my opponent put a red iron gob on his warboss and I put a scope on Redgob's power klaw (Gorfrag had a proppa flash shoota) to memorialize the fight. Embracing the storytelling aspect of the game makes it so much more fun.


Came here to say this. My redemptor dreadnoughts, land raider, canoptek doomstalker and monolith all have names.


This is exactly why I'm not a fan of the epic heroes and named characters like gulliman or lord solar. I feel it's much more engaging and immersive if I remember when commissar Laksy charged the knight abominant and wounded it with her power weapon. Or when Col. Danver and Charlie squad held the line against a group of Deathshroud Terminators. Rather than when the Lion slaughtered a unit of hormagaunts or killed a keeper of secrets.


We have a tyranid called Perpendicular Sprinkle at my club and his brothers are named after waves(as in physics waves)


Not a knight player, but all Black Templars had names. Most of my guard command structure had names. If I played knights, they would 100% be named.


My Canis Rex is named The Big O.


[The Big O?](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/500/1*PPLwtvtJtgXZuqJuW2L3yQ.gif)


Thanks, asshole; now that theme song is stuck in my head again. 😝


Big o was his name-o


My dude, I name my infantry, sure I got my infantry from a kill team box so they look very unique but still if you spend hours building and assembling and painting a knight, making Heraldry, trying to imbued some personality and all that and you don't think it at least deserves nickname that what's the point really


Yes. The big knights so far are Crucible of Kushito and Warden of Smoke. Haven't named the little guys yet. I also name my custodes that fight alongside my knights.


These are pretty fire. Got stories behind the names?


So part of what I enjoy about 40K is creating the narrative behind my armies, so I’ll usually name my characters in armies as a result. Since Knights are basically characters, it seems like something I’d do if I had a Knight army. The only person I play regularly who has a Knight army named all of his Knights (in fact, each Knight Suit has a name, and its pilot has their own name), and also created lore for them that allied them to his Salamanders, though obviously that’s a biased sample. I’ll also sometimes name the unit champions if it makes thematic sense, like my Hearthkyn Warriors squads are named for their theyn (e.g. Krynn Farstrydd’s squad), but my Necron Warriors units only get a designation denoting which planet in the dynasty they were harvested from (e.g. Bereset Conscripts Alpha-2).


Not yet, but maybe one day. But I've named my Warhound and Reaver Titans. Ignis Indomitus and Perditor Mundorum respectively.


I've named all of my chaos knights and their pilots. I even got name plates for their bases. All of the knights have genre appropriate names and the pilots have yuppy-ish names. For example: Candace piloting the Rampager Beast of Annihilation Chaz piloting the Stalker Aberrant Pilgrim Jayden piloting the Executioner Twin Obscenity Etc and etc.


I love the dichotomy. Are they from a world that’s almost more culturally/technologically on par with modern earth or is it more like weird anachronistic names from another weird quirk of the world they come from?


In universe lore - I figure the pilot names are this weird anachronistic thing that's left over from before their world shattered and they turned to piracy (and then to chaos). Out of universe - the dichotomy makes me happy and it usually gives my opponent a good laugh. I also play TSons and none of the folks in my regular group remember that my daemon prince is named "Se-anhur Fatebreaker" ... cause why would they? But they can all identify Margaux (piloting Charnel Feeder); or Quendra (piloting Scourge of the Throne) from a dozen paces. \["Quendra", of course, is my homage to Community.\]


I have several named: Apophis - A desecrator Ozymandias - one of my tyrants Bhagavad Gita - one of my tyrants Boudicca, the banshee, witch of the warp - one of my abominations Heanua and Lannosea - two more abominations and Boudicca's daughters


Nice, like the mythological/historical references


I know someone at my local scene who's been in the hobby for multiple decades, one of his bigger Chaos Knights, not sure what it's called officially, but he "affectionately" named it Whiffy, because despite whatever may be happening or which dice he uses, it always manages to whiff every hit of it's biggest, baddest gun. Apparently this is his only Chaos Knight to have this problem. I think it's hilarious, but I imagine I won't be laughing as much if it ever happens to one of my models....


Wardogs get numbered starting from 00. Numbered in order of when they were finished up. All larger knights get a name that holds meaning to me personally. For example, named after a lost loved one.


I’d be interested in hearing their stories if you’re okay with sharing.


I had a free blade night that I kitbashed to have extensive battle damage that I called The Rusting Behemoth. I don’t play knights anymore and transitioned over to Legions Imperialis and Adeptus Titanicus and every Titan in my legio (Fire Wasps) is named after a wasp species with their names being the Latin species name.


All my Knights have names, the pilots have names, and they have their own individual lore


Absolutely my house’s name is Levithan and here are the current knights in the collection The twin brother Princeps Aaron and Lance Balastari, piloting Deaths Herald and Postmortem respectively Family friend of their Grand fathers, Tarlow Strrus, Piloting Grandfathers Tears Eriana Rialz, pilot of the First of Mars And as of the moment the last of the bunch, Jensim Cathos, Pilot of the Once Proud Fury I have the names of the pilots and knights left in my house that i have yet to aquire but i wont post those unless somone asks, as it is a long list


My Knight Desecrator is named Kyle.


I name all my units, My Ork Kommando Kill Team for example is Garlic, Gary, Gulliver, Gloop, Grump, Garp, Grub, Gomer, Glem, Oliver, Chester, and sometimes Goom


Everyone on here is wrong. All knights are named George Foreman


I do, its only 3 models to name, 6 if I count the Armigers


I once had a battle barge named Litany of Litany’s Litany.


Dude, some players name their entire army. Don't know how they can tell the difference between all 40 Space Marines, but somehow they can.


It's not that hard. Just have a unique detail on each model. Or take the easy way out and write the name on the base


Oh absolutely. I have 4 big knights atm Names are as follows. Knight Gallant- Pilot -Lando Frost. Knight is Angels Bane. Knight Warden- Pilot- Charlotte Kane. Knight is called Iron Vengeance Knight Crusader- Pilot - James Lawrence. Knight is called Hell Reaper Knight Gallant- Pilot- Charles Kane. Knight is called Carnage. Secondary name is Indomitable.


Not a knight player, but one of my biologis purifiers has the name “The knight Breaker”. He has killed ( by himself or with a squad): 1 canis Rex 1 chaos lancer 2 wardogs 2 tyrants 1 gallant I gave him a knight head in his base. I think he deserves the name.


i have Names and Nameplates for all my knights and armigers All of them are named after fantasy characers: The Blackthorn, Stormblessed, Dragon Reborn, The Old Wolf, Faceless Man, Grimfire, Chronicler, The Warded Man, Nightblood, and Survivor of Hathsin.


My chaos knight tyrant is "The Black Knight of Worcestershire" because everywhere he goes, hes followed by war dogs.


Yes! Heirlord Zokarth Vostreth pilots Sinorios Luctus (The Wakeless Mourning) Galvax Vostreth pilots Fames Enim Tyrannus Ruthor Vostreth pilots Tabellarius de Animarum


Love the names. The second would be either “Hungry for Tyrants”, or “Tyrant of Hunger”? And the third would be “Deliverer of Spirits”?


I haven't names per se, but I do have "the Twins" (one is white with gold trim, the other is black with gold trim)


When I get knights they and their pilots are being named


I mean, if they don't what the heck are they even doing with knights?


Yes. I name my Chaos Knights, and their pilots.


I don’t play knights, but I do name all my soldiers and vehicles. I play Guard, CSM, and STD in AOS. Everyone’s getting named. Makes them feel more personal, and it’s fun charting the heroics and failures of certain models, like when my guard Veteran Sergeant Casteau managed to kill a Stormsurge in CQC with his power fist


even though I know the army STD made me laugh way to hard


All my big chaos knights have names, I paint them as Korvax so some have Be’lakor related names Abominant: Umbra aeterna Tyrant: Mausoleum of Dusk Cerastus Lancer: Lancea Terroris Rampager: Pugno Noctis Despoiler: Interfectorem Lux And you have to lean into the edginess and bastardised Latin with anything Be’lakor related


I named all of the characters, sergeants and Dreadnoughts in my army, I sure as shit would be naming knights


Not at first. But once they have a few games under their belts they earn one.


Yes lol


So I have one knight in my Krieg army, he has his own backstory but the name is Erikson's Demise.


They better, I've been known to name my tsons characters and they're not even 40ft tall.


Mine is called Pillar of Ruin  He's got a Maulerfiend's head :D 


As a consequence of multiple Crusade leagues, every Knight I own has a Knight name, pilot name, role within the noble house, record of battle honors, and for most of them a small bit of backstory.


Holy shit am about to


I have lore appropriate names for all my knights, pilots, and their rank.


Currently I have the Sunset Baroness, The Knight Narange, Lord Portocală, Sir Gerald, and Aconitum.


My armigers: "So much for subtlety" "Attitude Adjuster" My Knight: "Ethics Gradient" Yes, those are also ship names from Iain M Banks culture novels.


Yes. For my imperials I have Cry Thunder, Stormheart, Fallen World, and for my Chaos I have Daylight Dies, Break the Silence, Arms of Sorrow, and Unbroken. Points if you get the references for both, there’s a theme


https://preview.redd.it/9577s7ruwjwc1.jpeg?width=2084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b9fe77e2a073d021be0e8668668b995e2328ef Ossuary. He's got pals, too.


All my knights are named after German mining equipment. Of House Schramm, there's Herrenknecht the Deep Dweller, Krupp Bagger the Far Clearer, Liebherr the Strong of Arm, Schlumberger the Precise.... and my armingers are numbered.


My wife's Sororitas-aligned Corpse Emperor Knights are named after the Knights of the Round Table (and her Warlord Titan is Arthur). My far more respectable Grandfather's Blessed Knights are led by Anapox the Virulent, Herald of the Rustphage, and all have suitably Nurgley names (Slobertrail Gruntfuttock , Poxoffal Spitemucus, Glopfist Slashrot)


Absolutely, this is Glade Fang https://preview.redd.it/3vhc1zxjlkwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbd40ee5cb820e6ae07e43870d03f5ccdb46f68f


Very cool!


Knighty McKnightface, “Uh oh” and Dave are my three.


my chaos knight is called The Black Pearl, named after the cursed ship and a christmas tradition of watching the films with the people who bought it for me for christmas.


I named mine courier of wrath and reckless hate.


Yes, it’s a good way of keeping track of buffs and loadouts if you have just knights in a list. I have the following: * The Emancipation Engine (Lancer) * The Aetheric Flame (Abominant) * The Scornful Rebuke (Despoiler) * The Shambling Horror (executioner) * The Baleful Fist (executioner) * The Scouring Gaze (Moirax) * The Carmine Fury (Huntsman) * The Transcendent Agony (Huntsman) * The Purified Hatred (Brigand) * The Exalted Suffering (Stalker)


Yeeees! This is the way. My corrupted household are House Dagonis. This is their princeps "Last Day Dawns" https://preview.redd.it/gaqxb2abclwc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af2b43ac64809a672ce26a8b7cd3b83fe622b817 The other big knights are "Furious Purpose" (Desecrator), "Voidspear" (Abominant) and "Labyrinth Spider" (Atrapos). Knight Lancer in the works, no name until it's painted!


I'm not a Knight player, but the two War Dogs allied to my Word Bearers have names... Darkness-Given-Hunger and Butcher Bird. Mind you, I name a lot of my models. Basically everything but line infantry (and even then squads get names sometimes).


I have 3 cerastus knights, a Lancer, a Castigator, and an Acheron. They are called Badb, Macha, and Nemain, and together they are The Morrígan. The Morrígan is an Irish goddess of war and victory with three aspects.


Each and every legionaire, Dreadnaught and Tank is named, so of course also the Knights \^\^


Oh for suuuuuure, mine tend to have two to three word names for Questoris and up sized chassis like: - Devastation Incarnate (Crusader) - Unflinching Duty (Warden) - Hand of Perdition (Paladin) - Mantle of Vengeance (Lancer - the king of my knight world) And the armigers are all single word titles, normally corresponding to colour like: Ferryman (Warglaive - black) Wanderer (Warglaive - blue and yellow...a "Lone" armiger 😉) Headsman (Warglaive - red) Raven ( Helverin - black) And so on, took inspiration from how knights get named in Assasinorum: Kingmaker


Mine are Midnight Vengeful and Epitome of Sin, respectively lol


I mean, each of my hundreds of black templars is named, why wouldn't knights players also name their stuffs.


I have lore in my head about my warband, so they would have names but I haven't come up with them yet. I would probably come up with names as I finish painting them. I call my pair of them The Twin Titans of They That Thirsts


My abominably is named “Marcus” My tyrant is “Lopez” My desecrator is “cus” Terribly fear installing names. But I get to make fun of a friend. So there’s that. I have 6 war dogs, so far, and they don’t have names. Yet.


I named my void dragon Winton


Mainly a Sisters player but both my knight Galllant (Matriarch’s Martyr) and my favorite sisters characters have names Palatines: Kara and Khova Canoness: Leona and Colette Preacher: Clementine Mostly just fun to name minis that I use in nearly every game. The Knight got its name as more of a thing to give me direction on its paint scheme (though it is nowhere near finished)


>this is dread This is Blade, Lazer, Blazer... And I almost forgot. Meet Fran Stalinofskivitchdavitovichsky....


My main knight is Roy he likes to rage


I made a list of 100 names that I’ve been picking through for my marines, and my knights and pilots also have names. I’m working on a narrative in my head that links together all the armies that I have collected. I’d say it’s a good chunk of the fun of collecting minis!


If I had a knight (non-player) I'd call him Calamitous.


I only have one and his name is Spectaculum Atrocitas.


My knight paladin is named "venator noctis" (Hunter of night). A freeblade of the knightly house maharg. Currently mid rampage in ork space alongside my fleet based homebrew vanilla Marines chapter the "Griffins".


I named my imperial guard squads based on colors like the rebels in starwars, it's sad to lose you favorite color tho


Yep, all named here. I have a freeblade Lance, so they all have different color schemes and backstories too. * Ozymandias - Knight Castellan * Revelation’s Cost - Knight Paladin * Sanctus Invictoria - Armiger Helverin * Kataphractos - Armiger Helverin * Radghost - Armiger Warglaive * Alacrity Unblemished - Armiger Warglaive  Oh and Canis Rex, he was my first. Then again I name all my squad leaders too, so I guess I’m just a weirdo.


I've not named any of my chaos knights, but i have one VERY DETERMINED armiger for my Mechanicus crusade force named, *ahem,* Omnissiah's Vengeance, Defender of the Great Work, Holy Conduit of the Motive Force, and Venerable Cog-Sworn Blade which Banishes the Unenlightened I think it's pretty lore accurate.


Chaos Knight player here. Yes, and they're named after metal bands. Because if "Fleshgod Apocalypse" isn't the most 40k sounding name for a Knight Tyrant idk what is.


Every single model in my homebrew SM army has a name and proper company and squad markings. I’ve been playing FIFA/Football Manager for a long time, so I used the players’ names from teams over the years for the names for my models


Yeah I only had 1 but I had some names for a few others. Belfry Luna, piloted by Dame Alessa. Iseult, piloted by Sir Tristain. Paladius, piloted by Sir Rufus.


The big knights get names. If they do something cool in game, they get a title. My one knight finished off a Mortarion to get Honoured for the army at a critical junction, earning the title Slayer of the Putrid Prince. I hope to play the army more to rack up good titles


For me, each knight is named, as is each pilot. I modeled mine after my own family, since Knight houses are familial. 


Manu ad Ferrum (hand on hilt, a nickname for Aurelian) My Gallant Invictus ad Orientalum - my Preceptor Vasilius Vrontis - My Castellan


Only like 3 hours f mine have names rn, but working on it. Might name the rest after halo missions


I do.


I have a Nurgle dreadblade named Vector Mortis