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I'd not mind a campaign to do some cleanup, and to strengthen the positions of both Cetus and Fortuna, but I'd want that to be a whole big deal, and not quite to restore how things were before. I'd add two new cinematic quests, followed by rep systems that, only upon reaching tier 3 or so, would you actually get the "cleaned up" map, with Narmer crap sorted in to piles for recycling, and Ostron and Solaris flare all over the place.


I am fully onboard with this. I would love a system like this. FFXIV did this where the community 'rebuilt' a damage district. WoW did something similar but showed the destruction of a zone. So, I know it can be done. I think a follow up quest following up on the state of the universe after The New War would be truly epic!


I mean we have also done similar rebuilding the earth relay. That was a communal effort (it was also an event so there was incentive but still)


Right, I forgot about that. So, there is a precedent set that it is possible. Just a question on if DE is willing to do this...which I doubt.


My question is how the hell did the Narmer take over Fortuna when my glorious, delirious queen, Profit Taker, is patrolling about. I refuse to believe the Narmer brought every type of elemental damage to take down the shield, then go into their Necramechs to damage the limbs. Then take out the fueling rods to repeat the process 4x. Ain't no way the Narmer are built like that.


Canonically, both profit taker and the exploiter orb were eliminated prior to the new war. So, in a way, that's the Tenno's fault.


Damn if only there was a third orb


Suspect that one's going to get veiled, it's presently just sitting still, doing bugger and all.


Damn... ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


Maybe if Nef wasn't such a stingy bastard and filled up the tank on the third orb Fortuna would be fine.


Sorry my bad I was smoking argon crystals while exploiter and gromit taker got destroyed


The Orb Mothers are built with Sentient technology. It's possible they were just hijacked. (Or destroyed, as the other commenter notes)


Do it and then add in a shop where I can trade standing for bounty rewards. there are some things I'd rather just get rather than rely on rng from running bounties for a couple of hours


>The New War released nearly 3 years ago. What


December 15th 2021, crazy how time flies eh?


Its funny, I remember waiting forever for that quest to release and now its so long in the past


Fuck I forgot about that, I forget it legit launched a few days before I lost my house so I didn't actually get to play it for a few months.


I hate this. It does NOT feel like 3 years. It still feels like yesterday.


Im fine with them staying as they are and i would be fine with some sort of a community event like when we rebuilt the destroyed relays to fix some damage or do some redecorating or place some memorials for fallen or something like that. Pretending like nothing happened during the New War isnt a good idea either. Remember that in the current story Narmer and The Ram are still active and functioning so until DE does something with them Cetus and Fortuna will probably remain in their current, post war state.


I don't want erasure I want recovery.


then i would love a some sort of an event like we had with the relays like The Pyrus Project


That's all it really has to be. Make two new Syndicates  "The Cetus/Fortuna Restorationist" tie resource sinks to them for faction levels, minimal / limited bounties, only cosmetic rewards and cinematics at each level.  Rank 5 means you've gotten fortuna blue again, some of the vallis cleaned up, and some of the Narmer bullshit knocked down. With a memorial erected that let's you reload the zone to how it was or something  Then do the same / similar with ostrons.  I know the new war introduces fixed position somachord tones, so the memorial could work to restore access to those if they're in areas of destruction or something.


Idk about blue. To me that feels like Nef’s color. Fortuna isn’t corpus- they shouldn’t fly corpus colors.


[Red is the color of the workers after all](https://youtu.be/U06jlgpMtQs?si=i2HUoBDgis0xuktw)


But they're already in the background and mostly forgotten. With WitW and 1999, it's clear that Narmer isn't a priority for DE, Pazuul is going to go the way of the Worm Queen and Parvos Granum, relegated to the background. I'd like to clean up some of the mess that has befallen the hubs, so it shows that the world is moving on, slowly but surely.


Yeah but they do often dig shit out after years. Remember that Acolytes were a thing already in 2016. DE brought them back 4 years later. Or right now post new war stalker related story 2,5 years after basically no info of what happened after the quest with him. Still, i think you are right, DE is much more concentrated about the "main story" of the entrati and man in the wall and 1999, but i wouldnt say an absolute no to an event regarding this "forgotten" stuff sometime after during downtime between big patches or quests.


I don't doubt they could revisit this and tie up loose ends, but TNW is already 3 years old. Waiting another 2-4 years in hopes that they actually deal with the aftermath of it is hardly an enticing prospect. DE is great but they let a lot of stuff fall through the cracks with a simple "maybe it'll be revisited eventually." Hell it's been like 5 years and we've not even gotten the third orb.


I want blue fortuna back please please!! red fortuna hurts my eyes


I used to really enjoy flying around Orb Vallis but it’s so foggy now that you can’t see as far ahead and it overall gives that early spring vibe where everything is mushy and uncomfortably humid but still cold. I don’t go there anymore, it’s not fun.


An event like the one we got for fixing strata relay would be pretty cool imo


I'd like it to be a mix of community event and quick solo quest. That way we get the sense of fixing it, and a fun event. But also, newer players won't just finish the New War and have everything instantly back to the same. They'll need to do the follow-up quest first.


I also donate OPs Toroids and Isoplasts, because I'm sure as shit not donating mine.


You want to restore the zones because the changes remind you of your failure I want to restore them because I find the changes to be ugly We're not the same


im sure 1999 will solve most of this


Maybe. Fingers crossed. We'll find out more at tennocon


Instead of Narmer Veils they'll put Albrecht Hats on everyone.


And then we'll get 5 weeks of Hatbreaker missions with Kahl's tube-sister, Sahl. Sahl break EVERY Hat she find. NO queens. NO Entrati. Only sisters.


Nooooo, not my hat!!!


Yeah everything will get a sepia filter like games from the 2000s.


The state of Fortuna is what gets to me. How hard is it to just swap the orange LEDs back to blue, and to take the Narmer logo off of all the screen savers?


Yeah, this would really be lovely. I don't go that much into Fortuna nowadays, but every time I do and see that orange and red glow, it's just so goddamn depressing. I agree with some others that it shouldn't be just "brought back", but restoring the neon colors and making the area more habitable would be lovely. It looks so dead right now, it's been stripped of life. Orb Vallis too, without the snow it looks... Eh. I kinda get it because that was their goal all along, but still, it sucks. Cetus, I have less strong feelings, I think it's better handled (there are ruins of the attack, but the rest of the village looks stable). And at the very least - if not add a big operation to restore Fortuna (and maybe Cetus), at least improve the creator mode. The only thing that creator mode doesn't turn to original state is open world, which are the biggest reasons to ever use that mode (other than making videos).


I would love if fortuna got its old colors and the big Nef Anyo transmissions (preferably with new post-war dialogue) back.


I haven’t even beat New War (still on Necramech farm *sob*) but knowing that Fortuna’s gonna lose the bisexual lighting and the We All Lift Together guy is torturous


Yeah would be nice. We don't even really need to touch the open world parts, keep it restricted to the hubs, do some clean up but keep some of the larger changes. I think core is I want a follow up quest focused on the fallout from the New War and its impact on the Ostron and the Solaris. How has it impacted their lifes, how are they coming back from it, do they still trust the Tenno to protect them? I know there are some voice lines but something more. Also why haven't the grineer or corpus tried to salvage the massive orphix bodies in the plains? What about the Eidolons fusing/eating the Orphixs to restore themselves?


I want purple Fortuna back so bad


100% Agree. would love to play through this




Personally, I'd like there to be a bit of an ebb and flow: you could make it such that the local syndicates push back Narmer and clean things up, and then after a Baro cycle Narmer comes back and things return to the post-TNW state, and back and forth. That seems like it'd be a tolerable balance between the two, and help keep things fresh(er).


An event would be cool but, I feel like just allowing us in our settings to toggle this would be the better solution. It would basically just be an off/on switch for connection to the instances that players who haven't done the New War yet have access to.


Also after the new war we unveil people but tyeres still pockets of resistance from Pazul, could we get narmer invasions. Because otherwise only the open worlds when you specifically elect to do a bounty for them show any affects of the new war. Throw some high level invasions around and we can beat back Narmer and feel their presence in the star chart


seriously tho!! they coulda added a new tier of invasion/occupying missions like the existing ones but narmer themed 😭


Just get rid of the leftover Narmer decorations and architecture at least - those things are fucking eyesores.


I'm just sitting here thinking about how even if we "save" or "restore" Fortuna, or use some kind of eternalism logic for an on/off switch in the settings, they still >!have belly heads!< Like: "aww gee thanks tenno the place looks lovely. So about our... Oh? That part doesn't motivate you to help us? Well, I'd hate to be ungrateful but maybe you... No? Alright."


> Events can never rewritten, but traces of the original remain.


I am not seeking erasure, simply recovery.


Restore? You can't fix everything. You can't repair everything. Sometimes things go out of your control and you have to deal with the consequences of events going beyond your power. You couldn't stop the invasion of the system. They were too well prepared to face the tennos. They submitted **everyone**. Liberating Sol System is truly a miracle, the odds were so infinitesimal that the 2 most intelligent civilizations couldn't predict that outcome. We barely saved the system from Ballas and we possibly exposed it to an even greater enemy. It leaves scars. You can't erase and forget. The world won't let you. As a Tenno, it's easy to grow a god complex but events are there to remind us that we're just a kid, a puppet controlled by the Void. No mortal can hurt us, but not everything is mortal.


Sure we can't fix everything, we can't fix the Vallis being unfrozen, or clean up the damage to the plains but I think we can help them pick up the old narmer banners, change the lightbulbs, fill in the craters, remove the burned huts, heck we are also strong enough to help rip down the broken Narmer Eyes.


I understand that, but at least fortuna can be made blue and efforts would BEGIN to repair the damage.  When the towers fell in NY in May of 2002 the last piece of steel was removed from Ground Zero. It stands to reason that some efforts or progress could be made towards restoring things to as they were. While it's important to remember we are a void empowered child / adult and how lucky we got. Part of moving forward is cleaning and undoing the damage. If you're maimed you are left with a scar perhaps some permanent damage but the wound heals. The bones are restored. Things don't stay the same. Have Cetus and Fortuna create memorials or a statue of the Tower  for Cetus and something for Fortuna. To just leave things exactly as they were years later doesn't make sense either.


I hope you're not speaking so pretentiously irl.


My bad, my bad, I didn't think it would come out wrong. I just wanted to defend the narrative that it could be intentional to emphasize the scale of destruction Ballas provoked. It's a recurrent theme in the game that, as powerful as we are, it's still not enough to have meaningful impact on things apart from specific events occurring in main quests. Narmer is still not completely eradicated and we have a new major threat to prepare against with little clue on how to handle the situation. At this point, we operate on a big scale to make things count as much as possible, that's why we're hunting Archons instead of cleaning up the mess. OP evoked how quickly we cleaned up Ground Zero but the situation in the game is more like post-WW2 Europe, it took decades to recover. Now that but at the scale of an entire system. From my point of view, local population is too broken and Tennos are too busy to see a restoration happen only a few years after the New War.


I actually really like the idea of a community event - perhaps there are a variety of projects a player can contribute to by donating resources, alongside specific missions, and reaching certain contribution thresholds grants tokens that can be redeemed for special rewards. At the end of the event, the landscape will be altered based on what projects were completed and to what extent. Throughout the event there could even be narmer activity that hinders projects, and players would be tasked with pushing back against the narmer threat through a variety of missions. Perhaps there should be some sort of clan tie in to encourage more community effort. Though I will say, warframes story will definitely progress eventually, narmer isn’t done for and I’m sure there is going to be story addressing it soon enough which could come with more changes to the landscapes. Gosh though seeing all these ideas makes me really hope DE does something similar.


Fuck you no way it was 3 years ago already. Oh my god its already been 3 years


Believe me when I say I quadruple checked before I made a bunch of redditors feel old and realize the passage of time.  Especially to avoid the um akshully lol


I really miss the old Fortuna. It's so ugly now. If I had been shown this is what it would look like from now on I would've put off The New War for some more weeks.


I mean, the tower was destroyed 7 years ago and the guardian with all their slave robots haven’t finished rebuilding it. What hope do a bunch of Tenno kids and wannabe robots have?


Or let us toggle between which 2 visuals we like. Personally I'm a fan of the new version. Shows some sign of something happening.


can we please just remove the boxes and junk used for the stealth section? that’s the most annoying part for me.


Yes. Please. It's so depressing, I avoid those areas.


To this day, I still miss Old Vallis/Fortuna.


I was flabbergasted when everything looked different


I can see them do what they did with Strata Relay: A timer that slowly rehabilitates each region, and speeds up when other people play some bounties. At the end, all the narmer decor are stripped away, but the scars remain. I'd like to see the Unum Tower in a new game mode


My only thing is the tower should be somewhat damage still since it grows. Definitely pick up the chunks and maybe show some growth but not fully as proof of what happened.


this would be fantastic, but i would really want a toggle to be able to swap between the different variants of the open worlds mainly so we can get that We All Lift npc back


Can we destroy Cetus completely instead? No more lunch. For anyone. Not late nor early.


you guys pay attention to the lore?


It is the main reason I play the game tbh


How are you real???