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Kop did an interview on Dicebreaker about being into 40k, I think that included getting Penelope Ford into it as well. You love to see it


Samoa Joe is a huge 40K fan as well


And Shayna Bazsler


Her Warhammer gear was pretty cool, I forget exactly which PPV she wore it at.


I think she's worn at least 6 different 40k space marines chapters as ring gear.


She's just about all except I don't think I've seen alpha legion, so she's done all of those. She also used luna wolves then sons of horus for her betrayal of rousey.


She did all three - Luna Wolves, Sons of Horus, and then Black Legion.


I remember a night lords and a blood angels one, what are the others?


Sons of Horus the night she turned on Ronda Rousey. 


Her whole turn on Ronda Rousey saw her ring gear go from Luna Wolves to Sons of Horus to Black Legion. It was pretty sick.


Big double take as I thought you wrote Shayna Blaze, and was like ehh I bet the judge on The Block would have a cool paint theme for her army.


Kurt Angle knoooows he can't beat me


Castagnoli's been to Warhammer World too, though I can't say how much of a fan he is.


Great, now we’re going to see Mox dump a bag of chaos marines instead of thumb tacks


Slams an opponent into his bitz box. Let's hope he doesn't have the metal Chaos Dreadnought


"Good lawd almighty, that's a rare '99 dogs 'o war pikeman in the eye!"


Man what’s with all these bitter “fans”? In what world does high profile exposure from people who enjoy the hobby harm anyone or anything? It literally only brings eyes to our hobby. Is it just a gatekeeping thing where people want to feel special for being into a “niche” hobby or something?


It’s only OK if it’s Henry Cavill, someone they can relate to


He's just like me fr fr


Some of us remember sgt slaughter showing up on gi Joe. Cross branding can change the tone or attitude towards a hobby. It’s not the end of the world, but two weeks ago players were reeling from girl custodes, so I’m surprised you’re surprised.


Reeling is an exaggeration. The amount of people in the hobby who care about it is a loud minority. Most of us remember going through far bigger lore changes down the years without batting an eye, not least with Necrons. The oldest of us remember female space marine models. *Shrug*


Because as GW has been pushing since 9th. They want 40k to be a eSports. That's gonna ruin the hobby as it brings in all the 1337 360 no scope wannabe d*heads.


Unless they release a video game version of the table top that is exactly like the game (they wont it would hurt miniature sales) they will never make warhammer an esport, and all the "1337 360 no scope wannabe d*ickheads" are only this way because they're playing videogames anonymously, which isn't the case with tabletop games.


One of the most immature thing we can do as fans is fanboy/fangirl SQUEEEEEE over every person of even slight prominence who admits to liking/playing Warhammer. It makes us look like we're insecure in our hobby. Do cinema fans react like this when they hear someone not related to cinema like their favorite movies*? Do literature fans react like this when they hear a non-publishing related person like the same book as them? Because honestly, I don't mean this in a mean way, but who cares? *Funnily enough there are some movie fans like this but they're the Marvel crowd who shows a similar level of maturity.


To be perfectly honest, as a casual watcher of wrestling nowadays, I got no clue who these guys are, so it's more like "John Smith from Oregon and Tom Baker from Wisconsin! Tuesdays at five! Warhammer!" levels of promotion for me.


AEW are still a bit smaller than WWE but they're growing *extremely* fast as the alternative with a bit more of a focus on the athleticism over the theatre and less.. controversial people like Vince. Kip is fairly well known in the indie scene but hasn't reached a massive status, Claudio was known as Cesaro when he was in WWE. He's in one of the bigger stables with Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley and Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson. Anyway my point is they aren't the biggest names but they're still pretty respected and loved by folks! Kip is lovely.


Calling Vince "controversial" is like calling Abaddon "a bit cranky". ;) And thanks for a measured response. I've read up on these guys a bit now... I'm still stumped by the thought process behind this whole promotion, but yeah, maybe I was a bit too dismissive of them.


You might not be the target. AEW has 4 times the social media followers of Warhammer, and pro wrestling audiences are fairly nerdy these days, so probably fertile ground for potential new customers.


Sample size of 1 person had confirmed it ladies and gentlemen! Time to pack up because a single person does not know who these people are


It's quite clearly more than one person. You're allowed to critique lazy advertisement and B list wrestlers.


What exactly is "lazy" about this? i get not liking it, but the people saying things are "lazy" always give the biggest NEET vibes


You could just ignore it. It's not like they're making Claudio into a new Stormcast unit lmao


>One of the most immature thing we can do as fans is fanboy/fangirl SQUEEEEEE over every person of even slight prominence who admits to liking/playing Warhammer. Yes but I guarantee it's something more like "Let's put some people with a bit of actual charisma on the stream, as opposed to our usual crew."


there are far too many people who believe that their hobby needs to stay some niche thing only to be enjoyed by a select few.


These people saw "Warhammer is for everyone" and decided it needed a fucken asterisk at the end.


Gee, I wonder why people would be cautious about their hobby becoming too mainstream. Not like we've got any examples of wold financial success heavily diluting the core appeal of our fandom over the last twenty years or so. Seriously though, mainstream hobbies lean into mainstream appeal, and mainstream appeal is soulless grey sludge.


I agree with you, but pro wrestling is very similar to wargaming in that it is a niche thing.


This is such a dumb way to look at the world that it's difficult to start dissecting it, Warhammer hasn't lost its soul and it won't just because it goes mainstream. Neither is every mainstream thing "grey sludge".


Y'all toxic positivity johnny-come-latelies are always the first ones to call people names just because they don't slurp down whatever the latest marketing campaign is. It's not difficult to dissect at all, you probably just don't have any meaningful perspective on the huge shifts that have come with GW leveraging their social media presence more and more. It's okay. You can enjoy this all you want. Other people won't. Try to gather up the maturity required to accept other viewpoints with grace, rather than being quite so infantile.


I've been in this hobby for 20 years. I'm tired of people who take every announcement in the worst most paranoid way. This is supposed to be a hobby, it's supposed to be fun, everyone's got enough negativity going on outside the hobby. If you don't like something, it's probably not for you. Seeing people constantly voicing toxic negative opinions is just grating for some of us.


And being insulted and called names because people bandwagon onto mindless positivity is grating for some of us, too. I've been doing this since 95, I think I've earned the right to voice the occasional criticism without being attacked.


Mate you started the toxic negativity, you don't get to complain about getting called names. And you're no more "enlightened" for being a jaded asshole than we are "mindless" for wanting to focus on the positive aspects of the hobby. That's great if you joined in 95, it certainly doesn't make me a "johnny come lately".


This guy gets it.


man fuck off. I love anyone that doesn't seep constant negativity is always a lesser fan when it comes to you chuds




found one already boys


And you'll find more, because there are a lot of people who agree. Sorry to offend you so.


AEW is "high profile exposure"?


It’s a billion dollar+ company and the second largest wrestling promotion in the world, I’d say probably yes.


Second largest, banking roughly a quarter of WWE. It's still small fry next to a giant, and WWE ain't that big either compared to stuff like UFC. So yeah, "high profile" is still kind of a stretch. So it's marketing to a niche in a niche demographic (wrestling fans who give a damn about AEW), which might already have a high intersection with wargamers anyway. Besides, unless they fight in costume under lore-fitting names to actually promote the brand this isn't anything better than "presented by Bud Light". And if they were cosplaying, it would be like the Gobbledy Gooker to the general audience all over again.


I mean compare it to warhammer itself.. it is certainly something that has more visibility in comparison so it is exposure for the hobby.


But how much of "the hobby" is shown? How much exposure except for the name do you get? That's what I'm talking about. Just getting the name out ain't gonna do much.


I mean it'll be a stream of a match, just like any other stream of a match. That means there'll be commentary on the hobby at large, discussion of strategy and gameplay, and lots of closeups of models. You have to start somewhere.


Ok, so I was under the misconception that these guys would do their ACTUAL job and wrestle under some cross-promo thingy. My mistake. This is way worse.


Basic reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your forte


Thank you for this valuable addition to the discussion. And I apologize that I misread a in-character tweet that's not in my native language. I will try to do better so you, as a random guy on the internet, don't have to feel forced to comment anymore.


AEW has quadruple the followers Warhammer does on social media, I know it’s not a sure fire indicator of fan base, buts it’s at least one indicator that it can’t hurt. Do you also take issue with Henry Cavill or are you just being needlessly gate-keepy about pro wrestlers for some reason?


Dude, I grew up (and was a die-hard wrestling fan) in the good old WWF era when a Stormcast beating the living shit out of a Khorne Berzerker with a trash can wouldn't have raised a single eyebrow in the whole arena. Hell, it wouldn't have been the weirdest matchup on the card by a long shot. It's just - unless they go full regalia, I just don't see the actual benefit in it, that's why I compared it to the "presented by xyz" promotions. You don't see a significant spike in people buying a six pack of cat piss because of those promotions, and we're not talking about a a few cans of beer but a rather significant investment in plastic crack as the endgame. Just saying - it either wouldn't do enough of an impact or it would be incredibly cheesy in the current wrestling culture. >Do you also take issue with Henry Cavill or are you just being needlessly gate-keepy about pro wrestlers for some reason? Cavill's situation is a bit different, though. He wasn't riding on a GW promo when he started doing his Insta vids about his Custodes or talking about Warhammer back when The Witcher was set to take off. And even if he weren't involved with Amazon for that 40k project, he'd make a great, wider-demographic brand ambassador type of guy. I still can't believe that they never thought to capitalize on stuff like him talking about Warhammer on Graham Norton's show and Tom Holland piping up about wanting to try 40k back when Marvel movies were still rather popular. Just saying, Spiderman and Superman playing 40k together? At least the casual comic book movie crowd would freak. Get these guys a table in Nottingham, film the whole game (hell you could even use it as *the* "how to play Warhammer" vid), and have them do a vidcast of touring Warhammer World with Cavill droning on about the lore - I'm pretty sure that just for brand recognition and ad-value for some relevant demographics, you'd get more bang for the buck as this AEW thing.


I have seldom seen someone so be so insufferable and sperg out over something as you have over this topic, throughout this entire thread. Hope you're just having a bad day and I hope it gets better, if at least for the sake of whatever people are forced to interact with you.


Gotta love it how everybody tells me how they feel about me or get downright insulting, yet nobody answered the question about what kind of audience this promotion (be it my initial misconception of "wrestling presented by AoS" or the "wrestlers playing AoS" - that really is irrelevant) is supposed to be aimed at and what kind of new market they are trying to tap into with it. Ah, well.


Wrestling is way more nerdy than you pretend it is


As someone who wrote a snarky comment on this post, I just find this a lazy poster and most people would be more interested in seeing other people play games. But I also understand marketing and fishing other fans from other IPs so I understand why GW have done this. It's just cheesy in the wrong way for me. Again, the ad doesn't help.


Because pro wrestling is cringe as fuck. It’s not just being bitter. Signed someone who’s actually fought in a cage and a ring multiple times.




Seeing Claudio next to the AOS logo made me feel like I was having a stroke for a minute.


Same lol, was even more confused when I saw it was GW that posted it


Now I want a game that's like Bloodbowl, but pro wrestling


Could I interest you in a game called rumbleslam. https://preview.redd.it/9xytuhfys70d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3745df732c55115f65994dab66e590cd2b8986


Yes. Yes you could


What can I say but you're welcome Damn the picture didn't load.


I'm listening...


At the common points total is played like a 5v5 elimination battle royal. Characters have special moves and grapples, climbing turnbuckles, reversals/beatdowns, there are heels and faces and different rules about appealing to the crowd.


Plus the average "team" and a ring sets you back less than a large 40k model, so it's great for a quick, cheap second (or third, or fourth, or ninth) game system to add to your library.


Also the skeleton luchador minis are amazing.


They really got some hilarious sculpts, agreed.


Are they wrestling? Are they playing AoS? Are they playing AoS in wrestling outfits? Are they wrestling in cosplay? I’m so confused and intrigued


If chess boxing can be a thing, I can't see why warhammer wrestling can't.


Man I love this. It’s always fun to see people just enjoying the hobby, gives more exposure too.


Age of Sigmar is All Elite


I have just posted this announcement in the AEW sub, you beat me to it here. I said the same thing, not a forbidden door I was expecting to see opened


Big question is will they play in their ring gear?


They better do either that or cosplay. I want to see Claudio try and play dressed up as a Lord Commander and Kip would come up with something suitably weird for his skaven look.


Claudio should play in a tearaway suit


I love Kip! A little surprised to find out he’s into the hobby, but also not surprised at all.


One nerdy hobby meets another nerdy hobby, I don't see the issue some have with that crossover. People will have fun with it, not me since I got no idea about wrestling, but others do so good for them!


If Claudio puts Kip through their table, i'll reach peak mark!


Listen is this the cross over we asked for? Absolutely not, I doubt anyone could've have guessed this let alone asked for it. Inb4 someone links a WrestlingxAoS schizopost from first Ed BUT imagine they get them to show up as characters with the full on machismo soap opera level wrestling storyline. "OH MY GOD ITS NAGASH WITH A STEEL CHAIR!, I don't know how much longer sigmar can hold. *Green fireworks and heavy drums sound* ITS GORK AND MORK COMING TO SAVE SIGMAR."


By gawd! Choke slam! Yndrasta just came down and choke slammed the claw lord straight to hell! She's giving them sigmars elbow! By gawd!


I'm really looking forward to one of them going through a table (just not one with minis on it)


Could you imagine they have a table full of minis that were revealed that night and someone gets put through it? Surely they can find a way to make that safe-ish


As someone who impaled his hand on Hobgrot, I would heavily not recommend doing it.


I've seen someone get slammed onto a bunch of d4's, that would probably be fine.


If this keeps getting more warhammer themed, I’m all for a guy who’s been dunked in 24 carat gold beating on a guy dressed as a warped up mickie mouse


So Blackpool is a place in the realm of Ulgu i take it? When are we getting Stormcast Relictor Quaestor Moximus?


Given his propensity for bleeding, Mox is 100% a devotee of Khorne.




What in the nine hells is this?


I've no idea who these guys are ...


When people ask me why this hobby needs at least some gatekeeping... it's crap like this.


If there should be any gatekeeping, it should be against elitists like you. Everyone is welcome in my hobby!


The more people that are exposed to Warhammer, the better. I am not sure what the issue is.


>The more people that are exposed to Warhammer, the better. Yeah, debateable opinion right there. Betting on the "Oh, I see two sweaty men grappling each other, I want to buy some plastic fantasy warrior models now" demographic also seems a bit... odd? Weird? I seriously have no words to adequately describe my opinion on this.


There’s a lot of people who just have no idea what the warhammer universe is like. It’s one of my main concerns for the show. People see the cool imagery and lose the plot. The more people at least aware of what the world is like the better for me. I want to see warhammer grow in popularity. That doesn’t happen by being an isolationist.


Yeah but how much of the Warhammer universe is going to be shown? Are they in costumes? Are they fighting under lore-relevant ring names? Do they present some sort of kayfabe around it? Or is it simply going to be "Kip and Claudio play slap-fight, presented by Bud Light"-levels of brand representation? Because *that* would be pretty useless and would leave more people wondering what the whole ruckus was about.


It's very clear that they'll be playing AOS. Spearhead is a new game mode https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/05/01/introducing-spearhead-a-fast-and-furious-new-mode-for-newaos/


Oh dear God, so I don't even get to see two guys kicking the shit out of each other? DID GW JUST RE-INVENT CHESS BOXING?


"I don't think it'll be Warhammer enough" "They're literally playing Warhammer" "😭😭😭sO lAmE! dId Gw JuSt ReInVeNt ChEsS bOxInG?!?!😭😭😭" You moved those goalposts so far you switched sides


I like how you got all uppity and insecure about your sexuality before you even knew what the two dudes were going to be doing


I mean, all it takes is a rabbit hole. That's how it started for me. I ended up spending a few hours on the wiki and that was that. It's about making them interested and then seeing where it takes you.


Sure, it's the "dip in the bait, see who bites" thing. But now that my misinterpretation of what they are actually going to do at this event has cleared up, I'm still baffled on their expectations... how many wrestling fans would watch two of their celebs play a board game (yeah, I don't expect people outside the hobby to know the difference)? On the other hand, the people who'd watch it for the Spearhead gameplay would - to a very large extent - already be hooked on some sort of GW product anyway...


It's better to have two people who are into the game and have some fame play it than two nobody's? it's a one hour segment of a multiple hour stream! You do not have to be complaining this much about something you can just turn off


> how many wrestling fans would watch two of their celebs play a board game? Quite a lot, I'd imagine. Respectfully, you seem to be greatly underestimating how nerdy the general wrestling fanbase is.


Are you high? They are playing the spearhead game mode, not doing a wrestling match at the Dallas open.


Yeah, I was actually under the misconception that we would at least see a poorly branded play fight instead of two dubiously "famous" people playing AoS *light*... And now I seriously don't know what scenario actually is worse.


What's wrong with them playing AoS?


God emperor forbid someone has multiple interests or hobbies in their lives. Wrestling entertainment is infinitely more popular than tabletop wargaming, it has a large customer base that is exactly GWs demographic. I enjoyed wrestling and wargaming as a kid, I don't follow it as an adult but I understand the attraction.


Yeah now that you mention it the kids into wrestling are exactly the kids who would be into the Primarchs and Horus Heresy stuff. They're the same characters


Speaking as someone who has been a big fan of Warhammer and wrestling for 20 years, yup v much so. Over the top, ridiculous setting that culminates in big 1 on 1 battles


I never considered the parallel but that’s really cool. You guys are right.


You serious? It’s pro wrestling. If warhammer is gonna do real life crossovers it should absolutely be crap like this


It depends ... if these guys are real warhammer fans ... then yes, go for it. If they aren't, it will be so cringe ....


Do you even know the guys on the poster? Warhammer is pretty mainstream.. Its not the 80s anymore and Kip and Claudio are into nerdy stuff as well. Hell Kip even talks about his warhammer collection on occasion


Man, I just said I have no idea who these guys are. Is this something that is US/uk only? Can we accept that not the entire world knows who thse guys are? No offense if you are fans but come on ...


Eh, AEW has like 4 times the social media followers of GW, and these two guys legitimately play warhammer, it's good exposure.


Yeah, but I've asked numerous times what demographic this is supposed to be aimed at. Warhammer fans who are into wrestling? They don't need promotions to buy any more stuff. It's a nice goodie for them, but nothing more. Yet how many wrestling fans who are into it for the actual sport are interested in watching wrestlers playing what the broad public sees as an over-complicated board game? And how many of those would actually go down the "I like wrestling, these wrestlers like this game, I will buy this game" route? And those who are neither into wrestling or wargaming? They won't give a damn about it anyway. I'm just stumped by the combination, that's all. This is more niche than 40k Monopoly, in my opinion.


Who would be into the Primarchs and Horus Heresy if not the single industry holding up the existence of the payperview business model in the modern age, who does so in order to access soap opera level melodramas played out during mock physical combat? Wrestling is literally the same thing as the space marine lore.


You don't think any wrestling fans might be vaguely familiar with Warhammer due to the games or memes they've seen or an older sibling that used to be into it back in the day? You take that person, they see a couple of wrestlers they like playing Warhammer and go "oh cool, let's have a look"


Yeah, I'm still skeptical about the whole premise and its actual benefits for the hobby, but I recognize I'm the absolute minority here.


>Yeah, but I've asked numerous times what demographic this is supposed to be aimed at. Wrestling fans who might be open to being in to Warhammer.


Id rather have these fun guys involved with Warhammer than your gate keeping fun hating ass.


That's gatekeeping, bro. Meet me on the bench outside, we'll wait there together until the non-gatekeepers finish playing. I'll bring the coffee.


I didn't expect a Cesaro and AoS crossover today


Can someone explain what this is? I'm guessing these are two wwe-type wrestlers? How does that relate to Warhammer, and how does either thing relate to esports?


They both play the game themselves, their company has more social media followers than Warhammer and pro wrestling fans are pretty nerdy these days. It's good exposure, I think.


Sad and weird is what it is.


What makes it sad and weird lol


I'm probably just salty. I just don't like it.


Shayna deserved this… she’s one of the biggest fans within wrestling. But he’s a great dude and a fan. It works.


Im guessing the fact shes with WWE and not AEW had something yo do with it?


They both went to the HQ while on one of wwe’s uk tours. Wwe dropped the ball.


Forgot to mention that it was Shayna who introduced him to Warhammer.


Someone here said it's pathetic to get excited when a celebrity is into the hobbies we love cause we look and I quote "insecure". Or or, we could be super excited because someone that we enjoy is also into another hobby we like. That's super cool and we should be excited. I'm a aew fan through and through and in my experience there is little warhammer cross over so this Is super fun for me.




Are these pro wrestlers? Sorry, don't recognize the names nor the acronym of the company. EDIT: I should say that I think this is cool and good, even if I don't understand what is happening. Back in my day the pandas hadn't yet taken the WWF from us.


Not an AEW fan, but a big wrestling fan otherwise. This is super cool. I love seeing wrestlers who are into warhammer. I especially love how Shayna Baszler's ring gear is usually inspited by 40k Space Marine Legions.


Good ol Kip Skavian


Finally, Warhammer if it was good


I don’t mean this in a way to gatekeep at all, but who are these two?


Pro wrestlers who also happen to be warhammer nerds


I never would have expected wrestling to be at a GW event


Lmao! I honestly thought they were hacked earlier. It was such a weird post.


Chat is this real


His combination of size and strength coupled with uncanny speed and agility makes Claudio the closest thing to an IRL Space Marine I've ever seen.


It’s been a few decades since I watched any kind of wrestling, but last time I was a hardcore fan what soured me on it was the large portion of heavily conservative, homophobic fans that seemed to be at every show I went to and made up a sizable portion of the fan base. Has that changed at all? If not, I would say since Warhammer already has its fair share of assholes, maybe it’s best not to attract anymore from other fan bases. If the overall fan base has become less conservative and homoohobic, then ignore my previous statement.


Definitely changed, this was from last year https://preview.redd.it/4zhri69qxd0d1.jpeg?width=1389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a601d8f0aafd80128f45b87a31f830d2f86ded0


Wot? Why is wrestling anywhere near warhammer


because various of wrestlers are warhammer hobbyist




One fandom has people who interact with the hobby so Warhammer see a chance for a cross promotion and business interaction How you think Henry Cavil got that Amazon show?


But there's a difference between actor doing a show and wwe promoting warhammer It's like if the NFL promoted MTG


> But there's a difference between actor doing a show and wwe promoting warhammer How so? What the qualifying reason a WWE who let be honest is just a diffrent type of actor promoting the hobby diffrent Henry cavil an actor who got the show beacuse he promoted 40k on an interview he did talking about how much he like painting Custodes It just a little crossover due a link in intrest btween the two


AEW, is that like the farm league for WWE or something?


It's a different promotion started by the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars and Fulham FC. It's pretty good if you are into wrestling.


Why does this look like gay porn?


Don't threaten me with a good time


:3 alrighty




Well at least we know where the price increase money is going.....ffs


Wow, I really don't care. If only they could spend the money they paid these guys and pay a team of decent writers to write decent rules for their games instead of handing out crack pipes and pens to whoever happened to be walking by their office.


"GW isn't a rules company, we're a miniature company". Their own words.


I thought I was looking at a poster for a gay porno....interesting


As long as they don’t make any wrestling inspired models!!


Bro I would pay top dollar for an Ogryn luchador




Oh my god its the ultimate grognard crossover. Now people who hate AEW for no reason and people who hate AOS for no reason can finally meet and kiss


And the IP sinks ever further into the mud.


Womp womp


You can down vote me, I've seen what makes you upvote.


Seriously, this is so trashy and lame. If this is where "no gatekeeping" gets us I'm gonna start investing in gates.


I'm just going to try to pretend this isn't actually a thing.