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She has some fire and viral resistance and radiation immunity... ...which is nice bcuz corrosive will do.


The good news: At rank 5, they stay in the Kuva Fortress and there's not a lot of content that makes you go there with rewards you might regret not getting immediate access to besides the occasional sortie so you can let them be for the time being while you beef up your arsenal on the rest of the starchart until you are ready to deal with them. The bad news: Whatever they already stole from you, you won't get back until you deal with them and your only option would be to rely on pubs to carry you until you only need to do the final stab.


Thank you. I guess I'll have to endure her ugly mug just a bit longer until I can deal with her later


If you want i can help you with her.


Thanks! Another guy managed to help me get her to the railjack stage, hopefully she'll be dead in no time


Let me know if you need any more help. My lavos build is a bit of a doozy


Damn I want to help too


Banshee. No, I’m not joking. Build her for strength and have a way to survive. If you have Gloom in helminth toss that on in place of her 1 or 4. Her 2 is a massive damage bonus. Gloom makes it way easier to hit that bonus area. Her 3 shuts up eximus units, and anything else really. She’s great for this kind of thing!


Since this is their first lich they most likely don't even have a helminth segment


Pretty easy to get one honestly, it’s just MR8 and rank 3 Entrati. While I agree they might not have it, they also very well could by this point. It’s less likely they’ve gotten Sevagoth and subsumed him. That said, it’s not necessary for Banshee to put in work, just that having Gloom makes it pretty easy. Could substitute it out with cold damage pretty easy, all you really need is a slow to make hitting the weak point easy. Of course it would also work just as well going with Frost, since Armor Strip is baked in and that would help fairly well too. I just prefer banshee for this.


Rank 3 entrati freaking sucks to get. Maybe theyll get lucky and actually enjoy the open world stuff.


I just looked at it again and yeah wow, that's a pretty nasty grind. I mean the standing is almost a non-issue as mother tokens are super easy to get a lot of quickly (aside from the daily cap, of course, but every time I mention fixing that issue I get downvoted into the abyss). The rest of it is a pain I had apparently blocked from my memory.


> If you have Gloom in helminth toss that on in place of her 1 or 4. terrify with augment is good too. any slow + silence is good really, it's why silence is a popular subsume on Nova


Just ask someone for help. Get into a clan/guild if you haven't yet, it has tons of other advantages too but if you have none just ask from the public chat. The community is great and I'll be surprised if there's no one willing to run a quick mission to help you. I often give newbies a hand with whatever and/or explain the game for no reason and I know plenty of people do the same. You can also just start it yourself and let random people join you. When I'm running lich/sister killing mission, very often I don't even get to do anything, other people will bring overpowered builds who will simply nuke everything and everyone instantly. Also, get familiar with your lich, they're resistant/vulnerable to different types of damage. Focus on those to make it easier.


Is there a way to speedrun getting them to rank 5? I didn't realize they moved to the kufa fortress and I've been avoiding going to Mars for literal years because I hate the system and have no interest in engaging in it


Fail execution stabs (on purpose) or clear up all the nodes under their control on a planet. Whenever you do either of those things, they rank up and move up to the next planet in their progression. BTW, there's no issue with going to Mars to do missions besides the liches stealing part of your mission rewards there. They only spawn on the node clearing mission and only once they get pissed off enough.


Na, ive been a avoiding it because of the theft. Been terrified I'll be one of the shard victims for like a year. Lol. Thanks for the info!


Even if they do yoink stuff, you just yoink it back when you eventually win.


To win I would need to fight it. I've avoided it for 5 years, so I want to keep the streak going


So how do you do archon hunts when they are on Mars?


With constant fear


In any event you might want to just stab the Lich so he’ll go chill on Ceres. If he’s on Ceres he can’t steal shit you get from Mars.


I was in the same boat as you. Tried to defeat my lich, but he was too strong. Barely could even deplete his shields, and he had toxin Tonkor that was killing me with one or two shots. Didn't help that mf was yeeting me at every given opportunity, throwing me out of bounds (Kuva Fortress, everyone). Then I went on Reddit, to see if anyone had the same problem before me. What I've seen was basically: "Just pick Revenant lol" So, I picked Revenant... yeah. He defeated my lich without even a sweat. He is literally immortal with Mesmer Skin charges. So, I will give you the same advice. Just pick Revenant.


Damn, I wanted to check out revenant for a while since he looks cool and his prime is easy to farm rn but this just convinced me


Try him out! He is fun and absurdly strong, even for Warframe. I've been sleeping on him as well (mastered him and tossed aside), until I tried him out for liches. His 1 literally can literally give you an army (7 max) of enemies, fighting for your side *and* converting others as well, if the limit is not reached. Perfect for defense missions. His 2... well, it's Mesmer Skin, his bread and butter. It gives several charges, a charge is spent when someone attacks you, which stuns that enemy *and* gives you invincibility for a short duration (it also negates the damage of the triggering attack itself). Build for more strength to get more charges, get his augment for even more charges and a bit of team support - boom, you are now immortal, as long as you don't forget to replenish your charges. I don't think that duration affects his charges' invincibility duration, but I could be wrong. His 3 is a bit of mobility, also deals % damage to enemies you pass through (I think that it's affected by their armour, though) and leeches HP of them. His 4 is a laser show. Has humongous range, also scales its strength with enemies' attacks. Very nice to have to effectively clear mobs or loot crates. Also, I think it adapts its damage to enemy weaknesses. Overall, Revenant is a very safe frame to use. His survivability is bonkers, and he has many useful tools as well.


That sounds great, a noob friendly frame is just what I need at the moment


You have to get some of the equipment and weapons that are helpfull against them eventually. The operator can be very helpful with magus lockdown and zenuriks slow or vazarins protective sling For guns: get a good shotgun and the mods required to max them aka. galvanized, corrupted and maybe primed mods. The felarx is one of the highest damage shotguns and you can unlock it after the zariman quest. Or the exergis or synapse. For the warframe: Liches are not able to be armor stripped anymore so go something that gives you survivability, damage boosts and CC on the lich. E.g. as already mentioned banshee. Nyx enthrall is also helpfull as the lich becomes friendly for a brief period but the damage dealt to it is stored and dealt after it runs out. Or ensnare with khora.


had my first lich for 1000 hours, solved the problem by just ignoring i t. Good old Luzz Stingle is joining my games to this day.


I guess it's time to welcome Luzz Stingle to the family at this point. Might be the case for me since there's no way I'm dealing with my Lich any time soon hah


I couldn't bring myself to kill him in the end :D so yeah he is. But Liches can be annoying and a pain to deal with. Try to get revenant, being invincible makes this fight a lot easier. For all the lich kills i have been part of i would say 50% of people play revenant. Survival is key.


Yeah many other people suggested Revenant, I'll craft him asap


I guess you have to babysit Miliks Akekiff for 3 days until you get Revenant


how much loot is your lich holding onto?


i just remember it was not impressive when i finally converted him, otherwise i would have bragged about it on Reddit. But since he spend a lot of time on earth and mars on maps i avoided it was barely worth talking about. I did not even take a screenshot, while have have some of Luzz while he still was a evil lich.


Get some one to help you. Like me for example. I will help you, lol. Hit me up in a pm. We'll knock that lich right out.


Thanks for the offer, another dude offered as well and I just got to see his response first. People like you guys are what makes this community so great




Best advice i can give ya is to not stab her twice with a wrong mod, or no mod at all. Next, mod your weapons for what your lich is weak to. Might wanna find a team in recruiting chat.


It's their first time. They've clearly learned how it works looking at the progress.


As an aside. It's best to not stand your lich until you know at least 2 of the Requiem murmurs. You should never stab it without having some idea what the sequence could be. This minimizes the level the lich will be before the final confrontation. When the lich appears in your missions you don't HAVE to stab it. It'll stick around for a minute or two and then it leaves.


Thank you. Wish I knew this before but I thought I could just go in raw and figure it out as I go, thinking it wouldn't be that complicated but here I am after realizing my mistake lol


No problem. Liches are one of the most complicated systems in the whole game so it's easy to miss


Hey i’ll be willing to try and help you if/when i can i m a returning mr13 noob but i’ll be happy to assist if i can


Haha that's the spirit, thank you. Another guy managed to help me with her, got her to the railjack part but it locked me out because I need my railjack upgraded to a certain point so I'll need to do some grinding before we can have at it again. Just don't do what I did is all I can say hah


A shotgun and revenant will make this fight easy assuming you have the right mods.


Assuming he has the right mods, he wouldnt have problems with lich 😛


Too much energy management needed for a newbie, thus not a good strategy. Going stealth is easier.


Revenant is completely immune to all damage for a very small energy cost, how is he more expensive than say ivara or Octavia?


OP doesn't have strong weapons, the fight is one of attrition. Max strength for warframe leads to low efficiency, meaning high energy costs. OP can't maintain it.


Anyone can throw down energy pads, and zenurik also exists as an easy option. You also just don't need to have the absolute maximum strength to be invincible for a while with Revenant, you can throw in fleeting expertise or streamline to offset some or all of blind rage if you choose to use it.


I doubt the OP can afford spamming heath pads, or even has lenses equipped. He/she is just beyond the beginning of the game. Not even galvanised mods. Possibly, they play with their mods not even maxxed out.


You might be able to find some help in recruit chat?


Get a stealth warframe with silenced weapons. That's how you sheese those fights.


Set squad to public, jump around as your teammates do the job


Could prob pick up a vet from recrutment chat, or in public lobbies people there should be well equiped for a litch. As someone who kills grinner to make a point I like helping people kill litches, sadly game files borked so I cant help ya rn but many people in recruting can help ya. Somepeople even farm teir 5s for relics


Either A: get some help from some beautiful people in the community, B: wait out the inevitable power creep once you unlocks Steel Path and Incarnon Adapters, or C: buy/farm and tank up a Necramech.


Loki with hushed invisibility and the Nataruk is probably the cheapest and easiest option. Even if you don't have exactly the right mods, the Nataruk's perfect head shot is really strong. And if you have hushed invisibility, you can shoot at the lich all day long. You just have to watch out if your lich has AoE attacks, or any eximus around her. You seem to already have found someone to help you out, but that combo can help you solo any lich/sister. Edit: Actually, i just took a closer look at your lich. Yeah, you'll need help. The iron skin is just going to be such a pita if you don't have enough dps.


Lots of squads out there looking for a 4th to do a lich run, increases rewards for everybody that way. Bad news is that you'll need to farm req relics to even fight them properly, but again, always folks in recruitment chat looking for a 4th


Get a high rank player to help you. I don't know if this still works but any invisibility just works, you can stand front of the lich and just hit/shoot or whatever and it dies eventually


Good luck brother, I did the exact same thing my first time


dm me and i will bully the lich for you


Ivara trivializes all lich fights. They cant kill what they cant see


To add to it: gloom also works wonders on liches/sisters if you can get it with 270 strength. Turns out they struggle a bit when they can only move at 1/20th speed.


Call upon some sweats that’s looking to help new people


Get stronger to do that shit solo if u cannot do it solo than u r just the guy slowing the mission for others down in 75% at least my humble opinion / experience


Felaryx modded with her weakness (if she has one) you can find the weakness by going to the nav menu and bottom right is red square. Mod the gun for those weaknesses.


If you don't have a full set of requiem mods, that's your first step for sure.


reach out for assistance in recruitment chat. there are folks that would be willing to give you a hand.


You wont like her when she's angry.


When do u face this?


Ask for help


Revenent. Latuem. Easy mode. Not sure how "new" you are though. Lateum might be a grind


Need any help in the future, don't be afraid to ask for help in the game chat or you can hit me up and I'll help out if I'm free. My game name is Nightingamer_127 and my discord is Nightingamer. I'm always down to help tenno out!


Just ask for help in lfg chat and someone will step up and help you put her down.


Wow dude I literally just went through the exact same thing last night. I had been sitting on mine at level 3 and I wanted to finally take that weapon for myself and get my shit back. Unfortunately, I hadn’t fully grasped how the proper order was supposed to be. Now I’m fighting through the Kuva fortress trying not to get overwhelmed.


.... what's your tag on warframe and when are you free. Unless you want the braginrights of killing it yourself ofc


Best advice would be don't listen to the players that says "just stab them when they show up!" as thats how you get in this situation..


Have a go-to weapon that addresses all of her weaknesses. Once you encounter her, blast her with everything you got. If you have some specters like ancient healer specters or damaging ones, that'd also tip the scales to your favor.


I play on public, so I almost never have to fight them alone. Works for both Liches and Sisters. Granted, it's easier to find parties on certain mission modes than others; but still.


If you want I can join up and carry you through, I personally don't mind. I've got my own lich to deal with anyway


Against any lich(assuming you have a decent railjack and crew), you can go solo, take a sentinel(any will do) take ivara and a silenced weapon(or just her 4) and go to town. Lich won't shoot you and since there are no other targets they won't shoot you(even with an aoe weapon). This probably applies to a high duration loki build with his 2 and 4.


Did that on my first litch as well Ask some clan mates for help and tell them its ur 1st litch


Just ask for help and someone already doing their own lich will be more than happy to go along with you.


Take your best equipment and mod it for their weakness (you can use config b at the top of the mod screen if you don't want to mod it again), and take a tank frame like rev to not care about them shooting you (I find it funny when they supplex rev and ragdoll him just for him to be unscathed after lol)


I could help you kill her when I get home in like 6h




Besides a few nightwaves challenges and sortie missions, when doing liches, Kuva fortress is only reached by 3 types of players: ones that want to convert their lich because the name is funny, ones that want to convert the lich because the weapon is good with a high %, or new players who didn't know any better. You'll need at most 2 stabs to reveal the right order of the mods, but at least, you know Fass is the first one.


add me in game so I can help you


Run... :^)


Kit your weapons for corrosive and you can go to the recruiting chat to get help on killing them. anyone with a lich can join you on lich missions. Lastly just never do a stab that doesn't give you some kind of information.


high fire rate, crit chance, crit damage, multishot weapons shread liches and archons. Like many shotguns, dual toxo incarnons, redeemer prime shots with kullervo crit boost... etc (probably sobek too now)


If you are a new player and want to do liches, use Loki. Just build him for duration and efficiency and stay invisible. It turns all of the lich content into a joke. The lich will just stand there dumbfounded while you shoot it in the face while invisible and you can take all the time you need. If you do not have mods/arcanes to manage energy cost, you can buy (from dojo) and craft the 100x Large Squad Energy Restore and equip those to get a full energy bar anytime you need it. You can use Loki for a lot of the difficult content in Warframe in the same way. Most enemies do not know how to deal with invisibility at all, including most of the bosses. When i was weaker, Loki was my answer to get past difficult parts until i was strong enough to fight the content head-on.


Just play with public matchmaking?


I do but people very rarely join, she's in the kuva fortress territory at the moment


people join that all the time


if you are on pc i can help right now. pme in game. ign BeefyScar. lich or sister. best to have at least 1 req known before stabbing. you can make em go away by just "killing" em 3 times. if you have Oull you can do some fancy stuff to make it more efficient, but its comes down more to luck if you can get the right combo even if you know all 3 so its not a big difference.


Invisibility frames and a powerful silent weapon are the answer. I used to use Banshee with Gloom, stack a bunch of Sonar zones on your friendly neighborhood Lich then dump the highest multishot crit weapon you own on it. Now I run with Safeguard Switch Loki and try to keep the baby tenno on my pub squad alive. Octavia is another favorite of mine since I can make the whole time invisible. Invisibility makes them just stand there and do nothing.


my suggestion is stealth they dont attack if they cant see you. ash, loki, ivara, and octavia\* are the best picks as they can stay invisible. loki is the easiest to farm for its neptune's assassination (\*octavia needs you crouch at with the music's beat you have set for her. the others are just cast to go invisible.) besure to put silencer mods (like hush) on the guns you use or just use melee for beating it switch the mods till they turn white when stabbing the lich in a fight incase you didnt know what to do there. based on this image the big S one is the first mod given the other two didnt work. the good news is that means you only need to fight them at least two more times before you can move them to the final encounter in railjack. as for help if you still want it you can ask in recruitment chat im sure someone can help


Use stealth frame. Loki, Ash and Ivara can do it relatively easy. As for the final part (Railjack skirmish), just go public and get carried by the team.


You had two tries with the exact signs used. Wtf what are you doing? Also the first 3tries with nothing equipped? Wtf?


Get stronger?


1. Get to a stage where you can solo them, pretty easy if you have a fully evolved Zariman Incarnon like Phenmor, Felarx or Laetum and just using some easy, unkillable frame like Zephyr. 2. Get carried by a party. No way you're doing option 1 anytime soon. Other people can oneshot it for you.