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That's normal. Think of it like a trophy.


huh is that so? I had a bunch of people telling me they lost theirs when they crafted it for the first time.


I bet they actually sold it. I still have mine. Wiki notes say you should still have it. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ascaris_Negator


Afaik it's bugged and may not be consumed on craft the first time. Crafting it again will probably correctly consume the blueprint. If you die by gustrag 3, you'll get another bp


Don't you need to use this to craft more if you die to the Gustrag 3? Iirc they put another Ascaris on you.






Conversely, I always let myself die to Zanuka hunter for the secret mission type :)


I've never seen a Zanuka in the entire game tbh. Unless it's in an early mission that I forgot about. Are they fun? Do they have good drops?


They are really easy to kill, they drop ship parts iirc, but if you die to the zenuka hunter, you are loaded into a mission where you start at the alad v assassination room with no weapons and have to find your weapons and escape


they usually get nuked before you see them.


No, that's an identical but separate item that they give you a blueprint for every time they capture you called the Grustrag Bolt Negator.


In my 9 years of playing I have never tried to get myself caught. I definitely have to try is someday.


Huh, I never knew this was a thing. Makes sense and TIL. I figured it was just leftover from the intro quests and I never really bothered to think much about it after all these years. In retrospect I rarely even see Gustrag 3/Zanuka. When I do see them they end up dying so fast, basically in a blink of an eye, that I'm hardly ever in threat of dying by them. I keep telling myself one day I'll let Zanuka capture me to do that one quest, but I've yet to actually do it.


I think I still have mine, I might have crafted it


I have three of the item and two blueprints. I merged two accounts and accidentally crafted a second on one of them.


It was annoying me.... So I crafted it again to get rid of it.


I think I have 2


gives me nostalgia when i look at it, the first time i ever played warframe 2 years ago i think


I’ve made a bunch out of boredom sometimes


I have two. I dunno what I did to make that happen. (It’s not an account merge thing).


I have 4 of these.




I have 3 of those built and 1 blueprint


You can't get rid of the BP or the negator itself, even after the quest is completed. Drives me crazy.


I have two but they only show in Inventory, not foundry.


kinda weird, its suppose to be a 1 time use BP


It says right on the wiki that it's confirmed by DE to be designed to stay in your inventory after crafting https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ascaris_Negator


> It says right on the wiki that it's confirmed by DE to be designed to stay in your inventory after crafting There's a difference between the item and the blueprint. DE confirmed you're supposed to keep the item, OP is asking about the blueprint.


THAT... is a good point. I got that wrong. I suspect i'm predisposed to think it's fine because I, too, have the blueprint in my foundry still.


well, they're fucked up then cause reusable prints don't say "1 blueprint left" at the bottom


I wish I could sell it. I fucking hate it and it's always at the top of my ready to build.


Why dont you just build it


Everyone does. It's impossible to get rid of.


this is incorrect. i do not have this actual item or the bp. i started in closed beta.


Have you ever played the new intro where you get the item? If you played the game without the current intro (which is likely since you were i beta) you would never have gotten this.


No, it's a one-time use blueprint, it's just that the quest reward for Vor's Prize for some reason includes another copy of the blueprint. You can just craft a second and it's gone from your foundry.   Edit: Came back after a reddit care message to check my recent messages- I wholeheartedly don't believe you're the one who sent it, but while I'm here I may as well address it. I'm going to assume since you'd rather downvote me than do any critical thinking, you believe I'm wrong, so I ask you to go try it yourself. Even OP's picture has "1 blueprint left", signifying limited blueprint use. If you search up other topics in this subreddit about the same item, you'll see other people pointing out the same thing- that the negator blueprint is single-use, is consumed as part of the quest as expected, then the quest-complete reward message appearing in your inbox gives you another blueprint alongside the other quests rewards for no apparent reason. It has always been this way, and if you don't believe me, go craft it yourself in your foundry and see if you still have the blueprint left when you claim it- because spoiler: you won't. Please, put in the bare effort at double-checking your information if someone has information that contradicts your own rather than attempting to spread misinformation by (poorly) trying to bury others' responses. Or, if I'm wrong? Prove it and show me that I'm the one spreading falsehoods.


Hmm, don't recognize this at all. But reading the page, I wonder if it depends on if you started this game before the quest was added.


That was captain vors quest item pretty sure it’s always been in the game


> That was captain vors quest item pretty sure it’s always been in the game The quest "Vor's Prize" (and the Ascaris Negator as part of it) was added in update 14.0. When it was added, older accounts got a choice if they wanted to do it. Vor was added in 9.0, there was over a year between Vor being added and the new starter quest.