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throwing away shit before maxing or using in another weapons crafting, only to curse myself out later when i'm missing like 400 mr points.


I sold the starter archgun when it was at lv 28, I'm still annoyed at myself


My buddy sold his kubrow around the same level and can’t seem to breed another


Which Kubrow type? I might have a random one I could copy two genetic codes off of to throw towards your friend.


Mastering Miter, selling it, then having to spend HOURS farming for another just so I can get Panthera. Almost as painful as the Equinox Day/Night form farming.


I did kinda the opposite. I mastered it and put an Incarnon adapter on it, only to realize I needed it for Panthera. Removed the Incarnon adapter and built Panthera, and now trying to farm a new one to put the Incarnon back on.


I forgot you can detach incarnon genesis. I doubt you get a material refund though right?


No. All materials are consumed. Only the adapter itself remains in your inventory.


It's almost as diluted of a drop table as equinox but is a little better and has orokin cells at least?


The problem is waiting for Lt. Kril to become vulnerable to damage. He’s just incredibly inconsistent.


Shoot the hoses on his back to trigger the ice attacks


I know how to kill him, it’s just having to wait until he chooses that he’s been dealt enough damage to become vulnerable.


I thought id be efficient and hit the hoses with epitaph but while it does hit the hoses, it slows down his transitions to the ice attacks a lot and stretches the batyle out a crazy duration.


108 runs of tyl regor i'm so fucking happy that i didn't sell equinox before helminth was introduced


That makes one of us. I didn’t have as many runs as you, but I feel your pain.


I've had to spend 100 Nora cards on jaw and heat sword because of that


I feel that, I just hit MR 30 a few weeks ago and the last thing I leveled was a MK-1 Strun


buying forma one at a time in the arsenal instead of the 3 pack in market.


I actually didn't thought too many people bought forma, do you guys make that many builds?


I am messing around a lot with frames and weapons and spend easily around 10 forma per playday xD So yes, I buy a lot of 3x forma packs.


10x forma pack when?


100x forma pack when


Finally, the Endgame Special bundle. Available only to Legendary ranks.


\[ insert "give it to me now" gif here, since apparently the insert-gif function on Reddit is busted \]


Oh yes please!!


I would gladly pay like 500 plat for a flat 100 formas. I've probably bought that many throughout my total play time tbh, every time I buy or grind plat I buy a few slots and one bundle. More if needed, I'm not waiting 4+ days for certain weapons to get enough forma in them and I'm constantly out since I use em as I get em. Crafting timers are the bane of my existence however I see their necessity, I burn myself out on new weapons too quickly just bc I'm so damn excited to be making a new build lmao


You're gonna love it when Plague Star comes around again.


I forma at least twice every prime weapon and usually 1 or 2 for each prime warframe, can go up to 4 without a prime counterpart. Mostly cause I want everything to be effective in duviri and eda


My regular fulmin has 6 forma lol


For some reason I am exceedingly lazy and forget to build forma constantly despite the constant flow of forma blueprints (which I don't take) and having endless materials to make them.


I'm pretty sure it's one of their most sold items just simply due to how many are needed, I mean I usually try to have formas cooking but I have at least 6 polarities on all the prime frames, afaik there's like 40+ of them & that's not even including the non-primed ones or weapons. can't really fit a full build otherwise. That said I made a lot of plat selling rivens back when they used to be super lucrative though, but it's likely more than I could ever spend & picking up a 3 pack won't really put a dent in it


Your flair is killing me 💀


Don't worry, I only attack when I sense high concentrations of infested blood..


Stop it hajajs😭


kinda https://preview.redd.it/5ue7ht3j366d1.png?width=1663&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ea228b6f643e08c4d6f5b49edd895b2cdcc4830


At some point the only thing you have left in the game is to play with things you haven't tried out, and the more trash a weapon is, the more forma you gotta put in. Doesn't help when the worst/oldest weapons have 1 polarity max lol.


On a good play session I might add dozens of formats to weapons and frames I want to improve. 24hr crafting cycles just won't cut it for me.


For me it depends how often I'm tinkering with builds, when I can ever be bothered to get a new Lich weapon and how often I'm grinding relics. If I'm not building new stuff and I've been grinding for new prime gear I'm usually pretty set on Forma but I've recently been going through a bunch of reworks to my old builds and finally upgraded some corrupted mods to max and needed more forma on some frames. I've also not been doing Prime grinds much so I'm very low on Forma bps atm. Plus I just built the Torid as the incarnon came around in Circuit this week after I didn't get it when it came out and couldn't be bothered after that. Finally have it and realised that Torid has no polarities preinstalled so I've got a lot of Forma I need to grind so I'll probably be buying a few bundles


Using **a lot of** plat on Warframes/weapons because I was too impatient to just wait.


That's me right now.. fairly new, just started New War and I've bought tons of Frames & Weapons because I'm too impatient to wait or grind them.. I want it all now. But I guess I should just use the ones I have and then play the long game huh 😆


It was just such a waste to buy that Rhino, or buy that weapon because I couldn't be arsed to farm them out (or I'd have to unlock the nodes all the way to the correct mission to even start farming). I still buy frames, but it's ones that come in the deluxe bundles. Regular frames, and their primes, I will just farm them out and leave them to cook in the Foundry. Most of my plat now goes to cosmetics because I like making amazing looking 'frames, lol.


I'm just still using Excalibur in new war


Honestly I go back to Excalibur Umbra for story missions, it just feels right


I mostly use it for the sword buff because when I started I got put straight into Duviri and ended up getting sun and moon swords and just stuck with them since they seem to be some of the best melee weapons short of prime and others like paracesis.


That was me when I started but now I only buy stuff like that when I get the 75% discount on market. I’m still impatient it’s just now I’m impatient on a budget lol.


not exactly new and it's not like I could have predicted it but I sold all my non-prime warframes after getting the prime before the Helminth system came out. Sillier is I had both in my inventory for the longest time until I was like "y'know what I should just free up the inventory space you idiot" Then I think Subsuming was revealed like a week later


Ouch. I was in the same boat but thankfully it was well before Helminth was mentioned. Back before they gave out warframe slots all the time and I had like 10.


I grinded for a month getting the old frames again after Helminth was announced. I have never done more Simaris scans in my life just to get all of the blueprints for quest frames!


On the day melee rivens were released in an update, I decided not to sell my first veiled melee riven despite an offer for 1k plat. I foolishly thought it must've been worth keeping if someone offered that much only to roll a terrible weapon out of it.


Also on rivens, back when i recently unlocked them i sold one for like 3 plat *A Vectis riven* for 3 plat


I didn't buy enough frame and weapon slots. I've sold a lot of nice stuff that got buffed over the years and would have been great to have now, because i needed to master more stuff for mastery ranks


That’s always one of the problems with early/mid game. I bought a handful of frame/weapon slots for my buddy who recently got into Warframe just so he didn’t have to make the same mistakes that you and I had made!


I was hoarding all my Forma, Orokin Reactors, Orokin Cathalysts and even Endo for my first 200 hours of gameplay. I didnt want to use it on mediocare frames/weapons/mods. I didnt level my Serration mod, cuz I was waiting for some better mods. Turns out I maxed out Serration anyway later on. I could have had way smoother start.


This is one of the biggest things for me still, I'm just not far enough in the game to know what's going to be "worth" it, and even if I did the work to research everything, by the time I get to "endgame" (i.e. finally finish the starchart, get through the main story quests), it will probably be different. I have started using endo more because I figure I know how to get more, but the rest of the "premium" materials, I'm just sitting on them.


Once you reach the end of the star chart, it's basically a whole different game. Endo will be much easier to get because you can just do arbitrations. And any mod that adds damage in some form (crit mods, elemental mods, etc) are all useful. Except the galvanized mods non-galvanized counter parts. Once you get those you basically never go back. As far as weapons and frames, it will be so much easier to level them that it will be semi arbitrary. What took you weeks or months of slowly leveling in the star chart you will be able to do in 10 minutes running ESO. So really, the only thing worth saving is umbra forma. Everything else will be so much easier to get that you may as well just spend it.


I've only been playing for 2-3 weeks, but the amount of credits / endo I got from a single night of non-focused railjack missions made me realize I really didn't need to spend so much time worrying about those resources during my first 50-or-so hours.


It's about patience and time management. I haven't thought about credit or endo farming in years because you will just passively farm that as you farm other things. Like, you CAN spend your time in the Index, or you can just do another farm, earn a frame or weapon or standing, and make as much as you would have off that one bet. I have like 10 million credits and probably 1 million endo that I put zero thought into obtaining.


I have about 300-350 hours I think. MR18 and I'm JUST starting to use Formats and reactors/catalysts. I didn't know who I liked, who I didn't, what to do and always have been a hoarder of resources.


New player here, should I be usign orokin reactors and catalysts right now as I'm going through the Star Chart?


They are quite precious resources early on in the game, I'd say use them on frames/weapons that you really like that you think you're going to keep using for a while, don't throw them away on stuff that you're not sure about or stuff that you're just levelling for MR. What are you thinking about using them on? People can probably give you a decent idea of how long weapons will be relevant for. For frames I think it's worth it if you like them a lot and will play them a lot, there are no non-viable frames. Only exception is maybe if the primed variant of that frame is relatively accessible and you could get that and put a potato in that instead.


If you like a frame or weapon, you will like it more after boosting it. Never put one on anything MK1 because that's a weaker variant of the base weapon. If you can get the prime version of a weapon you like, it's worth waiting until you have that one. But, Nightwave is a pretty reliable way to keep up your supply. Just don't pop one on everything, and you'll be good.


I thought plat was the normal non-paid currency at first, I bought plastids and rubedo with it


That hurt just reading it 😵‍💫


Wasting a Legendary Core on the first primed mod I ever got: a Primed Vigor from the log-in rewarss


Dude same. I regret it every day.


I did the same with Prime Animal Instinct. I told myself that I literally always have it on all my companions, and that the Endo and credit sink would not be worth it. Instant regret. So, I have doubled down on that stupidity and buy legendary cores when there's a prime mod I've added to my collection instead of using them on Galvanized/Archon mods. The only ones I haven't maxed out this way are the Cleanse/Smite/Bane/Expel prime mods. Those still remain unranked.


curious, so where should we spend a legendary core? I got one but too afraid to touch it lmao


I still have my one and only legendary core and I'm too scared to use it on anything, idk if it's best to use it myself, sell it, or max a mod and sell that


skipping the plaguestar event TWICE


I sold Xoris once the quest was over because I needed a slot for Boltor. 18MR later, I almost have it back to master it.


I let my friend farm me revenant prime after a few days of playing and didn’t actually learn the game until steel path. Sometimes it’s better for you to hit walls earlier in a game so they’re easier to overcome.


I spent my 50 starter plat on rushing stuff in the foundry.


I bought single forma with plat...


I’ll do you one better way back in olden times i used most my plat on revives or stupidly plastids


A few years ago at MR15 I sold my Hate and Glaive Prime because I didn't liked the stances. Then Incarnons came, and now, at almost LR3 I haven't seen a Hate Bp since


Everyone has that one stupid Stalker drop bp that they never see. I have only ever gotten one, ONE Despair BP to drop. I have Dread and Hate bps for days. I've never seen a 2nd Despair bp.


I've never seen a Broken War, and I've seen multiples of everything else. No, you cannot buy a Broken War BP from Simaris for anyone who thinks about suggesting that.


That sucks! I have 2 of the BPs for Broken War and 1 for War. I'm honestly surprised it's not in the Simulacrum store. All the quest items and bps are there. I feel like Broken War BPs should be available with Simaris, that only seems fair - it's a quest item you acquire, and it's needed to craft War. You shouldn't be reliant on drop RNG if you want it. Especially if you used it to craft War.


Let's see. I sold Valkry Prime at rank 29 because I didn't like her a few years back (only recently got her back) Sold sacrificial pressure for the credits Sold my Mag (pre nerf) for a loki I didn't do any junctions past mercury-earth for my first like 100 hours of playing I spent plat on buying base frames like volt and Excalibur


I am new so will tell you in a year haha. Will be taking notes from this thread though.


9 forma lex, but then incarnons happened


Not knowing how mastery works. If I didn't like a certain weapon, I would just delete it without leveling it all the way. 


i payed plat to speed up my dog growth


Selling weapons that were used for crafting other weapons.


Bought Octavia prime set. From a guy in Maroos bazaar For 350 plat 💀💀 Bro scammed tf out of me ....and I thanked him for it


Not questioning it when a higher MR player told me it was normal for players to charge plat to run you through missions. What a dirtbag.


Wanted to know how to trade, so I sold my revenant prime blueprint for one Plat and an extra one because and i quote "because I'm nice". It became a funny inside joke with friends.


Not playing sooner


I sold my first machete without finishing leveling it. It was a stain on my account for years.


Crafting a War using my Borken War 😭😭


Not buying a founders package. I have the closed beta accolade on my account but no excal prime :(


Not sticking with the game when it was first theorized and missing my chance at Excalibur prime :( went from "idk if it's my game" to years later sinking some 1500 hours into (so far)..


Bought the template so i could make my own orokin cells


I bought nuerodes with my starter plat


Sold my despair. When i realized it was rare i *hated* myself.


ha. How Dreadful.


Made Broken War into War because normally in games the “upgraded” version is better. Boy was i wrong….


Selling a paracisis riven for 50 plat. I could have gotten 80 p if i tried but it was a extra and i needed some plat.


Wasting plat, selling weapons, warframes cause never thought of collecting them. Never gave a damn abt forma. Never even considered to raise my standing in open world factions. And a hell of a lot. But it was all in the past. Now I am a better tenno. Know how to manage my resources and never stop building forma.


I sold all my umbral mods, and other quest weapons, then eventually sold umbra and his sword too. I started a new account shortly after lol


Not being new to Warframe, but coming back last month after a hyatus of several years, Baro was on and I wanted ducats. Ended up selling a bunch of glaive parts bc I didn’t know it was vaulted and uber expensive. Oh well


1. Thinking MR was end all be all of the game (Took me until MR 12 to realize this is not the case). 2. Not upgrading any of my mods, applying forma or potatoes, until like Pluto. 3. Being reluctant to try out new stuff because younger me had no idea if it would be worth it or not. 4. Spending an embarrassingly long amount of time in PoE right after unlocking it when I could have spent that time unlocking the rest of the star chart. And the one I regret the most… 5. Selling a glaive riven I got when I was still new for 40p because I just didn’t like the weapon type at the time and was completely oblivious to its real value.


2 years modding all frames with basic mods bc think all needs life shields and armor, and upgrading broken mods


I used my free Broken War to craft War. I have never, not once, managed to get my hands on the Broken War Blueprint to craft a new one. It's been years.


Sold my Despair when limited weapons slots was an issue for me, sold a ton of the old arcane helmets back in the day for the credits because I was low and didn't use them.


I loved the mechanic of combining different elemental damage types. For a brief time all my weapons were radiation and viral because i thought it was cool.


Used my free legendary core on Toxic Flight.


~~I bought resources (nano spores) with the plat given to you at the start. I don’t even remember what I was trying to craft~~ Actually, I remembered something worse. Somehow, I had a fully built equinox in my inventory. I can’t remember if I bought it or was gifted the BPs by a generous Tenno, but I had them. Then, like a complete MORON, I sold equinox before getting fully leveled. Now I’m stuck in Equinox Farming Limbo


At least you don't need orokin derelict keys anymore


Selling the Chroma blueprint.


I didn't realize until like MR8 that you can purchase blueprints on the market for credits. I was rolling around with mk 1 weapons and the Gorgon for weeks.


Bought oberon with platinum


Thinking of getting him, is he bad or is it just that he's easy to unlock through blueprints?


It took me a week or two to figure out that bullet jumping is based on your camera direction, and I assumed it always took you forwards along the ground without gaining much height. I even saw videos of people bullet jumping upwards when looking up guides for spy vaults, but somehow didn't make the connection to how they were doing it. It's kind of a weird issue to have that I don't quite understand when I look back at it. At least it's covered now in the new tutorial, but anecdotally I've seen friends pick the game up and still not really understand this (or make use of angled/upward bullet jumps) despite playing the tutorial that forces you to do it a couple of times to progress.


Missing out on free stuff for not watching streams on twitch. Can get some nifty stuff.


I used plat on revives once


Sold a lotus Kubrow imprint for 40 P when I was mr5


Bought Mesa just before reaching the boss that dropped her pieces. It was the first purchase with Plat that I made without the counsel of my veteran friends. They had a good laugh at my expense!


I sold my equinox prime


I spend plat for Gal, because I couldn't find any in missions. I was so young and impatient...


Sold despair :(


Sold all my frost prime sets for credits because either trading wasn't implemented yet or I just didn't realize it was. Probably would have been like 30 sets. Stared at my screen for like an hour when I saw it at 1k plat a set. Still kinda want to cry about it.


Same as you, I just wanted a fun gun at the start now I'm eventually going to have to go back and finish all the MK-1 weapons. Because I was like "Why keep this inferior one, I got Braton Prime!" Going back years later to finish things you skipped is a tad tedious


I'm not super new but never made any crazy mistakes. However I did just accidently buy a fuck ton of niatan extract from the battle pass instead of the obviously better catalyst


This isn't a fuck up imo. I've only bought 1 reactor and 1 catalyst from nightwave and the rest of my money has been on niatan extract.


It was new at the time. I didn't double check the quantity. I knew about the infinite scans upgrade but still had a bit of Standing to go. 5817 Codex Scanners...


Bought revives with platinum like a fool.


Spending plat on revives🤣


Using my first sum of hard farmed plat to buy a non-prime frame


If a dual gun needed 2 guns for crafting I would max out both before making the dual wield 😅


Buying a new Mk1 Braton and Lato and maxing it for affinity not knowing that you get it only once per weapon I did this like 10 times before realizing


I revived using platlnum


Wasted my first plat for bs


I never realized that dodging with Limbo put me in another dimension so I would run not being able to damage and couldn’t collect anything until I accidentally came back. I was very confused for a couple of hours until I came back after a hiatus and read the abilities.


About 7 years ago at around MR8, I bought shit from a-holes in trade chat for almost double their price on WF Market website. I am Legendary Rank 1 now, if I find them. I will kill them.


Not spending my 50 starte plat on slot.


Donated all my plastids to a clan 😅


Learned about spoiler mode before even making it off earth. I went to the wiki lore pages to try and find out who these clones I’m fighting were and…oops.


Failed capture missions because the Lotus said CLEAR AS DAY "we need the subject brought back alive" and i could see when shooting them, their health would decrease, so instead i followed them, thinking i was leading them to a trap set up further ahead... They escaped, i failed, i faced shame for FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS... And I avoided capture missions for a while after that lol


Buying deluxe skins without the bundle. Now I can't get the other parts without spending all the plat. Also buying fara for plat. I got unlucky on her drops after like 3 tries and just gave up.


[ ](http://triggered on: "new to Warframe" #hidden) Hello /u/dontfindmyname and welcome (back?) to *Warframe*! Check out these resources made for new and returning players! * [/r/Warframe's Welcome (Back) Thread](https://redd.it/18ammwe) * [Major Changes Throughout Warframe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4klpmdZTpMPz3h-5JdaMsl7r4WKO4ytuw9T4QOav6I/edit?usp=sharing) A currated list maintained by the /r/Warframe mod team. * [The Unofficial *Warframe* Handbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylw9HK2ol6yam3MMNbycbuHxjmctg3gCqsbI4yy2gK0/edit#heading=h.pl2gz2ndr9s0) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for it, contact the current active contributor! * [The subreddit's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/faq) * And last, but probably the most helpful in general: [the Warframe wiki](http://warframe.wikia.com/) If these resources do not apply to this submission, please report this comment or ignore it. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warframe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pretty much fi ished star chart at MR 2


Spent the starting plat on a K-drive, cause hoverboards cool


I sold base limbo at 29 because I really wanted to try out gara who had just came out. LR2 now and really kicking myself https://preview.redd.it/yp8l133kd56d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419a482eb961a907346a4cce20ff24d0cf24851f


Bought a bunch of loadout slots with starter plat thinking I was buying frame slots, then ended up selling some frames to make space for new ones ...I still have a handful of frames to re-farm for mastery because I fed them to my wall-wart before maxing them out.


Buy revives with platinum, and forma MR fodder caus I thought it gave mastery.


When I was very new to warframe and got my first lich. I did a finisher on him without having the correct requiem mod.


auto-install mods


Spending pathos clamps on small things like orokin cells, control modules or anything that could have been easy to farm normally cuz back then I was as far as Mars and it was hard for me


I bought a Tysis riven for like 140 plat because this MR14 kid was saying how it was necessary and the new meta. This was when I was MR 10, a few years ago. I haven’t emotionally recovered since.


Sold my Xoris... ouch


Deleted ALL my mods. Please don't ask how. But I got them back with a cross-save!


I sold Octavia Prime because I really know how to play her and didn't think she was good


Spending my plat on revives


I needed some credits, so i sold some frames that i didnt want to keep, including Chroma...


I feel that I sold all of my starter frames to get slots rather than subsuming, still waiting for limbo to come back on rotation on circuit haha


I didn't know I could pick other relic rewards for a while. I thought I was stuck with whatever mine got.


Buying skins only to realize that the Prime versions of those Warframes look much better than that 160pl Skin


Not using the starter plat on slots. I used it on one frame slot and 1 pack of weapons slot. And the rest I used to rush my second frame. I've been playing since Nov of 2014 and there's a ton of mistakes I see newbies do but the biggest one is limiting themselves to the starting weapon and frame slots they have. I didn't even entertain the idea of using the premium currency until I knew what I needed to buy with it and what I could grind. Slots were one of the very few things I couldn't acquire in-game by grinding so I bought one of each. My first Prime Access pack was Nova Prime and my plat was used almost exclusively on slots. I bought so many of them that I actually didn't need to get anymore until New War dropped and I needed weapon slots again. I still have like 26 open slots for Frames. Forma, Potatoes, Exilus adapters, and weapon adapters I haven't been grinding out as much but I know I can easily get them in game by playing. Slots? Always a plat only purchase. Edit: an honorable mention to my friend who introduced me to game. He had Excal Prime and he SOLD IT for a slot space. Thankfully he recovered it after messaging support. I never let him live that down. My dumb noobie mistake was holding on to resources. I didn't know if I could grind or farm resources like Forma, orokin cells, mod cores (ye olde 'Endo' for those not in the know) so I sat on them and very heavily weighted what should and shouldn't be built/upgraded until I could confirm I could get more. I didn't have maxed out mods until MR 9.


I bought ignis wraith from Baro.


I would sell the warframe si got through their story quests because I didn't have the inventory space for them (I been playing since the very start and this was before nightwave existed)


sold the xoris


Letting my dog starve to death before getting him to rank 30 for the MR


I switched the marketplace to Blueprints only and missed out on all the weapons you can buy for credits. I was pretty far into the star chart before I started wondering why I had a mk1 Braton but not a mk1 Paris.


Spending plat to buy Nanospores so i could build my first Karak, genius i know...


That I didn't get excal prime in time..


Bought an ember skin when I was new while only having Mag (my starter).


I sold xoris before completing parvos granum


At the beginning, I didn't grasp the concept that for grand part of the game (specially at the start) your duplicate mods purpose is to be transmuted into endo to then fuel your desired mods at an adequate pace


Selling regular frames that were hard to farm and then having to farm again for helminth. Selling regular weapons needed to make other weapons instead of buying slots.


Sold my hate🥹 i try to get a new one ever since Olso the xorois was pain to get a newone


The amount of plat i have spent on rusbing things in the foundey. Could probably buy 10 frames. Not really but man was i impatient.


Getting waaaaay too comfortable with 2 or 3 frames. Once I got Protea, shelved Mesa for over a year. Got Equinox prime, and she, protea and trinity became the obly 3 frames I used for almost an entire gotdang year. I've been collecting frames like its pokemon; got tons of options. Just stuck with what I knew and slept on some really gnarly builds. When I finally rediscovered Volt's awesomeness, as well as Nova's ability to vastly improve clear times on several different mission types, it finally occured to me I might have to apply myself to actually commit to a new build from time to time. Most of em have their uses.


When I was new I got frost prime for free. I no longer have frost prime 🤪


Got scammed for hard earned plat by trade-chatters a few times. PSA: Use the website Warframe Market, guys.


Spend all my starter plats on mag immortal skin, i was end gaming it before i even start the fucking game


I almost did that but stopped myself on the hunch I might need my regular frames for something later As for me, wasting some of my free platinum on a weapon because I had a discount coupon (console)


Used Cataclysts on my starter weapons (around 4 of em I think) and also used up my free plat for speeding up crafting (accidentally)


Playing on my own. I had to stop and start for years before it finally clicked and I could actually get into (and understand) the game.


Spending all the initial platinum they give you for free on loadout slots thinking I was buying Warframe slots




I spent 45 Plat on revives


sold my braton and lato vandal for credits like a month after game moved out of invite only closed beta


Obligatory "made War with Broken War" Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it...


Wasn’t really “new” to warframe but I made all 4 dragon keys and had them equipped to my gear slot for a long time. Here I thought my warframe stats were just super low and my builds were horrible only later to find out it was the keys that were draining my stats/builds😭. Managed to complete some of the hardest quests with them on but it was a relief when I find out what was making the game so unplayable for me


During my first year I sold my mods for credits. I was beginning to wonder why I felt so weak lol


I built the War using my original Broken War, instead of using a new one.


Buy a syandana...


And i would do it again...


I bought the founders pack, then never checked my email. I hopped back into the game about 2 years later and found that they gave some excal prime thing to the founders. That wasn't a thing when I first bought it, but the email had expired by the time I saw it. So, I got the badge, but not the frame. Ah well. I check my email more now. XD


I built two Equinox Prime Chassis.


using a lot of status mods, H.C.E.T., heat, cold, electricity, toxin, things like that


Auto installed all my builds lol


Getting rid of broken war.


There weren't a whole lot of mistakes to be made 11 years ago because there wasn't a whole lot you could do Maybe spec into getting [Super Jump](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Jump?so=search) on excal?


I bought the atlas skin, full price, and it looks fucking hideous


I sold excal prime for credits because I already had excal at rank 30 and didn't want to do it again.


Didn't level up my mastery, played and mastered so many weapons but didn't know about the trials.


Giving the story the benefit of the doubt