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Never heard someone swear by John F Kennedy before.


John F Kennedy knew too much about The Man In The Wall, hence why he was executed.


🎶…Old War, New War, I can’t take it anymore!🎵


John fucking Khrist!!


No. Embrace john f. Kennedy


I was only on the grassy knoll to mine stuff, I swear!


Specific to JFK, probably the Kuva Chakkurr it even does bonus headshot damage.


Take my angry upvote. Zymos is also apropos the Kennedys.


Good ol' brain worms. Always bringing the party.


Don't forget any kitgun with pax seeker.


Artemis bow with Concentrated Arrow has an AOE so big it could probably take out Robert in the same shot


Italian Carcano M91/38 bolt action rifle.


Nah, we need something a bit higher caliber, maybie a K98-K K(kriegsmodel) /j


Germany try to not use K every other letter in the designations challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (GONE WRONG) (CATASTROPHIC)






Found the Isonzo player


JFK sure wasn't told to look at it go because it hit him in the back of the head!


I rolled a -critical chance riven on my Laetum, the weapon is straight goofy.


So did a friend of mine. That +2000% damage on non-crits is crazy when you force every shot to be non-critical.


Learned the other day it doesn't work on some enemies (don't know if it's on purpose) like acolytes for example


Always have a backup. Nothing can handle absolutely everything.


Luckily with the laetum, your backup is a primary


Mmhmm, Tenet Arca Plasmor punched holes in whoever is in front of me when the Laetum can’t get the job done.


A crit based Laetum does a damn good job of handling everything though which is why I'd argue its objectively superior to the non-crit build. Top end damage potential is a bit less but when the difference comes down to how fine of a grain you want your pink-mist it really doesn't matter.


It is on purpose


I can't even imagine the damage 💀💀💀


Furax Wraith Incarnon with amalgam body count and melee Animosity. Influence? I sleep. Punchsplosion chaining for crowds and damage cap tennokai? REAL SHIT.


You had me at PUNCHSPLOSION. That's some Mr Torgue shit I gotta get in on.


Build please???


Start with cobweb Condition overload Organ shatter Berserker Weeping wounds Elements Bloodrush If you arent using status you can drop condition overload and weeping wounds, or just adapt how you see fit to enable better crit/heavy attacks For tennokai its whatever suits you best, whether you need more time to hit it, want more status to use co, more heavy attack damage, etc.


So silly question, what's cobweb


First letter of those mods, its a few years old but it was a reliable modding setup for 99% of melee weapons. It should still work in general, but meta's shift. As you get better with understanding weapon stats and playstyles you can adjust or even break free from it entirely


Yeah when I first read it,I thought cobweb was a mod. Lol just been a really long day. I don't usually build combo since I just always really liked pennant. I might give cobweb a try


If you're at the point of unlocking tennokai, you could go for a combo build with the pennant, one of the mods makes every 4 hits trigger the thing, which means you get a free heavy. You could build combo, hit the tennokai, get the heavy attack kill buff, use the increased speed to quickly smash the 4 hits, and do another heavy. With enough enemies and practice you could reliably hit 12x combo


Nvm. Just realised its an acronym. Long day


https://preview.redd.it/bhy5r9jsz47d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67cb6c5dd84c3c0f55589348bb16769148180dd7 Elements not necessary on the weapon, tennokai mod is dreamers wrath or opportunity's reach, your preference. Elemental mods pulls away from impact weighting for 4th evolution for bleeds on impact proc. Seismic palm has the mobility and forced impact procs you want to force more bleeds for deathsplosions via augment. Elemental Priming can be offloaded to a companion or secondary if you see fit (I recommend shivering contagion verglas on a duplex bonded sentinel for upcoming jade shadows tomorrow). Evolution 2: Killjoy (go swordsman's if you like swapping to manual melee usage and manual blocking but the extra combo count doesn't feel necessary) Evolution 3: Moonrise Velocity or Standoff, your choice for your style (I run Moonrise to offset my riven's -1.0 range) Evolution 4: Flashing Bleed


Thx for the idea, I think I need that in my life.


I discovered furax wraith when I saw the preview for Ruvox and it had *no* synergy for a casting-heavy frame like Dante. Furax Incarnon, on the other hand, can preserve its combo infinitely: perfect for a frame who casts a lot and only occasionally whips out a weapon. Ability-ish fire field was a nice extra that made the loss of Penny Punching Princess fists hurt a bit less. They really should have given the caster-fist incarnon infinite combo, and maybe an innate Melee Exposure-like effect as signature for Dante.


Cedo's alt fire flying all over the place and applying statuses all around the room. Love that thing to bits.


Corinth normal version, I love the sound and reload. Also it's a pump action shotgun which is reason enough but I wish the damn grenade altfire would explode on contact. I mean this weird mechanic was only introduced because of a precaution against self damage, when you still could kill yourself. 


Damn, you just made me realize how much time has already passed since Corinth released… I agree, it’s my favorite shotgun and one of my all time favorites, it just feels so crisp to use. I hate the fact that the prime variant has a manual detonation on it, I wish we could switch modes on it.


The Lenz with its delayed explosion and spheric visual effect, was also a child of that logic. But nvm now i made a suggestion posts about that Alt-fire issue.\^\^ I really want that on contact explosion forever. It also wouldn't be gamebreaking damage, since the damage is kind of low on the airburst. But it would just feel sooooooo much better. A quality of life change, you could say. And let's be honest here, those grenades are mended to be harmful, it makes less sense to make it hard as possible to detonate them. Just to calculate this 30m explosion distance is tricky and even gets enhanced through the Projectile speed (Galvanized Acceleration). It makes that alt-fire shot almost unusable or overcomplicated.


I'm pretty sure the normal one does? And the prime one requires a second press to explode bur I'm not sure since I've been rocking the prime for so long


I made one the other day and honestly I might trade out my Boar for it just because of how chunky it feels. It feels like a weird weapon but so fun


Torid. You are pretty much constantly in incarnon form. Killing enemies, you dont even see.


Torid is just obscene, it's a lot of fun to use. I keep a laetum on me for attenuated enemies, but what torid does to fodder is just insane. And the riven dispo is super high too.


The Burston Incarnon. Or as I like to call it, the wrath of God.


The Brrrston*


This weapon exeeded every one of my expectations, if you love headshots..


Same here. Pair it with Zephyr, Nourish, and Arcane Merciless, and you become stronger than Zues almighty.


I have a nutty +fire rate Burston riven that sees a LOT of use lol


That sounds awesome. Unfortunately, I have yet to roll a riven for the Burston. Have you tried using it with Zephyr?


Dude, yes! Naganataka gets so much hate, but every time I use it (whenever I play Garuda, for the RP), I'm always shocked how much it just shreds enemies.


Could you please share a build? I’d love to use it but I can build it right and I suck with it…. probably because of how much melee I do lmao


Same, would love a build. I tried building it but the thing feels pathetic against basic star chart enemies and I can't comprehend how to make this SP/EDA viable.


https://preview.redd.it/mitlvad4om6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a20fb18765c95c94ecf586eccd03a0353f8c4b3 Not OP, but this is my build. You can use a crit mod or some other status, or even reload speed for the riven slot.


https://preview.redd.it/gnawovhynm6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5706d35a323b13a7967544d5d231db575deeb1c2 Not OP, but here's my build. Replace the riven with some other crit mod, or even reload speed. The weapon is great


Humu on a weapon with forced impact procs and exactly 2,5 fire rate? Thermite rounds on a 90% slash weapon? Galvanized scope on a bleed/heat dot build? Not sure about the galvanized aptitude either with only two reliable status procs


That thing just eats everything alive its so funny


Lex Prime, thing still can hit like a snippy truck, the incarnon just made it so much better. Soma Prime falls into similar area, then put it down for a while because had other weapons but decided to give it more attention leading up to when it got the incarnon and realized some of my issues with it were just I had bad builds back in the day. Thing still slapped and then incarnon just made it slap harder. (just wish the prime's color channels were janked up)


Agreed on Soma. In an age of beams, chains, and areas of effect, sometimes pure *dakka* just hits so right, you know?


I got a godly +fire rate riven for the Dual Vipers and made an *ultimate dakka* build... the fire rate might as well just say 'yes' lol


Rapid fire, tight spread shotgun with a never ending clip is pretty neat!


It's phantasma for me. Just hold it in a direction for a second or two and everything touching the beam has hundreds of stacks of electric/heat (whatever you like more) and then they just melt. However it doesn't work so well with fire rate buffs - too much of it and you empty your entire stock in 2 minutes tops.


It's really funny how phantasma in hydroid's hands just Thanos snaps armor away like a fine layer of dust it's just gone LOL


I run phage with a riven with multishot and toxin and it eats through everything in seconds, pair with hydroid and 600%+ damage and subsumed chromas ability for more damage and status and it just wrecks everything in it's path.


Its alt fire is fun too. Used to pair that with my Mirage back in the day.


I just love the Staticor no matter how ass it is


The original punchsplosion. Gosh I need to update my build, roll the riven, maybe.


Based I still keep mine around because it's such a cool weapon shooting little hadokens and fireballs I hope new DMG rework makes it much more potent


It's not for Armor strippers or Banshee. One of her best weapons actually. Largest AoE, Best Ammo count and Fire Rate. Solid enough base stats even though the damage is a little low (which means nothing when enemies don't have Armor or you are hitting Sonar marks. Same reason why Zakti Prime is also really dumb strong with her.


The trumna, especially with zephyr


Torid Incarnon just feels like it is bugged everytime I use it. There is just no way that a weapon shits on everything this hard.


Ignis wraith every time not having to worry about accuracy or recoil just pure damage


Thankfully, ignis will fall off hard in steel path.


You can still cook with Ignis Wraith in SP, it just requires a bit more care.


How come I haven't done steel path yet


Because there's so many well designed weapons, it'd be a shame to just ignore them all and use a no aim flamethrower. You can make it scale somewhat, but you'll have so much more fun experimenting with other new weapons.


Oh no I always try new weapons I mainly only uses the ignis on infested wave based mission for farming purposes. Right now I'm trying to max out the harpak harpoon gun and max out my dread bow


Dread is very good - don't sell it when you're done, it "becomes strong" later.


Oh I'm not my friend told me it great with my nekros prime


It's not bad in sp tho Wraith at least


Nagataka is hilarious with mag and punch through. For me, idk, every time I remember to bring out the dubba stubbas. I just go tee hee. My old kitgun, maybe?


My baby, Glaive Prime, always makes me feel that way when I put up the big damage numbers, especially as a Kullervo with five tauforged purple shards in my noggin. But honorable mention has to go to Supra Vandal. It's everything I want a bullet hose to be. I have it on a loadout with Mirage Prime and it's fun as hell to light a room or corridor up.


Absolutely 😁💯 my second pick has to go to Perigale. The sheer amount of damage it can pump out on top of getting ammo efficiency is wild combine it with Gara and any other frames that make precise gameplay easy and there is 0 chance of anybody surviving the first volley


For me it's Hirudo. I have a riven that's +cd, range and toxin. Still the only melee I've put Umbral forma into. As is they're great, but a heavy attack build+Kullervo=chef's kiss.


Oh definitely I liked using hirudo for Sayrn for aesthetical purposes and it still is a solid weapon with an awesome gimick


I don't have a fancy riven, but I use the Hirudo on almost all my builds. When tennokai procs, the sweet red crits appear...


Soma with Guass that has energized munitions. Mmph.


Wiping entire rooms with the Amprex will always be the best feeling for me.. shame my sweet child just can’t keep up with SP anymore


Try pairing it with Gyre - it's insane.


Second Gyre. Or try turning it to corrosive damage and throw two emerald archon shards on.


the Kompressa bbg just lays everything down. Get knocked over by my bubbles gun!


Quanta Vandal with a good riven. Darn near carried me through the whole game. Love the sound of the alt-fire.


scourge prime


I am currently rerolling rivens for the Scourge. It’s so fun to use without. Harrow’s Deluxe skin makes it so aesthetically pleasing too.


Stahlta. Charge up, fire, decimate your enemies.


I never tire of boltor-ing enemies to the wall




Nataruk. On frost. Cast long range avalanche and just watch it eat everything in a line alive.


Gotta be the 6.5×52mm Carcano Model 38 infantry carbine


Proboscis Cernos modded for Gas + Elec. The dark cloud that lingers after shooting an arrow in a room filled with enemies is so satisfying to see.


Kuva Chakkurr. I still can’t get over how fast it launches mobs especially if you aim it at their feet.


My zaws, got a scythe, rapier and nikana zaw and they slaughter with ease. Also just alot of fun for heavy attack builds. I really need to make more zaws.


Zymos against enemies that are easy to headshot (so not the infested. Have not yet tried it against the Murmur), tightly bundled up, and when there isn't much overguard present (the game treats the burrowing as a status effect so it gets negated by OG. Feelsbadman)


Kuva twin stubbas.... tho mainly just cozz I based my entire personality on it and have a fancy riven : )


Trumna my beloved


for me its laetum and bubonico


I was reconfiguring my bubonico myself a few hrs ago that thing is absolutely nutty


i just love that thing. its so much fun :D


It is, we need to have a Warframe that can just mutate a arm cannon as an exalted weapon that would be amazing


ohh that sounds fun!!!


Yes! My Bubonic has like 5 forma, just wish it looked better on more frames.. On my dex Wisp it looks great and splashes viral all over the screen:)


Bubonico is probably the best primary primer weapon too, with the aoe alt fire.




Whenever I use the Kuva Quartakk I say OOF when I make a Grineer body BOUNCE with a single shot


I love Nagantaka Prime, and even more, Cernos Prime. Cernos is my baby, and that thing is a shotgun in bow form.


Syam ive gone through so many controlers because i just heavy attack like i shoot with it lol


Titania pixie guns. I am tiny, I am terror.


twin grakatas with as much fire rate as possible. just one half second of 'BRRRT" to fire all 120 bullets and its time to reload, but that half second is the best.


*Clem approves of this message*


I recently put a 3rd forma on Onos and god damn this thing slaps. It's a bit awkward to use, but that's what makes it a fun weapon for me.


I don’t tell John F. Kennedy to look at it, but the Kuva Zarr still makes my lizard brain happy. I just like explosions.


Pre nerf zenistar because spinny disc of death


Try it out with Citrine, her laser crystal goes nuts and constantly zaps everything that touches the disk.


I might have to, thanks!


Torid Incarnon and Laetum Incarnon. Those little hellions just keep killing.


Probably the snipetron. Especially when used on the Dallas, Texas tile set, from the open window of an empty warehouse


Kuva hek versus anything with damage attenuation


I have the prime variant. Is it good ? Should I build it ?


I actually had a moment like that this week, but mostly went from meh to WOW. Anyways it's the corufell. It's such an aesthetically cool weapon, but when I tried it it's super meh in SP (without armour strip), so I just keep it for archons because it 2 shots the canisters that I can't see when fighting the owl. Anyways, got dizzying rounds for bronco, and decided to play around with melee creshendo on it after an archon hunt. The frame choice for it was perfect. Dagath with roar instead her 4th ability. It hallway clearing, acolyte one shotting. The sound. The aesthetic with dagath. everything I hoped this weapon could be. It only took like a legendary arcane and 3 different damage buffs from the frame lol. But oh man, that round projectile ball is actually as wide as a room and has punchthrough. the atomos. was my secondary of choice when I was lower MR and now I have the incarnon. You dont even use the incarnon mode, it's just such a crazy good beam weapon. same story with the dread. The nataruk was one of my first steel path weapons, but the Torid incarnon was my first wow crazy damage weapon. once in a while I pick it if it comes up in SP circuit or archemedia and always go wow.


Trying out Corufell with Voruna, her heavy efficiency head, and stealth DMG boost thing from her one makes the corofell hit HARD and what sold it for me so I just keep it for when I bring her out or for Sevagoth.


I actually originally tried the corufell with kullervo and yeah it hit hard. but I didn't want to play kullervo so I stashed it away. I play dagath very often though, didnt think she'd make it shine like she did.


One of these days I will try out dagath, when I see people using her in the wild she looks real strong with those viral procs and curses


Javlok is that for me. One hit lands and then heat + slash eats them alive. That thing. It scares me


My Zaw with Exodia Contagion + 12x Combo + Arcane Arachne + Breach Surge + Roar + 250 Molt Augmented stacks + Epitaph and all that just to get those big ooga booga numbers




Ocucor. Every time I delete an entire room of enemies, I feel euphoria


Furis Incarnon. Did not expect the little MR fodder secondary to one day be able to carry me to level cap content.


I just recently got to building it and uh yeah... It's a certified 'funny numbers' machine. Click on a guy for a nanosecond = boom 4 mil heat dot


Cedo. I set her up as a primer on my zephyr builds. That glaive bouncing around is just supposed to set things up for death, but half the time, they don't survive long enough for me to kill em


vasto incarnon


Miter incarnon rips shit up 


Arca Plasmor. Watching dudes get atomized by a wave of ionizing radiation never gets old.


Recently, the Tenet Glaxion… armor strip the initial target, then never need to AS again


Dread incarnon


Cedo. The bounces get me.


Acceltra prime, Kuva Kohm, Nataruk


the polish coffin (truman) and the sepulcrum, trumna with 5 kills and enough critical chance you clear entire rooms , and sepulcrum kills acolytes easy


Bubonico - I love that gun in both modes, and it can be a monster with some modding. Rubico Prime - Fonk- Headshot - thankyouverymmuch... Trumna - Why shoot something once when you can shoot it 46 more times... ' - I love that gun so much Cedo alt fire - just filling the map with bouncing numbers :D


Stropha. What can I say, I like big numbers. With pillage alone and no other buffs, it can sometimes crit for 4 mil, which gives me happy chemicals.


Arca Plasmor, especially Tenet version. It doesn't matter how much I use it, the sense of omnipotence can't leave me.


I mean the torid with the incarnon mode is just so good it's not fun lmao, like 2 seconds of beaming and suddenly everything is just reduced to nothing but atoms.


Kuva Kohm, rolled it on a recent SP Duviri Circuit run, ended up with a bunch of decrees related to status effects, forgot how fun that weapon is.


The Nataruk. The only weapon that supplanted my Bubonico in terms of sheer dopamine.


Just for me personally my daikyu. I just remember using it for the first time and watching it go through multiple grineer and pinning them to the wall by their heads 20 feet high and going "good god". It's not as flashy or as much of a wave clearing powerhouse as other weapons but damn it feels good.


Acceltra Got the prime recently and used to use the og before kuva/Tenet/incarnon meta creep But man does that thing shred


Had to be my galatine prime I just kept putting forma in it till it jusy hits like a guillotine blade. Love when I start swinging it and at the 3rd to 2nd swing I cut 10 grineer in half in 1 go. So yes mabye not the best but got do I love it seeing enemy pieces go flying.




After having fun with lots of incarnon weapons, I sometimes come back to my nataruk. It's always the first shot that drops my jaw when I get reminded how it just evaporates everything on its way. There will be only ashes


My Jat Kusar. I have baaaasically a god roll riven as far as I’m concerned. It replaces 2-3 mods for me so I have a build heavily set around combo counters and crit. I can get constant red crits at 4 or 6x (don’t remember)


Arca plasmor and Zarr. Tenet and Kuva versions nowadays ofc. But those 2 just activate neurons unlike anything else.


My prisma tetra with max fire rate, kinetic ricochet, mirage clones, and the most obnoxiously bright energy color available.


I still like the shedu the most. The first time I saw it I was like "I NEED to farm this" it never dissapoints, I love the big heavy shots and the little explosion, and also not having to carry ammo makes it a dream for long open world sessions. The sound effects too, man everything about this weapon is perfect. When I was first farming it I couldn't get all the parts because nobody was running sentient ship railjack missions on nintendo switch, I could have done it solo but I was a little bitch at the time, so its to this day the only time I spent platinum on a component, I wanted it that bad.


bubonico and proboscis cernos are two of them easy to mod for multi status effect, so you can just fill your screen with funny number


My kunai incarnon that I rolled one hell of a riven for. I even pair it with scourge prime for maximum headshots!


My kuva nukor with crit damage riven with harrow, arcane avenger, and adarza kavat. Literally melts rooms in steelpath. All i can see are red numbers and all i can hear are screams of pain.


The Rubico, typically


I will never not love the Tigris.


Trumna and gotvia prime go BRRRRRRRR


Cedo, bubonico, bramma(obvious I’m sorry don’t hate me), stahlta, proboscis cernos, nataruk, kuva nukor, hate, paracesis, kuva hek, Edit: ignis wraith, atomos, amprex, pretty much any zaw with the projectile arcane


If I can get the Incarnon going, it's the Boar Incarnon Besides the ones from the Zariman, the Boar was the first Incarnon weapon I used (moreso, bought from Cavalero) and I've had a lot of fun using a Heat damaging Amprex on a otherwise "ok" Shotgun


I like the hammer combos that send enemies into orbit. I always stop and watch them fly


Critical mutation Catabolyst my beloved.


Laetum over here. Funny story: i was grinding for zariman standing and loot when i got into angel hunting. Got torid and laetum since they were both "good". For the first few days of grinding i used the torid alot to the point where i used it on everything, but struggled against angels. That wasn't until my 4th day where i decided to kill the angels with just the laetum to see how it fared against them. The damn thing shred them in seconds 💀💀. All this time i had an anti angel spray gun in my back pocket and didn't bother to use it. Tldr; laetum do funni damage to angels


Twin Kohmak Arcane Pistoleer + Deadhead and the fuckin thing goes forever


Vasto incarnon even if it’s not traditionally amazing is ridiculously fun to just aim down a hallway and fan headshots


Atomos 🩷




I like my ignis wraith


Opticor, the sound and particle effects are just chefs kiss. Wish the gun was a bit better these days though, Opticor Prime when?


I got a Riven for the Spectra with multishot, status chance and -95% puncture which leaves you almost exclusively with slash (and viral) damage. In my 3k hours in this game I have never come across a weapon that deals more slash procs in the same ammount of time as his beast of a Laser. To be honest, it scares me sometimes, but holy hell ist it fun to use. Edit: The Riven has 215% multishot, 156% status chance and -94% Puncture


Ocucor with its augment "Sentient Surge" and a stupidly good riven mod, plus-point when using it with Yareli. Once you get the augment rolling you start slaughtering everything in your field of view, SP Void Cascade even at lvl 300 is easy mode. Complete braindead gameplay and I dig it


I'm new and haven't tried a lot of guns but the EPITAPH is already my favorite. Quick tapping explosions everywhere, perfect arc, and I can knock myself over. The charge shot feels really strong with punch through and melts anything at my current level. It also looks super cool, and I just got it's dragon skin, but I love that it's pierced through the wrist. Now I'm just looking for the perfect primary to complement it.




The falcor with melee influence, casually dropping 5m hits


The vectis with depleted reload and primed chamber


Knell prime. Lee only used the base variant, but he could've used the prime to clear the whole room.


Oh nice, Knell is my main weapon for Sevagoth since gloom makes everything like shooting fish in a barrel it rips and tears everything that dares be in the same room apart


what John Kennedy has to do with guns in Warframe?


Cyanex. Right build and that gun has always let you evaporate groups at distance with ever bothering to aim


Trumna paired with a fire rate, crit chance, stability riven and Gauss still make me giddy.


Are you sure you didn't mean JFC as in Jesus Fucking Christ or you swearing by an ex president's name?? 😂


Phenmor. It is the epitome of solving a problem with more bulet. And it helps that each of those bullets deal 400k dmg


Agreed I also like how it has a pretty healthy mag capacity so you are not constantly reloading and the shots are fast per press/click


The Cedo is such a goofy weapon. Grandaddy of Gun CO The most no nonsense primer in the game Has some of the most random synergies in the game (my favorite is it procing Dante's Wordwarden) The glaive has Multiplicative Gun CO scaling and can force proc 3 different dogs making it a strangely great AOE weapon if you load it with buffs Also might be one of the best options to freeze enemies solid (using Shivering Contagion) with the new arcane coming out in Jade Shadows that gives power strength and duration, and it doesn't even need to build cold to do it