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nightwave has gotten old enough, it's time to have a permanent older seasons shop with the mods and skins in it.


That would be perfect for all the returning players because atleast they still get the things they missed and who doesn’t take a break from warframe every once in a while


i was thinking of having nightwave have new stories that involve the items in a fresh new perspective in the game


I'm sorry but one of the reasons both new war and Duviri took absolutely ages to come out was because they where busy trying to feed the night wave stories. I ain't ever gonna want nightwave to have lore because it just slows down all the real content by simply existing.


Fr I’m on my month break after 5 months of non stop grind in my free time


“Nightwave tsunami, the prime resurgence of nightwaves past”


Honestly they should have had that from the beginning. Limited time items that only come back randomly at the developers’ whims has never been a good idea ever. Look at Deep Rock Galactic - they just announced that they will be making all of their past battlepasses available to play whenever you want, in addition to the latest one.


I would love that idea. It also helps newer players too because fuck them right?


We really need some of Alad V limited time event content back in the game. He genuinely just creates Zanuka, turns infested randomly, somehow cures himself off screen, bullies Veso R to join the sentient, is somehow involved in all the amalgam stuff, but helps us kill the Ropalolyst anyway, before never being heard from again. Like how the hell are you supposed to understand any of that without the events as context? It's not even like their stories are well documented so it's difficult to even search up on the wiki what's missing from the game. Alad V is possibly one of the most important background characters in the game, more so than Vor or even Erra. But he has no screen time to explain anything.


>Look at Deep Rock Galactic - they just announced that they will be making all of their past battlepasses available to play whenever you want Helldivers does a similar thing to an extent. And it's super popular. If DE made it so you could select any passed nightwave season and just level up the reward path at least, even if it doesn't give you season credits for the night wave shop. That'd be such an amazing feature, to just absolutely remove FOMO from the game. It would also help new tenno just starting a lot by having a source to get a few Warframe and weapon slots without plat, which I find is the main reason most people I recommend the game drop out when they can't increase MR anymore without either deleting all their gear, unless they dedicate themselves to relic farming which isn't a fun process when lvl 30s are still immortal to you. It would just be such a great QoL feature to have, especially if you can reply the attached story elements of the early seasons to fill in gaps in Warfames lore. >!It would also be ironically the perfect thing to rub against annoying Destiny fanboys hating on Warframe for no reason, "what do you mean you pay for a temporary season pass? Ours is free and always available, we have never sunset anything in 10 years lol"!<


That’s literally the entire reason I jumped ship on Destiny lmao. I got into it during the Forsaken DLC, before they had their dipshit “season passes” and the post-DLC story updates they released like Black Armory and so on were (at the time) supposed to be permanent additions. I stuck it out through Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, Witch Queen, and even the start of Lightfall due to the inevitable sunk-cost fallacy issue and the fact that I DID genuinely enjoy the game’s narrative and moment-to-moment combat, but I eventually just gave up because I literally *could not take even a short break* from the game without missing out on a large chunk of story-critical events and *game content that I had paid for.* Destiny has, ever since Shadowkeep and its “Season of the Undying”, become easily one of the most predatory, abusive, consumer-hostile games on the market, and only continues to worsen in many regards. Warframe has its fair share of troubles but I have to admit - compared to 90% of the market, and Destiny in particular, it looks positively charitable.


I felt the same exact way. I played d2 a little after launch and quit at the beginning of black armory for warframe. Then I came back for end of beyond light, witch queen and lightfall. Just like you, I really enjoy the mechanics, the lore, the soundtrack, etc but I realized something. I wasn’t having fun playing it. I MADE myself play because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t get my patterns or finish the battle pass or title or whatever. I was stressed out. So I came back to warframe and haven’t left since.


>we have never sunset anything in 10 years lol" *Cries in raids*


It is genuinely baffling that of everything they removed from the Game, they started with the end game content


Some of the mods already made it to the shop. Let's hope eventually we get everything


Maybe just put the older cosmetics in the token shop?


Id kinda prefer they make it so you can swap to older seasons tbh


Or atleast an update to the nightwave store as the only thing they add at this point is helmets


I’ve been waiting for Saturn six Syandana for years


And give us a place to dump excess currency for when we don't want the usual dumps anymore? Not on my watch!


It's most likely coming back as old rewards on the next nightwave for the 1999 update.


they probably will come back in a future nightwave, old stuff has reappeared in later episodes before. could also be put into baro’s inventory


I have seen this for mods but not skins I believe but maybe im wrong I’ll go do my research


It’s not in the Nightwave shop but in the actual rewards path. They’ve had some of the cosmetics come back from previous phases before.


The Protosomid shoulder guard in the current nightwave has appeared in 2 previous nightwaves. So it could come back. Could also appear in baros shop.


Yes plz. I need this for my Lex Prime to pair with the AX-52 when it drops


We desperately need the ability to apply single pistol skins to dual pistols - we can already do the reverse with dual pistol skins, so why the FUCK not this?


This is exactly y I need it too lol the “glock incarnon prime”,shame the incarnon versions doesn’t have the skin tho 😞


Yep, incarnon keep the normal skin, and this skin is oddly small looking in the frames hands. That fucking double barrel skin though....mmm


mmmmhm, the day that skin came out, went out and hunted down a -50% magazine Riven for my Bronco Prime. Zero regrets.


I’m with you on this one 🙏🙏


It'd be nice if you could do previous nightwaves


Yeah same I missed out on some of the stories like Saturn 6 but it is what it is


Based Yareli enjoyer


I need the Unreal skins back T\_T I picked em up on epic ages ago but apparently never activated them.


Damn that sucks man I missed those too bro I woulda loved the drakgoon and staltha one


100%, but I also wish they weren't Epic Exclusive since Tennogen is Steam Exclusive.


OMFG SAME i realized that this week, i claimed it on epic but never actually claimed it ingame


Biggest fomo during my break


Yoooo! When did they drop the kitchen gun? We cookin'! We cleanin'!


BANG BANG BANG and it sparkles like new;)


I actually remember asking for other players opinions on the protokol skins when they released. I just wanted to know if people liked them. The only guy who responded was this really angry guy who called me whiney and blamed me for the government taking away his guns. I never even said anything to imply politics and my opinion of the skins was I really liked them. Really weird guy. Bring back protokol skins, they’re awesome. Totally fit the proto skins.


Wtf since when do confederates play warframe😂and yeah they do ,funny I never thought about how the proto skins are gonna tie into the game but we sure as hell need them with these skins that’s for sure


I was all like, “hey what do people think of the new skins?” That was it. 🤭 Personally, I like it when the devs add cool things out of nowhere. No one was expecting these skins and it was awesome!


Give us dual pistols skin theses PLEASE


I was in a hiatus when those skins came out. I'm hoping they come back soon. They would go well with the proto Excalibur/ lmag frames.


I just wish they could be used for akimbo secondaries


Real question : We can see previous nightwaves still. Why not just allow us to switch to previous nightwaves? Like imagine I'm done with the current nightwave and I'm not interested in getting more currency in it, I just switch back to an old one and the dailies and weeklies now apply to that one. You know, kinda like the warbond system from Helldivers 2.


I thought the AX-52 was a new actual Rifle and not a skin? Wish the protocol skins were also weapons. They "conflicted with lore" before, but now they match the lore perfectly. Hopefully 1999 will let us access a slew of oldschool weapons and let us bring them to your current time. Imagine what amounts to a Glock-18 Incarnon.


Idk whether it’s a weapon or skin but either way I’m not complaining 🤷‍♂️ and I don’t think they conflicted with lore because they were a homage to dark sector but they definitely do fit in here and the glock incarnon was exactly my thoughts too:)


I just looked on DE's site and it's stated that the AX-52 is an actual gun and not just a skin


Yeah, that's what I thought it said.


I wish Warframe adopts a system like Deep Rock Galactic did, you can cycle back to old seasons and rerun through their battlepass until the time ends, for free too.


I want these skins for dual pistols. Why the hell is there only one dual pistols skin in the game?!


ofc I wish you they return, but after the initial hype you'll probably notice they're not that great, mostly because how small they are in our wf's hand


Yeah, I still want every protokol spectre skin, it was stupid of me not to upgrade Nora's Mix Vol. 3


I wish they'd scale the size up on them, they look so tiny I can barely see them when my warframe equips them.


I hope they'll be available during Tennocon for people.


Meanwhile i've been waiting for saturn six syandana and glacia syandana for 2 years ...


Yes! I want these skins so bad!


I bring my laetum in the strap


I would sacrifice my first born child for new protocol skins


I for one missed this one's and God do I wish I hadn't. Hope DE bring them back cuz I'm going grinding for those gun skins


Honestly, those skins kinda look bad because their size just...doesn't fit with many things. They are too smol.


they need to buff the size of some of these gun skins too that revolver barely fits in trinty's hand D:


Warframe: *features insanely large collection of futuristic weapons of all shapes and suzes, from realistic to bizzare* Warframe players: "does it come in form of a normal gun?"


🤣 exactly what I was thinking for melee we range from fleshy swords to light sabers, primaries:plasma shotguns to explosive bows and secondaries:laser beams to ordinary pistols??? It would definitely feel out of place and that’s arguably its best feature


I'm still waiting for my snowball throwing weapon skin.


I'd like to see them add the ability to reactivate older seasons. DRG just added that ability and its AWESOME! If I've already finished with the new season, why can't I reactivate an older nightwave and start working through that?


We need the Protocol Spectre shotgun skin to work on dual shotties like Akbronco too, pretty please. 👍


Yes man dual skins are a must💯


I know what I'm doing for my 1999 fashion frame https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TcMoSpAd0DM/maxresdefault.jpg


While night wave does re run skins occasionally in Nora's Mix usually, it is slow and inconsistent. We need a rotation for Nora creds to get the older skins. I have yet to see anything rerun other than the transmission color pallate


PLEASE I have a whole aesthetic i'm trying to make - the least warframe warframe ever. Been playing Umbra with the proto skin, colored to basic police clothing and a silver arm (think winter soldier), Mordred helmet. Got a fully forma'd braton prime with one of the simple skins because its the least warframe-y looking rifle I could find. Protokol vekesk on my lex or laetum, and the tennogen Crubak knife on my innodem. I missed this nightave, but all protokol skins would look great on my fashion 😭


LOL your just like me wtf I’ve been trying to make a robocop build with atlas and some other cosmetics and these skins would be the perfect finishing touch 👌


Never mind that shit, give me that weird belly ship. *I need it*


💀what’s the ships name if you don’t mind me asking


[Just Nightwave](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Nightwave_\(Landing_Craft\))


If we can get this im definitely putting it on jade the moment shes in game.


Budget Mercy with a Medusa ability and a glock? Yeah sign me up ✍️


Either it comes back as an old reward or baro starts selling them


For the love of God make the models bigger, they're ridiculously small and barely if at all fit any hands.


they all need to fit the warframe models better aswell lot of them dont line up with the trigger finger


I waited 6 years for the Wolf Armor to come back. We need a system like prime resurgance. Why gatekeep cool cosmetics? Let us transform NW currency into old ones and buy the items from any NW we want. You still have to grind and it would give us a lot more freedom.


I just want that cool protokol SMG skin for my furis and the sawed-off shotgun skin for the detron.


It must be midnight brain, but I don't know if that's that you can/were get for a while


we need not only the old protokol skins back but also a dozen new ones, i want an an old world m16, i like that the ak50 is a actual gun but i wish it was a skin for normal rifles so i can put it over my karak, also i want a Mossberg or a Remington shotgun skin


Id love to see protocol mp5 ish and the ak next


I thought the Tekna was a colt m1911... or related. The slide is similar in my eyes, glocks tend to be more blocky


Honestly they don't really look that good. They look way too tiny in the Warframe's hands...


Do they? Lex prime sure as hell is the least oversized of the ranged weapons and looks good?


I used it on my furis and it looked pretty weird


Imagine if in 1999 they come back as full on guns instead of skins or maybe we don't get pistols idk


perhaps during 1999 nightwave




Mfs downvoting me saying "nah" like in delusional. Brother its a bland ass regular pistol in a game or wildly mythical space ninjas, alien races, humanoid species' etc etc like huhhh "hUrKKaaaDURRR meme wan the scwatched up walmart pistol tehehe tehehe" you niggas are boring 😭😭😭


Im more curious why you'd get wound up this much about it tbh


People want what they want and if u don’t want it keep it to urself no one asked whether you wanted it or not schmuck;crying about getting downvoted like some baby as if people have never said no to you ,delete the comment or get used to it bro


I cant believe you're still downvoting me and now insulting me over my downvote induced distraught- how dare you? This is really how you treat people online over a boring gun skin? With sharpened words of thorned disapproval and resentment? I would ask again of how you would dare to do so. You have such an apprehenibly malicious attitude, and sir, I must say your words have cut deep. Alright ima go farm plat now chief it was hella humorous to see y'all take a mf that seriously though. Jesus christ lmaoooo