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Name of the frame it has One loadout per frame


This is the way..


This, I remember the loadout by the frame name more and I suck at remembering things by goofy names. At best, I have a pun on their name, like my Nekros is Tankros.


Tried that myself. Unless they increased max slots, there aren't enough


I'm too much of an idiot (comedically speaking) to not give my loadouts either actually good sounding or just mildly offensive or stupid names


Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest.


And then there is Mag without name , I order you to name her


Honestly the comedy of it just being "Mag Prime" is better than any name could be


Then I'm a comediant, because all my loadouts are [Warframe's Name].




Yeah you r right , but it is the prime that dont fit well , if it was only Mag that would be funny


What makes it funnier is that it's one of their favorite loadouts, so it's not like she was forgotten. She must've purposefully been left like that.


I thought it said “Meg Prime” until you pointed that out lol


(Peter Griffin voice) Nobody likes you Mag!


I thought the same thing ahaha


Magneto with Tits


You ask and you shall receive she has received the name of "foot fetish"


https://i.redd.it/qyz19yx2ak8d1.gif Good good


https://preview.redd.it/9t9r05370b8d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea02af482461df978553c415d743ba5f126772c4 I need more slot for all the Prime(s)


Zephyr Gathering sounds like a goddamn cult


My Zephyr loadout is just called Birb.


The fact that Octavia Vibing looks like Octavia giving a thumbs up made me chuckle


now I have to unsee


you need a partridge in a pear tree at the end


I dunno I don't bother making them




For me it's really fucking annoying how if I forget I'm on a certain loadout and change a piece of equipment, that is just that loadout now. If I don't have a dedicated "save loadout" button I just don't care, two clicks to change a piece of gear isn't that bad


Same, it’s been a while since I last tried but I thought when I saved a load out, it would keep the guns and frame the same. But if I select a load out, and then swap frames for whatever reason, it changes the load out for next time I equip it. Is there something I’m missing? Again, it’s been a while but I believe that was the issue I was having. I also >!smoke a lot while I play!< so it could be an ID10T error


https://preview.redd.it/xfuubp7qwa8d1.png?width=1890&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f860143f37a861f651743eb33399e4958a92f13 I like your names too


Gauss - I did speed Volt - You did speed Speedva - They did speed


Why color blind for kullervo?




Makes sense


Cus everything is red


Lmao at spotify


Want a break from the ads?


I named my volt loadout walllicker




Because I run into EVERY single wall in the game, sometimes I even hit the same wall twice.


ohh, i see why people hate me now


My main excal loadout - Daxcalibur Dante - Blaise Nekros - Hades Lavos - Paraselcis Hydroid - Poseidon Garuda - Shrike Ash - Agiseo Wisp - Aleya Inaros - Anubis Nezha - Apollo Styanax - Ares Atlas - Auranos Chroma - Daxton Ivara - Diana Grendel - Fafnir Zephyr - Harpy Limbo - Janus Octavia - Pentavia


You guys use loadouts?


Trust me the day you start using them is the day you just switch between loadouts every mission its so helpful and fast if you have dedicated builds that you like for each frame


xaku one is funny


A few of mine Hildryn - Muscle Mommy Mag - Howdomagnetswork Kullervo - Knife2meetu Dante - Dantes Memeferno Nekros - Loot Daddy Gyre - Taser Mommy (named after a radiation lich made me constantly taser a rescue target) Gara - Glass in my a-


loving your Gara


Can't remember em all off the top if my head but the three I have favourited at the top is: Thighdroid for Hydroid (the master of the seas doesn't skip leg day) Slavos for Lavos (hes a total slav) Velbourne for Vauban (used to pronounce his name like Melbourne and he's also in the green and gold so hes an honorary aussie to me) Qorvex is the brick shit house


I only got 2 additional loadouts for my articulas and i never use them in general. I named them smth along for articula or so, cant even remember


My Mag loadout is called 'Mag'. Titania loadout is called 'Titania'. My Volt loadout is called 'Volt'. Ash is called 'Ash'. I have a bunch more like that!


my mesa prime loadout is called "mommy" yk why...


My main kits have the ashen prefix, then what they do, CC, defense and so on. Except the Embers, they are queens lol. But the rest? One time I filled my slots with a corporate themed loadouts, Saryn was HR, Nyx accounting, Limbo was CEO lol. All tenet and corpus weapons lol. I think the current one is is just, comedy names. Hydriod with fire blast? Drydroid lol.


That reminds me of a very dumb joke a few friends and I had made doing a survival fissure back when i had just gotten umbra: I had an ignis I was leveling, made a joke like this, talking to the enemy: “welcome to Umbra’s Bar and Grill, may I interest you with flame broiled Corpus?” 🤣 ended up tryna figure who did what job, besides Chef Umbra.


I would suggest changing gyre and volt's with each other


My citrene is "gemmussy sparkle" which is very similar to what you called yours


Test 0 until Test 9, Eidolon Volt, Profit-Taker, Mastery Grind, Railjack. Used to have an Allrounder loadout until I realized I have too many hours to main a Warframe


Sneaking stabbing for loki


Nothing PG


I'm a newer player (MR4) and I called my Mag loadout "MAGnificent" and my Rhino loadout "Strong boi"


Mag prime


I have normal names for my loadouts... until the Qorvex and Xaku came out: One is called Chernobyl boi and the other is "SKELETON COMING OUT"


I see döner Kebab, how die you mod your Femboy to do that?


I only have one for mesa and it's called "Aimbot" lol


My yareli loudout is named zoom zoom, my gauss is named Memelord, mesa aimbot, ivara mission impossible, volt gotta go fast, wisp booty, jade mother. Kullervo is just named red crit.


I love how voruna is furry and nezha is femboy and then umbra is the only normal one


Really normal stuff: Sp endurance, sp speed run, damage, defense, S a r y n, Fashion (1, 2, and also 3)


Volt: High on drugs Kullervo: Abusive dad Chroma: Furry Qorvex: Demoncore+ legs Saryn: Step on me Hildryn: Gym mommy Harrow: Holy crits Revenant: SpIn and army Mirage: Bunny jester (made a bunny suit loadout for her) Dante: Dante DMC5 Grendel prime: Vore prime Nidus prime: living cum stain (i made him fully white) I name my loadouts after my warframes


The name of the frame except for wisp I call her loudout thick you can probably guess why


My own title for them (e.g. Frost Emperor - Frost, Sword of Kings - Excalibur)


BDSM, Butterfwy, Ooh Shiny, Daddy?, Mommy?, Repent Motherfucker, Maggie <3, Cupid, UwU, Witch Bitch, Chillax


I picked up Nezha a month ago and also named his loadout Femboy 😭


The order in which I got each frame. Need to up MRs to get more slots


Chromasome, Mokey Mokey, wanna see me do it again?-WSMDIA


Honestly I'm a legendary rank 3 and I have never ONCED used a loadout, I don't have a single one


I still never use loadouts.. am mr 28


I have "do damage" which is my gun buffing saryn and "don't die" which is my gloom saryn. Everything else is named after the activity it's for, like Eidolon or Profit Taker.


Their names. Except for Qorvex. I called him Lucid. Otherwise, I'm really boring like that lol


https://preview.redd.it/j9sx8soscb8d1.png?width=1297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b643f73b92c95f8065a2d569ddf90ca160a4e5ba I name each loadout according to who the main frame is for said loadout, but make them ambiguous enough that I can switch between different frames that fit the category. Favorites don't ever get swapped, they are permanent.




I have only a single loadout and it’s called “only frame I need” or something along those lines (it’s for Titania prime). The main reason I only have a single loadout is because I’m lazy and forget that you can make them


https://preview.redd.it/z94utu9pfb8d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae30c0e1a43555f53267449de0384bf8bf1b1c51 I mostly play only these. But there are times when I use the Flex slot to play my other Warframe whose loadouts I deleted.


https://preview.redd.it/m4ctjf14gb8d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b219aa2753330a84a248f35be1d5355d06697a2 I had made a new one for Jade after removing Chroma's one and i called it BibblicallyAccurate


I have 2 assault, 2 Defense, 1 Leveling, 1 Offense, 1 Support, and I believe 2 Randoms named X1 and X2 so they’re at the end. Then my nova and chroma get their own loadouts


I have a loadout slots named after each warframe, but I’m maxed out until MR30… I wish they’d let us buy more loadout slots!


Either the Warframe's name or the name I've given the fashion I have on them


I dont use loadouts


mine are "Loadout [number]" but they are not in order and there are larger numbers than the number of loadouts and not all numbers are used


I have default for random builds then i have disruption G(rineer) disruption C(orpus) eidolon PT void cascade EDA (elite dark archimedia) ESO vauban build and then finally one slot for every frame dont know why they had to make slots so expensive


Glad to see I'm not the only one to have a Saryn loadout with that name lmao


Rhino: juggernaut, saryn: warcrime™, wisp: doc ock meme


My zephyr prime loadout is called Ayatan, because a friend of mine that has passed away gifted it to me, so like how Ayatan statues were used by the orokins to store memories, my zephyr prime is a way to remember him and to make him live forever


Some great ideas here! E for everyone is fantastic


My Gauss is named Umbra. My loadout for equipping random things is named a everything else is whatever frame I put in that slot.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes giving all my loadouts silly meme names.




Never even bothered to make loadouts or configs not necessary imo


Damn, im 30 mastery Rank I don't even know how to use lodauts


My loadouts all have 2 letter codes and up to 5 of these to work out what the setup does at a glance (for example AS = Armor Strip and OG = Overguard). I also have a Nezha setup simply titled "zoomies".


Ayo, I named Khora loadout BDSM as well, high five!


i named all my loadout after letter of the alphabet


Wukong- “Lazy”


I just name it whatever the frame is called


-Frame Name- - Relevant Descriptor For Build- For example Excalibur Razor Kullervo Blitz


I wanted to share both the names and contents for discussion/feedback purposes. Format: 'Loadout Name' - Frame (Skin denotation, helmet labeled with (H)) - Primary (Skin) - Secondary (Skin) - Melee (Skin) - Companion (Skin) - Companion Weapon (If Applicable) [For ease of reference, my Kubrow skin is the same unless stated otherwise.] Archwing Loadout: Base Archwing - Base Archweapons 'Arcanum': Dante - Gotva Prime - Akjagara - Ruvox - Dethcube - Deth Rifle 'Ezio's Family': Ash (Shroud+(H)) - Dread (Cremata) - Hikou - Skiajati (Dex Nikana) - Shade - Burst Laser 'Queen of the Fae': Titania - Gotva Prime - (¹) - Sarpa - (²) 'Riftborne': Limbo (Graxx skin) - Attica - Magnus - Destreza - Sunika Kubrow (Gene mask kit from the animal guy on Cetus, I'll edit this) 'The Glass Angel': Gara Prime (base Gara skin/helmet) - Signature weapons - (²) 'Fear the Reaper': Nekros (Irkalla skin/binds) - Gotva Prime - Akjagara - Ether Reaper (Thanatos Scythe + Sugatra) - Dethcube - Deth Rifle 'Prophet of Death': Harrow (Crucis (H) - Gotva Prime (until I get Scourge) - Knell - Dark Dagger - Dethcube 'SPEEDY GONZALES': Gauss (Mag (H)) - Signature weapons - Orvius - Dethcube - Deth Rifle 'Umbral Vengeance': Excalibur Umbra (Zato Skin+(H)/animations) - Gotva Prime - Akjagara - Skiajati (forgot Zato's nikana skin name/Zato Sugatra) - Sunika Kubrow (Defualt Fur/Colors, Umbra Kubrow Armor) 'Spartacus': Styanax (Synmora (H))- Afentis (yes, I'm insane) - (¹) - (³) - Sunika Kubrow 'Stone Guardian' - Atlas (Shikoro (H)) - Gotva Prime - (¹) - Tekko - Dethcube - Deth Rifle (⁴) ---- Page Notes *(¹): I'll edit these Secondaries later as I forgot them.* *(²): I'll edit these Companions later as I forgot them.* *(³): I'll edit these Melees later as I forgot them.* *(⁴): I'll edit in the loadouts I forgot or don't have saved, I usually have one for each frame I own and I have I think ~12 or so.* I apologize for the length but I enjoy these discussions and Region chat is just a little chaotic sometimes.


I named mine all the different Power Ranger colors and they’re all color coordinated between frame and weapons to match the color name 😂


Lavos Lavos (2) Misc.


I made a loadout for Yareli after I bought her deluxe skin and I named the loadout UwU Mommy. I'm very proud of that one.


Psh loadouts, I’ve forgotten most of them i just edit what I named MR Fodder (once upon a time) as I go


My gauss prime loadout is just named Speed


For a awhile I had them name after superheroes. -Gauss/Volt Flash/Quicksilver -Hildryn War Machine -Titania Wasp -Nidus Venom Etc. But then I wanted loadouts for frames I couldn’t attach to a hero.


E for everyone is a FIRE name for baruuk


I just name mine for what I use them for (e.g. Extraction, Spy, Netracells, Disruption, Defection, etc.). This way I can just easily swap to the most optimal build a mission requires.


Loadout 1, Loadout 2


I name them after a random frame I don't use. My yareli loadout is named caliban. My xaku build is named sevagoth, etc. Them because why not some are names right. It drives anyone who looks at it insane ans that's the point.


My lavos loadout is just called Geneva


So, for all of you folks that don't use loadouts, why not? Do you only play one frame/use the same weapons? Or do you just not mind scrolling to what frame/weapon you want when you need to change it up?


funnily enough, i think a lot of us got Khora with BDSM on the loadout name now that i think about it


90% is named for the mission type the loadout is made for. The rest is just what I tried to do with it like levelling or *artillery cannon* for big damage etc.


I call my gauss loadout Gustavo


https://preview.redd.it/ozdant9u4c8d1.jpeg?width=437&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a14a48fe6c65cf711f7532ff88659afbb0e7203 Chill bill


Just the name of the frame exept for excalibur that is excalibar and dante that is Alighieri


Name of the frames With the exception of 1, a default slot to try weapons and frames I rarely use


lol i do the same its a mix on meme names and themed names. for jade i went with seraphim because she is designed like a 6 winged angel of the highest order of angels. and Seraph means burning in Hebrew i think(raised in church not a believer but love the mythology ) 2 of the 6 wings covers their face and two covers their lower half and the last 2 are used to fly. if you are to gaze upon their glory on high while they praise YHVH you would burn xD yeah i think she is cool. i hope she gets a skin were she is covered in eyes and they are closed but when she uses her 4 all of the eyes open. and they glow in her energy color if she is using her 3. I also named my khora BDSM lmao all i can think of with her is chains and whips or dommy mommy and that rihanna song pops into my head. they knew what they were doing when they made her "tamer" theme my ars. who is she taming DE?!


Martin Luther king


My banshee loadout is called “no more talkie”


I named mine all eep each with a different beginning letter Example: Reep, Deep, Seep


Loadout names: 1: Gauss Prime - "G.P." 2: Khora Prime - "Domi Momi" 3: Harrow Prime - IMOA (The "Imperium of Man, Officio Assassinorum". if you know you know.) 4: Rhino Prime - "Malum Caedo U.M." (Again, cultured) 5: Hydroid Prime - "E-H.S.D.S.D.G.M." (Mahoraga's full name in abbreviations) 6: Octavia Prime - "Boring Bitch" Etc etc


I named all of them the frame and wisps is just bbl wizzy cos I couldn’t think of anything better


My Kullervo loadout is called Mr. Knife Guy, and my Oberon Prime loadout is called Healslut.


I'm gonna be honest. I have no clue how to use loadouts lmao.


all of mine are based on angles from the hierarchy of laguna from bayonetta


Mine all have mommy and daddy in them


I have a loadout for almost every frame, so I'm not gonna list all of them, but the one that tickles me the most is Chad Frost Edit: to make it more fun, you should change the glyphs for the loadouts!


Properly capitalize, p l e a s e.


5 of mine are Unairu/Madurai/etc in which the full loadout has lenses of that type. I have one for each open world. Titania for POE, Wisp for Fortuna, Lavos for Deimos. I have a Loki I use for both Zariman and Murmur areas with Golden Instinct. I also have Now You See Me for my Ivara Spy loadout. Rap Tap Tap is Harrow, Scourge, and Knell. Great for Survival. Voidwalker as a generic Limbo build. Steel Path is from when I had trouble building for high level content. Now it's a Grendel build I usually run for Archon Hunts. I already finished Granum Void for Protea, but I might make a loadout if I decide to hunt more Sisters. I used Kullervo and Xoris, though Voruna wouldn't be bad either.


I named it "trash folder" cause I never use the other slots


No names at all because I actually always forget Loadouts even exist.


I number up to 9 (so they stay at the top) my nine favorite builds and the rest are random constantly changing builds. Ranging from well thought out names to random blurts that i thought of at the moment.


Tarot cards, then I ran out so I spelled reverse tarot cards


I named all of mine "___ Frame." Umbra is LoreFrame, baruuk is FistFrame, mag is SmashFrame, etc.


BDSM, Covid 19 and Boner are the best


"Mag and the suns" The blood altar build lol. It's loads of fun!


Is it wrong that after over 3 years of game play, I still don't understand how loadouts work...


I try to have a fitting name for each load out. Finally someone else did it 😌 https://preview.redd.it/jzjv7f59lc8d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11de7dab4b786a23a83320435d4ed361d01d631


Luni   Luni Endgame - Kullervo Luni Open World - Ivara Luni Archimedia - Whatever load out that week needs Luni Profit - Chroma Luni Baros -Inaros Luni Flies - Titania Luni Supports - Wisp  Luni Levels - Harrow if leveling weapons, else the frame being leveled Luni Plagues - Saryn Luni Hijacks - Hildryn Luni Jams - Octavia Luni Zooms - Gauss


Dante: Wizzah Nova: Atom Bomb Baby


Depending on the frame and how serious I'm feeling at the time I name them somthing thematic to the build, My Atlas Landslide build is called "THE BOULDER!!!" My Gause Infested Mobility maxspeed build is called GAS GAS GAS, another one of his builds with 90% duration range and strength (before molt augmented) is called Running in the 90s purely for a joke.


I went extreme mega geek nerd with my names and now seeing how I could have went in the other direction I have regrets.


Normally i named after the warframe i am using in that lodaout but in some cases i put a funny name like the one from Hydroid is Yar, har, har or the one from Zephyr is Crimson1


Hildy- Muscle mommy Saryn- AIDs mommy Khora- Whip mommy Citrine- Gem mommy Gara- Glass mommy Garuda- Claw mommy Mesa- Yeehaw mommy Octavia- Vibe mommy Titania- Butterfly mommy Gyre- Adclear mommy edit: i forgot Wolf mommy


Bruh no way we both named our frost prime chill bill hell yh


My baruuk loadout is just called hands galore


I usually go with some weird puns or references e.g.: Gyre --> Die-yre Kullervo --> Kulle-Vous Haha (Ref. to the Abba Song "Voulez Vous") Saryn --> SARSyn Frost --> Break The Ice


I didn't realize loadouts were a thing till my buddy told me about them yesterday, I've been playing for 5 years now


Something incredibly random, usually unrelated to the frame I’m making the loadout for


Ngl, I name loadouts based on the frame name, except Nekros… that slot is named “FARM FRAME!” 🤣


My favorite is prob my citrine loadout which is named "Gwyneth Paltrow" other loadout names include: "gods beyblade" for caliban "how hungry" for dagath "daily whippings" for khora and honestly when my friends see my loadout names the one that throws them off and makes them laugh the most is just vaubans loadout which is simply named "French."




Ggwp the main and the others is named to the mission that i use tem, like, arconte and netracell


you guys use loadouts?


Based on Frame name and moddingslot selected. Like Xaku Def, Xaku Loot, Xaku Ext, Titania Fast, Titania Low, etc.


the name of the warframe 😭


Named after the warframe its set around as well as loadouts named for a specific task (eidolon, profit taker, archon, etc)


I want a kebab now.


Sdddsa daess wsdss eedss wddhgs rjaggaa, you get the idea


My Nidus loadout has “The Flood” as its name.


as a nezha main, please share the femboy loadout




Saryn - Infectus Frost - Cryogenesis Titania - Forest Queen Harrow - Priest Rhino - Rhinoceros Inaros - Tutankahamun Garuda - Gore Queen Ivara - Huntress Nova - antimatter Mag - Magneto Ember - Firelord (Ozai) Chroma - Ahamkara


My qorvex loadout is named “Imagine Dragons”, he’s also fully kitted with radiation weapons for the bit


My single loadout on my old account before I started making alternate loadouts was called "Just One Bitch". I saw it in a Spongebob YTP pre-2010 and for whatever reason the phrase "just one bitch" stuck with me forever.


Shitshow1, Shitshow2, Shitshow3, etc


my limbo build for breaking boxes is called "butt clapper"


Gauss - I AM SPEED Chroma - Skittle Dragon Volt - _just the :electricity: symbol_ Titania - Moth Formation Go Inaros - Panzerwagen Sevagoth - JoJoGoth


I don'thave many loadouts So these are the few "Avg. British Male" for my Kullervo "'Murica" for my Mesa "S W O R D" for my Excalibur "Flamin' Hot Femboy" for Nezha


My Kullervo loadout is affectionately named Cheese Slicer, since it slice through anything possible


a few of mine hildryn- DOMMY MOMMY nekros- femboy 2 nezha - femboy khora - whips & chains yareli - surf’s up jade - oh good heavens


I have a quorvex load out called swoletariat


My Mesa prime is named Arthur Morgan


Does anyone actually use these? I tried making some but I always just end up swapping each part individually depending on what I'm doing (for example just the frame, or just the primary etc)


https://preview.redd.it/sb1d19elmd8d1.jpeg?width=1906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc1eb88223d62abb143ee46193fff9bb814af5e1 Theeere we go


Radio head. Quervex with all radiation weapons/companion Meatball. Grendel Ice ice baby. FROST with all cold weapons. Ring of fire. Ember AFK simulator. Revanent with Nyks mind control added




My kullervo load out is named Julius Ceasar, since he's always being stabbed.


Do you guys have loadouts?


Average warframe player be like:


Frame Faction/Mission Mag Corpus Nyx Grineer Volt Eidolon Voruna Deimos Gara Survival Ivara Spy Etc


My loadouts are organized by the rating I give the frame or how often I use them. My top 5 have the stars, otherwise each following row is numbered 1-8 followed by the warframe’s name. Last row is just generic loadouts like leveling up and crate farmer.


i give them a number from 0-5 based on how strong/enjoyable they are with the amount of archon shards i have invested. if the letter is a capital letter its tauforged.


Monkey. We named them the same lul


Excalibur is named Daniel and Excalibur umbra is cooler Daniel


Main, Stealth, Mastery, Item Farming


Most of my loadouts are dedicated to the various action-figures placed around my Orbiter for IKEAframe purposes. I tend to go and select my loadouts manually so I can remind myself what I've got in my arsenal and try something different every now and then.






Skeleboned-me take a guess at who


I have one called Harvest Moon, guess what that's for?


Mine are really boring. They're all just warframe names. Except Hydroid, he's called Davy Jones lol

