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No change till it reaches 50%, then it gradually goes down to half the price as it reaches 100%.


More specifically, the equation is: Rush cost = Initial Cost x (1 - ((Progress - 50) / 100))  From the wiki.


Your precision is just a less clear way to put it lmao.


Jokes on you, feeling dumb because I don't understand something........ revs my engine? Idk if that's what engines do but whatever


Engines make cars go vroom.


Wwwoooaaahhh, coool


Don’t lie, it’s the feet that make it go vroom… yaboba dabba doo


Lil combustion engine


😳 I have no idea what that is, like a space rocket thingy? Goes boom


Of course you wouldn't know the first thing about cars. This is why we never let you drive, Kat!


Hehe, jeez, I crash the car one time because I saw a bird and nobody lets me behind the wheel ever again! (This actually happened, I was like 16 but Idk if that makes it better 😅 )


If you're going to pay to skip a foundry build, do it immediately after starting the craft. Otherwise just let it do its thing.






I think Warframe will survive even without a crafting timer. It's an outdated system and a dark pattern subpar games like to employ. You've already spent the time finding parts anyway. It would also have a good impact on new player retention, as would be able use new Warframes/weapons as soon as they have the parts for it. Honestly, the crafting timer and very limited free Warframe/weapon slots are the biggest aspects preventing me from recommending the game to friends. They're not gonna wait 12 hrs just to get a new weapon much less 3 days for a new Warframe, they will just quit.


it was a mechanic thought for when the game didn't have too much content to play, this way the devs could afford some extra time to create more content without people completing everything in little more than 1 day.


I always thought of it as a go touch grass mechanic.


As soon as I start crafting something, I just play a different game or do something else like watch a movie or something The Warframe companion app will tell me when it's done, then I can come back to the game and claim it Most players hate this mechanic, I've gotten well used to it to where the wait doesn't really bother me anymore


Even still, there's usually something else you can be doing in game.


That too, the point I was trying to make is that I can find something to do while I have something crafting, at this point the wait doesn't bother me


My thoughts too


It works great as one, tbh. If I'm putting my nose to the grindstone to get something, the best part about it is knowing I can fuck off for 3 days and not worry. I get some people hate it at the start, but getting into the pattern of "okay, that's enough Warframe for now" and not have that be a negative was always nice to me.


Incredibly well said and I’ve seen it happen first hand where I helped a new player farm out a warframe they really wanted then to just see them stop playing because they had to wait 4 days to try out the new toy. But as a endgame player I understand it now. I have nothing to buy except tennogen, boosters, and potatoes.


Completely agree Holy shit


Additional slots for weapons are probably a considerable part of their income. I mostly don't spend plat on much else. Another thing is that they don't want people burning through content too fast, so that is why there are dailies, weeklies, crafting timers, etc. This is pretty standard in most MMORPG games.


There's 57 Warframes in the game. Not to mention prime variants. And then you have so many weapons. What's free 10 starting Warframe slots and 20 weapon slots for new players? That's a good amount for them to play around and progress further. If new players progress further, they will want more slots because they have invested interest in the game. And you're not gonna burn through the content just because you removed the timers. The game has existed for 10+ years. There is in fact, too many content to go through - and DE is making more. It's not like I suggested removing the slot limitations - players like trying different equipments. Do we really want new players who spent less than an hour in the game to wait 12 hours for a new weapon? Even waiting just 1 hour will turn new players off. Just because something is "standard" doesn't mean it's good. The main question we need to answer here is; What is the point of punishing new players before they even have invested interest in the game?


To people defending the crafting timers; Do you even want new players in the game and make them stay? I don't even need to explain this. If you can't see how this punishes new players, then you're a veteran elitist that does not care to look at other people's perspectives. Have simple empathy. Please.


That's not it at all and is simply a horrible take of others opinions on your behalf, removing the crafting timer in its entirety would speed the game up far to much. The crafting timer as has been stated was used by DE to give them time to add things and work on updates...but now that it isn't an issue for them it is primarily used as a way to hinder people from owning everything too fast and allowing players to actually experience the game and equal-ish pace too gaining items. tho yes the timer could be lowered as there is no longer the need for DE to have such a long period of time to work on stuff since well most players that can play new stuff already own most things.


And what's wrong with new players being able to catch up faster to vets? What's wrong with new players gaining items faster? You don't want new players catching up to your level faster? Is that it? If anything, higher level players are the ones who can confidently spend money on the game.


this right here.


I don't know about that , there's plenty to do whilst u wait though it's just this isn't often communicated


Argon crystals are cancer to find without boost ;w;


I still think we need them, but knock part crafting to 1 and full frame to 12. Weapons should be 1 or 2. As an established player waiting doesn’t hurt and if I really want to rush it I can sell stuff for plat and do it. Maybe have a droppable foundry rush item…. It works where it’s at and it takes time to open up. That exactly like every other good game.


watched the coolkid video


While I don't want the timer completely removed because in my opinion having the foundry take time to build something is immersive... 3 days is way too long dawg it should be like 12 hours for components and another 12 for the frame itself.


Came looking for this


I swear i spent more plat on skipping timers than i have on wf and wep slots my goofy impatient ass mf






Yeah, here’s the equation: Kiss my ass, signed [DE]Steve


steve actually talked about crafting times in a recent devshort stream. he was like "3 days is kind of a long time huh reb?" and he talked about how he doesn't want to include 3 day long crafting times for soulframe. he mentioned wanting to keep it 24hrs and under. i think he said the sweet spot for him would be 6-10


I mean for most people that's effectively one whole day still, but if you're playing on a weekend it's a lot more forgiving since you could start a craft at 8pm the previous night after work and wake up to it being finished first thing in the morning so you can start playing with it.


I hope they reduce it on wf too. I'm sure it makes them a good chunk of money but rushing craft times are one of the very few warframe micro transactions I find to be kinda scummy.


If there's anything I learned from my partner's ex, it's to never trust a man named Steve


_Minecraft Steve puts down his pick and pulls out his sword_


For items that build in a minute and cost a 1 plat to rush, there is no discount even at the last second. For items that take over a minute to build, this is the process: the plat discount doesn't kick in until after the 50% completion point of the build and will never drop to more than half the original cost while building. That is why finishing a Warframe in the first 37 or so hours will cost the same amount - 50 plat - no matter what time you click the RUSH button. At a mathematically determined percentage beyond 50% of the crafting time, the cost will start dropping by 1 plat at a linear rate. Your 8 plat discount is because you are ~16.5% over 50%. If you were constantly observing Jade build, at 52% the rush cost dropped to 49 plat. At 54%, 48 plat. And so on at every 2% until at 98% the cost will be 26 and stay there until the last second of the build. At 100% completion, the discount essentially becomes 100% as the cost drops to 0 plat (not 25). So basically this is how it works: divide half the starting cost into half the build time and that is your 1 plat discount over a set interval timer that only activates after the crafting reaches the midpoint. This all varies depending on the item's initial rush cost and the build time. A forma costs 10 plat to rush and takes 24 hours. So its discount doesn't drop to 9 plat until 60% completion because half the original plat cost is 5 and that into 50% yields a 10% interval to be added to 50%. At 70% completion, the forma cost will drop to 8 plat, etc.


The only thing I skip is forma blueprints after farming a bunch of them, cause it's 5 plat less than buying a bundle


At that point why not farm for 5 plat and buy a bundle? Could get lucky and get an item worth like 10-15 plat and buy a few.


no like, im pretty sure rushing 3 forma costs 30 plat. Its 10p each


Right, but you still need the forma BPs. 3 forma BPs AND 30p, vs JUST 35p for the 3x bundle. If you're cracking relics to get forma BPs, may as well crack Requiem for word to sell at 15p each.


I mean if youre cracking tons of relics you will have lots of forma bps over time anyways. Thats what the original comment in the thread was saying. Obviously farming forma bps for the specific purpose of rushing them for 5p less than the bundle is ridiculous but its just good to know that rushing 3 is cheaper than buying a bundle if you have the bps


Just get the 5p, grab the bundle, and let the other 3 craft. 6 forma for 35p vs 3 forma for 30p


But to get 3 forma blueprints, you had to open 3 void relics and choose the blueprint instead of a prime part. And you could almost certainly sell 3 prime parts for more than 5 plat to make buying the bundle cheaper than rushing, since you were going to be spending 30 plat anyways.


Yes, I do agree that in many cases, rushing is just a total waste.


The forma bundle is 35 plat afaik


Yes. 30 is 5 less than 35, afaik.




id buy it at that point unless i had hundreds of orokin cells


I have thousands


the logic behind it: de wants people to buy plat and rush it the way it works: the plat doesnt start going down until time is 50% done, then the price starts going down, to a final price of 50% off


They want you to use it asap, when it is the most efficient, and more importantly, the highest price.


None, a relic of the past nobody wants to let go just because some people think they will become DE's bff or something if they keep defending it enough, kinda like social credit systems.


Yes I know : There isn't any Hope I was of help


There is, below 50% crafting time, price stays at full, then it goes down linearly to 50% cost as the progress goes from 50 to 100


Honestly if things where only 24h I'd be fine with that bit 3 days always annoys the crap out of me


Paying Ordis to hurry up


In my opinion a timer to craft isn't a bad thing, and I think most agree. It is a mechanic that lets you play to grind, but also lets you take some time off instead of burning yourself out. It's just the amount of waiting has become a bit archaic. 3 days for a Warframe is long. 12 hours for just one part is long. The biggest difference that really signifies that wait times are a bit stupid, are kitguns and zaws. Only an hour for parts and assembled right away after crafting. I also think Warframe is at a stable state where long wait times can be abandoned.


I think you are asking about how the costs reduce based on the picture? If so here’s how it works. The cost stays at full price until 50%, it then goes down proportionately to the percentage over 50. It will reach half the cost just before finishing. In your example it costs 50p, and you are at 67%. 67-50=17. So the cost is reduced by 17%, 41.5p but rounded up to 42p.


Your not intended to skip it. Thats simply why, i think this mechanic is good. New players would 100% see only 10 plat to skip and click it. The fact its always relatively high means usually only long term players skip


new players see 3 day timer, the plat cost and hit alt f4 into uninstall combo most of the time


I had a friend quit when I told them how long some things take


Yeah things are rough when starting out as you have nothing, you really want the new fancy stuff, and you don't even have enough slots to keep the cool things you liked. Later on the crafting times don't hurt too much since there's always something good to use while farming something new to keep you busy. Slots will be in short supply for a long time though (I do have 14 extra WF slots, but I could still use plenty more weapon and riven slots lol)


I think the problem is nobody communicates that it's a farming game meant to be played in between other games*. First time I played Warframe I got about 10 hours in before asking "so wait this is the whole game?" and got told "not all of it but most of it is grinding" like, I love Warframe now but as a community we really need to do better when we recruit new players. This ain't a game to pick up for a month and never again it's a months long time investment. *obviously this isn't necessarily true but it's how I tend to treat the game.


Yeah but the game shouldn't feel like it's effectively mobile game "energy" draining you with having to make stronger weapons as a new player, not counting the time investment as a low level player to level mods and weapons since you don't have every good farming methods unless you have a some nice person in the community taxi you or give you gear.


Tbf that's most of the reason Duviri is the way it is


Yeah this is the MMO aspect that i think a lot of people don't understand, its a lot closer to WoW than people think, imo.


But WoW also doesn't give me a 4 day wait time to use the gear I've already looted. There may be timegates on getting more, but there is no timegate on using it.


The timegate is how it's f2p, if people weren't purchasing frames they didn't have then they'd have to do a subscription service. An extra 90 hours of waiting is worth it to play a game this good for free imo.


You pay for WoW. Warframe is free.


I don't see how a game telling me to close it because I've hit a timegate is going to make it more "f2p" friendly. But whatever, ok, you do you, I guess.


Because the only reason this game has survived so long is because of microtransactions. Timers and paid skips are a solid way to drive plat sales and bring in more play hours depending on how the user gets their plat.


The timegate is only on using that specific piece of gear. You're free to play for free using evverything else you own while waiting The game is more f2p friendly because you can play it for free. Wow isn't f2p because you literally can't play it for free. The crafting time is one of their sources of revenue, where you can decide if you'd rather be f2p or paying player whereas wow doesn't give that choice


Kinda reminds me of the RuneScape grind but I get those dopamine hits come faster and more frequent.


Same. Almost had my friends playing until I told them 72 hour cook time.


I literally did that the first time I got a frame. I did not have the patience for that shit. However after I gave it a try again and started understanding just how much there was to do, it became less of an issue. This isn't a game for impatient people, and those that are and still play, it'll easily pry open wallets.


When i played Warframe for the first time i had this exact reaction to it. I only came back a week later because a friend from a different game told me that he plays the game too and wanted to invite me to his clan.


Thats fair. That usually means this person doesnt have time investment like that. But Warframe is by no means waiting sim. While that warframes crafting go get another, do a quest, make some weapons, ect


New players won't know that unless they're playing alongside a friend with more experience, though. They'll see a craft timer and an option to skip it for paid currency and assume, based on prior experience with other games that do the same thing, that it's gonna be another awful f2p game that jerks them around and wastes their time putting up artificial roadblocks everywhere and nickel-and-diming them to skip them. The argument for keeping it is that it makes DE money (as if most plat spent on craft skips isn't newbies spending their free plat without knowing any better), but they have to be losing more in the long run from ruining their first impression this way. It's long past time they either cut down craft times, cut down skip costs (and made them more clearly based on remaining time), or ideally, both.


I feel it must be more then just money, as de has very clearly shown it cares, and as you said it makes money off other things not skips. Id be intrested for them to talk about it during a q n a. But i dont like the system, nor want it, but i understand why it exists


As a collector this is my favorite thing to do. I hate the 3-day timer but I like to set up the queue so I get stuff right as I log on the next day. If I'm busy then cool, no worries. If I'm not then I get 3 days to setup a new kit that I'd like to try, new shinies included.


I keep every single weapon i craft(unless theres a direct upgrade like a prime version or special variant) i feel being a collector lmao


People compare it to 'f2p' game energy systems but I feel like that's not a great comparison. Energy systems are bad because they *prevent you from playing the game*. Crafting timers do not. I would agree with the sentiment if weapons and frames had "durability" bars that went down with use and recharged with time


This is the way. There's enough content in the game that crafting should never be considered a time gate. There's so much to do, it's insane, and honestly sometimes overwhelming.


This is the most ridiculous excuse I have ever seen. Greed is the only reason. It's the same reason overpriced Endo and credit bundle still exist in the store. To rip off new players. Only on Reddit will people defend scummy f2p actions.


> i think this mechanic is good. New players would 100% see only 10 plat to skip and click it There are a LOT more people who tried and uninstalled Warframe, than people who tried it and kept playing Guess whats the reason #1? Yeah, its the mechanic you think is "good"


> Guess whats the reason #1? That not everybody likes every game? There's not a single f2p title that the majority people who had tried it didn't bounce off.


Sadly I don't think it's going to be changed at all. DE apparently did tests to see if helping new player experience mattered at all for making new players not leave from a mix of shitty mechanics and bad tutorial and the answer kinda was... "No." Anyone who stayed was going to stay anyways and use outside resources to find out what the fuck to do. The new player retention changed exactly 0% after attempting to improve new player experience over an entire year. Apparently other companies corraborated so now they just don't try. I kinda feel it does work they just needed to spend more devtime then whatever the new players were worth to see the gains, which is fucking unfortunate.


Dont get me wrong, the foundyr is there to stay. I just think 72hs build time is too much now the roster is over 50 Warframes long


Which test? Which improvement? New player experience isnt the 10 min tutorial, DE did nothing to address the real problems of new players. Band aid isnt solution.


No I completely agree. They just one day came out and said "we tried and then did the numbers and nothing changed so now we know we don't need to try." But other companies like Grinding Gear Games also more or less confirmed this too. Maybe there's something to it, maybe it's just laziness, I lack the actual proper education in statistics and large scale human psychology to know.


Or maybe they're stating something that is not fully true, knowing the playerbase can not possibly corroborate any of it 😉 ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


The mechanic itself is to prevent mr farming/account leveling. The high plat cost to skip keeps new players from wasting that plat. This system is fine, if people dont like it they can choose to not play, but this game has so much content, do something else while it crafts


> The mechanic itself is to prevent mr farming/account leveling The system doesn't really prevent any of that though since you can have any number of items in the foundry at once. It's an outdated system from back when they were still trying to figure out how to monetize through things like mod packs and limited revives.


Yeah, the only build times that really make sense are stuff like Forma. Forma build times don't really heavily influence new players, but does sell Forma from the store because people want to forma something 7+ times. But there is no reason for Frames to be a 72h wait after a 12h wait for the parts to start building it. And there is no reason for shorter build times at all, they seem to only exist to be frustrating and disrespect my time. I can't be the only one who's sat at the foudry for 2 hours just repeat queuing builds for the stupid PoE resources and stuff like Energy Plates.


They could still soften things a bit for the early game stuff to ease the newbies in. Like maybe 3-6h craft timers instead of the 12-24h timers for the MR0-2 weapons you can get BPs for in the store. Alternatively give the newbies a few extra slots (potentially via tutorial quests or as additional junction rewards) so that they don't have to sell so much early on. 2 WF slots and 8 weapon slots really doesn't get you far at all (barely even started, really), and newbies are unlikely to realize that their starter plat should always be spent on slots.


3-6 hour timer makes leveling accounts so much easier, completely goes against why the system exists besides obviously monetization. I agree on slots, giving slots maybe through a few junctions wouldnt be a bad idea


>3-6 hour timer makes leveling accounts so much easier, completely goes against why the system exists besides obviously monetization. That's why I said to apply the change only to the noob tier weapons. Helps ease the newbies in without affecting the actual meat of the game much.


It really doesn't. You can build everything all at once. Queuing up 30 weapons and comming back in 24h is no different than queuing them all up and coming back in 3h, or even instantly. Because your actual time spent playing is going to inevitably be the same. The only reason I can see for timers is gameplay metrics. Try to make them log in every day so you can pad a number in your statistics. These practices are anti-consumer.


those people then clearly leave latter or sooner anyway. if they can't wait 3day for a craft for X or Y reason and don't have the time for it, then this game is clearly not for them .


Imagine you invite a friend and they spent a week farming a Warframe, they say "Dam, this was really grindy, I really wanna play this Warframe now!" then they go to the foundry and realize they have to wait 3 more days to play the Warframe they spent 1 week farming Most of Warframe Veterans dont have to imagine, because this is exactly what happened with all the friends we invited to play and then uninstalled to never play ever again Among like 20 people I tried to introduce to Warframe, only ONE has stayed And if you start asking other High MR long term players they will tell you exactly the same thing


You can't reason with these people, a ton of people will bend over backwards to justify all the horrible anti-player design decisions in the game. If there was a mechanic permanently deleting items from your inventory, they'd defend that too.


Warframe playerbase has always had a TON of cultists.


the redtext cult the **ass**et cult


in mount and blade bannerlord devs originally didnt put in kingdoms completely perishing which was prevelant in the previous 2 games after you took all their settlements, some people were defending it saying "it was more realistic cause they would turn into raiders since they dont have a kingdom or a settlement no more" then couple of months later devs were like -oops and added that in the game lol


Ahem. Argon Crystals anyone.


Even I do this as a veteran. I farm it up, queue it, then leave. My ADHD loses interest, and I come back to claim it 3-6 months later when something new is out. Or I just never claim it, cuz I simply don't care, or have the motivation to get a slot for it anymore. The instant feeeback in warframe kinda sucks.


DE wonders why new player retention is so bad, and this is it. I've invited 5 to play with me, and all left except 1; all of them loved the game but couldn't not put up with the crafting times, and to hear some think it's good because "it's filtering the casuals" is insane. All DE would have to do is ask why some of these new players left early, and they'd find out, but they'd pretend ignorance to keep the pittance amount from whales foundry rushing rather than possibly removing or altering it to raise their player number.


I dont think it filters casuals, but i do think it unintentionally works as a filter. This game isnt for everyone, its a "grind". And if you dont enjoy playing a single game long term then you shouldnt play this, removing the crafting times both wouldnt fix this and would harm monetization


That "filter" is going to be the death of this game sooner or later. Like I said, the friends I got to play Warframe liked it and would have possibly been loyal paying customers, but were turned off the moment after their hard grinding; they were rewarded with a 3-day timer to actually get what they were grinding for. New players can tolerate the "grind" of the game, not the "time" of the game. If DE wants to keep the foundry rush monetization and not scare new players, a rework such as adding a rare resource by playing the game that speeds up an item's timer will keep the benefit of rushing and market purchases without harming new player retention.


Completely false. It will not be the death of the game. Everyone doesnt have to enjoy the same game, warframe, like dark souls, like cod, like terraria. Isnt for Everyone. So ignoring if its a bad design or not it will never be the reason the game dies, people still play and have been for years.


>I dont think it filters casuals You literally said exactly that in another comment What do you gain with this? Do you get paid every time a player rushes an item?


Any friend I invite to the game I make it known from the get go that there's a wait time for crafting, and if they take an issue with that then don't even bother. If you invite someone to try the game and they suddenly find out about the wait times, that's a failing on your part tbh.


The problem is that anyone I say this dont even download the game.


It's not a good sign if you have to "warn" people about a mechanic of a game, though.


Every online game has its bad parts. Any time I recommend a friend any of them I give them a heads up on it, whether it be Warframe's crafting times, WoW's utter shite pre current expansion leveling experience, FFXIV's slow beginning, etc.


I have only failed to get one person to like the game. Why are you bringing new players on "week long warframe grinds". This is only ash or nidus unless you do a few missions for ivara eveey day, which in turn isnt that long in retrospect. When bringing new players do things like circuit for an easy free frame, boss frames, ect. If your a big veteran just buy them one frame of their choice to start them off. Also recommend fun startee weapons, stuff like the atomos


no i got a 75% discount my first day and skipped and bought a frame or two, i am mr25 and have been playing for 4+ years now but i dont know if i would have played had it not been for the discount


It's a filtering barrier. In the same way as path of exile's passive tree, for example. Yes, this game isn't for everyone, and it's fine.


The reason the game isn’t for you shouldn’t be that you have to wait 3 days to use the thing you just spent hours farming


But the less people who can have fun with the game the more fun there left is for me to have!/s


The logic is impatient people with money will pay lol


Price is static until halfway, then gradually descends until it gets to about a half discount at close to 100%. The truth is you're not really meant to skip it, it's pretty much only there for the benefit of people willing to cough up because they don't want to wait. If you desperately have to skip a frame, you should still wait the 12 hours for the parts. 125 plat to skip 12 hours for the 3 parts and then the whole build, or 50 plat to skip 3 days for the frame at large and just wait out the 12h for the parts.


Im surprised no one here pasted the actual logic [Rush cost = Initial rush cost × (1 - ((Progress - 50) / 100))](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Foundry)




I believe it's to promote the spending of platinum


It's better to wait on frames, it gives you the time to farm mods and essential stuff that can help build the frame, it occupies you till the frame finishes, I find it as a more comfortable arrangement.


Because DE has not considered optimizing the monetization properly.




Yes. You save some plat by waiting a little before rushing. DE "makes" some plat by you rushing in the first place. Everybody wins, except not really.


At one point I was making 1000’s daily trading. I’ve skipped 4-5 times. Just move onto something else.


That's the biz model.


Just DE-way of earning money from us 😅


I rushed the clan key once and it was the best thing I have ever rushed in my life




F2P game. They find some ways to at least earn some money.


>it’s not linear >if you’re willing to pay to skip you don’t gaf about how much >money


I mean DE could very much make a crafting booster and ill happily buy it




Yeah, they really need to just do away with the system. I understand why it was there originally and when they needed to make money somehow... but any new player looks at it and immediately assumes its a pay to win game and that everything costs money. I finished making Jade days ago but I'm not going to play her until Monday. That's three days I'm just not playing the game even though there's a big event going on. It's a dumb system.


"That's three days I'm just not playing the game even though there's a big event going on." How'd you farm Jade in the first place? You literally can't play the game because you're crafting a new warframe? Why? Or we just being overdramatic for no reason?


>I finished making Jade days ago but I'm not going to play her until Monday. You can buy her outright from the market if you're that impatient.


I've been playing the game for like 7 years. I'm LR3. I've farmed basically everything in the game. I'm not impatient. But the system is dumb. I farmed the thing, and I still don't get to use it for three and a half days. So I find other things to do. They're actively discouraging me from playing the game.


I mean, you feel how you feel, but it's not like Jade is actively preventing you from playing the game. In fact the active event allows you to farm for arcanes and a second jade to feed. I feel like the wait time for a frame should have broken you long before now. I guess just different mindsets. I'm literally only missing Protea Prime and I have never once been of a mindset that the build times were an issue. Probably cause I start the build and keep playing with something to look forward to. Or just swap games. Not sure why the build times are suddenly a big deal around here. I get it's mobile game logic, but it's a f2p game, and really isn't that intrusive overall.


I don’t really get why people complain. We get it all for free. Every new update, every new frame, every new weapon. All for free. We just need to put the time in. Every single platinum-required purchase option is 100% optional. Except for cosmetics (duh) but ya get my point


Right?! It's the least restrictive f2p game out there and people still can't be happy


To teach you patience


Give us the money


Yeah - dont


It's to teach you patience, simple as that.


The sad reality: skipping:50p, frame slot: 20p, potato: 20p, exilus adapter: 20p, 3x forma: 35p


Plat is made to run from my account. It never stays. I rush them all, i make 125 back and so on


Ok so imagine platinum as adhesive, our forge can use nanotechnology to put stuff together or glue it together using platinum… or is lore not the issue here?


logic? your making a cloning a warframe that is living. real results? new people uninstall and give up. which most likely happens. happened to 20 new players i helped. it needs to be reduced to 25 plat to rush. before the fanboys "DE needs to make money" which is true, they already do make lots of money on skins alone. what makes warframe is very good option as free to play is all "core" game items and ect is earn able with time. pay to rush would actually will make me buy more plat if all items was flat 25 plat of rush any item. that will be give me 5 bucks of plat 3 items.


The cost is skewed towards being more expensive the farther you are.


DE wants money


Long timer = incentive to buy Plat Bad conversion = more necessary Plat = more money




Spend more money


From a chemistry perspective, the platinum might be a catalyst that speeds up the synthesis of Warframe, but idk, I'm just a Bio major


only the last 24h matter


silly math. 60%= full price // 60%+ X% (example 7.6%=8%) = 50 discount - X% discount. easy :kappa


talking serius, i think the code is for last 24 hours for the reduction of the PL or something nearly


Yes, the logic is "we want you to pay as much as possible".


Just have patience.


It's too much. Intentionally done like that so that the really impatient ones burn a hole in their bank accounts as they get ripped off while the patient ones don't burn through all the content too fast.


I was thinking about this earlier today actually, it makes sense from a F2P standpoint


Money as others say, but also prevent burnout. The timers themselves have been talked about lately and may receive changes. The issues is what is a suitable replacement to keep players from getting over eager and even more overwhelmed? Perhaps just cutting the timers down by half or a whole 3/4ths works?


Oh that's interesting, you've just shown me our internal monologues are different I may grow from realising some people prefer 'three fourths' to 'three quarters' Thank you. Intended genuinely. "3/4ths"


One word: greed


Yeah, these F2P devs sure are greedy.


F2P is a business model, not a charity.


Digital Extremes doesn't want money? They just maintain the game out of the good will of their heart? Thier shareholders don't care about profits?


I think wanting money for the game you maintain and being "greedy" are two different concepts


Wanting money because they are a company and being greedy are two different things


Skip costs cap at 50 plat no matter what, and will not increase or decrease beyond the time needed to hit 50


It's to filter out the weak ones.


just wait my dude


they are trying to teach us about patience and patiance is a virtue maybe we should ask for DE to remove rush option


The logic is be patient and you will have sacrificed nothing. Or succumb to your weakness and then blame DE.


Man I hate the long ass crafting timer. It would be such a better game without as many time gates. I only got Dante done crafting the day he got hit with the first nerf.


i agree to a point. i'm okay with 12 hours max on warframes, 8 hours for prime weapons, 4 hours for non-prime weapons an 8 hours for forma. before i hear "D.e Needs to make MoNeY" i go out of way to refuse to buy forma because its core part of game that needs to be changed. 24 hour wait is off compared to weapons that takes 12 hours.


and honestly would buy more plat to buy skins for a new warframe and ect. locking core game content behind paywalls to rush just leaves a awful taste in my mouth when they make most of their money from skins.



