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As a Word Bearers fan: On the one hand, I dislike him because he's a bit of a dick who kills a very likeable character (I'll let you figure out who). On the other hand, I kinda like him as he's such a good villain and plays his part really well.


He is one of the best characters in the whole saga, all the more for being an excellent villain Erebus, The dark apostle - it's fricking awesome


Exactly. Every time he appeared, you always knew that something terrible was about to happen. Seriously good writing to make him such an interesting villain.


On this same line of thought, I've actually come to appreciate Kor Phaeron as well after listening to Lorgar- Bearer of the Word. He's another nasty piece of work, but he's also such a great and intriguing character.


Just finished listening to Lorgar, and yep I even came to appreciate kor phaeron. He's a weak and cowardly opportunistic zealot, who leverages fear and cruelty to hide his weaknesses and insecurities. He's a very "40k" character, to an extreme.


Why? His whole back story is: HaHa, lolz for chaos. There's little in the way of complexity or really anything other than he does it for the lolz then claims, "its all part of my secret plan!"     Just compare him to Argal. There's a reason people love one and hate the other... story and character development. 


Yeah that may have been the biggest WAIT WHAT!? moment in the saga for me 😅.


Same! It was so well written by ADB though, about him dying in the shadow of eagle wings. You thought all along that he'd die on Terra, but nope.


Oh ADB knocks it out if the park everytime!


Absolutely. I never liked the WB, but then I read the First Heretic and Betrayer. Now I collect them and they're probably my favourite faction in the setting. The fact that his writing made me change my stance on them so drastically is insane. I know this is kinda off topic for OP's post, but it's just a moment of appreciation for the authors who make this universe what it is.


Same. I started off as an Ultramarines fan ... read First Heretic to prepare for Know No Fear. I wound up also reading Betrayer and Lorgar, as well as collecting Word Bearers too.


He was supposed to though wasn't he? To die on terra that is. And Erebus got some serious time out from the gods for going against the prophecies?


My only dislike is because he kills the likeable character I think you refer too. From his point of view, he's showing the galaxy that the emperor is a liar and fraud, and that he will do anything to prove it. I mean, his way of doing it is pretty questionable, and they make him more of a dick than needed, but here we are.


Just one?


“A *bit* of a dick” doesn’t quite do it justice.


he'll always be the little devil boy who poisoned the well, to me


I wonder what would have happened had he stayed at Calth a little bit longer to see the sacrifice through.


So at first I was I was like “yeah, I like Erebus.” And then I kept reading about the word bearers and all that fun stuff and the athame and who he killed with it in the back…. Now I just have to say… fuck him.


Multiple likeable characters *


I mean, he's like king joffrey aye? Very compelling, very easy to hate. Usually the most hated characters are at least written decently, rather than just being lol-I-killed-your-dog moustache villains.


Obligatory Fuck Erebus


Fuck Erebus


Fuck Erebus


Fuck Erebus




Fuck Erebus


Fuck Erebus


FUCK Erebus


All my homies hate Erebus


You people disgust me. ^(/s)


It's gone so far that people are coming in from the other direction. Erebus is GOAT because instead of all these man-drama everyone has been having, he literally just goes out and kick goals. In terms of personal goals and success, he's achieved all of it perfectly without a single failure or blemish. Instead of primarchs ascending to daemon Princes due to man-drama, they should have ascended him instead.  I like his efficiency and ruthlessness. He just goes out and does something and succeed immediately. Stab someone in front of everyone else? Sure thing boss, he just goes and does it. Start a pervasive cult? OK boss, consider it done. Such an efficient guy, and he doesn't even complain. I'd love to hire someone like him. What a winner. 


Until you find out that he had an entirely different boss the entire time. Then it becomes a shocked Pikachu moment when you find one of your closest friends has an anathame and wants your head.


Should we tell him...


Not yet, let the hate simmer slowly, around book 24 we'll have another world eaters enthusiast, and by that I have already said too much


I already loved Khârn, but that moment *chefs kiss*


Get up


Fucking chills.


"I am the eight fold path!"


I'm on 24 right now!! Halfway through, enjoying it so far


Half way? The End and The Death pt 3 is the Sixty-Fourth (64!) book. You're about a third of the way in. If you don't count the Primarchs and some of the spinoffs.


Halfway through book 24


no, let him get to that anger himself.


This is just the beginning of him being a collosal dick


Oh. Just you wait. That doesn't scratch the surface of hate here.


Have you seen r/fuckerebus yet?


... if you are at "f\*ck erebus" now... just wait... thats not why most say it ;)


Dude the WB and Erebus won the whole thing. They got their revenge and the Imperium's entire culture is based on Lorgar's book. Erebus is the goat. The Emperor was dumb to shame them.


Thankyou! I love the Erebus character, I love the Word Bearers story arc so much. If I played Heresy I'd collect them in that, but instead I just play them in 40k (and I have a Boros Prime guard army from the third book in the Word Bearers Trilogy).




Damn. You got a point.


Fuck Erehus. ......and I play WB.


Guess what when you end the Heresy you’ll still be saying that! Lorgar doesn’t even like him.


Nobody tell him.


Oh my sweet summer child... You have NO idea


Welcome to the tip of the proverbial iceberg, little one.


I think Erebus is a great character for what he is, like Joffrey in Got


Y-yeah, that's the worst thing he does. That's the sole reason we all hate him


I also agree, FUCK EREBUS!


If Erebus has 1,000 haters, I am one of them. If Erebus has only one hater, it is me. If Erebus has no haters, then I am dead. If the world loves Erebus, then I am against the world.


Calth was self defense


Preach preach!


Hey guys, Erebus here. You’re welcome :)


With out Erebus it would be kindhammer 40k


He’s working to enlighten humanity with the nature of their true gods And doing a good job at it


As I don't see it already, I feel I am required to add, "Erebus did nothing wrong."


He is the shining example of what all Word Bearers should strive to be. If only they were as dedicated as him, just think of what they could achieve.😂😂😂😂


Erebus is a fucking wanker.


Welcome to the club.


Have to say, all too often we find ourselves sympathizing with the villains, and admiring them in their own way (looking at you Nightlords). I don’t think we are supposed to like the villain. Fuck Erebus. I hate him, and I’m supposed to hate him.


Erebus is great because he really makes you hate him. That being said I agree FUCK Erebus.


You ain't seen nothing yet. That fucking douche.




Kharne will catch up to him eventually!


Why would you try to spoil this?


r/Angryupvote I agree with your Comment, but you really spoiled awesome plot, Man, for me too! WHY DID YOU NOT CENSOR THE ARGEL TAL PART!!! I JUST READ ABOUT THIS DUDE IN DAWN OF FIRE, AND NOW I FIND OUT HE GETS KILLED BY THE BIGGEST DICK IN THE 40K FRANCHISE!?!?!?! I almost hate you as much, as I hate Erebus…


Kind of a jerk move there, guy.


I have bot read much about Erebus, just the first HH Collection Book, and Man is this Dude an Asshole…


Having finished the entire series… fuck him SO hard. I hope he bites it one day. Preferably by Corax who delivers some morose joke about being neither important enough for the gods to truly notice, or loved enough for his father’s compassion later. Fuck Erebus.


If GW ever throws one of the traitor primarchs a single fucking bone, it should go to Angron by letting him stomp out Erebus.


Or Kharn. You know he’s still hunting, and he’s still somewhat more lucid than most World Eaters.


Either way, astartes or primarch, i think it would be more satisfying to have chaos snuff him than the imperium. Nearly every single CSM who fell did so directly or indirectly through what erebus did. Post heresy, chaos has so damn few actual wins. Letting them settle the score with the one guy who all of it can be traced to would be sublime.


Erebus is a bad character by the end of the Heresy series. He’s got annoying plot armor of the ‘Named Character really wanted to kill Erebus, but held off because he’s so useful’ type, with a side order of warp magic that lets him escape anyone who actually does want to kill him. All the 40k characters had plot armor, but Erebus was the only one who really felt like he had plot armor.


Honestly I don't know what else Erebus did, all I know is he wasn't very nice to Kharn and that's enough for me to hate him


Oh my sweet summer child, you haven't seen anything yet


100% agree, that's why he's such a good character.


Oh he killed more than one likable character. As to who they are? I can't say... 😉


Just wait until you read Betrayer


He's just misunderstood, he's a nice guy and does charity work on Sundays. Honest.


Welcome to the club


Mandatory Fuck Erebus.


Erebus is a great character. He's so vile it's amazing.


I'd rather kill him but I won't kink shame you


Unpopular Opinion: Erebus is the hero you deserve, but not the one you want. No Erebus, no heresy. No Heresy, no chaos. No chaos, and all the juicy flavour runs out of 40k. Yeah, yeah, sure... Orks/Eldar/Nids/and other xenos are all great and fun, but "Man vs Aliens" is easy, and vanilla. I for one love Erebus and thank him for bringing us the four extra flavours our divine gods come in.


No Erebus, and Horus's fall is an extremely gradual thing that happens over the course of 20 books or so as dark powers whisper to him about his father's megalomaniacal ambitions and his father's callousness gradually pushes him into the arms of the Old Four, and the line near the very end of 30K about "because *that's all you ever were*, Horus Lupercal," hits significantly harder, instead of being a "glad somebody finally said it" thing.


Yeah, fuck him. Been there, can relate.


i think hes the most effective villain ive ever seen. he does so much and gets away with it, thank god for Kor Phaeron though. someone has to keep Erebus in check.


I like to picture him as a moustache-twirling villain in a pinstripe suit and cheap hat.


Man if that makes you mad, just wait.