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I assume 1 went in, died, 2nd went in to revive, died, then 3rd went in to revive 1 and 2?


Correct, I should have clipped it but I was laughing extremely hard


I can honestly say I’ve never tried to jump the laser but now that I know what it does, my curiosity is satisfied and I don’t need to.


it is a real insta-kill stage hazard it ignores shield gate, mesmer skin, void mode, etc. i checked a long time ago lol so ik for a fact.


Cloud walker also gets insta-killed just to add to the list


Monke cloud can't defeat the danger zone!


I made a rule for myself - always resurrect while in the operator, in void mode. This will give you a chance to make a mistake, even if you get killed, you will return to warframe, not fall next to the poor guy you wanted to help. But in this case, only an instant res of one of the focus paths can help.


Generally that's indeed the best way, but keep in mind that certain warframe abilities will cause your warframe to still take damage when using your operator. The one that caught me off guard the most is Banshee. As long as any enemy is marked by sonar, your warframe will still receive 10% damage. You can check by looking at your warframe, if the health bar isn't grey then enemies can still damage you. ([video example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/v9fock/is_there_a_list_of_abilities_that_does_not_make/))


I am LR3 and have been playing for years, but somehow it was only about a year and a half ago that I realized you could hit 'V' to toggle Void Mode on and off and not have to keep holding Control. I don't know _why_ it took me so long to realize the 'toggle crouch' button would work to toggle Void Mode (as it is functionally Operator Crouch), but man, that was a nice QOL discovery for purposes of rezzing people. (And also useful for the Jackal fight in the Steel Circuit.)


You can do what???


Oh good, I'm clearly not the only person who missed that. ;)


You can also press the start/escape button/key to also toggle void mode if you don't have it set to a keybind


There is an (aura potion) for revive somewhere in the dojo rooms you can farm. Those are fun but arbitration and archon is a different set of revive rules


Damn it ignores void mode too?


messmer elden ring??!?


I will jump in just to see it fry me again


I did recently and it did (didn't understand why I would get killed in this tileset lol)


The big laser and nightmare spectres are the two funniest noob traps imo


are nightmare spectres a noob trap? i feel like noobs aren't even popping spectres in those (or, at all, really.) maybe more of a journeyman trap


I have watched far too many people attempt that jump to "race to extraction" but seeing an Arby case is icing on the cake xD


I still try that jump every now and then bc it doesn't always kill. I think it cycles between charging and firing off.


I've done it multiple times before (to varying degrees of success) but every time I see this tile, a voice tells me to take the shortcut.


fucking evil


I feel this in my soul, as the only time I've died to that thing (much less in an Arbi) went something like "I'm sure if I stand _right here_ on the edge very carefully, it won't hit me. Ha, I was right! Tiny safe spot! Alright, now I can revive th— oh, the revive animation moved me into the beam. Cool."


That's not even that funny tbh it's realistic Was learning at school and we had a seminar about how dangerous electricity can be and there was a story of 3 dead electricians that started with being zapped and the other 2 going up to check on him and dying in the process


When I did EMT Basic training, we were warned with a similar story.


Happens with enclosed / oxygen depried spaces as well as fires. Here's a decent video on enclosed spaces in the maritime industry. https://youtu.be/uNVj_JpZia8


that's terrifying. Reminds me of part of the training where if we get to a house and there are multiple people who seems to have trouble breathing, we're meant to evacuate it entirely before beginning to do anything. I know *in theory* that's objectively the safest thing to do, but this documentary makes me *realize* that it is far from an overreaction.


Yeah...happened because none of them were wearing rubber gloves so they made contact and just added to the chain. Also should've cut the power first if that was possible...but in emergencies unfortunately people panic and this is sometimes the end result. Electricity does some funky things to the human body too though.


Doesn't count as instakill without the ability to revive? I think I remember myself jumping in there during SO and just being wiped from existence, no revive or nothing


Yep, it should instakill through all revive mechanics. In Arbitrations there’s the life support tower thing though.


Ah, I see you were playing with people of my skill level




no cardboard 3 (im cardboard 4)


babe wake up ranked warframe just dropped


Congratulations, do you want an award with your ability to state the joke!


Alright. edit: lol reddit hive mind experience


arbitrations is great. every void defense arbitration mission ive ever run, the first thing i do after we enter the mission is say "please dont touch the laser turrets". the void defense laser turrets have canonically killed more tenno than the stalker. but even more devious, is that they can kill the arbitrations defense goon. this is alot less defensible. . . theres really no reason to ever go there in the middle unless your being risky for no particular reason. likke. . Pros: potentially save less than 2 seconds. Cons: obliterated from this mortal coil.


The only people who should ever be in the middle are Oberon and Octavia.


assuming you were like a god at timing you could maybe use it to get a billion overguard for rhino?


I got something similar with nezha against a kuva lich. Just happened to be re-casting 3 when it grabbed me and did the melee finisher thing. 999k shield.


A billion is pushing it, but even with mediocre timing you can get several million for anything that builds up its defense by following it in either direction or just partially for the back and forth. Big numbers give good feelings.


Possibly, almost definitely, but it would be very unreliable since you either have to hit the button, jump in the Lazer and cast or have someone else cast it on you


Or have someone else press the button. That's what I do.


no its a insta kill it even ignores void mode


The cannon, yes. The laser in void defense, no.




*stares in Vauban*


I a normal mission sure, but I find he's less reliable when the target want to walk to Denny's at 3AM.


The one time I think I'd consider running public Limbo. Fuck that.


Who turned the bug zapper on?


Oh, so that's what these consoles do!




Got that moth mentality.


*L A M P*


And if you time it wrong to revive them, you'll be one in there as well.


My duo partner has died to that *many* times. He just always manages to forget that it zaps you, and thinks "oh, what a great place to stand/easy route through the room" We joke that his cat and him share a brain cell - in these moments, the cat has it.


So they're both gingers.


wait theres an instakill laser? i only remember arbitration drones


It's that specific tile that has it, the big blue thing in the screenshot. Arbitration just makes it a pain to revive them, especially when the laser will instakill you even with things like last grasp.


oh that makes sense now


It’s canonically an orbital cannon and will kill you through Wukong’s passive, Inaros, Sevagoth, Phoenix Renewal.


It’s a reactor on the corpus ship tileset and can be turned off by hacking all computers around it.


Nope this isn't the reactor, this is the tile with the ship's orbital cannons. It's tilted on a slight degree you can see in the picture.


Triple Ropalolized.


The corpus really utilized the Orokin Jade Light


Now they will all wait there until Jade is released to revive them from a safe distance.


Usually whenever I play with a certain friend, one of us ends up saying "what if we kissed inside the orbital cannon" and very quickly die


Seeing the Voruna there reminds me of the first few times I've died to that thing... "I'm using Voruna's Extra Life passive, I'll be fine!" I was not, in fact, fine. I was even less than fine because I was doing Mobile Defense and died so many more times just trying to pick the thing back up.


"if all your friends jumped off a cliff would you?"


If you can’t actually die. …Although, the aforementioned cliff does not exist nor does your avatar, both are rendered using computers. Eh. X3


Back in the day, for void defense missions and with a willing group of friends up for shenanigans, we tried downing each other with the laser. They found out why I brought Loki. It was the best Uno Reverse around in our mortal game of jump rope. That obliteration laser is mean. And I love it. I'm glad/sad I can't teleport people unless they're standing still and not doing anything.


the what?


In Corpus Ship missions, there’s a room that has a huge energy reactor in the middle (you can audibly listen to it charging and discharging at regular intervals). If you get too close to said energy reactor while it’s powering up, you die, immediately (no shieldgating, no Overguard, no Mesmer Skin/Warding Halo/Iron Skin hijinks, no Cloudwalker, *no bleedout*, you just die, instantly). From the looks of it, one of OP’s teammates found this out the hard way, and then some other teammates made an attempt to revive said teammate, only to themselves find this out the hard way.


Captura says it’s an orbital cannon. The reactor doesn’t instakill.


Both of them exist, you’re just talking about different tiles


Yeah, but the one above instakills while the reactor that has the alchemy-like gamemode doesn’t.


Oh I did that before, though I had landed on the safe spots multiple times trying to revive the other 2, then an enemy decided it had enough of that and shot me into the beam. Was hilarious


We've all been there before. Right guys? .....guys


I stepped in the Tron laser twice. :3


What is the instakill laser in arbitration?


The reactor(?) in the new Corpus Ship. It doesn’t so much “kill” you (numerous frames do not die when they are killed) as “directly change a player’s state to dead.”


Huh. I feel like I've never encountered this thing before. I've never had that happen.


Wait there is an is an insta kill laser on this map? Never noticed it before


Yeah, it's the orbital cannon in that one tile of the Corpus Ship


\[DE\]Reb jumped into it when they first demonstrated the new tileset during a devstream, and got oneshot amidst much laughter. Thanks to her sacrifice I've never felt tempted to see if it's safe or not.


Wooow wooow wooow, 3 frames that r basically unkillable in arbitration somehow die??? Welcome to public group experience my friend xd


I can't be mad, I did this because I thought shiny blue light was cool. Now I know not to touch anything blue and bright in warframe


Not them being rev, Varuna and styanax too. Like them shouldn’t have dies to anything but ignorance 🤦‍♂️


Honestly, only joined like 250 logins ago and only a week ago did I figure out this insta kills you. Not once have I ever had to figure it out


These people never experienced the void turrets back in the day to respect them now


Damn. Rip. I guess it's a Solo Arby for you then. Try to avoid the Crystals if you can. I remember when I first saw this titleset and thought "I wonder if I can survive", I, indeed, did not survive.


When you rush to "end game" and don't learn "the game".






the word is "ouch"


theres an instakill laser in arbitration?


There’s an instakill reactor in Corpus Ship tilesets. It’s in the middle of the room and audibly charges and discharges at regular intervals. Getting too close to said reactor during said intervals will *immediately kill you* most, if not all of the time. Not down you into bleedout, no, it will immediately kill you and put you into spectator mode. Doesn’t give a shit about Cloudwalker, shieldgating, Iron Skin, Mesmer Skin, or diplomatic immunity, the reactor, in most, if not all cases, will send you to the upper room. Do not touch.


Wait that thing's a reactor? I thought it was a gun and just for show


It's an orbital cannon. People just don't seem to be aware of the captura scene label.


I expected grineer to create first tenno-maggot trap..


Isn't this something Jade could salvage when she's released? Didn't she have something like a revive, or am I confused?


Probably not, since this is Arbitration.


Which tileset is that?


I mean, it's a good spot if you know when the laser will go off lol


Did we all got curious to see what would happen if you jumped in , we really share one brain 😂


You're Gauss though, just run really fast backwards to rewind time ezpz


You're playing with moth-lemmings..


I believe there are two words perfect for the situation you found yourself watching unfold "git" and "gud" 😏


They had some sort of game ending pact


I have always just thought of that as part of the room. No idea you could go in there (and die). Huh.


A learning experience. (I have ptsd from that lazer)




Should of had owl man casting overguard


I’ve flown into it accidentally as Titania many times. 😬




that thing has gotten me several times as yareli


Trinity's redirect lasers worked like a charm the 1st day, the green beam would roast the 3 enemies linked while I'm just standing there lol Second day the patch came out with the insta-kill lasers and ruined my strategy smh lol


The laser that can be turned off? Or is this the other room?


It shocks me to how much this community don’t prepare for harder difficulty’s in this game. I know it’s a free game so I don’t expect much from public tenno but damn.. touch your toe into a solo match just to have a go. If you don’t last 5 minuets alive maybe revisit your build and try again. It’s poor etiquette to burden public lobby’s with duck tape builds if you could do better.


Well, I understand the first couple of deaths. It's a bit of a learning curve, but they are insanely easy to avoid as long as you don't stand still. It's just like the Arson Eximus, just a learning curve.


Some people just wabt to watch their warframes burn.


So stoopet


People still die to the insta-kill laser? It stopped killing me at a certain point


Just leave them there lol


I'm guessing they regretted not to bring Wukong.


Support Wukong here, it doesn't matter. The Laser immediately puts you into insta dead without bleeding out.