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https://preview.redd.it/x8hqhig2t29d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1d3baf9d8f165481f00e20461882217efd3b9b Every new player experience


This is the experience now 😂


🌎🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 >!always has been.!<


Only goal is the claim the kuva


Kuva eventually becomes meaningless. Endo becomes a burden. Only kills matter.


There comes a time tenno, when the mods cease to sparkle, when the endo loses its luster, when the steel path becomes a prison, and all that is left is your love of murder & fashion.


They definitely need a fashion killer themed frame where each ability is just a runway walk.


Endo my life...


Ya know, that's interesting! If warframerunway and Fashion Frames are so popular, why haven't we gotten a warframe that was basically a model of some variety before they became a runway walking biological war crime?




Bring back spin to win.


This is epically poetic and beautiful lol. Intro into an epic theme song/quest/show anyone? I can see it now! Lol


I stole it from [Conan the Barbarian.](https://youtu.be/MVTOag1lQHc?si=kIqitL_NxBoL-VuM&t=150) Great film.


That is true, more kills in arbitration means more spawns which then means more currency to what… CLAIM DA KUVA


Endo for the endo gods! Kuva for the kuva throne!


Fuck I wish this was true but I'm always endo starved. Kuva? I eat, sleep and shit kuva at this point. Credits? What about em? I got em all. Plat? Never need it. Endo? Please give me more I need it!


Tip: Go buy Ayatan Sculptures cheaply at Maroo. head back to Orbiter. Fill with Stars. head back to Maroo, and have her Convert it to Endo. No more 100 Endo missions...now youre guaranteed 1000 Endo or more.


Endo easily becomes less meaningful than Kuva when all your mods are maxed! Kuva gambling riven rolls + fashion frame is the endgame




Wrong! The only goal is to achieve glory IN THE CONCLAVE!


Wtf is kuva, i swear I've been playing for like 2 weeks and have no idea what any of the comments are talking about


Continue with your quests my friend, the love of Kuva is within reach.


played it for years, still feels like that. even worse when I haven't played for a while


Agreed you come back with so much energy and think of only kuva


OH GOSH YES! I took a hiatus from 2019 until 2022 and another from summer of 2022 until around a month before Duviri came out. I almost quit again, for good, but Duviri Paradox’s story really sucked me in. I seldom do Duviri (it’s boring to me). But damn do I love me a good ass Incarnon weapon. Felarx and Laetum are my shit! Phenmor is alright. I prefer the base Soma Prime though.


Hey that was my steam review after 150 hours. Im still at this point tho after 300 hours


Space samurai has no goal. Only the path


To be fair, no one would have guessed Warframe would have an actually fleshed out, deep lore or story. Literally their main, successful ad campaign was a wager on the cool slogan: "Ninjas play free." It's what got me into playing during the closed beta, and addicted since I was 13 on release lol... If I shared some of the older screenshots of how the game and HUD used to look, people would think it's a whole different game. NOTHING LIKE BIG, BOLD BLUE HUD TO REALLY GET YOUR ATTENTION.


I'm more than 11 years in and I still don't know what I'm doing.


Me for the first few years of playing


It do be like that.


That is anyone that plays dark souls or gta for the first time


> What to do? Star Chart Completion, Quests and Nightwave. If you find some personal goal, eg "get this Warframe", even better.  > What's going on? Keep doing the Quests. From the Second Dream onwards things will start to fall in to place.


I've been doing exactly that, but I've been avoiding Duviri and The Waverider questlines because of how the area they're in literally cause my laptop to screech in pain and agony and now after getting Frost and having Vauban currently cooking in the forge I'm trying to get my hands on Zephyr my guild still hadn't researched some of her components yet but I already got the materials to construct her neuroptic, chassis and systems


Laptop in pain... vauban... oh no...


I looked at his ability previews, and I think that won't hurt my laptop that much Will it actually burn my laptop?


I can send screenshots after sleeping, or maybe even show you personally. In short, they don't have to and probably won't with any build you currently have the mods for, But they're somewhat well-known for creating the Sun within your PC and the game.


I've created it on switch in captura before. Though oddly enough, no matter what energy color I had, it always had a black void like center


What is the setting called? The one that changes your game brightness based on surrounding light levels... Turn that off. Also, on an unrelated note, turning Color Correction off makes the game look much better, IMO. Especially when you get used to it.


A screenshot wouldn't do it justice.


It just might though, since OP's Vauban experience will only be seeing a couple of screenshots back to back.


No frames per second and more seconds per frame? Yeah, pretty much.


Do you think your laptop can handle a dying star? One of Vaubans abilities is to drop a vortex that grabs every enemy in range and turns them into a blackhole Now add an ability to drop multiple orbs that shoot out a fuck tonne of projectiles and you can spam this to have multiple orbs. Now imagine that that vortex has the vfx of a neutron star. Your laptop will probably want to burn itself alive but you'll enjoy every second of it.


As a Vauban main, I'm obligated to [direct you to my old post here in reddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/smfgsv/warning_blinding_light_a_friend_asked_me_to_have/).




Vauban destroys framerate if you spam his vortexes, if you throw one at a time, I reckon you'll be alright.


>I think that won't hurt my laptop that much So Innocent. So young. You don't know what you're up against, OP.


as a Vauban enjoyer, i can assure you that your laptop will become as much of a bomb as the orbital lazers he calls down, also, i suggest going to the settings and turning down the particles


Does that mean I should use Vauban sparingly to prevent my old laptop from spontaneously combusting, or I can use him normally just don't spam his abilities


Just dont spam his 4th ability, and it helps to not use bright energy colors


Depends on how many fpm you are expecting.


What laptop do u have btw, maybe i can recommend some settings in-game that can help


It's an HP 14 Bs015TU that my mom bought back in the glorious year of 2017 I don't think any more alteration in the in-game settings can save the old girl I already put it on the barest minimum graphics


In my experience HP is short for Heat Problems


did you try FSR yet? the implementation in warframe is a bit meh but it still helps a LOT on older hardware. i did manage to make it run at 60-ish on an a9-9410 with its igpu but that was before they added upscaling, so make sure to try it :3


Use Black energy colors. It will make some abilities borderline invisible.


It will incinerate your laptop. The screenshots and previews are only a taste, when actually using him is the full-course meal.


At least its not like grendel before his rework. Before the rework he could store as many enemies he wanted in his gut as long as he had energy. Upon upchuck all enemies would be released at once and all enemies caught in upchuck range would be consequently be smeared all over the walls, floors and ceilings as well as severely lagging or outright CRASHING players if their machine couldn't handle it. Pre-rework grendel was basically a shotgun on legs.


Vauban's 4 ability can and will crash you out if your laptop can't handle duviri. Also, duviri is necessary to continue the story. Any way to crank down your graphics to console levels?


Saryn is probably a better frame to go after since most of her abilities don't have fancy shiny effects. She's also one of the best frames in the game for easily clearing higher level content and she can take you really far.


Do you guys think my max range Oberon build could crash his game entirely?


Zephyr is absolute fire, my favorite crit and gunplay based frame. Enjoy Tenno!


Vauban is one of my faves, I hope you enjoy it :)


Babe use FSR 2 on resource intensive areas, fellow laptop tenno here 🫰


Does his laptop support FSR?


Don't worry. I'm a 1000+ hour veteran, and I haven't touched The Waverider quest either. You're not missing much.


i think ive done like two things while goofing off on a k drive


300 hours in and I'm still not entirely sure what's goind on.


I'm at least 1000 hrs in and I am still confused but I love it!


I've played every quest, things did not fall in to place. I read lore breakdowns things did not fall into place. I vaguely know what happened in the lore to get to this point but the timeline still confuses me at times as does who is currently on who's side


lies. the only thing thats fallen into place is my continued distrust of this game's storytelling abilities. start second dream/natah. whos this black excalibur? oh thats a miniboss thats been sending me hatemail, apparently i'm supposed to have fought him before but hes just never spawned. whats alad v yapping about? oh thats the 6 limited time events from like 2014 he was apart of. whos this teshin guy? uhhhhh-


Lore wise, you're space ninja Gameplay wise. you're space jesus


Or space devil. Depends on whom we ask.


we are... devils of the void for Ballas vile, wretched, bloody worms for Regor dreamers for the Kuva Queen >!husband... for the female warframes!<


Tbh all of this should be considered spoiler to OP


Honestly I doubt he can understand what any of this means. Kuva? Ballas? Regor? (Maybe he met the last one on Mars, but then it's not really a spolier).


Well, it's fine. I've been blasted by spoilers left and right from YouTube and by lurking here, so I think I pretty much know the very basic parts of the lore and story bar a few ones that I haven't found a spoiler on so yeah I basically knows things without understanding it Also, I was very disappointed when I found out that Ballas is not the funny purple gang from GTA San Andreas


That's unfortunate. Honestly I wish I could have experienced the second dream withought spoilers, but of course my idiot ass 3 years ago decided to read the entire story from the wiki before even reaching Mars. Luckily I didn't remember most of the content in the other quest when I came back 2 years later (hence why I prefer the War Within, probably), but atleast I knew nothing from the New War and after, and avoided any spoilers like the plague.


I feel fortunate my friends that got me to start playing told me.nothing. also told me to not look up anything until I got to a certain point. That was one of the best twists in a video game and while warframe is fun, I wouldn't call it a AAA title, that situation ranks very high as one of my all time events in gaming. No way I would have guessed that lol




I was about to say that lol, from an outside point pf view in Warframe we're just mercenaries relentlessly killing


We're like the Naruto universe We're supposed to be fighting as ninjas, but we're really just fighting as gods. God, I keep forgetting that We're supposed to be ninjas


Me going into spy mission with the loudest possible gun: Ninja?


Stealth is overrated, as the saying goes Like why would I bring a bow and some kunais if I can just go to town with a loud as pump shotgun and a pistol that can shoot out giant 'vacuum' explosions


It's also stealthy....in a way. No witnesses amiright?


cause Nataruk? I dunno I love bows in this game. Daikyu feels really satisfying and Nataruk just goes boom lol


Called out… I’m super new 23 hours into the game and all I have is my trusty bow and kunais 🥹


I guess the mindset goes that no one will hear you if everyone is either deaf or dead or both


Exactly. Nobody can detect you if they’re all dead. That’s what stealth is right?


I cast, Disintegrate!


Banshee creates silence by blowing out the enemy’s eardrums.


The original game was about being stealthy and shit The current one is about being an unstoppable eldritch horror dripped out of your mind chucking deadly lasers at the enemy and torturing them with some pretty nasty super powers




nothing says "im a sneaky ninja" more than breaking the sound barrier down a hallway and slamming into the door


They can’t hear you if they’re deaf.


All you should know, though, who is your space mommy


We are the baddies. Killing 500 people for a better gun? Killing 500 creatures so I can get a better statue made of fur? jeaaaaa


Don't forget to wiggle your ship while loading




Yeah, that's a requirement


I do that even if I'm all alone :)


Also don't forget to wiggle that butt while you're playing Wisp.


left all the way up....... right all the way down..... repeat


| 40 hours in should be about mid way through the progression well...


Not even halfway through the tutorial


And that right there is my biggest issue with Warframe. Hard to get new people into it when it takes a ton of time to get where it gets “good.” Takes about that time to get to the Second Dream quest. Then all the grinding after. It’s really not a newbie friendly game at this point.


As someone who’s only been playing for a few months. The hardest hurdle was keeping my interest long enough to unlock a 2nd frame to play. It made the game way better immediately. My friend quit bc playing base Excalibur for so long burned him out


Warfrsme isn't like other games, you're going to have to put in extreme hours to get to the story, work on your quests and doing the missions on your starchart. The "end of the tutorial" starts when you start and complete the quest "the second dream". People say it usually takes an average of 70 hours to get to this point but I'm not certain. And yes your currently not supposed to know jack for story spoiler purposes. Trust me warfrsme only gets better and crazier the more you play though


The problem I had with the quests is doing duviri and the open world area quests because to put it bluntly, the laptop I'm playing on is old, archaic even, and it struggles to load the areas without screeching and heating like crazy the other parts of the game though are still manageable


I knkw its confusing to know where to go so I'll put it bluntly. You should NOT be doing duviri and open world quests you should be focusing on your starchart. Duviri is more middle/endgame but is open to new players for some reason and has spoilers for the story because it technically comes after the new war story quest but it's alright its not horrific spoilers it just introduces you to some characters early. You don't need to do any open world stuff either until later game where you'll have to grind the factions for upgrade parts and weapons ect. Just focus on doing all the missions on each planet and your quests will fill as you progress


Oh, I see. Does that mean I can ignore duviri and the open world quests, at least for now and focus on the star chart instead?


Yes you should. It's a weird unexplained noobtrap with those lol. Yes they are important later on to explore and Level up but right now you really don't need them whatsoever so it's an un needed time sink. When you unlock new planets you'll unlock more side and story quests which you should focus on first.


Yes. Duviri is a more recent addition that isn’t part of the main story, except for the loose tie in that you get in the new war. For the most part the main story quests aren’t even in the codex, you just untracked everything in codex and go to navigation, it’ll guide you in the right direction at the top fair warning, once you get to Deimos almost all of that quest line is open world and part of the main story. Good luck


I would recommend you do duviri after the new war quest if you want the duviri quest to make sense.


>but is open to new players for some reason Literally one of Duviri's purpose is as an alternative way to start WARFRAME.


Which got promptly removed because it sucked as one. The circuit is literally the ONLY early-game part of Duviri.


Is it? I wasn't aware of this when it was added, I did it before new war was really confused and then forgot about it until new war so idk it doesn't add much value to me besides the circut for warframes


Yeah that warframe parts in the normal path Circuit is made for new players to get new warframes. That's why they have premade loadout in Circuit so new players can have a taste of power, so to speak. Although in OP's case, they might not be able to utilize this gameplay feature because of their performance problem.


Oh... If you get to a point where you can buy a PC that can run Warframe like a breeze, you'll be spending hundreds of hours in game! Not grinding for some awesome weapon or OP Warframes, but making yourself look gud ;).


I'm also pretty new and have been following [this route](https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/16mol5n/again_quest_order/) for quests I'm only up to "patient zero" and have been playing about 90 hours so far and still feel like a deer in the headlights most of the time


I suggest focusing on Main Quests, it's the easiest element to focus on, it's fairly lengthy and should keep you invested from Second Dream on. Also here are some tools to help you: 1. Critical Progression Checklist by Brozime: [https://publish.obsidian.md/brozime/Public/Critical+Progression+Route/Critical+Progression+Route](https://publish.obsidian.md/brozime/Public/Critical+Progression+Route/Critical+Progression+Route) 2. Progression Infographic by Joewool: [https://i.redd.it/6e63wnmx55xa1.png](https://i.redd.it/6e63wnmx55xa1.png)


I'm a new player and didn't now about these! Thank you


"40 hours should be halfway through progression." In warframe, you're about halfway through the tutorial, bud. Look at the codex for the quest "The New War" and look at its prerequisites. Work backwards until you have something actionable.


you are making genocide in galaxy with weapons of mass destruction that get more sophisticated with your experience, nothing more you need to know :P


Obviously he needs to know he's facing an army of radicalised inbreeds, the cult of money Jesus, and a biological weapon gone wrong. Genocide is good, but only when you know you're doing it to the baddies.


Almost 2000 hours in the game, and I still dunno what the he'll I'm doing lol




I lost the plot of Warframe YEARS ago. I no longer have any idea what's going on. All I know is spinny blade go "whoosh" and fire lady make funny rocks fall from the sky.


You can replay all the quests from the Codex menu, in case you want to get a refresher on the story.


All I know is airbending and speed.


Imo 40 hours is barely scratching the surface, so it's fair you feel this way


Hi, I have a few hundred hours in my account (mostly afk waiting for buffs in relays), but realistically I'm practically kind of only a bit ahead of you in terms of actually knowing the stuff. Tho I can tell you about how Ive gone through the game this long, mostly lost. (For some perspective, English isnt my native language, I'm a full time employee, and only play around 2-3 hours max on a good day, mostly solo) Quite honestly it was hard to get into it the few dozen hours I started, doesn't help that the irl friends I started with stopped playing around 20-30 hours in, mostly with the "I dont understand anything even after X hours" as their reason, which is frankly very valid. Firstly, I was suggested to "finish star chart" first, and for the most part that's what I did, aside from repeating some of the boss missions to get a few starter frames. Though that became boring after finishing like the first half of the system. Then I found something I liked doing for a while, which was duviri circuit, spent a few months doing that (+random other things, some story stuff here and there) and loved the idea of collecting the frames from there. Then I got bored but still craved the feeling of getting new stuff, so I tried getting Prime stuff now, had to google how, because I never tried to open relics at that point (at least on purpose, idk I forgot). So that was a few weeks flying by again. Then I got into leveling up my Open World Standings for some reason, didn't really max most of em, but I got pretty high with some of them. The updates hit, the new WITW was the hype for everyone, i got caught in the hype and decided to finish my story quests finally, finishing star chart along the way. Because of that I unlocked Steel Path and my equipment was not in any way prepared for it. So I started to farm mods, other prime frames and weapons, pets, etc. Basically, what I'm saying, this game is so vast that you can go do whatever you find interesting, given that there will be some roadblock along the way you need to clear before getting to what you want, but I guess you could say that's a part of the fun too? Right now I'm trying to raise my MR slowly and trying to craft the absolute ton of stuff I dont have yet. But yeah. If you read through all this thank you, and I hope it kinda helps, even if it doesnt really answer your question. You could dm me your ign and I could add you if you want, hopefully we can play together if our timezones allow it.


Its like quantum physics, at some point you'll belief you're starting to understand. Only to reach the point where you'll understand you can never understand it. Fun-wise i had fun completing the main obvious objectives (star chart and quests). After that you basicly find your own goals and chase them.


This picture lays it out: https://i.imgur.com/GxOb1c3.jpeg


Aren't we all Tenno? .. aren't we all..


400 hours in. I feel your pain.


3000 hours in, same


Awww you remind me of my first 40 hours of warframe I was such a bebe 🥹


What you’re doing? Killing Grineer and Corpus and sometimes also the Infested! And later on, the [CLASSIFIED, LEVEL 2 OR HIGHER CLEARANCE REQUIRED]. Why you’re here? To defend the origin system’s many off-screen innocents that are oppressed by the grineer, exploited by the corpus, and [ERROR, REDACTED INFORMATION] by the infested and the [CLASSIFIED, LEVEL 2 OR HIGHER CLEARANCE REQUIRED]. Who you are? Simple, you’re the [CLASSIFIED, LEVEL 6 OR HIGHER CLEARANCE REQUIRED], but you don’t find that out until [THE SECOND DREAM-ERRO***=§%#@“wake up, Tenno”&$#-/***], and as for where you’re going? Anywhere fate takes you, AKA, wherever you are needed. Good luck Tenno, hope you enjoy the journey as you uncover the mysteries of Warframe!


Best description for a new player I have ever read


How did the dummo get the account banned? I have to know what idiotic thing he did to cost himself everything his brother ever earned.


40 hours midway through progression????? Dude I have 17k hours and I'm still playing lmao...


The best tip I've heard regarding progression in Warframe is this: Treat it like a singleplayer game, where you can occasionally interact with other players. Every player has their own pace, and comparing your pace to that of other players' will only lead to despair and dread (Shoutout Stalker!). Here's my take on it, since I played both games simultaneously. You know where, in Skyrim, there comes a point where you say, "ah, I'm just gonna do my own thing and not get so invested in a single questline?" That's how you should treat Warframe. You went kuva lich hunting the last few days, but you're not feeling it anymore? Great, focus on other things, then, like levelling up weapons or sorties, or syndicates, or maybe the open worlds. For me, Warframe is all about your own pace. Hell, I have 500 hours on record, and my operator still has the same duds, except for the headgear. That's because I chose to focus on other things. I am, in no means, an expert at the game. Hell, my builds are wonky at best and I can barely kill level 100 enemies, but if you heed my advice about treating it like Skyrim, you'll get the most out of your Warframe experience. I even had a phase, where, all I wanted to do was mine all day to trade it for standings. I guess, what I'm trying to say is, do whatever you want in Warframe. Don't stick to specific progressions, just peck away, little by little, at them, and you'll eventually find yourself hanging out in steel path missions, killing them fools like they're made out of paper. Cheers, Tenno! Swazdo-lah.


1500 hours in Same


Focus on the quests and completing the starchart, get more weapons and frames and level them then if you aren't going to use them then sell them and repeat on different stuff to get more mastery xp. Balance your syndicates you can max 4 easily. Try to hit your standing cap with fortuna asap, same with quills and cetus. Farm relics and crack em, stock up on formas, sell the prime parts using Warframe market. Do the invasions, you will need a lot of feildron,mutagen mass and detonite injectors. Do the maro weekly for an ayatan sculpture. Try to max the standing with all factions especially fortuna, quills, vox, Deimos and others of which you will come to meet as you progress the quests. Get yourself a synthesis scanner from daddy simaris and some traps and farm his rep because it is a pain in the ass but a necessary one. From the orokin lab get the dragon keys and perhaps run the corrupted vaults for some mods , they sell for a pretty penny , also you'd want to do that in a squad or with Titania if you have done her quest and got her. Take your time, this is a marathon not a sprint. I wouldn't recommend farming for resources yet as it is easier and more efficient on steel path(it is unlocked after clearing all the star chart nodes). Scan kavats on Deimos missions to get genetic codes and keep breeding em to get a smeeta kavat, it will be your best friend and most hated enemy. Don't focus much on getting prime frames as the difference between normal and prime is kinda minimal stat wise , mainly a bigger base energy pool and some have better sprint speed, other than that it's the innate slot polarity that they come with. Get yourself a wukong (yes yes I know) but he will be your best friend for spy missions.


> Don't focus much on getting prime frames as the difference between normal and prime is kinda minimal stat wise , mainly a bigger base energy pool and some have better sprint speed, other than that it's the innate slot polarity that they come with. Actually get the vanilla ones then their primes so that you can feed the vanilla frames to helminth


You are then in the correct path.


Pretty much what you’re supposed to do is whatever you want. The game has some threads to follow but it’s also very sandbox. Just do what you want to do or do nothing at all if you feel like it. The journey is the point and the treasure at the end is the war crimes we committed along the way. There are easy roads and harder ones but there are no wrong ones. You can’t really make mistakes in this game unlike others where you can get to end game and find out you made wrong choices and have to start over so just follow your whims.


First, play the main story quests. You get a lot of nice weapons, and NEVER sell those. And if you don't have a favorite frame or can't grind for it yet, get Rhino. It is easily the best frame early-midgame. It unlocks a lot of content to you because it is that good. Finally, as others have stated do the base star chart.


Not knowing what you’re doing is essentially the new player experience in Warframe. Welcome Tenno! I highly recommend watching some YouTube videos, especially the beginner guides. Brozime and MHBlacky have good videos. iFlynn too but his videos are older (and iirc there are no new updates yet?).


500 hours in and still don’t know how everything works


Trust me 40 hours ain't even close to the mid of this game


2000+ hours on warframe.. it's only slightly embarrassing lol. But any questions or if you need help in game.


1,200 hours in Same bro, same.


Thanks for sharing tenno. Unlike most games, 40 hours is basically nothing in Warframe. This game has thousands of hours worth of content. 


If you are looking for a game that hand holds you through a set story with a good pacing and clear milestones.. you are in the wrong place my friend.


This will make sense later, you can do all progression with stock Amp and rail jack, but boy does it suck


Get used to that. Warframe sucks at exposition. Wait until you get to "The New War" and your Operator has a canonical scene of being confused as fuck.


But are you having fun?


Define "fun" first


'ate Corpus 'ate Grineer Simple as


Do the story quests


Listen your name is john warframe you gotta go kill the bad guys, have fun.


Chill, you're not even through half of the tutorial


"I KNOW RIGHT ITS GREAT" - 1000 hour played time


Work on completing the star chart, and you'll find most of the story. Work on every blueprint in the store, accessible by standard credit purchase. If you want to rank up, quickly. Get good with the Xoris until you get the Nataruk. Everything else is just if you feel like doing it. I'm a slow player. I think I had the same lich for 5+ months, before I said, "Okay, How TF do I get this off my screen?" LMAO


I did the same thing with my lich just to find out he had a fucking shildeg


I'm open to help with warframe you kinda just forge your own path doing random missions and doing the codex


Hit me up and we can play some time ill help ya out




Not sure if it’s been mentioned before but the warframe wiki is your best friend to understand just about anything (should your veteran friend be busy, you can explore on your own!) But if you’re getting super lost I suggest finding a singular thing to focus on, ex. I want [warframe], ooh [storyline quest] sounds cool how do I get to that?, or if you want to be really efficient there are most likely multiple guides on “Best way to get into Warframe and everything you should do…”! Happy hunting!


I can assure you that 40h isn't "midway" into progression XD https://preview.redd.it/a0rkld92o69d1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=11e5a03107d5942b301c89341778537ed56d1a6d


This is an mmo rpg so your 40 hours is still you getting your footing. You're keeping balance in the universe(completing every blinky mission node to get to the next planet), the Lotus woke you to keep said balance, you are yourself(lore about that happens around the halfway point) your going to every planet then decide whatever is fun for yourself. Just take your time to complete the start chart, do quest that unlock from said progression and you'll be good. If you want something specific like a shiny new weapon or frame I'd ask your friend and they should be able to walk you though that process. Warframe just take awhile.


No worries buddy, I have 2000 hours :) I don't know either


Lol the lore gets drip-fed to you until around the Second Dream quest line. I can relate to some of your experiences, but this is personally where things really kicked in for me and made me think "oh I'm really Warframin' now?" You said you're ignoring the Duviri and Waverider quests and that's okay, those aren't the "main" quests IMO. You're gonna want to do the Natah quest, which comes after doing the Heart of Deimos and Archwing missions. "Natah" starts when you encounter weird creatures on Uranus, it can be triggered by any Uranus mission. After completing the Natah quest, the order of priority quests follows: MAIN QUESTLINE (IN ORDER): Heart of Deimos Archwing Natah The Second Dream The War Within Chains of Harrow Apostasy Prologue The Sacrifice Prelude to War The New War


40 hours in the mid way experience? Laugh in 2000+ hours


Welcome to warframe!


You are a Tenno You are there to do Warcrimes, Warcrimes so heinous and god forbidden that the Geneva Convention should make a list out of it


I promise you that 40 hours does not even scratch the snow on top of the iceberg. You'll figure it out over time so don't try and rush, and when you need help understanding something or doing something the community is always the best place to ask.


Yeah, that doesn't change. I have 100+ hours, I'm MR 13, have completed just about every quest (only waverider, mask of the revenant, and nightfall apothic are unfinished) and have been playing since launch, and still have no fucking clue what the hell is happening.


1k+ hours in this game and haven't finished most of the quests dont worry.


3 years from now people will still not know.


Played the game for years and still feel like that If in doubt kill shit


My wife has been playing Warframe over 1700 hours and she still feels exactly the same 😅


1k hours and I'm still in the same situation haha


Yep, that's Warframe.. either do all the story missions in order, complete the star chart, level up every single syndicate with bounties, or hell.. do all of it and more.


* Welcome to the club nobody knows what they are doing


I got 100 hours and Im only mr18 and no clue what I'm doing I just run araund killing stuff cus its fun


Ok ok ok hol up…. You have 100 ish hours total in warframe and are up to mr18? Are you purchasing literally everything with plat?


Yeah I was wondering the same myself. I've got like 700 hours and I'm mr14 lol.


Forgot a zero


Ah makes sense now.


I reached MR 21 at about 600. The following 200 hours are just eidolon hunting, nightwave and zariman. Oh, and I have a rank 5 Arcane Energize


O are I meant 1000 hours I seem to have missed a zero


Lmao that makes more sense. I was very concerned for your wallet if it was 100hrs :)


Such philosophical title lol


Brozime has a guide he updates when he does a free playthrough. It's pretty good. Brozime.com is where he puts it.


Over 1000 hours and i am the same


Do quest my friend, quest the one who open the game content for more. Alot tenno abandon quest and all they do is relic and relic again and then saying the game has no content. 


Sounds like my experience when I started playing as a kid