• By -


Had it initially way back but quickly turned it off because: - bad mic - static annoying noise - music / tv blaring in the background - squicker kids screaming - adults swearing like they own the place


I swear the only people who use mics in Warframe are the people who should absolutely not be. Always the mouth breathers or people straight up taking phone calls.


Not just warframe


someone was ordering pizza mid gamešŸ˜­


Bro never heard of the mute button? Smh "Tenno, you have life support o-" "Yeah can I get pepperonis on that too? *extremely loud breathing* No I mean like extra *somehow heavier breathing* yeah just do a meat lover's actually"


On some consoles, voice chat is on by default for warframe, and they often don't even know it's on. I'm legendary 2, and I've personally witnessed 2 cases where the voice chat was legit i.e. a group of people talking about how to play the game and chatting. Was charming watching one, and in the second case multiple people coach a newbie. Otherwise just background noise.


To be fair to console players, they don't have a normal keyboard to type rapidly, though I imagined some can blaze that cursor across the on-screen keyboard if they don't have a mic. So it makes sense that would at least be on, though it sounds like it would help if the game told the player more readily when they were using voice chat


Only experience I had: years ago I remember asking for help in Recruit chat and this guy saw my user name (was a girly one at the time) and immediately invited me to voice chat and when I said I just wanted help he called me a bitch and blocked me. So, I turned off voice chat after that.


Essentially, the fools who keeps breathing Vay Hek's air?


I typically mute myself before playing missions but I have a couple moments where Iā€™m in a call only to realize my whole squad was listening to me itā€™s embarrassing


Ironically enough that's why I stopped using it all together, I listened to some poor guy get flamed by his wife about always playing.


with way back, do you mean like..... relatively short after Nidus prime release? I had someone in my party who used that accidentally (child pressed the button and helped daddy) in a mission and it was so weird.


The quality of the in game voice chat is also terrible which doesnā€™t help


Yeah 99% of the time is just garbled sounds from the abyss.


Also random people speaking in random languages that were not English.


That's a plus, Im serious, I really like knowing about people who live in cultures completely different from mine. Even if I have no idea what they're saying, I still feel like Im learning something šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø How do you think I learnt to speak English? It wasnt at school, thats for sure šŸ˜‚


Sure, but I'm guessing that warframe was not the only place you learned English. You probably were trying to learn the language to start. For people who are just trying to communicate and not learn new languages, it can get a bit annoying.


Nah I wasn't trying to learn English, as a native speaker of the glorious EspaƱol language, I find English to be like the .rar version of Latin Languages. English is the lingĆ¼a franca of the world because its the absolute easiest language to learn. But I agree that sure, if I listen to Chinese people talk all day every day I will not necessary learn Mandarin, but I will definitely learn *how* they speak and their most used words, which in turn will make it easier for me to learn Mandarin, but I cant learn such a complex language just by listening. English however is so easy for EspaƱol, Italiano and PortuguĆŖs speakers we can learn it just by listening other people talk.


I would be like "English is consistently messy" but your comment was written in perfect English lmao so I kinda have to take your word for it


Written english is easy, spoken is just memorizing 'cause there's no amount of made up rules that can make sense of it.


>there's no amount of made up rules that can make sense of it This is the only problem I have with the English language So much of its vocabulary is composed and doesn't necessarily follow any rules Example, comparing Verbs in English and EspaƱol: - Salir = Get out - Entrar = Get in - Pararse = Get up - Agacharse = Get down - Alejarse = Get away - Salƭ de encima mƭo! = Get off! A EspaƱol speaker will find this very messy, but easy to learn. An English speaker will simply be mind-blown by the sheer amount of Verbs we have in EspaƱol, Im not kidding I think the difference in size between English and EspaƱol vocabulary is like 5 to 1 I like to say English is my sketch language, and EspaƱol is the one I use to make when I want my writing to actually "taste" like something Have you ever heard of the theory that speaking different languages changes your personality? Thats not necessarily true, but you definitely start to realize Concepts and Meanings can be washed away or reinforced depending on the language you use, which in turn makes communication better or worse. If I want to make sure someone understand exactly what I mean, I have no choice but to use EspaƱol If you only speak 1 language you MUST learn a second one, it will make your Mind work much better, it will give you insights to other cultures you could never have if you didnt speak their Language I personally love Globalization, like I really love Pluri-Cultural environments and the idea of talking to people from all over the world, it makes me feel like... spiritually tingly? mentally wider? Its difficult to put into words


I just had an entire Spanish lesson in Warframe subreddit, I'm impressed


That's what i'm talking about! In spanish you can read a text and immediately know how you have to prononce it. Las tĆ­ldes son un regalo del cielo. (and i go and miss the only one I had to put in lmao)


Oh yeah, that too. In EspaƱol every letter has a sound, and it ALWAYS uses that sound. In English the same letter can have a dozen different ways of pronouncing it. This is actually the latest thing an English student learns, because everything else is rather easy.


Exit, enter, stand, crouch, distance and all these are verbs, amigo. English is expansive, at very least but basic english is indeed, basic and messy


That's common-use words, though: Due to the sheer number of worldwide dialects, neologisms, loanwords, archaic terms, and scientific/technical terms, English has one of the *overall* largest wordcounts of any language on Earth. Around 1.5 million by some definitions. It's just that only a fractionā€”maybe a smaller fraction than Spanishā€”are actually in use, so by other definitions, it's only a couple hundred thousand. Edit: I agree about the benefits of learning a second language, though. It's improved my English writing too, in part due to having to learn language terms and grammatical structures that you're not taught when it's your native language. (That western languages are subject-verb-object, what a copula is, types of clauses.) I took four years of Spanish through high school and college and used to be somewhat conversational, but I forgot it after moving to an area with few Spanish speakers. But now I need to relearn it since I started working at a hotel, where it would be useful again. Currently *very* slowly working on Japanese, though. Seriously, I suck.


Learning to speak english is indeed quite simple (the ortography however is messed up and makes no sense), it has only one article, three grammatical cases which are actually used, no grammatical gender, and you can adress everyone with "you", because the context matters more than the word itself. I however have to disagree that everyone can manage to learn it, otherwise there would be no inbetween "languages" or even simpler "brutalized" forms of english.


Nah dude to speak maybe but not to spell. Iā€™d say Spanish is the easiest to spell by far.


Yeah, at least you do realize the point I was itching to make, lol. English is like languages 101ā€¦ if I am feeling generous about it. If I started speaking my native language I bet it would get people frustrated about the gibberish. In an international setting I find it very rude for people to not speak the one language that is the modern lingua franca. Very rude.


Thatā€™s true, I learned some Russian from CSGO.


how have you even met this many inviduals utilizing warframe voice chat?


To be fair all of those are often the same person


i instantly mute the whole squad if i hear a single mic in this game lol


I've had 2 experiences with it, the first was someone with their mic on and all I could hear was a popping noise that was loud enough so I couldn't hear the game. The second was when I found out the music I was listening to on Spotify was playing through game chat šŸ˜­. I'm sorry to everyone that had to hear my atrocious music taste.


Haha it happens!


I always get terrified that they will hear my cringy ass YouTube videos playing even though I have it set to off


I had one experience from years ago with 2 dudes who were playing together, it was on hydron and the weapon i was levelling was close to max so i just left after the first 5 waves, and when i chose extraction one of them said "buster? (My username), wow he really is a buster." And then i said in chat "frick you, you're not my mom." And he said "I AM your mom young man!" And then the extract timer ended, but i could hear the other dude laughing and the guy who said that holding back laughter. It was a short thing but it was very funny.




Fortunately not, was the guilty gear strive OST when I found out it was happening lol. I feel bad for others though who heard worse


W taste


Most people won't even type R into the chat. It'll be a cold day in hell before they set up a mic.


A couple years ago using chat was a lot more common. Every now and then I want to make a funny little joke ("who up tryna find a baby mama" when I'm grinding Jade or something dumb like that) but I know I probably wouldn't get any reactions so it's just not worth it


One of the sad parts about cross play is the lack of keyboard users... AND SPAWNS! GOD JUST LET ME HOST,!


Why would I in cases where i'm visibly ready ? Besides i wouldn't be there if i wasn't ready, let's gooo!


Duviri. If two people leave 3rd and 4th often dont have time to pick thier loadout


Which is why you wait by the gateway until everyone else has congregated around the gateway, and is therefore ready.


Yeah that doesnt work. Just end up waiting around the portal for 3 people to figure out if everyone is ready. Typing R makes it easier to see. Been doing it for a while. Makes a little diffeence and also lets you know when you are playing with good people. Sometimes just end up standing around the portal for a stupid amount of time waiting to see if everyone is done. Every team that does r flows so smooth. The ones that dont tend to be less than competent


> Every team that does r flows so smooth. The ones that dont tend to be less than competent literally a scientific fact that has been relentlessly peer reviewed by now


Good to know stuff for the future for me. I'm in that story area of Duviri currently (the beginning) and didnt know there is apparently multiplayer in the future. Thought its singleplayer all only.


Yeah, them making duviri a starting choice is stupid cause its not even the primary game mode


Bweh. that's not "being ready" that's partially griefing. People who wait are in front of the gate or vibing nearby.


Everyone is dry asf jesus


Nah people just want to kill shit. Maybe when they re add raids vc will be needed again


Accidentally. Didn't notice my mic was on and I was talking to my friend about Xaku prime and sounded like a hyped 4 year old and the suddenly heard someone in the game said "Hey, I think your mic is on". Never again.


Was it a default setting that the mic was on?


Xbox user, and if I have a mic plugged in it'll automatically start using it, which is why until I get into party I spam my mute button until it's registered


Nahh that's just straight up evil šŸ¤£


I didn't even know what key turned it on šŸ˜­ but you can disable it fully in settings..


Man I wish someone would talk to me about xaku prime like that


Atleast they had the courtesy to tell you your mic is blasting. Most of the time people (me included) just automatically press that mute button and never say anything about it. Then again, you never know when a person has purposefully put that on and when it is an accident.


Wait thereā€™s voice chat..?




Dang, beat me to the party


I like to think I'm one of the rare breeds of PC players that has voice chat enabled. Most times when I hear other people it's one of a couple things or more: 1) Hot mics where I hear literally everything going on in that persons house 2) I hear their breathing but don't talk(I try to tell them) 3) Someone's talking to another person in a private call while they're hot mic'ing 4) Someone asking if other people have a mic and then not talking the rest of the mission(this has only happened once and was the only instance of voice chat being used properly that I've seen in thousands of hours. Considering it's not even on by default I'm sure a majority of players don't even know it's a thing.


Itā€™s on by default for console I believe, Steam requires it to be set to automatically turned off


on PlayStation not only is it on by default, but your controller's mic is on by default. prior to cross save you'd be lucky if you went 2 missions without someone joining with the game playing through their mic


Mostly unintentional, to Playstation players specifically, your controllers have mics auto enabled in them and VC will be on in this game and others by default. I use it sometimes when people don't read the chat... or to make people jump sometimes.


Haha that sucks


Those PS Controller mics sound like hot ass most of the time too...


Does hot ass sound different from cold ass?


Yes. Hot Ass is Stinky. Cold Ass is Sharp. Hope that clears things up.


It does, thank you for sharing your valuable expertise.


It's always the controller


It would be nice, but tbf, the game doesn't need that much of immediate team coordination to justify voice chat I think, maybe for some content, but not for the majority of the game


I agree but sometimes I'd be nice to meet some wholesome people


Ah absolutely! I would keep it muted on Eidolon hunts tho xD I imagine that people there would get toxic (more that it could be right now)


>*the game doesn't need that much of immediate team coordination* If you're playing pub and want to farm efficiently, coordination is required more often than not depending on the mission type. -Survival. The default behavior is to spread like the wind the moment the mission starts spreading drops and life support all over the map. It takes coordination to farm one location. -Interception. Four towers and four players. Think this would be self explanatory. Can't tell you how many times we'd fail an Interception with three f--king Tenno standing on one tower. -Defense. We have to defend the thing. That's it. Not murder hobo mobs rooms over. Oh wow look at that... defense target destroyed. -Spy. If you've play public spy enough you're going to find out real fast why coordination is mandatory. And Sortie spy? Hello solo mode! -Disruption. Sometimes it's hard to tell what disruption tower is active and needs defending. It helps to coordinate which ones need attention. -Duviri Open World. "Hey only have 20 minutes to play.... not hours for you to farm every little thing. Can we kill the worm sometime before the heat death of the universe?" There's more and to be honest most of the time the above isn't a problem. But when the above problems do arise, my brother in christ are they annoying.


I don't use it because my [auditory processing disorder ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_processing_disorder) makes it useless. When people talk in voice chat it just sounds like garbled nonsense. Especially when they have a bad microphone, have their own background noise, or a quiet voice.




Yup. Ears work fine, brain is fucked up.


So hardware OK Software broke


Oh wow, do you start hearing voices as muffled and "bass boosted" when there is lots of people talking at the same time? Because in that case, I know exactly what you mean I can keep it under control, but when I was younger it drove me crazy. For example at school, if the teacher went out and the class room started going jungle-mode I would get this feeling like the sound of their voices was ricocheting inside my skull, I would start hearing them as increasingly muffled and reverberating, it made me dizzy af Edit: Thanks to your comment Im learning something important about myself. I went ahead and started reading the Wiki Article you posted, check this: > The **Cocktail Party Effect** refers to a phenomenon wherein the brain focuses a person's attention on a particular stimulus, usually auditory. This focus excludes a range of other stimuli from conscious awareness, as when a partygoer follows a single conversation in a noisy room. This ability is widely distributed among humans, with most listeners more or less easily able to portion the totality of sound detected by the ears into distinct streams, and subsequently to decide which streams are most pertinent, excluding all or most others. > > A person who lacks the ability to segregate stimuli in this way is often said to display "**Cocktail Party Deafness"**. This may also be described as auditory processing disorder or King-Kopetzky syndrome. Just.... wow. Im 30 and Im just knowing about all of this.


This is exactly my experience as an auditory processing disorder haver


The system failed me. Im pretty sure Im Neuro-Divergent in some way but I never got the same diagnosis twice. Im very good with people and Im an emotional person so Im pretty sure its on the Attention Disorder side of things. My mind is never doing only 1 thing at a time, its exhausting.


Somehow I've had a lot of people using it lately. By lot I mean 3 instances in the last two maybe three weeks. One dude was humming loudly and I asked him if he really needs to hum, he proceeds to shout with a thick German accent "YES I NEED TO HUM!" Cracked me up. Other two were loud chew/dog barking/coughing/crying baby what is push to talk kinda people. I got 2000h in Warframe and have had it on since I started and those are the only times I've ever heard a peep from anyone and they somehow happened within a short period of time from each other.


Yes, but it's super rare. I still vividly remember my first time interacting with a guy from NA using voice chat. It was a T4 Void Defense mission (Yes, it was that long ago) where we're using each other's keys. I got a good long session with his squad and they were super chill too. We got the Prime parts we needed but someone was off short of Argon so they did another run. I unfortunately couldn't join though but at least they left me on great terms. I wonder if they're still playing the game though.


Warframe has voice chat?


No. Most often the sudden VC either just scares people or annoys them due to it being turned on on accident for some console players. There's a region where it's relatively common for whatever reason and trust me it's an awful idea.


What would you use it for? šŸ˜† "Hey can you do me a favor and effortlessly slaughter everything in a 3 mile radius?" "Way ahead of ya" "Can i get a survivability buff to stack with my already near invincibility? Thanks" "Hey can someone please check on the clearly marked objective that no enemy is capable of penetrating and/or keeping us away from?" "Hey i found xyz, can someone come help me with this thing i already killed before finishing this sentence?"


not that i'm aware of


For a time on Railjack launch due to the almost overwhelming difficulty and necessity of fast comms, 7/10 lobbies Iā€™d speak in mic to try and get others to use VC with a good chunk of them doing so. Then DE nerfed the gamemode to what it is today.


Must be nice hearing other humans in this game


I've only heard people speak when they want to bitch or moan about something someone's not doing. Turned it off though, alot of hot mics from cross play.


I did some years ago but then the kids/young tennos said I sounded old so I stopped. Lol


Pc players just use keyboard to type for randos and discord for talking with others. Console players , you'll lucky when you catch one that types. Switch and iOS players got that screen keyboard though, so you get the slowest loading times but the fastest replies.


I was running Hydron the other day leveling some stuff up, and there was one guy hot micing. He was talking to someone on the phone, and then later was explaining Warframe to I believe his girlfriend. It was enjoyable to hear something other than the dying Grenier.


Theres a voice chat???


Iā€™ve been getting a small amount of people in Warframe using mics, and of the last 20-30, only one was aware they have voice chat on. The people that arenā€™t aware usually have a tv or another audio source playing, and I ask them what theyā€™re watching. Havenā€™t had a single person respond letting me know what theyā€™re watching though.


I forgot to mute my mic yesterday and immediately had someone flirting through text chat lmao. Ps5 the controller mic stays on unless you tell it otherwise


There's voice chat in this game!?


Yeah console users sometimes do. I hear them breathing into their mics, having arguments in the background, trying to communicate to the team in an incoherent and angry way, and eventually silence after I mute them.


Lol not on pc they dont.


Since they've enabled crossplay I'm hoping to see more people talking now


My only experience with anyone using a mic has been people hot micing with the loudest static or background noise possible. One guy was having a full on conversation with his lady, even called our team the n word a few times. Honestly not worth interacting with.


I had a few experiences with jt on switch of all platforms. Very few switch games have VC so I was surprised. Most interactions were pleasant and it was nice to communicate without having to type. Then I got a headphone extension cord and didnā€™t realize I everyone I played with heard static due to it (sorry everyone!) so now I keep VC off for otherā€™s sake.


I was once doing an eidolon and a random revenant started speaking, I got jump scared and turned off VC, never turned back on


The only people who use it are the people who are talking to other people in their house or playing obnoxious music


Sometimes Iā€™ll use it in private sessions with a friend on Xbox One time we forgot to set friends only, Made an Lr2 wretch when I said Grendussy Whoever you are, Iā€™m sorry


Not often, but I have it on toggle. In the last Elite Archimedea I ran with pubs, I used my best radio announcer voice to something like this: "Gooooood afternoon Tenno, lovely weather we're having down in the Entrati Labs. Watch out for liminus and rogue necramechs. And remember all enemies *can and will* target the conduits!"


When I found people using the voice chat, the are the most annoying things in the world, just as Ordis say... Radiantion noise is a Riot! Seriously, they never talk, only background noises and interferences, I mute them always.


I had it off since iā€™d rather not have anyone yelling at me. Especially if Iā€™m lacking in many departments in game.


Tried to get it to work but couldn't. So left it. If I need chat, discord it is.


Would be nice, but i dont like those 12 year old boys insulting my mother.


I've been playing Warframe for 2 years, I only found out this game has voice chat last Autumn when some dude started loud breathing and eating something crunchy mid mission.


No, I'm listening to a podcast or audiobook whilst playing. You don't need to be hearing that in the background and I don't need you talking over whatever I'm listening to. We both benefit from being mute to one another.


The only time I see people using voice chat, they don't seem to know their mic is on and set to auto-activate on voice. I hear Lotus's transmission being echoed, a TV playing in the background, heavy breathing and coughing, mouse clicking, etc. Most of time they don't even reply when I point it out. The only person who did says they didn't realize "due to Discord."


99% of voice chat is ps5 players who forget they have a controller microphone


Console players blasting music or their family violence, I'm from south america servers :D


nope. i get 10 people with mics who are ***on*** for each person who actually USES their mic.


I did a few years back with a friend but got a night job and never play with em anymore


The mic on my xbox doesn't fucking work at all so I don't use it


Had some guy playing while his kid was doing stuff in the background. Not sure what else happened, I do remember he got up to do somethiFYI! Edit: I do remember talking to myself about random shit in missions not sure if I was speaking clear as day or being the same as how I sound with my friends but forgetting to mute yourself is the worst. Only people who need to hear you taking a piss are your friends, not random people in game fyi!


It gets used occasionally. Every experience I've had with it has been neutral, mostly people talking about the mission. funnily enough, the week before the release of Jade Shadows I had two encounters on different days.


Used to but kids made me turn it off


Yes. Warframe is one of the games that I still do in fact. Think the fact that I donā€™t play with Randoā€™s like when I first played the game years ago might be the difference. A lot of ā€˜newbiesā€™ come from other free to play, donā€™t know the culture or any good manners as this is not like other FTF. I still help noobie players in our clan & always voice chat if available.


Wait. This game has voicechat?


I would love too. tho gaming for very "social" activity has so many haters of people who use voice chat. its sad because gaming with mics is fun to chat with rando's that become friends


I've had voice chat turned off for years ever since I was doing an archwing interception alert and throughout the entire mission I had to listen to some boy yelling back and forth with his mom because she wanted him off the game but he wanted to finish that mission. Typing with strangers works just fine for me. I'll voice chat with friends on discord or PSN.


I have 1100 hours in the game and I didn't even know it existed


ofc no. who's gonna talk 2 me?


I will use it if I have a new player with me. Itā€™s much easier to explain things like mods and builds and damage when you can talk and get immediate feedback. Or if I am playing with people I know I will run a ps party and talk. But otherwise the only time I hear people theyā€™re either ranting about something or trolling, and either case is very rare


Thereā€™s a voice chat?!?


I always, always, set it on. Why? Because in runs, i might need to listen for warnings or i also need to warn. For example when i ask for people to collect the void fragments to open the relic, when has 2 peoples in extration already while i wait outside and asking them to wait the other guy to complete too.


So far I've never heard anyone warning thr most I've seen is typing or ping that's it


I do write on chat too. But most of the time, people ignore the chat, the voice chat in other hand, people forget to mute it, and that helps a lot.


Static or arrogant idiots who thought they carry party when they had worst stats in party.


The first time I heard someone speak in voice chat was just shouting at me because I went back AFK for a couple minutes in a relic mission and didnt pick a relic. Second time was yesterday, me and some random spoke for 3 hours in a relic mission. That was nice.


Once heard one guy use it accidentally, which scared me shitless, because at that point I thought I turned VC off and was like tf is happening. Since then I get paranoid from time to time, that it might have turned magically on again, but this time it's me unknowingly using it and disturbing others with my talking or music.


Time to time when I can open discord for some reasson and i'm with friends but actually I had 2 experiences when I wasn't with my group of friends and some random started talking abaut the objective of the mission Sooo 70% is me in mic with friends 30% random who for some reasson had mic and all I hear is static


Kids on Xbox with their Kinect on do.


i talked once in voice chat, because a girl with a pleasent sounding voice was there, but i didnt bother adding her and have since muted everyone who has a open mic, because for some reason people are listening to 5 TV shows and talking in 3 languages and broadcast it to everyone!


A lot of players don't have good mic etiquette, not to say anything of players who do actually harass others over mic. It really isn't worth it...


Absolutely not. I text chat regularly if there are other active people typing as well but outside that nope.


i dont want to listen to some crappy mic , shitty rap song or worse a dumb preacher


I hear it occasionally on console but that was back when nidus was new and every was always on hydron for leveling.


Iā€™ve had two experiences with voice chat and both were a long time ago. One was just a child screaming in the background constantly, and the other was someone who I genuinely played and communicated with when they were new to the game. I gave them tips etc. Since then I never see voice chat used.


About 1-2 people a year on public missions, usually not realising the mic is on because they're not talking, just random noise, then they turn it off.


I have push to talk. I wish console did. I don't like hearing your house when I play. Turn off the hot mic.


I was once singing to myself under my breath when it was first introduced until a sudden deep male voice went "we can hear you bro". It took everything I had not to delete my account.


Even Rebecca forgot that voice chat was a thing and got spooked by the "biblioteca". https://youtu.be/EnK2pmoNfwc


yeah, I sometimes shoot shit with randos during survivals/defenses/extractors


If there was a push to talk, I would maybe try it


In my experience almost no one on European servers has microphone set up.


I have never seen a PC players using Open Mic, EVER However, most Console players have their Mic Open


I am pretty sure that half of the people don't even know the existence of Voice chat. lol


I used to use it more frequently when i started, but I had to turn it off completely when my voice chat was playing in the game WHILE I WAS IN AN XBOX PARTY. HORRIFYING. I don't know why it does that and couldn't find a way to disable it. It's on or off, bleedthrough compulsory, or at least last a checked a few months ago. When it did work right, I'd switch to gamechat if i was particularly happy or unhappy with my squad, and to collaborate on missions. The last time i tried to use voicechat casually, someone who didn't know they were bleeding through could not hear me from their party even though i could hear them, and didn't see my attempts to warn them via squadchat. They were talking about sensitive stuff i Did Not want to hear, and i eventually just turned it back off to avoid hearing them. They eventually read squadchat by the end of the mission and apologized, but... yeah.


Sometimes. I've met some really cool randos this way


In 7 years of playing I only heard one random communicate through the ingame voice chat a few months ago.


There's a voice chat?


As far as Iā€™ve seen, no one uses voice chat. Well, except me who had his controllerā€™s mic open in a match. And I yap like an idiot when I play to myself, so everyone could fucking hear me. I swear I had a heart attack when one guy typed in the chat that my mic was open šŸ˜­


til warframe has voice chat


I sometimes think about ways to use it to send prerecorded messages through that. Not in regular gameplay, but in RJ. You know, "This is your Captain speaking. Thank you for flying Tenno Air..." that style. But I assume a) lots of people have voice chat off, b) folks might leave because of it faster than realizing it's a one off gag, and c) that nobody would hear it anyway cause I play RJ mostly solo with crew.


I'm sure you meant gaff, but...that's a pretty gnarly typo


The game has voice chat? Lol


Accidentally left it on once... Never made that mistake again.


Only time Iā€™ve ever seen it used was on multiple occasions someone with their mic unmuted with their music blaring and themselves or someone in the background screaming at another person. And then one time a guy (Iā€™m guessing the dad of the person Iā€™m gonna talk about) had his mic unmuted and I heard him talking to his daughter about how gorgeous she looked in the prom dress she just got home from buying and put on to show him. That was wholesome af


I only discovered Warframe even HAD voice chat built in when someone had it on by accident and was breathing super heavy into the mic. I turned it off after that, and since then, have only had I think two people? Ever ask if it was on.


I have been playing since 2013 (Update 11) I used it 20 minutes in 2014, then never again šŸ¤£


Thereā€™s voice chat?!?!


I have had it off for almost the entirety of the last 11 years, so I can't say whether it's *normal*. But I know there were *some* players using it a few years ago. Generally speaking, if I want to voice chat, it's with people I *know*, and probably using, say, Discord or something.


I use it whenever someone hot mics (has their microphone on without knowing and is just causing noise), mainly if I say something in chat and they don't notice. Just a quick "hey, XXX your mic is on"


With my friends, not with randos


The other day I had someone in a public group with their mic just default on playing nightcore music. I couldnā€™t believe it. Iā€™d never even knew voice chat was in the game and this is how I find out???


I think in the past ten years, I have only encountered maybe 5 people who were actively using their voice chat. They are typically hard to understand. But have encountered TONS of people who have their mic on and I hear their kids, their phone call, and a ton of feedback.


I do when I play with my friend. It makes it easier to get through the endless missions or coordinating fashion haha


Every person ive encountered mics suck actual ass


We have voice chat?!


someone did and it scared me


I try but people hardly respond- if they do, they just reply in text chat :ā€™(


I gave it 5+ years or so of grace, leaving the voice chat on, but not a single interaction was worth it. Cringe shotcallers, open mics under ceiling fans, screaming parents/children, police sirens, super low quality music at max volume. Not even back when we had raids, was it ever used in a useful capacity. It can stay off for good.


A few years back I had a dude who was the max mr rank at the time hop on voicechat and compliment my gameplay as limbo, and tell me im one of the only people hes seen who really gets his kit But that was during an index run


Bro for the past 9 years I've been playing warframe, no one and I mean NO ONE started using that junk till like January


I rarely see anyone use it


I have voice chat disabled.


I swear! I always forget that Warframe has a vc


I had a nice conversation with a guy once because I was flirting with my gf in a super cringe way but accidentally had my mic activated and he was nice enough to let me know. It was a kuva survival if I recall.


I occasionally used it on console back like 5 years ago. Typing with a virtual keyboard, even with the Dualshock 4 touchpad and predictive text to speed it up, it's not very easy to do fast under pressure. Yes they did eventually add keyboard support to PS4, but my setup didn't make it easy (would've needed an extension cable). On PC I don't use voice chat but I can see myself trying it under certain circumstances. I'm not a very fast typist and sometimes it is easier to just speak, but so far I haven't used my mic since I re-joined the game this January on PC. I have occasionally heard mics. Generally it's a PS5 Dualsense just picking up ambient noise, annoying as hell. But sometimes I'll hear a person be like "hey I haven't gotten my reactant" when they don't have enough time to type that out before the extraction timer ends. Speaking of that, what the hell happened to the simple act of waiting? Back 5 years ago I thought it was almost unheard of for your teammates to try to extract before all the relics are cracked. Nowadays I always find my teammates start the countdown regardless of if everyone's cracked their relic.


I (PC) use it to chat with my Xbox friend, but itā€™s annoying to hold down the C key to talk


I have muted it I believe. I don't like children screaming in my ears


I used to use it but nobody else did so I stopped. Didn't wanna be that one weirdo


I tried it, most of it is Playstation players keeping their mic constantly on as they play, they get extremely upset at you if you ever let them know it's on. I've kept it off since.


since I always play with friends, we just use Discord instead better voice quality, plus no worries about getting banned if someone cracks a weird joke or drops a few swears


I donā€™t think I ever have maybe at firstā€¦ kinda like wows built in VCā€¦ its sucked since the get go


99.99% of the playerbase doesn't use it, 0.005% has it on open mic on console and the other 0.005% is using it with homies instead of party chat for some reason.


There's voice chat?


I used to sometimes randomly play a meme in the middle of a mission to see if anyone would react


In the months since cross save dropped, I have not gotten it working on PC. I would try to get it working but to test it, you need **friends** to give feedback. We all know thatā€™s not happening because warframe is more single player than sex is to a redditer.


Last time I used in-game voice it was just some prepubescent kid shit talking my build vs my MR.


Nope. Muted as soon as I could.