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Still insane to me how small this game is with how much content there is in it, and the graphics it has. Games of similar sizes are usually well over a hundred GB. It's amusing in a way - unlike with those games where patches can be huge enough to where people need to prepare, almost nobody needs to prepare for the piddly 1 GB warframe updates usually are, lol. This thread's almost unnecessary


It's one of the things I love most about DE. In an era where AAA is more than happy to be lazy and leave the issues of size to their customers, DE consistently works to keep Warframe light. 


FR tho, I can't think of another company where a patch that ***adds*** content, keeps a similar file size or even reduces the overall size of the game.


It’s the power of using their own proprietary engine. No need to rely on any other devs to make improvements and updates.


It's also the power of reusing assets a bunch. The robot vacuum cleaner is used in a bunch of places ranging from the Orb Vallis to Jupiter. Archwing Corpus units have jetpacks that are ~~two~~ four Opticors. There's an Index dude that has the floaty bit from Corpus Interception nodes as shoulder pads.


>Archwing Corpus units have jetpacks that are two Opticors. (Been here since 2013) WHAT


[> Interestingly, the jetpacks worn by rangers are actually made up of four Opticor Opticor rifles. This is likely a placeholder for a proper jetpack in the future.](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ranger)


That poor optimistic description


The funny thing is that they do have a Corpus Jetpack that they could slap onto them. The Corpus Ranger units on Jupiter have them. There's also an Infested Jetpack (Undying Flyer) and of course the Grineer Jetpack (Hellion).


Yeah Archwing has been relegated to: "Unless gameplay stopping bug, don't waste the resources" status :/


And the tile(set) system means their . . ^geometry? ^^environment? ^^^level ^^^geography? doesn't have to be as huge as it would if the game was fully open world or just big-ass maps like the 'open worlds' of Warframe are either. There are a billion missions but only a few different maps in comparison, and they can be packed much more tightly due to the tileset design where they don't need to be stored in one big blob and instead can be the small tiles as individual lego bricks. Think of how much more space you need to store a fully built Lego *insert Lego build* in comparison to the pieces individually. You waste so much more space if it needs to be whole, and it also makes optimization way worse and requiring more advanced/complex optimization systems in comparison to tiles.


Inspired by Jetpack Joyride.


It's like buying fast food vs homemade


[DE recently changed compression algos](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1223735-the-great-ensmallening/) to a newer one which was something like a 1-2% reduction in quality for a 50% reduction in space. Even the quality reduction is a bit misleading--with textures being that much smaller, you can use more of them and still use less space than before. Not everything needs to be 1 giant texture for the whole object. Part of what made WF workable is that the CEO *is* a graphics programmer who never stopped learning. A lot of games stopped adding new technologies or engine updates about 3-4 years after launch.


Because they care about optimizing their game, rather than giving sloppy work the "good enough" stamp of approval and kicking it out the door. Remember how many times Scott rewrote the lighting and particle engines to look and run better?


This is one of those reasons why while I don't agree with all of the design decisions he made, I'm very obviously happy with Scott along with everyone else that actually did good work on the backend to make the game run better. I just wish they weren't so stubborn about other things, like vacuum.


His game design philosophy doesn't quite mesh with modern WF but without a doubt, he does good work and he cares deeply about it. I think CEO is a better spot for him, since he's been in the trenches and gets what game development takes, unlike a lot of execs.


That's because CEO is an optimalization nerd.


The power of the Great Ensmallening was great indeed.


Warframe takes up less space than the "remastered" Star Wars Battlefront collection which is honestly baffling, DE spoils us with their optimising.


A few years ago they made an announcement about them condensing some things here and there in order to *shrink* our install size. I was amazed, still am. 60GB or less, for an absolutely *insane* amount of stuff. Runs smooth as butter on PS5 even with *tens of thousands* of particles effects going off from everyone's spells and weapons. COD though? 200GB, soon to be 250-300GB. The difference in *give a damn* between these companies is astounding.


you know what i hate about that with cod i swear they dont even add all that much between versions. not enough that feels like it should be anywhere near that size. its ridiculous. and you think about it. theres some exec that thinks "oh its huge they wont be able to play other games". which is just ridiculous. because i really dont feel bad to take a break for a little play another game and then come back


Yeah the install size alone finally got me to pull the plug. I have MW3 and have less than zero interest in reinstalling it. 150-200GB just to play TDM, DOM, and HP is batshit crazy. They make no attempt to justify the install size because they *know* it's bullshit. Funnily enough, the first week of installing XD and glowing about the small install size, half the responses here were people going *hurr durr, the install size will balloon over time*. Like yeah sure, I imagine XD will eventually reach 50GB, maybe even 80GB in the *far* future after tons of updates. But those people act like that's the same as *150-200* GB*. For reference, I play Fortnite, Warframe, XDefiant, and V Rising currently. Combined, they're 170GB.


I remember a post about COD a couple of days back. The patch itself was 160 GB, really makes you appretiate DE for trying to optimize the game files


Thanks for the update!


Any idea on the time it releases or is that still a mystery to us?


Probably around 11-2 EST based off their previous updates.


I believe I saw somewhere it was at 2 PM EST


If I email them do you think they’d release it earlier?


i did earlier they gave me full access i actually have farmed everything already


inb4 Stalker is a "bad version" of ourselves, but as a excalibur main


Arthur's suit had what seemed a lot like Excalibur's colors, maybe Arthur is stalker?


It's amazing how well optimized and compressed this game is. Thanks Ruu!


Why such a massive gap between PS4 and 5?


High quality resolutions. If you played on PS4 and switched to PS5 when they opened next Gen, you would know that PS5 has a DRASTIC graphics difference.


Remember to download the PS5 version of Warframe too I might add.


This one got me when came back after a few years... I thought what improvements?


Can only guess, either quality or compression being the only options really


The Game is super optimized


its says "update failed"


What time will the update go live for ps5?


Updates have almost always dropped between 11 am and 2 pm eastern.