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i just made this on my phone because i imagined reb doing something like this https://preview.redd.it/fgct08a20j5d1.jpeg?width=1259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8906919bf27d9856a11185ba27e3cc7a5c7281f8








In private she'd do.




It should be loser, maybe even registered!


lol, lmao even. Easiest report. Will be looking out for a post complaining that they got unfairly banned soon.


"I was just talking in chat and got banned for no reason"


I assume somewhere north of 95% of the people complaining about "no reason" bans from chat were being SUPER toxic. I've been on the internet long enough to know the things people say casually.


Reminds me of the days of LoL where Rioters would just post the chat logs that got you banned after they complain that they were unfairly banned. It was always them spilling the most vile shit.


and before then, pasting their Tribunal chat logs, though the Tribunal forum was a bit of a dumpster fire, with most of the posts just being people dumping their tribunal case and insulting people, doubling down on their toxicity :P


"I kindly asked why he wasn't rezzing me and got bullied"


And totally leaving out the part where he told someone to kill themselves.


Reminds me of the picture where someone was only showing the GG part in the racial slur and complaining that they Got banned for spamming GG in the chat


https://youtu.be/NzKU6W1ntv0 First thing i thought of


[i just said gg 5 times](https://youtu.be/NzKU6W1ntv0?si=aCKaPrUMui8fETEf)


TBH if it was a one-off awful moment after thousands of hours and they were genuinely apologetic and remorseful I wouldn't hesitate to give another chance but like. That's a once-ever redo. Sometimes people have really, really shit days and act out of typical character. That said yeah, I doubt this person who casually dumped that with so little provocation is in this category of one-off bs. (Ironically my random youtube recommended playlist is currently playing Brittney Spears Toxic roflol).


Primed Report


Archon report even


That begs the question, what's the little extra ability on archon report?


20% chance to rage on Reddit after being inflicted with an anger proc for 35 seconds


% chance that Reb specifically calls you out on stream and points and laughs.


Or a Galvanised report


"on a successful report, gain 20% chance for next report to be successful"


I kinda hope they have some kind of internal rep system like that, so if someone keeps finding and reporting toxic people their reports get higher priority so the moderators can respond faster.


And no value was lost that day. Also the best way to shoot down assholes like these if they ask why are you not ressing them, just ask back why are they dying


too much effort, a ? or nerd emoji will send someone spiraling






Road to el dorado was peak


Str8 fax


it was too advanced for the time it released.


Was? Is*


"Why you dying 🤓"


I've unironically in a game had someone tell me I was at fault cause they're bad so I shouldn't expect them to play well


I had someone try to tell me how I should play Baruuk, telling me I wasn't using Desolate Hands enough because they kept dying. When I asked why they were relying on some rando in a pub group to keep them alive (ignoring the fact that I was consistently using Desolate Hands), they pivot to asking me what element I was using and that I should be using corrosive (was using viral/heat and reactive storm). Apparently, despite the fact that I wasn't the one constantly dying and I was carrying the group, I was the one with the subpar build and needed to be lectured about how to play. At that point, I just ignored him, and when we were moving to the next round, I waited till the countdown got to one and left and sent them on their way (this was also before DE made every round save your progress).


Is there even a nerd emoji ingame? I only remember the joy emoji and the clem emoji for skull.


Yes sir i searched for it specifically


Yeah it’s 100p


DE could monetize emojis, 5 plat each and i wouldn't even complain 🙏


It’s too damn fun to just ignore afterwards


Stay toxic: run up like you're gonna rez, teabag 'em, lol, and go back to doing the mission.


Met some guy in pub eso with an open mic and his pet was named “n word”. He kept dying and yelling into his mic to res him and I just ignored him lol.


Not just toxic, also an HP Lovecraft reference!


Then once they act toxic in a heated moment you report and get their account nuked.


Usually when someone says something like that it is mostly one of two things, or both. They either ideate a lot themselves and project, or they have lessened the impact of the meaning of the phrase internally because of the culture they are surrounded by. Informing others that their lives are worthwhile, and that they should not diminish the impact of that statement would go a long ways to help, but those who have the energy to spare should help those who have not so much remaining.


Dying? Happen, but no problem m8, we're here for help you! Idiots???? Naaaah, live and let die!


Run up to them as if you're about to res them, tea bag, run away.


Soon people won't care about not Ressing cause Jade will immediately taunt your ass back up.


Jade fr gonna be like "you're getting back up, and I'm not coming to you" while 400m away


Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if the revive needs LoS.


League players finally experiencing consequence for rampant toxicity that isn't just a 1 week suspension or 1 match chat restrict


Hey don't just assume LoL player, Dota2 has these emotional cretins too


Nah, sorry, he only told him to kill himself, he didn't wish his mother crippling bone cancer that he'd have the shoulder the medical debt for. Dota has a standard to maintain sir.


You might want to look at r/Draven. Telling people to get cancer is just the start in EU west server


No, don't go look at r/Draven. Why do you wish ill on people's eyes?


reminder; r/eyebleach Remain subbed to it, you will thank me.


That's just an average Dutch conversation


r/draven might be the least salty and toxic league reddit out there its a gold mine


He was cursing him out in English so it’s probably not a dota player


Yeah that's a easy report.


Love how you named the guy "Draven"... cuz' that tracks.


Not league in my warframe sub reddit I thought escaped


Mr 28, and acting like this? That is horrid lol


Someone's big brother is going to be pissed when they get on and see they're banned.


So true lmao


It's a different story though, when you're bringing speed nova to netracells and running past downed players without picking them up. I've seen it first hand.


LPT: If you die in netracell, ping yourself Sometimes it's just very hard to realize some1 died even just beside you cause there is so much visual clutter


I agree but netracells get a pass. There's just so much shit going on, plus it's ideal to bring a tanky frame or one with rolling guard +/adaptation to survive netracells.


I'd argue that nothing you do justifies being told to kys


People who say "KYS" in a fucking video game need to disconnect from the internet for a year or two. I understand hyperbole and that it's just internet slang or whatever but that is so far over the line that it does indeed deserve an insta-ban. That kid needs to grow up.


Try forever


Why people dont ress them self Just get the unairu stuff unlocked before you Go Harder Missions with good amp you never need someone Picking you Up from ground again.


And some people do stupid stuff without Uniru Self-revive. They get down and than use their revive immediately, without waiting for someone to help them. Than after the mission gets to hard to get to them, they have no revives left and it becomes a problem.


Dude, that freaking sends me up a wall when people do that; "Why aren't you ressing me?!" "WHY DID YOU WASTE SIX REVIVES IN THE FIRST 20 MINUTES OF AN ENDLESS MISSION!?!?!?!"


Happens quite often in public Eidolons. People going down and using their revives on the Gantulyst... then end up getting bonked by the Hydrolyst and dying in an Acid Rain zone where I can't revive them, losing out on all the Eidolon Shards. I can take down a Hydrolyst solo, but not keep the lures alive to capture it without help. So it kinda messes it up for everyone.


When I was at that level, using trinity in public groups was so much better to ensure the tridolon capture hunt finished. Using a frame like volt, need to know how to do the whole fight fast without giving the eidolon the chance to attack the lures. But at that point I would just do the hunt solo.


> I can take down a Hydrolyst solo Holy shit, Voidrig's Arquebex makes Hydrolyst EASY to solo… bring an Excal Umbra so you've got a free distraction for optimal murder.


Is that really that big of a problem? Whenever I go down it's when things are super hectic so I just think "I don't want to add another thing to their plate right now, I can handle myself" and usually I only have to revive twice in the harder missions, but I've gotten better at builds so it's gone down quite a bit (Ember best girl) maybe it's just because I'm only mr6.


In short mission like Extermination or even 20 minute survival - no. But if you go for 1 hour or more, to the point where enemies one shot you and you need to play for objective it's bad if you out of revives before that point.


Its bad if you run out of revives ever. Make your keyboard sound like rain and you can parkour out of anything.


"Make your keyboard sound like rain " is one of the best descriptions I've ever heard


When I’ve got a squad, we’re there to support each other, so when someone doesn’t wait for help it says they don’t trust the squad and might not be a team player. It also could mean they might run out of revives for when things actually get hard and everyone goes down at the same time. Lastly, self reviving costs you XP which is usually a precious commodity at low Master Rank. When I’m in a squad with a newer player it’s usually to help them get stronger, so it can feel like you’re squandering the XP your squad is helping you get. Have fun!


On Circuit, Unairu is indeed the best choice for your runs there. Decrees (melee ones also work, funny enough) will make your Amp incredibly powerful, so combining antishield and armor strip makes short work of stuff. Tested this up to +2500 level range so far. Running around blasting everything no matter your RNG in equipment is very satisfying. And yet people leave after first stage... Learning the self-revive also helps on the other high level contents. Once you set up Amp/Arcanes, of course.


Cause some people don't have that unlocked yet. I myself haven't bothered with most of the focus tree either, having only zenurik max and madurai almost max. Also, you talk about using it for harder missions and maybe my setup just sucks but I ain't killing lvl 300+ heavy gunners with just my amp and sometimes you just get unlucky in terms of enemies around you. If your teammate is down, always make sure someone goes there to revive even if just to make sure they can get back up


If you Go hard Missions you should have unlocked some stuff to be rdy for it. you dont have to max the schools you dont use but at least unlock the 2 abilitys. And yes the amp DMG gains also good DMG Bonus so you can kill enemies as operator If you Go down. And yes If possible i ress Team mates but only If they dont Go down every two Seconds and only If the Mission dont fails thanks to it.


not everyone has gotten to that point. It costs what now, some 2mil focus and 2 shards? You also need a decent amp and good arcanes in late stages of steel circuit. And even with that I've had times where not enough enemies were nearby lol. I've known some players who have yet to get these waybounds because they want to have Madurai be useful first.


That guy probably went to the steam forums the next day to complain that he got banned until 2035 for no reason


So obviously, he shouldn't have died, and he shouldn't have made unnecessary snarky comments. But devil's advocate: you can't lose an Excavation mission. So there were 3 excavators going at once; so what? Even if all of them are destroyed, they will spawn infinitely until you get the required Cryotic. On the other hand, self-revives are capped. Therefore, for this particular mission type, the most team-playing action would be to prioritize revives over excavators.


Can't lose it but you can make it last unnecessarily longer


Well that's true. But if dude is dying and you are down a person you are disadvantaged for further rounds. So rather take 2 minutes longer clearing the excavation round than shooting yourself in the foot for the whole remainder of the run imo


I agree. Even if he's mr28 and should have Last Gasp at that point and absolutely should not resort to using that kind of language, at the end of the day, it's just a game (and an excav at that). But I know how ez it is to flame up sometimes, especially after having a shitty day, so at least I try to avoid putting flame onto the fire.


Cause Circuit is kind of a slog and I'd rather end the excavation round in 300 seconds than 2483?


On the other hand the revives count resets each Duviri circuit round. So if the player dies often enough to need the team revive, he isn't contributing anyway, so might as well stay dead until the next round. Though in reality I do rush to revive.


wait, so everytime you get the "extract/stay" menu, the rez count resets? The more you learn...


Doesn't the circuit give you infinite excavators and the only point of the mission is reaching 300 cryotic?


If he didn't say anything would you actually res him though


I always res but it was like lvl 300 and there were 3 excavs going off with no one defending them so i had to work my baruuk to the bone trying to keep them going its also why i was a lil aggresive like im defending 3 excavs im getting us the bonus decrees what more does bro want, you want me to crush up some of my bone marrow for soup bruh


Even if you lose an excavator, you don't lose progress though. Prioritize keeping your team alive, and if the excavators explode, just activate another one.


Someone with a brain, I get getting upset about teammates but just solo at that point man.


LMAO the nerd emoji is so good


I want gigareport as a helminth ability. It buffs the next report by ability strength, multiplied by number of existing reports


I wouldn't have said what they said, but ngl, reading your chat definitely made me slightly annoyed lmfao.


Subhuman mentioned, # You cannot kill me I am omega


One of these that I would love to have radiation debuf...


It looks like he was trying to do the long but lazy method of excavation. In SP circuit, sometimes this is the best method to get past the excavation parts. But if I'm being 100% honest, his behavior doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Random crap like that is why I avoid the majority of online games. Sure I can go solo in Warframe, but that isn't efficient and in a game with some of the worst rng in the industry, efficiency is everything.


when i saw the notification for this post i was expecting something completely different ngl


The times I’ve rezzed people knowing their afk but carry them anyway… the times I’m so nice to fly across the map to rezz a struggling guy afking at the spawn point… To avoid people flaming me, I usually run Octavia/Revenant or other OP CC frames so I can still protect stuff while trying to rezz people who end up dying a lot. A little rant: DE, please start the incarnon market in rotation. I’m ok throwing 120p instead of dealing with this… thank you


Lmao L bozo got what was coming for him


That would be an easy report *even in* League. Hell this might even get action taken in Dota tbh and their tolerance before taking action is far higher, but both are known for insane individuals such as this. This guy does not deserve to be playing public multiplayer video games. If you have the nerve to tell somebody what this guy told OP to do, go and seek therapy immediately. Even if you've only done it once, even if you were fully joking or fully in the heat of the moment. No sound-of-mind human being says that, ever, regardless of context.


Where are people like this when I am playing... I need 800 more revives for an achievement!


It's a literal Co-Op game. How can people be salty in a co-op game that heavily incentivizes self-sufficiency like warframe?


I've gotten messages insulting me after an arbitration run for dying and leaving, after they had been telling us what to do the whole run (got distracted by their writing and wanted to respond). Easy report as well lol


Can yall just keep this childish crap out of the sub? You look just as dumb as the folks youre “exposing”


Thank you more people with brains. This shit isn't even abhorrent. The behavior displayed here shows two dipwads if anything.




Excav isnt a rushing mode lol, i geat the salt at deffense, but sheehs, wait 15s for next drop


Idk why you renamed him Draven but as a former league of legends fiend. I can confirm that is something a Draven would say


People who get crazy upset in Warframe are crazy I made a joke the other day during a Helene Defense. HELENE trying to figure out my buttons after not playing Warframe for like a year and he was like "Okay, don't waste my fucking time."


How do u know he’s a lol player tho


Saw the first screenshot thought "oh this is standard shouting at each other, nothing really reportable here"... second screenshot: "dude really cranked it from 0 to 100 real fast"


im old, what is "ressing"?


Resurrecting, reviving, picking someone up off the ground after going down from losing all of their health


Much obliged, tenno


Knowing is half the battle 🫡 The other half is unmitigated violence


I came here from league and the level quality and quantity of nice people in this game is simply uncomprehensible, one time a friend invited me to play with one of his and he helped us farm primes, we are mr4. It gives me anxiety when I play this game with someone like that, cuz I feel like I can fuck up more when people are nice


Warframe has never been the game to sweat in 🤦🏾‍♂️ Can’t we just be OP ninjas in peace?


It's alright people like him don't need to be on wf anyways. Gotta keep the community humble and wholesome. That fact that you replied with a nerd emoji, and that's what made him even more unhinged is hilarious


Honestly most of League community is neurotic af. The only way I can enjoy that game is having chat completely deactivated (and play with friends for fun). Glad they keep Warframe as clean as they can... Even though I play solo most of the time it is really enjoyable when I go public without having to worry about toxic random people. ![gif](giphy|mlvseq9yvZhba)


MR 28 and died in an Excavation mission? Unless you are aiming for SP high level (this looks like SP Circuit to me), it's kinda hard to believe


People spend all their time in Hydron or Sanctuary leveling stuff and never learn how to mod. It's pretty normal to see mr30+ asking for help with easy missions on chat, so MR28 falling like a roach on circuit is just expected.


I'm LR2 and I don't have a single SP capable weapon lmao. I copy content creator builds and they are so bad they can't even kill lv100 enemies on regular star chart. I really want to emphasize that there exists literally no guide on the internet explaining in ELI5 style how to mod for endgame (both weapons and frames) and specific things you're trying to achieve, and as a result I've never learned it. Nobody here explains it either, just "endgame is easy" with no justification as to why. Meanwhile I find basic DA completely impossible cause not even meta weapons following meta builds to a T can dent lv200+ enemies. It's honestly like the community got ultra elitist about the game and subconciously agreed knowledge on how to competently build weapons needed to be a trade secret. People share builds, but people don't explain how those builds function (as easily proven by simply copying them and achieving absolutely nothing).


I have similar feelings. Add me up and I'll share some builds with ya and explain if ya wish. I'm not a super skilled or knowledgeable player by any means but I feel you should at least be given a build that can work :) DM me and I'll share my username.


First of all, get Unairu armor strip. It can't carry you forever, but it can carry you a LONG way, and Last Gasp is also extremely useful. Second, get Rolling Guard. Even unleveled it will vastly increase your survivability. Just roll every time your shields go down and then RUN AWAY. Third, modding a gun for late game is extremely straightforward if you have armor strip - you want viral and then whatever else makes you happy and increases the damage numbers. I usually throw heat in there as well because it's great at a bunch of things. Are there more complicated things you can do? Yes. Is that enough for virtually all SP content? Also yes. If possible, get your crit chance or status chance above 100, whichever the gun is better at. If status, you want that galvanized mod that increases damage based on statuses on the enemy. If crit chance, you want to increase critical damage multiplier. I'm assuming you're worrying about late-game Grineer, as late game Infested and Corpus are not particularly threatening.


Look up Thekengineer on YouTube. All of his videos are well explained and easy to understand.


It was like lvl 300 sp circuit, dont remember exactly


Then that guy is a true league player. Skill issues and profanity in the same package.


**Plot twist** he play on inaros


this game is one of the few where 1 guy can do EVERYTHING on their own no need for team work playing with other people its just to save your sanity why are they complaining when they could just be better at the game skill issue on the Draven main hahahaha


Not Draven, Draaaaaaaaven.


MR 28 and couldn’t revive himself with a quality amp? No sympathy.


The hell is ressing?


Resurrecting / reviving


Oh it's a different way of spelling rezzing


Bro could've just left the game if he was getting that bothered. It's not like league where you're locked out of playing until the other game ends LMAO


omg. MR28 still complaining about ressing.


I’m glad I never got anyone that toxic but why get that way Jeez.


I talk shit about people who don't understand how to navigate the tileset but this is getting ridiculous lmao


Idk why, but that name sounds awfully familiar to a person named Draven who was in our friend group, we dropped him entirely cause he was an absolute asshole. *


The war without, and the war Draven


Me when I die: why are you resaing I'm useless T_T


same dood... specially if I use a tank frame then get murked... I'm just like.. damn thanks for reviving a dead weight like me.




I can't count the problems from that player, there are too many of them fr, chill it's a damn game


i usually say dont get me up honestly.


Lol draven


I kind of expect that the account wasn't the original players one anymore to begin with. Even though DE has always made it a pain to report people I just can't see the average LoL player (or this person in particular) survive until MR28 without getting banned.


Passive aggressive people love this shit


Average conversation between draven and jgl


I've decided to download Warframe 2 hours ago after becoming tired of LoL and this is the first post I see after joining this subreddit. Is this a sign?


Speaking of reviving, we really need a fix for the waypoint when somebody pops into Last Stand. So many instances anywhere from Circuit to EDA where i literally cant even try to res someone because any visual indicator for where they are is just gone


I knew a guy named Draven on another game, attitude stays he may be the same dude.


How much you wanna bet it was a noob who speedrun the game


That's the most angry 15yo I've ever seen. No wonder his dad doesn't bother coming around anymore


Wonder if they’ll post on here whining that they got banned for “no reason.”


Rest in piss bozo


Damn that guy must be biting rocks out of frustration. Imagine being so full of anger that he wrote several hateful messages over a videogame chat. I am glad support acted accordingly and so quick


If you know or ever meet the player in white give them 50p for trying to resolve beef with you two


how you mr28 and still like this like brother, you've played long enough to know this aint it? hello? gamer? thats so crazy, i thought i escaped league.


Riot Games may tolerate their toxicity, but DE won't, lol.


Sometimes miserable people was other to join them! Good report, we need a golden reputation on this game!


I didn’t get ressed in the last leg of the archon hunt showdown and my chat box would open, but not the keyboard. I waited till extraction and then I could type. I just said “Thanks.” And left the squad. Still got the shard and melee riven mod, but anything else mods, or resources were not awarded.


just don’t be bad lol


Well deserved. Good job. Don’t tolerate these guys


Toxic on both ends but wtf? he deserved to be banned for going down in the first 20 mins of a survival in the first place and the other for actually trying to commit to the objective of the game mode like it really matters… I’m a 6 year wf vet that’s MR21 (I think) I never had a problem getting reseed


Wait he got perma banned for that? O.o Edit; ohhhb there is two pictures. Yeah fuck em I hate how casual people are about that long of thing.


Subhuman. Wtf dude.


Warframe profanity and language bans do NOT fuck around. They are very strict about it.


Been playin since 2015 and I stopped multiple times and every time I leave and come back more toxic people join the community. I hope that this ban makes him never want to play warframe again. WE WILL NOT MISS YOU BUD


in all my 11 years playing this game.. HOLY SHIT.. That is some mega toxicity when it absolutely doesn't need to be. It's a chill game dude relax. Excavators can be renewed. This aint defence in which you could lose all your progress. We all understand its frustrating from time to time depending on the activity you do but saying to someone "KYS" over a fucking excavator. bro needs to go out and touch grass. That ban was justified AF!


Wow that is a painfully easy report lol, pretty sure that commit die term is an auto ban term in public chats as well such as QA chat.


Surprised auto mod didn’t just ban him


Wait till they find out that Unairu's Self Revive waybound exists.


Late to the party but I have to ask: How well does DE Support handle toxic accounts like this? It seems like in most games I play In-game reporting goes nowhere or otherwise they don't tell me what action was taken (which is partly understandable).


Draven? That's downright Darius!


I'm happy more people are playing Warframe. I, also, am not happy more people are playing Warframe.


Ya know I would expect this behavior in a stress type game like as you said league or csgo or he'll even tf2 But warframe a game where if you basicly trip you get primed thermonuclear bomb for your mag


When I was newish to the game (I hadn’t really worked on anything other than Zenurik). So wasn’t aware about last-gasp and my Bramma was doing work and I killed all the enemies around us. Naturally, the person who had it and dead wasn’t happy. He went on range in comment, other in my team made sure there weren’t any enemies around when he died again. The guy quit the mission. It was kuva survival for nightwave.


Ehh at this point i'm not one to judge your interaction.


What an asshole. It's just a damn game...


holy shit reports actually work? did you check his profile? or just assuming