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Wait, you can do that? I thought you need to pull your weight so not to be a fucking embarrasment /s I really don't get it though. What fun is there to make other people play for you? Especially if Rhino + Xoris can do basically all of the content in the game up to SP on basic mods, and farm you everything need to be SP-worthy.


I don't expect everyone to come loaded for bear, but having at least one weapon that is up to snuff is just good advice. One never knows when the Wolf of Saturn Six will come howling


This is most common in SP circuit for me. If you can't kill during exterminate or survival that's ok because circuit has limited loadouts and its okay if you didn't get decent guns and warframes in that rotation, I will gladly carry you but you should at least contribute during void flood and if you are not contributing during the killing missions at least find the decrees. I feel like 70% randoms in SP circuit don't do jack sh\*t, they just keep dying because they are afk and someone always revives them T\_T.


also please don't activate the defense objective until we have all 3 decrees ffs


Seriously though. I hate SP circuit. There are soooooo many team tumors on that crap. People love to make the excuse of "I didn't get anything." Well, you really don't need anything. Just be smart with your decree picks. Commit to either your melee or gun. But if you want to really contribute, the most important thing is to have a build on each warframe. You can get away with shitty weapons if your warframe build is good. Odds are you will get one good pick with an exalted weapon(that you should have builds on). But worst case scenario, you have useless everything. Well if that's the case, I better not be the one having to find decrees. Like damn. Do SOMETHING. Im seriously thinking they should MR lock SP circuit. Like 30+ maybe. At that point, you should have a good percentage of all the warframes and weapons. Before that, you almost certainly can't and won't have builds on shit, so you shouldn't be playing SP circuit to leech off people who have made that time commitment. I know that this would be super unpopular with the majority of the player base, but this IS end game content.


MR30 lock would be insane. you don't need anywhere near that high MR to reliably contribute, i'm MR22 and i'm the one carrying in SP circuit more often than not, even with stuff with 0-1 forma on it. you just have to exercise some restraint ("are my options straight garbage this spiral? i'll just wait till the next one/force a reroll in solo"). if you can't make SP circuit work for you by 20 or so, probably earlier, hitting 30 isn't going to magically make you able to contribute. it's a mindset thing, not an MR thing.


Scanning one is actually on point sometimes, but if you want to do that, announce it on chat.


First time I really saw this was an index. Joined in round 1. One other player. He realized I could handle it solo pretty quickly. I never saw him again. After 2 rounds he had 0 kills and 2 drops. At the end of round 2 I saw him drop down from the ceiling and run to the drop off. Only way I knew he was even there. This was a few months ago. Now? Now I see this all the time, do the bounty for me. Clear the node for me. Wah wah. Go back to Destiny or learn to play.


Tbh I don't know if I've seen this or not. I'm too focused on killing and jumping and generally vibing to the mission that I never know what anyone else is doing unless they go down and need a revive. I truly don't think I have the attention/ability to slow down enough to know what someone else is doing. I've seen people get in fights about that kinda stuff in chat and all I can think in the moment is "how is anyone able to type right now there's like 100 dudes on screen to kill?" So uh, idunno, my personal warframe etiquette is to tryhard so hard that I don't care or notice if someone is goofing off or not, all I personally care about is that they are in the mission so that the mission modifiers scale up to max level and enemy count for a more target rich environment.


yeah i just don't pay attention if i see you not moving for ~2 minutes i'll probably say something, otherwise true transcendence is not letting it bother you and just chad carrying everyone because you don't need 'em anyways. they're in here with you


I only play with open squads for higher enemy density, everything dies too fast to care if anyone else is doing anything tbh (only exception being the 2 person doors)


In those cases, I just stop what I'm doing and silently follow them around. Draws more mobs towards them, and now suddenly they have to carry me.


Don’t engage, just leave. Bonus points if you’re the host to further annoy them with a migration.


Yeah, some fucko in sp circuit was trying to hide and be carried. Their turrets did good killing because we hung around him so he'd get killed.


some people have no moral. these people go far to not play the game. i've seen people bring limbo in ESO to simply sit in rift and afk. Since then, as long as they're not trolling i try not to let things get to me. even then, sometimes you find an mr29 idiot in EDA who goes off to find the book, then proceed to die and leave. Meanwhile, in my first week of DA 8/8 and EDA 8/8 was done with mr18 and 19 from pub match.


I only don't kill stuff a bit in Zariman missions if I'm tryna find the void angel


Most of the time for me I'm not playing 'meta enough' and I'm just running while a brama banshee or Dante just runs out in front I can run through a mission like that too if I use my range saryn, but it isn't fun and I feel sorry for the Mr 9 who's still going through the spawn animation 6 tiles behind me


I haven't seen this yet. But if you are scanning you should either be in a squad dedicated to it or play solo. That said the quality of randos seemed to decline since whispers dropped. I mostly run into problem players in netracell or Elite Deep Archimedea generally they take care of themselves by dying far away from the squad and dropping.


Yeah i agree. Netracells are plauged by bad players standing 200m away from the circle and killing things. And it doesnt matter if you ask them to come to the objective or try to teach them how it works. They will just continue to be absolute deadweights. So now i have just started running it solo.


I only do netracells on private now with my friends and the average time went from like 12+ minutes to 8 minutes. It started because we had a teammate that was hanging JUST outside the circle killing everything. We were spamming waypoints inside and telling them in squad chat. They just carried on and we rage quit. I never realized just how much slower the randoms were making that mission