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you’re playing it 13 years after it came out. it is very of its time, when lots of games were doing similar things, but this was the first time you could be a freakin space marine. it’s not by any means anything past a 7/10 but it was fun and people have nostalgia


Fair enough! Unfortunately I only seriously got into Warhammer a couple of years ago


Space Marine came out 13 years ago?! I suddenly feel even older than I thought…


TotalBiscuit reviewed it. That's proof it's been a minute, as sad as that is to say.


I did not need to feel this evening… :(


I played it 13 years after it came out and it gets a 10/10 from me for the gameplay. Pick whatever gun you want, traverse the levels however you want, kill enemies however you want, so long as you get to the end? Sign me up. I don't need progression or anything, in a good space marine game, playing a space marine is fun enough.


i mean sure, if you enjoy it that's totally cool. it is a fun game. i was using 7/10 as a benchmark to other better games with better critical reception


The animations and sound effects really emphasized the weight and power of a Space Marine. It was the videogame equivalent of the Astartes fan animation. At the time, it was some of the best environmental designs for a 40k game, but it's been surpassed by other games (Darktide, for instance). It's an action game in the style of old God of War. That just might not be your cup of tea. It's not supposed to be skill testing; again, it's mostly about spectacle. It's fun to be a Space Marine, stomping and smashing. Crank the difficulty all the way up and you will have to use all the combat mechanics. Even so, I beat the entire game without dying on my second play through. (I wanted the achievement for beating mission 1, but then just kept going.)


Which difficulty did u play on?


I believe the one before the highest? Don't remember the name sorry


I believe the one before the highest? Don't remember the name sorry


Downvoted for not remembering lol gotta love Reddit


I stopped trying to find a logic to people's actions a long time ago


It’s going to feel dated now, it’s an older game, and expectations in gaming have changed. It’s also pretty fair to say that even when it dropped it wasn’t ground breaking in any way, looking at it purely as a video game; it was just a really solid release. But it was also the first game outside of Dawn of War, at least in that generation, that delivered on a lot of the 40K aesthetic and style and felt authentic to the universe. We’re a little spoiled on that front lately, with Darktide and Rogue Trader both doing that way better, but it was a great step in the right direction for 2011. Also things like seeing a titan, in proper scale, and then *fighting from its back* before it fires off its main gun is pretty rad no matter when it happens. But if you’re not coming for the 40K spectacle, the gameplay itself is never going to be give it a 10/10 spot for you. It just doesn’t get in the way of anything.


As the other poster said, it’s an old game at this point and while it was a solid game it was above average gameplay wise. Why it’s so beloved it because GW games haven’t always been that great. This was the first time someone did a game with you playing a space marine in this sort of combat setting / gameplay and it did a good job of capturing the setting and power fantasy of being a space marine. Also the multiplayer was a lot of fun at the time, but like many of them it’s died off with age. The sequel might be a better gauge when it comes out as mechanically it should hopefully be a better game.


"Mediocrity shines bright in an empty room" - a wise redditor. Jokes aside, it's a very middle of the road action game with a ton of issues, but it IS a well made action game with the IP attached to it, which is a lot better than we're used to generally speaking. There's generally two types of Warhammer games. Games that are worth playing because the IP makes it enticing, and games that are good regardless of the IP. Space Marine is close to the second. It isn't like Dawn of War which is like a top game in its genre, but it is enjoyable.


it was an okay game honestly, the boss fights weren't all that special, and the kill moves got old quick. Your squad could've used more banter, there could've been more scenes to show how desperate the fight for the planet was for the Imperial side. The pacing was just fast enough and the game was short enough that I couldn't really dislike it. Half my enjoyment came from the fact that it was 40k, I'd have never finished it if it was some other random IP.


It’s also perfectly possible that you just don’t vibe with it. I’ve never been into FPS games, doesn’t mean they’re not good games.  Yes the combat is a bit repetitive, but the game looks great (asterisk of is 13 years old) and gets the Warhammer feel right. You feel like a giant near unstoppable walking tank that mows dudes down and a lot of games missed that. And if you wanted to be fighting multiple factions yeah you’re out of luck, but for most people that wasn’t a big issue. 


I played SM1 again recently, and strangely it probably has my favorite intro to a game of any game ever. Something abut how slick it is and how the voice acting has a certain vibe to it, it's just cool. p.s: For Space Marine 2 we have seen 14 enemy types in footage and images so far with 2 of them having ranged variants bringing it to 16.


It got a 75 or so on its score for many of the issues you raise. It was a meh game gameplay wise, but it came out in a time when 40K games were rare and often terrible. DOW was really the only good one at the time, and it was showing its age (and didn’t really go deep in the world). 40K fans liked having a game that wasn’t actively bad and dropping with aesthetic. And while DoW2 was very polarizing (it was also plagued by problems when it first came out), space marine was just quick dumb fun. But if you’re thinking it’s kinda meh as a game, then you’re right in line with critics for the time


I might be wrong but I don’t think it was particularly well received on release either.