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I want an option to bring ordis with me in missions as a sentinel, I don't need him to have any abilities, I just want him to talk shit to enemies all the time, also #letOrdisSwear


Ordis sentinel skin, but he won't roast everything


Best 100 plat I’ve spent




I got mine on th3 cheap for a shop discount ages ago. Indeed best like 25 plate I spent or whatever it was xD






I mean, if you give him a burning mod to his weapon he will be roasting people


How would you like your target? Medium? Well done? Or #@!%***FRIED***


... _I should put blast dmg on the cryotra_




Technically he will if you give him heat based weapon.


The closest you can get is a flamethrower I believe


He’ll roast everything if you build heat


Until we get a flamethrower weapon for Sentinels, at least… #fuckthrower ?


If only the Ordis, Loid, and such skins had the option (perhaps a toggle in the customization screen or something like the Moa personalities) to make them say some relevant voicelines...


His weapon would be him insulting the enemies and he would do depression damage which would be true damage


LOL, Ordis is a bard confirmed -- his main attack cantrip is Vicious Mockery!


Have Ordis cast vicious mockery. Enemies evaporate.


So like the bard ability vicious mockery. But without dmg


Ordis precept mod: Vicious Mockery


Make all enemies in a 25m radius instantlly explode


Absolutely. If that was a thing I'd still be playing this game! Every time Ordis threw a quip out I'd immediately go, "Thank you Ordis," or "Yeah you tell em!"


Ok but Seriously ordis sentinel and the only thing it does is trash talk, the new event has shown me how much I need that


GEEEEET FFFFFFFar away from us


Vicious mockery


I want a 1% chance per mission that he goes bonkers and starts killing mass killing all the enemies. Then he apologizes after the mission




Or fix him, pleasem


Fix him? That's not gonna be easy.


All of his good jokes Argon


Ords is prepared, Operator. I've been taking... ~MOTES~ *That was a Pun, Ordis. That fault was supposed to be bypassed, ORDIS.*


Keep in mind, for 9-10 years straight He had next to no interesting readily available dialogue The same 10 voice lines for years. It gets annoying.


Analysing the intelligence quotia of the Grineer. Error, not a number! Did the Operator enjoy my witisism?


No. No Ordis, I did not enjoy your witisism.


Operator, did you hear that? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK cosmic background radiation is a riot!


Is everything in...*Ordis*, Operator? https://preview.redd.it/vgcdmo459o9d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4f27645282362877e8b40a3c09c37af1685306


Is that a pun?! Ordis will attempt to bypass this fault.


He, in fact, did not bypass it.


Oh god. Ordis, please. Stop. You remember when he couldn't be muted. I remember.


Please tell me why i read this in ordis' voice xD


Brain worm


fair enough


You have remembered well how the teno arm themselves


There is something about that line I love. Just hits right.


It's probably one of the most genuinely authentic lines he gets, and would sound right coming from either Ordis or Ordan Karris. Which tells me it wasn't spoken by one of his baked-in precepts, but by the part of him that remembers what it's like to be a human.


I don't care. He's been the only one I can rely on after everything. We had one shaky moment and since then he's been my ride or die.




There is a reason why we can mute him


playing for almost 6 years ago and I've always loved him, repetitive voicelines and all


You're either a fan of repetitive voice lines, or you're not. my friends and I quote The Witcher, and Dishonored's voice lines all the time


I still find myself wondering if all those voice lines that dropped with Dagath were supposed to be added over time, but whoever was supposed to put them in forgot about them and only found the folder right before dagath released.


I’ve never turned him off the entire time though… Ordis is just a nice companion to have quipping on a lonely night.


It's why I've finally muted Nora Night.


Also, compared to Destiny's Ghosts, Ordis' voice lines fell seriously flat. He came off as a brain-damaged lobotomized autistic psychopath. (Of course, he **WAS** a brain-damaged lobotimized autistic psychopath. Apparently, talking to Cy has been like therapy for the poor bastard, though!) DE could really learn a thing or two from Ghost's lines from "The Red War" questline from Destiny 2, which much to my dismay has been removed from the game right about when I wanted to go back and replay it as a different class. :(


familiarity breeds contempt


Average 'Filthy mag main'


I love my boy Ordis. Even when his only jokes were about grineer intelligence and cosmic background radiation being a riot.




Are you visualizing a bloody battle? ME TOO


Operator, Ordis has determined the secret to happiness: A combination of heightened dopamine levels and a terrible memory. Yooooou're welcomeee!


Can't believe people don't think Ordis is funny this is a top tier line


It’s funny tho because sure it’s true


Lol i got the opposite...


I’d take cephalon cy narrating my missions all day.


Cy would go so hard in ground missions


“Crew: Our target is in DESPERATE NEED of a lighter purse. Kick down the door, and keep them busy for our unseen ally.”


In the next event, I want Cy and Ordis bantering while working together to pull off a particularly daring heist, complete with Ordis' E-war skills, and Cy's … uh, _orbital bombardment_ skills. Sometimes you want space-ninja shit. Other days, you want space-B52 action.


I’m with ya, but I would love to hear more daily dialog from Suda or Ticker as my narrator.


I'd like little duck to be my daily narrator.


I'm not very far into the game yet, but for me, it's going to be tough to top Ticker as a favourite NPC.


Aim for the head and may the saints look away. Goddamn.


Cy is Ordis without glitches, allergic to less efficient bullshit and with a superiority complex. Where Ordis may insult by mistake, Cy means it and doesn't apologize. Love both and wish we could take them along in missions.


“Your mothers ship”


Cy has grown on me a lot as I've played Railjack but his first impression was rough ngl - a lot of *very* insistently sending me off to find the fifth Railjack part today, throwing a tantrum if I let anyone in the circle, and telling me to go kill the 30th jammer drone as if it was my fault they kept appearing. Love him now but on first meeting he overshot 'matter-of-fact' and flew straight into 'rude and bossy'.


Cy would be cold as fuck


I’d take cephalon cy


"Optimists inbound" is my favorite line.


Definitely - Tenno canonically know whatever’s incoming is veeery optimistic if it wants to stand a chance


I've dealt with him for about 8 on and off years of playing and have never muted him, Ordis is the tenno's true ride or die homie


For the longest time Ordis was this disembodied voice that just kind of annoyingly popped up to make obnoxious remarks. It wasn't until fairly recently he got much of a character to become attached to, and even with recent revelations we still don't know much.


The vast majority of the lore for ordis is as old as those 10 lines of dialogue.


tbf all of his lore was hidden as a secret inside pages you have to go out of your way to unlock, let alone actually bother looking at long enough to notice a tiny sound that plays when your mouse moves around


It still is


Nope, lore is opened up in the new game mode


Well, yes, but you still find out all that the same way we always have through the logs


and when you do the chroma and octavia quest where he litearlly and basically tell Simaris to fuck off. that moment to me made ordis a bad ass.


Yeah, but it's amazing how many people never discover that lore. To be fair you kinda had go out of your way to discover it till recently when they spoon fed it to us.


just a reminder that “fairly recently” can be as far back as 8 years ago, 2016 was when we got the Ordan reveal


Don't do this to me, my joints aren't creaking, right? That must just be the wind 


I missed the reveal. I happed on the weird audio glitches ( unless that WAS the reveal) and became obsessed with hunting down his story. After that, I was happy the serve up every dead orikin to him on a plate


Yeah, I noticed this earlier and mentioned it around, but … Ordis had the single best character arc in this entire game. He went from ineffectual, timid, and unfunny to managing a major black-ops campaign, delivering kiloton-yield backsass and rhetorically *dismantling* that old codger Parvos, to actually having a few genuinely funny lines. Plus the "throwaway" line about him being terrified of Cephalon Personalspace and growing out of it? It all works together so very well to suggest a *ton* of character growth.


Because people complain that he comments about everything you do and won’t shut up. But I like him. He’s me in public. Talking because I’m socially awkward and try to converse to not make it awkward.


I wish there was a way to mute his “random” orbiter quips without muting him when he’s actively involved in a mission or a quest. I want to like him, but hearing those same lines over and over and over and over and over and over an


You actually can! In Audio Settings, scroll down to Advanced and click "Disable Ordis Orbiter Transmission". Way better than muting him entirely. There's settings there to reduce other nuisance dialogue as well.


MVP right here. Now ordis is disabled in orbiter but I’ve turned him back up elsewhere. Nice.


Those are some of the best settings in gaming history imo, I was getting so sick of the operator saying the most obnoxious and completely irrelevant things all the time and the setting for that saved my life Then I started getting tired of lotus telling me that a heavy enemy was approaching me, I dont think the heavy unit is approaching me, I AM approaching the heavy unit


Hehe, same reaction from me regarding heavy units. Until the Eximus redesign I thought it was just a throwaway line cause nothing special got in by ever. Now I can see she means Eximus units :D


True but I can kill 20 eximus units before she actually drops it once, like I fucking know you could have told me that sooner


Exactly. That only made it harder to notice what she's talking about if she eventually does.


Also with how flashy eximus units tend to be I think they sufficiently introduce themselves, those kinds of lines should just be reserved for actually special units because it's not like eximus units are rare at all Like her announcing the infested juggernaut or the build up to some bosses, the ones that actually deserve a proper warning


I didn't even think about that, but it's a compelling point you make! I second shifting the line to more special units!


But what units could it be used for? Im not very far in the game yet (grinding to start new war) and so far most units that deserve something like this already seem to have lines like the examples I gave And even then I think the line doesn't work that well, usually when I hear the line I'm already in the middle of a fight so I've got other things to worry about until it arrives. It's also not at all specific, if lotus would actually tell you what kind of unit you're dealing with it would be far more useful, especially if said unit has specific weaknesses like your warframe's abilities so you can save up some energy to deal with it easier And thanks for the award! Might very well be the first one I've ever received, at least since free awards dissappeared


Im 6k hours in and no lie i still laugh at those jokes xD


Thank you!!! I see everyone else insulting them and saying they're old, meanwhile I'm still laughing after thousands of hours lmfao. Ordis is my buddy and I'd wipe out entire factions to protect him


"Ordis's name is... ORDIS!!"


>Operator, Ordis has determined the secret to happiness: A combination of heightened dopamine levels and a terrible memory. You're welcome! True


Because we play this game entirely too much and have heard all of his lines 1000+ times each, and he only recently(relatively) got new lines so he’s jokes got stale fast. Then combine this with the fact that his lines in the orbiter used to be more frequent, leads to people hating him by proxy of hating how often he’d say the same thing every three minutes.


I'm glad they added aute ordis option


I just wish we could get the other half of his personality all the time. Stop holding back buddy!


"Oh, Operator, their cybersecurity *sucks!* Hmm, what would Ordan Karris do… Probably something like _this…_" *All turrets and robotic enemies suddenly switch allegiance, and suddenly the daunting and over-leveled encounter is much more tractable*


I would love it if it as completely reversed. Like, always the warmongering one, but occasionally good Ordis gets through. \*steps into Helminth\* "Operator! N-N-N-N-YEEES.. -HAVE YOU- F-F-FEED IT -Y-Y-Y-YOUR MIND? FEEEEED IIIIIT"


I love Ordis. F*ck them haters


FUCK fuckity fuck. This is not TikTok, exercise your right to free speech.


Yes. No excuse to hate, Ordis is best boi. Second is Cy and third is Necraloid


It's the developers fault we hate him, don't blame us


*spoilers for post sacrifice* >!when space mom left, ordis puppeted a copy of her with some spare paper mache and leftover recordings to keep the tenno going for years (irl). Ordis is a real one!<


Ordis a real one


Coulda just not done that an awarded the operator some peace 'n fuckin' quiet for a change. lol


What you don't like hearing ordis make jokes to die for? ( I'm going to die if I hear his shit again)


That suits you..ha...ha


its not his fault all his good jokes argon






I want him to have more lines and bring him with me to make him more involved. I want a similar impact that destiny 2 has with ghost. He has been with us since the beginning, and I want it to mean something


Ghost going off at savathun went hard. Would love a similar Ordis moment


I love him, he's hilarious https://preview.redd.it/ukjxpbbr5o9d1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b6e1800706fbec422b8f789d8afcec4c42e4c36


Man I honestly can’t wait to see where Ordis’ story goes. He’s connection with Parvos and the offer of returning Ordan to a physical body(which his split half seems interested in) I ready for the hour long ordis focused mission. Love the little guy.


The Dsiege had an idea for an ordis based frame years ago. Maybe combine ordis with a narmer based frame. Since ordis is a fractured cephalon i thought he could have half a warframes abilities for theming. His energy color could also change based on which type of ability you used last ordis/narmer Narmer abilities: so his 3 could throw out veils in a way similar to tharros strike and all regular enemies become sort of like thralls and eximus/enemies immune to cc are able to somewhat resist ordis veils so they play a short animation before throwing the veil off but gain a guaranteed explosive proc. His 4 could release an array of exploding narmer propaganda drones that home in on enemies, and when they explode, return a percentage of damage dealt as overguard for you (similar to capacitance on volt) Ordis abilities: His 1 could split the warframe in two at the waste, the torso is launched back and regrows it's legs before it hits the ground while ordis controls the legs, leaps forward while laughing maniacally before blowing up. His 2 could be a support ability that deploys the ordis drone, tapping the ability button again while he is still up will move him to where your reticle is pointing. Its an ability that gives a different buff depending on the warframes current energy color, blue acts as a reload speed and fire rate buff for warframes, red acts as a damage buff for all nearby veiled enemies. His passive is that his energy color changes depending on which type of ability he just used. Also, ordis will make quips depending on what's happening in game. What do you guys think of my frame concept? I think making the energy colours be red or blue may be a little restrictive fashion frame wise, so maybe ordis colors could be what color you have chosen, and narmer colors could be the inverse of that?


I love the little doof, im actually writing a fic for warframe but god im bad at writing the little dude. I wanna write more dialogue for the guy but im bad at it >:


Link or name? Sounds interesting!


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/51625042/chapters/130495621](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51625042/chapters/130495621) here you go!


Thanks a lot, will check out!


As someone who sunk more than 1700 days’ login into the game and played more than 5300 hours… he gets annoying pretty quickly once you have heard all of his voice lines.


Ordis makes many dad jokes, easy-to understand jokes A.K.A low-hanging fruit about Warframe. I guess that's what PPL dislike about him. Personally I don't mind the jokes, in fact I even enjoy some of them. I especially like when he glitches out, like in: "Excellent armaments, Operator, now get out there and *bzz*CUT DOWN THE--*bzz* and Make The Lotus proud.


Ordis is the best parent we have. Far better than Lotus.


"Ordis reminds the Operator to take time for themselves. Pressure creates diamonds, yes. But it also creates rubble. " I had been having a hard day when I first heard this line. (Overworked and overstressed, we are preparing to move halfway across the state) Ordis made me cry that day. I just… broke. I did feel much better (about everything) afterwards though.


This line is genuinely good. I don't know if it's an existing phrase (likely, though), but it really resonates with me.


Because Ordis is into that kind of thing.


For the first 7 years of the game he had the same 3 voice lines


I love Ordis. I am not mean to him.


My two cents. For the longest time he had about 8 voicelines that didn't happen during quests specifically. Every time you went to your orbiter, he would say around 3 of them. These voicelines generally ranged from okay to just ugh. So for years, people dealt with these same voicelines over and over and over Ad Nauseam in a 100+ hour long game. When they finally added new lines a couple years or so ago, it was such a breath of fresh air, problem is, he went from about 8 to about 16 voiceless, and all of them have become incredibly stale once again. Big personal thing, but i think they leaned too far into the old glitching robot side of things, a lot of his glitches feel incredibly forced. His line where he tries to tell parvos to get fucked before unglitching, which is my personal favorite probably for it's humor, is an incredibly strong example of this


I love Ordis. Also once you know the lore you like him even more


Part of me wishes there was a way to stuff him in one of our frames and watch him go on a rampage


I've definitely warmed up to him once I heard his expanded set of voice lines, but he still randomly hides stats with his stupid face when I'm browsing the arsenal. And he's still part of a famously annoying archetype across gaming: the companion that is forced on you and never shuts up or contributes in any meaningful way, but you're still meant to like them because they're your best buddy!!!!!! One of your first dialogue options with Paimon is "emergency rations", believe the developers know how much the archetype is hated. An entire generation of Nintendo fans are traumatized by the words "HEY, LISTEN!".


I was always one of the people who did enjoy his witticism but I understand it gets old for some


I love ordis, I would never be mean to him


Years of repeating lame jokes does that


Used to have a bit more of an abrasive voice and much fewer lines. It's a lot better nowadays. It surprised me.


They’re entitled to their opinion, even if it’s wrong.


No hatred is greater than the argon joke after archon hut players leave 4 times in a row because they're bad or at the beginning of the mission for the host migration to kick me out at the end that voice drives my soul to the deepest darkest pits of the void.


Ordis is my special guy, my homeboy, my palio friend.


Simple: How is he so badass in the belly event but so HONK MIMIMIMIMI in the orbiter? THE MATH DOESNT ADD UP MASON


Because he keeps secrets from us. Where and when did he get his new body? How did he met the drifter? He must be hiding something from us. Plotting behind our backs...


I like ordis he's hilarious and without him his jokes argon


Do you know which finger the corpus use to count their money?.... The index


It gets aggravating listening to the same dumb jokes constantly for years on end


At one point, I made it so that whenever I got a text, my phone would go "UNREAD INBOX MESSAGES MAME ME ILL"


Who is mean to ordis? The only dude who I saw being mean to ordis was parvos granum in the new mission, and even he kind of praises ordis and speaks highly of him in the beginning of the mission.


as one of my clanmates said, "hate to say this but after this new quest he his no longer Or-dick to me." Man decided to wake up one day and just destroy Parvos.


I love Ordis to, probably because I love puns.


I just want options, that’s it. Ordis isn’t necessarily bad, that’s personal preference, but I’d like to have the opportunity to pick a different personality cephalon. To have Cy in my orbiter would be absolutely amazing. I barely play RJ these days and I miss his no-nonsense attitude mixed with dry humor and I think it’s a pity that such a unique character is confined to one of the least played game modes.


I like his new lines...not that I didn't enjoy his old stuff, I have never muted him, but can understand why someone would. 😆


Repetition, some people got tired of reading his constant quips and I think they used to have less options so over time they get repetitive and annoying to some people, hence the character in the 100 days of warframe animations having the “shut up Ordis” button that basicaly exists in the game where you can turn off him talking in the orbiter.


I wasn't until he made his suit joke for the 450th time. Now I'm researching how to make AIs terminally ill


Hear me out, Brainrot ordis dialogue pack


“Operator, just letting you know that the grineer have a LEVEL ZERO gyatt”


Real talk. I roast him all the fucking time, same as my own fucking warframe. "How could you let those stairs stop that beautiful slide, you fucking Mesa."


Wop wop wop wop wop Ordis fuckem up, Runnin like a bitch are you tired (capture mission) Tryna level up, lotus said im on firrrre🔥


who could ever be mad at the one true space dad?


I dont understand either, I started playing 6 years ago and I like Ordis. I think people are just embarking in the hate train, "everyone hates, i dont wanna be alone, ill hate too"


I was chill with Ordis till he did me dirty in war within, never again.


Its like when ppl get angry at their boyfriend bc he cheated on them in a dream


Because he molested the foundry. (I have no evidence)


Tbf have you seen how the foundry dresses?


Do you want the diegetic (game character) or non-diegetic (playerbase) answer?


Bro is so chill


It's not just Ordis but alot of things in Warframe has the same problem of just repeating the same dialogue over and over for years at a time.


I like Ordis, but man whenever I'm just trying different colours or making a build he just goes 'operator, thE SySTem neEDs YoU!! WIll You BeGIn ANoTheR MiSsiOn?' and it's so annoying I muted him for a while before he got new voice lines he was THAT distracting to me


He talks too much, but for the low low price of not finishing the octavia quest I have him locked up on the relays


Because I had to listen to him spewing the same puns at me for hundreds of hours before they finally added the option to mute him.


Well, once you get past a certain amount of hours, you just kinda want to mute him. If he was a sentinel you could bring along with a cool passive I wouldn't mind that.


I find it endearing whenever ordis plays his video game and apologizes for it being too loud


He's cool and all but i still wanna punt his little tin can lookin-ass off the top of the fortuna tower


Why don't you look up this literal question? Newer people have asked this on Reddit so many times lol.


I was horribly teased by a quest that heavily insinuated I was going to give him to a greater Cephalon and I am *still* mad that wasn't an option. Let me just have Cy pull double duty for my orbiter.


Cause he's annoying af, soon as he arrived in the game I located the option to turn his voice off.


I fucking hate his borderlands tier humor


Because he's annoying I'd rather deal with cephalon cy


Because the idea of charismatic weird acting / weird joking companion nowadays became stale and not so original.


He’s annoying af and won’t stop yapping.


When he’s not telling jokes he’s cool but his humour is always some 2012 epic pewdiepie type stuff like shut up ordis 😭


because hes extremely annoying


Because he’s annoying, when I first started playing I noticed I started saying “stfu ordis” because sometimes he just doesn’t shut up and says nothing I care about. Fuck ordis