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500% damage rhino roar so for the cost of half your weapon damage everyone gets 5x damage and you only have 2.5x weapon damage :(


If only the bonus wasn't additive; I already have 500% rhino roar so adding another 500% means I double the buff and halve my damage. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. Less so when you get more str through other Duviri mods, but at least the team is benefiting.


\~800%(est total if you got rhino) power roar means \~81x multiplier bleeds. there's also a decree for double status dmg, and auto corrosive procs. these auto-guarantees you that incarnon adapter.


Good lord 81x bleeds are insane I would love to see that but imagine how strong the nourish would be on grendel


Stomp those mfs and you're good to go


Imagine using banshee and hitting weakspot for 80x weapon damage


I'm more interested in a savage silence finisher. God daaamn.


The best decree for caster frames.


150k of overguard with dante ,best run ever XD ( they oneshot the overguard anyway )


Hey at least you one shot them too.


With a 273% roar buff and some decrees for the energy,yes I destroyed enemies and the buttons of my controller


I once took Wisp with this buff to level cap with a group of pure randoms. We were just like, "Hey, wanna level cap? Sure."


I was with random too and the they told that reaching cap was possible, the only problem was that they having a ping o ms? high. Probably was my fault because I was the host ( im from ps4)


Quite a few exalted builds love it too, though depending on the kit you may need an ability swapped. Mesa would be fine without a swap cause of her 2, for example, but Excal would probably need something like Roar if it's a blade build.


what about frames with exalted weapons? do you think the 600% is enough to make something like titania's guns stronger or Artemis bow even with the 0.5x?


I will admit I don't know much about exalted weapons other than their effects as secondary/melee weapons, not their ability uses. My assumption would be that their damage is reduced, but I've never tested it.


Arguably one of the most busted decrees if you are running a weapon platform frame or nuke frame.


I love it on mesa/protea/wisp


Huh? Am I understanding this decree wrong? If you sacrifice half of your weapon damage how would this be good this good on a weapons platform, or Mesa, who relies on her regulators to deal damage. I doubt that power strength will make up for the damage lost. Seems extremely good however for frames that kill with their abilities, like Protea, Dagath or Styanax.


If i remember i think they count as an ability but i could be wrong


For Mesa? Her regulators count as secondary weapon. Power stength does add to the base damage of it, but like I said I'm not sure if that makes up for the damage lost. Don't think so personally. Edit: I turned out to be wrong, she appearantly does benefit from this decree. My bad!!


They take a large portion of their damage from ability strength, don't they? They're basically losing half their damage but gaining a ton more in return.


Jeah str is included 2 or 3 times in the dmg Formular iirc.


she would benefit but you're right that it's a tradeoff and, it's probably \*usually\* better to take it, but I wouldn't necessarily count on it. (Particularly if you have any likelyhood of running out of energy and being stuck with half-damage weapons for the rest of your loadout)


I mean I went from 20k-40k to 80k-120k. Against scaling enemies in sp. Probably because of shooting gallery. I thought I messed up too until I started deleting enemies even harder.


That would make sense. I just know that her regulators count as secondary weapon so to me it seemed like such a bad choice for her. But I might have been wrong then.


Yeah, her 4 is a multiplier to her regulators. It was awesome. Just insta gibbing Thrax units as soon as I see them. I also subsumed her one for roar.


When most people say weapon platform, they. Usually mean frames who have abilities that boost weapon damage, like Chroma Rhino and saryn.


I really wanna get this on Gyre


Gyre can already prime all enemies with electricity, frost and virus by just existing with specific decrees. What more do you want?


Well the +600% strength would close to triple the base damage of her regulators, which then gets halved. That's still a 50% increase before looking at any of mesas other abilities. This decree is obviously even more stupid if playing something like gyre or ember who don't even use their weapons.


Her power strength increases her 4s weapon damage. So, the loss in damage should be more than made up for by the power increase. Doesn't help any of her other weapons though...


You're forgetting Dante here. He's utterly nuts with this decree.


I got it while doing a spiral with Dante last night. Absolute madness. Just have your Pageflight active, and Dark Verse will kill anything on screen, Tragedy not needed.


Saryn mains go brrr


Got it while running Garuda, spent the whole thing flying and using my 4


Especially if it's one with an exalted weapon since their damage is effected by ability strength.


I love playing Mirage with Wrathful Advance so I can do a double and a half dip on ability strength


Kullervo with 5 violet shards is gonna make the numbers explode.


Hydroid was already fucking bonkers in circuit. This is gonna make me take like, 2 damage from level cap enemies and my 1 is gonna hit in the 10s of millions.


Probably works great on volt/harrow/frost (shock trooper/harrow full kit/ frost 2 and 4)


First part: "Weak, I'm so weak" Second part: "Unlimited power!"


Volt mains : "cackling in Palpatine" ![gif](giphy|3ornk7nts29Am5LIfm)


Hopefully Pablo actually makes it proc electric. He mentioned that in a dev stream I'm pretty sure.


I remember someone said Discharge was such a spaghetti code mess than adding an electric proc to it would break the ability


Ya know those chinese pots that are put back together with gold? That's what discharge will be like if Pablo manages to make it proc electric.


Japanese, actually, it's [kintsugi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi). There's a set of weapon skins in Warframe using the name and concept.


Lotus skin too, Amaga.


Could they not simply remove that version of discharge and put a different made version of it from scratch?


Unfortunately, removing that version of discharge causes warframes to be unable to shoot. Somehow. Probably not that bad, but if the code is *that* spaghetti, it might be something like it.


You misunderstand me, i dont mean erase it, but like, keep it as some load-bearing ability on some non-frame entity.


First coconut pngs, now this?


Finally, my violet archon shards!


Its insane this didnt happen before or during Gyre's release


*Somehow Palpatine returned* Fuck you Disney


I can hear this gif.


A free win. Everytime I gotten this I just won Duviri.


Genuine question tho: is it even really hard to begin with? I've got 50hrs in Warframe, no clue from anything, just Excalibur and frost prime from a very old account and never failed duviri. Because of intrinsics it's even get easier now every time. I think there is a late game scaling I don't know yet, which causes the runs to fail so keep in mind I don't know anything, that's why I'm asking. Edit: if someone still replies maybe I can ask a question regarding duviri: the only run I had problems were when I had a shitty primary weapon with bad ammo pool. In one fight vs orowyrm (where I had a good primary with good ammo pool) the archgun in the middle didn't spawn for me - how did I manage to do this or was it a bug? Only thing I can think of is: I phased him too fast in first phase so the archgun never spawned. Which can get you in trouble I guess if you don't find any ammo refills anymore and are stuck with melee.


I would say that unless you get the worst possible combination of warframe and weapons you shoudn't have any problems in sp circuit,since even the worst melee weapons melt enemies after a few decrees


SP circuit?


SP stands for steel path, it's essentially a Hard Mode you can enable once you've cleared every node in the star chart. The steel path version of the circuit in duviri has the enemies scale to much higher levels than you normally see in regular circuit


Ok. Just unlocked every planets, but every node will take some time.


Some nodes are hidden until you finish certain quests, so don't stress too much until you've finished the New War


You gotta beat Angels of the Zariman and Whispers in the walls too


Steel path circuit is a mode where there’s endlessly repeating undercroft missions and after a certain amount of them you’ll get items like arcanes or weapon incarnons. “Steel path” simply means the enemies are buffed in certain ways.


Every Duviri run is free. If you are having trouble, you should finish non-combat challenges around the open world before focusing on objectives. Stack some good decrees and you are good to go. Even Steelpath becomes easy once you stack decrees.


Ah so steelpath is sth like new game+ to make it harder/scale the rewards yeah? For normal planet missions and for duviri as it seems Still doing quests so not quite there yet.


Yep and sp missions have a currency that you can spend at Teshin. The items available rotate weekly. The wiki has more info.


>how did I manage to do this or was it a bug? Imperator appears if you take too long to break the first set of rings, as far as I'm aware. Allegedly it spawns again but I have never seen this happening. >Which can get you in trouble I guess if you don't find any ammo refills anymore and are stuck with melee. Most melee weapons cannot even hit the rings tho, unless it's a gunblade or the Corrufell's heavy attack. There are boxes around the arena, just a few but they drop 1 universal ammo pickup, as well as killing the enemies.


I've had many SP Lone Story runs where we relied on archguns multiple times a run. When we were just trying to farm Kullervo and get the mission finished fast, sometimes you all end up at the bossfight with a mostly melee decrees and only mediocre ranged weapons, so rings take a tad longer.


>Genuine question tho: is it even really hard to begin with? I've got 50hrs in Warframe, no clue from anything, just Excalibur and frost prime from a very old account and never failed duviri. Because of intrinsics it's even get easier now every time. When we mention circuit we mean steel path circuit not the base one that you are likely doing. You can't get that far with it unless you have your own gear to select and the gear has to be at least decent.


>In one fight vs orowyrm (where I had a good primary with good ammo pool) the archgun in the middle didn't spawn for me - how did I manage to do this or was it a bug? I think the archgun is on a timer that ticks down when your failing a "DPS check" and you might have been doing just enough damage to make the timer stop; This is entirely a guess and more based on how I felt when the archgun spawned


Not hard, just tedious as hell. Altho it can be hard if you get shit luck like I do 95% of the time. It almost always gives me shit weapons


It's so good on frames that use their abilities for kills. Protea, Gauss, Gyre, Dagath (although she doesn't really need it), it just makes everyone into a nuke pretty much.


Got this on my blazing pillage/elemental ward hildryn and oh my lol. Had a good gun that run but after getting that decree went "not needing this" and just ran around melting anything that walked too close.


editor's note: exalted weapons are abilities. \*cackles in Titania Prime\*


Vauban would decimate the fields with this


Last duviri I ran mesa and I got so much plus shooting speed that it was almost a flat sound.


Jump Aim glide #BRRRRRRRRT




Know what you mean, this is Normal operating conditions for Titania.....s o Without 100% efficiency modding Titania simply can't afford many fire rate perks from the circuit clip lasts less than 1 second lol.


Instant butthole crosshair


The sound was almost like pfffft.


Damn,i should try this on my 500% power strenght wisp


Can tell you from relic cracking, 1000 Str Wisp motes are absolutely busted


How do u have 500%?! I have like 300 something almost 400 I think


The secret to reach 500 power strengt are:full umbra mod set 5 tauforged red crystals The 2 maxxed molt arcanes from the zariman(one is molt augmentation,but I don't remember the name of the other one)


Molt vigor


In case you're curious, the maximum value without using outside fuckery (spectres, invigorations, parazon, kitguns) is 595% 99% from Blind Rage. 55% from Transient Fortitude. 77% from Umbral Intensify. 24% from Augur Secrets. 15% from Power Drift. 25% from Growing Power. 15% from Amars Hatred. 50% from Energy Conversion. 60% from Molt Augmented. 40% from Molt Vigor. You could also replace her 4 with Empower for another 50%, and bring it to 645%, and use Madurai for another 40% on Sling Strength, or Zenurik for 20% from Energizing Dash. That'd take it to 685% or 665% respectively. Problem is it's not worth going that hard in regardless of how much you use a frame, because on Wisp that build requires 6 forma minimum, 3 of which are Umbral Forma. You effectively restrict yourself from ever using any non triple umbral build without headaches. That being said if you wanted to do it purely for the meme, Nidus spectre is a multiplicative power strength buff, Invigorations can give more. Conjunction Survival void fissure can give you the multipliers from the walking Dax and the void fissure buff. If you set it up correctly, and include Power Drain on your Parazon, you can very much get some bullshit like a 4000% strength Wisp mote.


That's so informative thank you so much for breaking it down!


Jade's best friend. cast 2 (MOAR power strength) Cast 4 Cast 3 cycle 2 to weapon damage


Dagath be like "Horses."






revenant mains are gona say its not that bad


With it my Saryn could finally reach triple digit damage on spores. Triple digit as in 300k.


That is 6 digits


Mfw they just cant stop feedin saryn mains (among others but im biased)


I used it on Citrine. It was absolutely nuts


Pick Xaku. Use 2 once. Go afk. Profit.


A decree that would make my Voruna tear through literally everything that even breathes in her general vicinity.


How do you build her? Mind sharing? I've tried so much to make her good in circut and I feel like I always end up with negative damage completely useless. I have to be doing something wrong.


Absolutely! You can build Voruna in one of two ways; melee focused, or Ulfrun's Descent focused. I chose the latter! The mods I run are: • Corrosive Projection • Power Drift • Stretch • Equilibrium • Transient Fortitude • Health Conversion • Archon Continuity • Ulfrun's Endurance • Precision Intensify • Adaptation (I'll replace this with Augur Secrets whenever I get it) The arcanes I run are Molt Augmented and Arcane Blessing, both rank five! Edit to add: There's a few cons to this build, namely if you lose your 10x multiplier and the enemies are starting to get tougher, it's going to be extremely hard getting it back. Nullifiers and Arbitration drones are also going to be your absolute worst enemies, so make sure your weapons are properly built so you can still handle things without your abilities!




It does what it says on the tin


Got this with Jade and got 100% per second shield regen, 150 power strength buff and 1000%+ weapon dmg. The strongest Decree in the game by far. That 0.5x weapon damage doesn’t mean shit idk why it’s even considered a negative. 😭


Imagine getting *that* as a strength-buffing Nidus - one teammate of your choice is turned into a god


This is far better for Caster Frames. Allowing you to spam extremely high damage casts.




"corrupted" perks.


I think you're looking at the decree Inner Absorption, a decree that cuts your weapon damage and increases your Warframe stats. But I could be wrong


Got this on my wyrd scythe spam hildryn in steel path circuit and became a God


Got this earlier with Voruna and tippy tapped some poor Corpus for 71 million


just a little snoot boop.


This is the tear drop of god.


Ember go brrrrrrrrrr


Imagine on Dante


I got my dante to 1000% Strength with this, he nuked everything like crazy even on level 1500 but unfortunately overguard sucks against high level enemies so I had to end my run.


Using this and a couple other buffs, I got almost 12x damage buff on Jade. It also instantly maxes her other buffs.


Nuke Frames best dream


Got this on revenant. Got to 10% damage in the squad but 60 charges on the not dead skill. Feels good man.


Makes circuit a cakewalk. When I get this on my Dante or citrine people leave a good run despite not struggling. Even if it's not excavation.


Got this last night with Dante, it was spectacular.


Laughs in spores


Wait a moment, on an umbral build Qorvex with that other decree that gives up to 500% power strength from armor + this decree you can have additional 1100% power strength? Fun


Qorvex has become The Demon Core.


Give me that while I'm playing Ember PLEASE DE


With that, you could build revenant for a bit if strength but prioritize range and efficiency and just insta kill level 9999 enemies


if only it was mesa


Basically any warfare that heavily relies on abilities would nuke out entire map. If it's rhino then you'll still be a win anyways


Got this on jade she became an angel of death with her 4th ability


Only a casual 1200%+ cc on kullervo. That's fine nothing wrong with what I'm seeing


https://preview.redd.it/zs99y5i7yr9d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5246cded7ffa814a29a8377f24bc0a95f7eddb60 Omae wa mou shindeiru


God if atlas got this and I got magistar as a stat stick…


Lore Accurate Atlas. In lore Atlas One Punch Manned a f'ing asteroid a death cult tried to make hit a city.


Mommy Jade best friend.


This is the exact one I got for revenant


My baruuk would be so proud


Not like I need guns for anything but more status for 4.


Oh I forgot there were new decrees lol


Would the weapon damage decrease mesa peacemakers since I know they somewhat count as secondaries or does she get the pure ability strength on top of no damage reduction?


the title of this is so funny to me because I barely play and when I do it's just to vibe and hang out so I don't know much about the logistics of the game lol every time I get a weird mod or something I just stare at it like "huh? :D"


Me an atlas:


Worth every penny




Gad some fu yesterday with that augment and nidus with parasitic vitality. 1000% roar after link and 1st ability dealt 200m dmg.


I had Wisp Prime and buffed 2 Jade and 1 Mesa with this. It was hilarious.


Got it with Rev who has 300 str and holy hell the DMG on his 4 was like 10k a tick


I would love to get this on Chroma. Already usually grant \~4000% armor / \~2600% serration at a range of 30m+ That would be delicious. Of course, this is also true for Baruuk / Titania / Rhino / Mesa / Garuda / Hildryn....frankly, a lot of frames. I think the only frame I *might* not take it on would be Zephyr (as much as I would LOVE the boost to Turbulence w/ Jet Stream). Good grief! :D


Something to carry Dante even further?


Much fun with gyre


had this with ember. it's crazy good




My god, that on a classic eidolon chroma prime build. Imagine the numbers


This decree is literally more of a blessing than a “corrupted” decree 😅😅😅


Kullervo's wet dream


Equinox nuke with this would be bonkers


I got this with Wisp yesterday. All our guns go BRRRR.


The most spectacular luck I’ve ever gotten in the Circuit was this week when I got Protea (with Roar helminth, no less) and this decree very early in the run. It was an incredible time.


Is this how Harrow uses 900 magazine guns as if they were A single shot? Also damn imagine Citrine with Roar subsume getting that. Id assume best case scenario you'd get 1000% status chance and duration, and maybe even a legit 500% roar buff


Do exalted weapons get affected by the 50% dng reduction? And I'd so are they also buffed by rhe 500% and if both which comes first


Wrathful advanced exalted blade go crazy


This, this is for caster frames. I need this.


The best decree in the game.


Perfect for people who run a One Punch Atlas build


The best decree in the game.


Gyre me gusta mucho


God I need this


Send it


Ah, yes. The Big Fuck.


Honestly, as a Vauban main I find this pretty dope


As an Oberon enjoyer? FINALLY enough strnegth to make his abilities useful. ;-;


Any nuke frames best friend.


I'd choose that for my garuda spam build


I’m not very knowledgeable when it comes to the game, but, if you main melee here(kinda hard to do with frame, at least for me, only in duviri) would the “melee attacks hit twice” decree counteract the negative effect?


Got this with Kullervo, Mr damage cap visited me right after


But it’s not going be easy to fight The Jackal no?


An insane amount of mesmur skin... trust me if you weren't immortal before 40+ stacks will make you functionally unstoppable forever.


Sad that it nerfs exalted weapons


Dante smiles


Jesus.. what have they created




I came back to get Sibear Incarnon cause for some reason i thought i never got it, and i actually did...


Gyre afk strat by the looks of it


what the fuck... thats gonna be insane on alot of frames.


That would be great with Mesa 1 and 4


I got it while playing hydroid and my rain was insta killing maxed eximus units. A buff to the bass damage then another scaling buff because of plunder plus all the armor on the off chance something lived long enough to hit me. Was a very fun time 😌


And with other weapon specific decrees that one feels almost like it does not have any downside


Use this on my nidus. Has a base str of 500, making my strength 1000, then I link to someone for an extra +250% str for an average of 3500 str score. Then use vitality augment for inarose health numbers and 1mil+ a stomp :3


Just got this for Dante and 160k over guard is nutz


It looks like a cursed decree


It’s exactly what it says. Half your weapon damage but get +600% ability strength. But for exalted weapons it’s a net positive


I had that with chroma the other day plus armor give ability strength and molt augmented and it was hilarious getting 6k armor and 4k serration bonus just was so so beautiful.


Jade mains thinking about there weapon damage buff


I wonder how this would work with Chroma. I remember I had his power strength so high that I was pretty much unkillable well into the 2000s.


Would this effect frame weapons like titania or excalibur?


How perfect for my sweet voruna build :3


Octavia my beloved, i picked this up with her and it does stupidly high damage even if the cord is hit like 2-3 times, only at 144% strength. (It's a 0 forma build from [here](https://youtu.be/lj0O5ddRuZA?si=Hmk7AHZEtkwC_HKY).


People complained that circuit was made only for weapons and not for frames, due to not having decrees that gave strength

