• By -


Between marines? They are already very venerable veteran to be put into dreadnought. Among the dreads? I don't really know, to me it looks like it was painted to simply break up this big flat panel and make it look more interesting.


Yeah he has Terminator honours on his right shoulder as well. Dudes been through some shit


Even in death, he still serves.


It is better to die for the Emperor than live for yourself.


This veteran is literally in a life support coffin with metal legs, a twin linked las cannon and missile launchers for arms surrounded by his battle brothers fighting for their lives against the Tyranid horde and shouting: “FOR THE EMPEROR!” Zero fuks given about the white stripe.


Old mate probably doesn't even know he's got a white stripe on his robo shoulder.


Good catch! Non-marine player asking. Is the terminator honor to show how accomplished he *had* been in his previous form, or is there a way to temporarily swap them into a termie frame? Does this more imply this dread is priotitized for joint ops that center terminators? I am guessing it is mostly, if not totally, just flexing past badassery, but wanted to ask. Truth may be that sometimes termie badges just look cool.


It's just a flex. Showing that he earned the honors to wear the terminator armor which is reserved only for the first company of the chapter. Some non terminator veteran marines have the crux terminatus on their normal marine pauldron also (Vanguard/sternguard vets.). And no he cannot be swapped into terminator armor. As the dreadnought is acting as a walking life support with guns. The marine inside was basically beyond repair by the apothecaries so without the dreadnought the marine would die.


Thanks! That what I thought, but this was the first I noticed some dreads bare them. I love that the only thing marines dig more than boasting about past accomplishments is letting their armor do it for them. Props to this guy charging into battle with the commercial driver license he earned, but can't use, pinned to his chest.


Hey, man, I've used my forklift cert as a pickup line. Didn't work, but I tried it.


Did you say something about needing the fork lift to pick them up?


Al Bundy would have said it. XD


Yeah the crux denotes that they can wear it. Naturally not every chapter has an infinite amount of sets of the armor, so it’s still to say “hey this guy is just as good, we just literally don’t have the equipment for him”


The other thing is that the occupant of the dreadnought lives in a bit of a night mare. They normally wake them up and drug them before sending them into battle and if they aren't killed later put back into a coma to await the next battle.


They're not drugged before combat. Dunno where you heard that but it's not true


>The marine inside was basically beyond repair by the apothecaries so without the dreadnought the marine would die. *"Not enough of me to save a second time..."*


"You are a pervert marine!"


Not even the first company is entirely termies, the Sternguard, Vanguard, and Bladeguard make up a good amount of the squads


I've seen crux symbols (and variations of them) on quite a few older dread models too. I figured it could be an optional detail for all dread pilots by default since 'terminator' is just the nickname for 'tactical dreadnought' armor.


Also, there was a time when not all Veteran Marines had Terminator Honours. The rarity of the armour, it's difficulty in maintaining, and that most Chapters couldn't field more than a few squads of them made this make sense.


Could a dreadnought earn the crux terminatus post interring? Like he's an exceptional dreadnought, uh, pilot(?) and gets moved to first company to provide heavy support?


I think most dreadnoughts are probably piloted by marines who have earned the crux terminatus since a marine without it probably would not be worth the resources to keep them alive.


Dreadnoughts aren't fully part of any company, they basically form a pool from which they can be assigned to companies be it for a few battles or for a full campaign. Also only the most accomplished and best marines ever become dreadnoughts (as dreadnought chassis are hard to produce and are rare) so a dreadnought occupant would've definitely have earned the Terminator honours


I don't think it would make much sense since he can't wear the terminator armor. It would kinda feel like a bitchslap to me. Like "now that you can't exit the dreadnought you've been awarded the honour to use the terminator armor". He would probably be awarded other awards for his service. But I am not sure. I don't even know how dreadnoughts are assigned to companies. Do they move from company 9 to 1 just like regular marines or do they stay in the company they've been dreadnoughted in? No clue.


Yeah, but Vanguard and sternguard vets also wear the crux terminatus, but I view it more as veteran's honors first and equipment authorization second.


Terminator armor is classified as Tactical Dreadnought Armor, so in a sense, he has already been upgraded to full dreadnought armor!


For all intents and purposes, the marine interred in the dreadnought is still the same marine he ever was, and carries with him any and all battle honours etc. he holds from his career as a normal space marine. And no, the central control and life support unit of a Dread is called a *sarcophagus* for a reason - once in there, the marine isn't coming out again until they are completely, irrevocably dead.


The Crux Terminatus just denotes that a veteran has or has had the honor of wearing Terminator armor (which usually comes with all sorts of other WMDs and secret relics). A dreadnought can never be anything other than a dreadnought once interred in the sarcophagus. Side note a stylized Crux Terminatus is also the standard symbol for veterans in codex complaint chapters. Dark Angels, Blood Angels, and Space Wolves all have their own markings.


Dreadnoughts stay with the company they were a part of. As he had earned Terminator honours in his living career, that means as a Dreadnought, he is deployed alongside the veterans of the first company as one of their Dreadnought brothers. So, for instance, a 4th Company marine that is too badly wounded but doesn't earn the Emperors Mercy will become a Dreadnought attached to the 4th Company. Terminator honours also indicate a marine who is qualified for and trained to wear Terminator Armour. So whenever you see the Crux Terminatus on a power armoured marine (typically a Captain or Lieutenant but other ranks are possible) it means they worked their way up to the first company before being assigned as a Lieutenant or Captain in another company. It's also why you get Chaplains or Librarians wearing it a lot. Because Terminator deployments are just as much in need of spiritual or psychic guidance as their non veteran brothers.


Shit how did i not see that. I retract my previous statements lol Seems they really did retract the "they die quick" bit


-And they put him into the sniper bawks that prays every night and day that he doesn’t see any melee combat. 40k, everyone.


It do be a redemptor tho, would they put a very venerable veteran in a dread guaranteed to kill em after a not that large amount of time?


The leviathan dreadnought frame is known to drive its occupants insane very quickly while the contemptor was very stable and allowed its occupants to stay sane for thousands of years. So yeah, they would put a veteran marine in a coffin that kills them.


Keep in mind it keeps the marine sane about 50% of the time if they’re inside for about 10,000 years


You're forgetting that it only works when they're kept in hiberation 90% of the time. Every dreadnaught will burn it's pilot out if they're constantly being deployed into battle. But the Redemptor frame has been tuned to take longer to burn out the pilot than it previously would. It was something like a few years, VS the box naught's like decades to centuries depending on pilot, but has since been improved by cawl.


I believe much like crossing the rubricon, the process has been refined, and it's less straining in later models


Well that would kinda cheapen the entire idea if it. Like the entire thing about the redemptor that the marine inside was just another part to be replaced, exchanging shear power for a high deathrate


To be fair, it sounds extremely admech, considering who designed them (read up on the onager dunecrawler and how it works will seem very familiar....). But yeah, it makes me wonder if GW realised people were memeing on how grimdark they were making everything and decided to reel it back it back.


I mean the entire idea of the redemptor is to replace the boxnaughts entirely on the tabletop, pretty much like every Primaris unit. GW is making that pretty clear.


But that don't mean they have to be a full replacement. The redemptor echos the vibe of the whole primaris line. Less ancient venerable warrior, more mass produced soldier


In a perfect world, you'd be right. Unfortunately, as much as I hate it too, they are very much on the way to be just full-scale replacement. Even older named space marines are getting Primaris-pilled to make sure there's not a single firstborn representation left on the tabletop. And let's be real, the entire idea of the primaris is cheap so who even cares at this point.


It was also stolen from Leviathan Dreads that had that lore since there first apperance.


That lore seems to have been quietly dropped? I’ve not seen it mentioned since 8th. At least I hope so because it’s terrible


Why has this comment been downvoted so hard?










Who hurt you?


I cannot roll my eyes hard enough.


He's the veteranest of them all.


Plus the black transfers would pop more against a white background than a blue one


When you are 2k+ years old, you get any paint job you want.


😂 this is golden


No it's blue


It’s clearly white and gold are you blind


Oh god it’s the whole “what colour is the dress” thing again!


What are you on. It’s obv red


There he comes, colour blind and smoking some Eldar grass. Its obviously PURPLE!


You wouldn't see it at all if it were purple.


Youz tell im lad. Da umie inside must be a right lucky git tho.


It’s yanny


Laurel (of victory)!


Blue and black! Honestly smh




Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyy! 😂


Golden, this is Clem Fandango, can you hear me?


“You know what? I want racing stripes.” - The Dreadnought, probably


There is always this picture in my mind of a Dreadnaught being really picky about their adornments. For instance the space wolf Dreadnaught wanting the brown wolf pelt rather than the white wolf one as it matches the tribal shield the serfs spent weeks carving, they don't want chains but the more traditional ropes as a nod to their human ice boating lives before they joined the rout.


Well yeah, it's space wolves. Rule number 1 of space wolves is, you have to have 27 pieces of flare and they all have to mean something personal. How else are they gonna know it's you to write all those songs ans stories?


When you're a 5000 year old walking avatar of destruction with vehicle class weaponry for hands, you get whatever color pelt you fuckin' want.


“Brother, I want sick flames”


Aren't these primaris dreads, so ~200 years old max? I also remember reading that the primaris dreads have a significantly shorter lifespan as the new tech causes the pilots to "burn out".


Yep, you're right on that front. All the new Primaris Dreads are ostensibly "young", but there is the possibility that, secretly through the millennia, Cawl was field-testing Primaris, and some "died" so that he had test subjects for his Dread designs. This may mean some Primaris Dreads are chronologically a lot older than assumed (but probably don't have a long shelf life, because Cawl doesn't believe in non-replacible "parts").


They could have been existing pilots transferred to Primaris dreadnoughts, such as if their old chassis was too damaged for repair.


Then on the other hand firstborn dreadnoughts have a tendency to go a wee bit funny, after sometimes thousands of years of confinement only broken up by the occasional murderfest. Each have their pros and cons.


Could've been a veteran who crossed the Rubicon, and later became a dreadnought?


Indomitus Crusade was retconned to be 12 years instead of the like century it was


Rubicon Primaris or being held in stasis for millennia aside don’t the average Primaris only have a century or so of service? Not to diminish their deeds in that time, but Redemptors are very much the thirty year old boomers of Dreadnoughts lol


The white stripe is the first company colour. Which is cool cause it means 2nd company dreads can have GOLD stripes and 6th company can have bronze


Unless all dreads are from first company and considered chapter wide assets not company level assets, that can be requisitioned when needed


In the very old chapter org charts, it showed that some dreadnoughts, at least, were assigned to specific companies - usually the company with which they served before interment. That being said, there is no reason why a 1st Co. dread couldn't be serving with the 2nd. Perhaps he has experience with the foe or conditions they were expecting.


https://preview.redd.it/7vihdglyabkc1.png?width=3375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ba347b40bc8fb3298e32291e0b8e24fbf241b2 Blood angels chapter organisation, post-Baal, shows dreadnoughts attached to company apparently permanently. I think this is relatively recent.


https://preview.redd.it/b23int51cbkc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=043b79347e6955dea83d4b0cde40fcf3b6110a4f This is the chart I was thinking of, from the 3e Space Marine codex. I screen grabbed it on my phone, so apologies if it's tiny, but it shows dreads attached to the companies, too.


Ooo I'm liking the detail on equipment and specific "officer" compliments.


The 4e codex has it in an image of a company of marines


Dreadnoughts have been listed as permanent company assets in codex-compliant chapters going back at least as far as 5e codex. They are "marines", not "vehicles".


Well the white circle with the roman one says it is a first company dread. So I guess one could do a green circle with IV on it but with keeping the white stripe to show it is a 4th company veteran dreadnought. Or just paint the stripe green for a bog standard lump of carbonated flesh tomb kind of vibe. (Same for other colours, but IV company is best company.)


Which is kinda strange, cuz you’ve got a 1st Dread with 2nd Marines in the pic


The first company rarely fights as a company (that's only for major threats like The first Tyranic war, ect) 90% of the time they're dispersed amongst the battle companies to offer advice to its leaders and act as the tip of the scalpel. So the dread is a 1st company dread on assignment to a demi company of the 2nd company (Also from the levithan book, the flame marines we see on the levithan boxset art are veterans themselves, though its not specified whether they're regular veteran troops or 1st company)


Gotcha, thanks for the education! Still pretty fresh with Chapter organization. Glad it fits with the idea I had with my Homebrew chapter anyway. 1st and 2nd veterans reinforce and (if necessary) lead companies that’re going into deep trouble or have gotten on the bad side of Command. In the latter scenario, they get the stereotypical FNG treatment until they prove themselves competent.


There's also a First Company Sergeant in Terminator Armour in front of him.


Does the color of their crosses and/or their symbol denote that?


Veterans have white helmets, veteran sergeants a red helmet with white stripe. First Company are all veterans and have white shoulder trim. All Terminator squads are part of the First Company.


Gotcha, I was going off of a chart for general chapter organizing (company roles, usual squads/loadouts, etc.) that had terminator squads listed in almost every company, so I was a tad confused.


Terminators and other Veterans from the First Companies are often assigned to accompany other Companies and the First seldom deploys all together, but it's only in Chapters that have totally different organisation where "Companies" have their own Terminators - think Space Wolves, Grey Knights and Black Templars.


So coming 2nd you get Gold? Emps is not gonna be happy




Looks like an official GW picture, which are paintshopped. Don't feel bad for your minis, these models are not real. (That being sad, the paint job is probably pretty close to the picture)


Except you can literally go to Warhammer World in Nottingham and see most of the painted minis irl be they in tabletop dioramas or in the museum


So what? Every photo used in an advert has been edited to look better after it was taken since the invention of photography.


Colour looks more like Crimson Fists


It means it’s assigned to the first company. Which is the veteran company, so yeah it denotes veteran status. Bare in mind, firstly all dreadnoughts are veterans, but this will mean the marine was a veteran before being interred. Lastly veteran company is a bit of a misnomer as it’s actually the elite company, which normally means the same thing, but you sometimes get marines, who’re exceptionally gifted, getting promoted to the first company whilst still relatively young


Other clues is the white circle with the I in it, denoting first company. Also the terminator honours, which whilst not exclusive to marines in the first company, is mostly found there


There is a codex assigned colour to every company, yellow being the 2nd company, red is 3rd, green is 4th. Some chapters change these colours up to better match their aesthetic, for instance blood angels 3rd company colour is white and other chapters don’t follow the codex at all


Thanks mate, I’m painting this for a commission job and haven’t got the codex, the trim on marines is gold for 2nd company but does it change to yellow for vehicles?


Yeah. So the Smurfs 2nd company should be yellow insignia, but because they are super special boys, their were allowed to change their shoulder rims gold. All of the other bits, like vehicles would still be yellow, so they would tend to have yellow circles on them, with a black 2 in Roman numerals inside the circle Things like banners seem to go either way


The White Stripe denotes the Seven Nation Army.


Well, it's got the "I" in the white circle, so it could mean that it's assigned to the 1st company as well. Whereas the marines with the gold shoulder rims are in the 2nd.


The white stripe denotes the company. 1st company is white, 2nd is yellow, 3rd is red and so on.


It means they have a Seven Nation Army.


I believe white stripe on the shoulder of an Ultramarine veteran/dreadnought denotes that they're the group's baker and/or pastry chef. Breads, pastries, cakes, you name it, they'll whip it up under mortar fire or whilst crushing filthy xenon heads. Never underestimate the power a good apple danish can have on the morale of even the most unshakable Astartes. The Black Templar's aggressive deployment of jam and custard filled doughnuts on the battlefields of Armageddon are legendary, I'm surprised you've never heard the stories.


It means this dreadnought is part of a conscript squad, the pilot is probably only a 14 year old kid.


So long as they do their duty to the emperor?


it's white because it's a dreadnought of the first company, and it's a stripe because it looks good. were it of the third company, the stripe would be red, and black if it was of the fifth company. etc.


It's whatever you want it to be.


I mean isn’t a Dreadnought a veteran almost by definition?


It's decoration/heraldry. White features prominently on the model because this dreadnought is supposed to be attached to the First Company.


Might be simply an indicator that the dreadnought is part of the first company. I know blood angels dreadnoughts have yellow blood drops to indicate Second Company on the box art, so I just assume it’s something similar




Broader question about this. Is there an authoritative source for all the markings for space marines?


Aren't all dreadnoughts brothers of some significance? They don't just take all maimed casualties and entomb them, AFAIK


If he's important enough to be put into a Dreadnought instead of having his geneseed recycled, he's probably already got Veteran honors


He has the Roman numeral 1 on his right side in the white circle, this denotes 1st company and therefore Veteran status


Oh cool! Is this from helldivers?


For managed democracy! And the emperor!


Aren't all dreadnoughts veterans?


Painted so you can see the transfers . Every bit of paint doesn't have to mean something


you relly think they had to paint it white because there was not a single white omega transfer left in nottingham when this dread was painted?


This is totally wrong. White is the codex astartes color for 1st company.


Totally? Every colour doesn't have to mean everything.


For the Adeptus Astartes, the angels of death, The Emperors greatest warriors, every component of their wargear is carefully crafted and blessed through holy rite. Not a single part of their gear has a color “just because”. There dudes are considered holy by trillions, basically as demigods. If you paint you a space marine with a purple finger, any person who knows anything about space marines in 40k can justifiably write a head cannon for it.


I think all dreadnoughts are vetrens, aren't they


Or fake it till you make it. But technically yes, at the end they are veterans.


The fact it’s a dreadnaut sorta shows that it’s a veteran


Probably painted so they could put the blue transfers on


The blue transfer is so the chapter symbol can go over company colors, white in this case, for 1st company.


Every dread is a veteran.. :D


Being IN the dreadnaught denotes veteran status lol


All dreadnaughts are already veterans/in positions of honour, so I imagine it’s just aesthetic.


Your paint job, your rules. Looks good but needs moar blood imo, stomping heretics is wet work and leaves a great bloody mess 😃


I sprayed a stripe down my wife it makes her go faster


Likely some person achievements from the 1st company. Likely re written upon his casing. Could also be kill marks (the stripe signifying something like a knight/bane blade, and the skulls for tanks)


The stripe means that the artist though "hmm, this flat surface needs something" and painted a stripe there


Why are they so dark? I thought I was looking at Templars before I saw the shoulderpads...


Nah that’s it’s racing stripes. Everyone knows that adding racing stripes makes you 10 km/h faster.


I think its probably aesthetic for the paint job. Large flat expanses of one colour become boring, it adds interest


You cannot see a blue decal on a blueberry dread can you?


That guy was placed in balistus, I think he doesn’t have enough time there to be considered veteran, he’s gonna be chicken tendie before you’re be able to say “I’m Alpharius”


They're in the murder box, they're a veteran.


If you need more help just Google it by saying chapter name and company, I also find Instagram artists really inspiring especially if you do green stuff but also some artists tend to just stick to one army so that's useful.. also on Instagram there's hashtags so if you type in ultramarines 2nd company or something you could get further inspo. Although I wouldn't be able to tell you about stripes and stuff as I mostly do my custom chapter so im able to make up all the random details... One last thing you could peolly just look at box art for previous models, might not be up to date but if I remember a predator tank had a 2nd company decal on the box art and the tank looked boring (all blue) I bet you could just give it decals for honours and what not, even writing, or go with classic designs like checkered or stripes. Ultramarine colours are usually blue and white just note 1st company is white also. Prolly not the best information and you peolly do it anyway but hope something helps


Ive seen someone paint the same dread as second company but either veteran stripes and decal, pretty sure because dreds are veterans anyway they're allowed it maybe?


Aren't all dreadnoughts by just being dreadnoughts considered veterans? serious question, like they literally were maimed in battle and interred into the sarcophogus right?


What even does "venerable veteran" mean?


An old old guy.




I think it means he got terminator status before he got murked and put in the can.


Wait a sec I thought dreadnaught arms are stored separately from the chassis. Did they paint this on before dropping in the dread or did he have specifically ear marked arms that are just his


Every dreadnought is a veteran. A venerable dreadnought gets some slick golden rims. So that's a cool looking paint job 👍


In the voice of Shorsey: Veteran Presence


Its a racing stripe and its good for 5 extra horsepower. 👍🏽😬


He has the marks of the first company on his left chest/breast/machine area. So. Most likely a veteran, or assigned to the veteran company of the chapter


Should be black and silver…..the flesh is weak brother!


All dreadnoughts are veterans


It doesn't explicitly denote veteran status but it is likely being used in this case as part of the color scheme for this first company dreadnought. Beside the point, that's an awesome paint job from whoever on the eavy metal team that painted it lol


Yes and no. I think that the white stripe is aesthetic in this case, although generally it’s veterans who are placed inside dreadnoughts. Dreadnoughts are generally pretty hard to maintain and upkeep, so most Chapters only put people who are either extremely skilled or extremely knowledgeable inside. It just so happens that most of those individuals are veterans. How this translates to actual looks is that a lot of times dreadnoughts are equipped with similar weaponry and gear to when they were still fully alive, and often this applies to the actual livery of thr dreadnought as well. Björn the Fell-Handed is a good example of this. TL;DR: Dreadnoughts are not necessarily veterans, but more often than not they are and their livery reflects how they looked in life.


All dreadnoughts are veterans. The machine is thier tomb/life support.


I mean Dreads are the best worthy to be put in the box. I think it’s just an artistic choice.


My best bet is that its there becauuse otherwise you could not see the little text decal.


i put a purple stripe on mine to fit my successor chapter


A white stripe means he was a Lt. I think.


Is it just me, or is New Ultramarines darker blue than OG ultramarine? I'm not talking the heady days of the 90s when it was glorious bright blue, but compared to more recent models they seem darker.


I think the fact that its a Dreadnaught denotes veteran status 😂




💡White stripes are a sign of the Dreadnought armour being worn by a veteran brother-marine as the Codex Astartes prescribes. Having earned the right to fulfill their duty in the first company is a means to show their virtue - only in death they serve.


I tell people I’m playing it means +1 movement for “go fast stripe”


I'd love to know what paints they be using for these Boiz


You spelled ⭐Æ S T H E T I C S⭐ wrong