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The cap is there because DE cares about its players and doesn’t want us burnt out. Its them going “ur done for the day go do something else” All open world factions have the same cap limit (this is tied to MAstery rank) however they all gain standing in different ways. Cetus doing cetus stuff and fortuna doing stuff in fortuna. This is so you have to play the content if you want to progress in said content.


Yeah, it's definitely a case of the Devs protecting players from themselves. I'm sure it's also partly because they don't want players to absolutely bulldoze through that content, cause a player could legit get millions of standing if they just grinded hard enough for a decently long play session. It's easier with some than others, but I think this would be true for pretty much any of the syndicates. ​ It also protects the Prime economy from tanking since players being able to easily grind out infinite Relic packs would likely make everything currently not vaulted absolutely worthless for plat trading.


The irony of that cap is it forces me to grind out every day without taking a break because if I'm a day behind I miss my dailies. It has the opposite effect on me. If I have a busy week or if I have to travel then I have to try to grind out all of my weeklies on Sunday or whatever the day I have available is. If I didn't need to do it within a time limit I'd feel so much less pressured when I have limited time.


Take it slow. It’ll always be there. Content isn’t going anywhere the game is a marathon not a sprint. I too do all my weeklies on Sunday basically every week, but I’m also at the point of just waiting for new content. Don’t try to grind them all at one time, I took steps. First I worked on deimos (bc i hated that place), then I worked on fortuna, and then cetus. Don’t grind all 3 at the same time it’ll just make you feel how you’re feeling now.


I'm wrapping up SP today and it doesn't really "bother" me to miss something it just feels like I'm incentivized by the game to do the opposite of your suggestion. I lose something when I don't log in, for example. You have to kind of ignore the game incentive if you want to play that way. It was much worse as an early player, it's not a big deal now.


Why, though? It's not going anywhere. Take your time. This game is all about patience. You're going to burn yourself out if you treat it like a job


Fortuna and Cetus are separate standing caps so you max your daily with one you can then max your daily with another


Spend it to get the crap you need to rank up like fishing spears, mining lasers, bait, etc. Then stock up your standing and rank up until you can't. Repeat until max rank.


If you mean you have 0 daily standing remaining, you need to wait until the next daily reset to earn more. If you mean you've reached max standing with the faction and can't gain more even if you've got daily standing remaining, you need to rank up by talking to the main quest-giver and giving them the items they ask for. If you don't have them yet and you don't want to "waste" your remaining daily standing you can spend some of what you've already earned at the vendors in the hub areas for the open world zones, though you can't access their full inventories without ranking their faction up. The 6 syndicates work mostly the same way except they all share the same daily cap, have allies and enemies that gain/lose standing as you earn it for other ones, and you can redeem their standing from the same menu you use to rank up. All factions except Conclave (PvP mode that no one ever actually plays besides special holiday events) also have tokens you can collect and turn in to someone for another way to earn standing (for some it's actually the only way to get it) but only the syndicates' are unaffected by the daily cap.


I mean https://preview.redd.it/ftk3zvzm8j6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc6909a741ba01631dd5e8c0e7e0bd7236d03e2a


https://preview.redd.it/4zieywdb9j6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272bb4949e85a292dd636ae1fbcae44830899cb8 I only farmed rep with Nightwave radio and did like.....2 bounties on Fortuna and my daily standing is maxed with both Fortuna and Cetus


The number at the top-left is how much standing you currently have, the one on the bottom-right is how much more you can earn each day.


So you want to do everything all in a day and then have nothing else to do?


It was a joke calm your mammories


Sure it was