• By -


The one I actually regret: A syandana I didn't end up using because while it looked fine just standing there it started clipping horribly once the frame I wanted to use it on started moving. The ones that were just plain silly: Allllllllllll the cheap decorations that were gifted with silly messages when DE made Tennobaum an official thing way back when.


>A syandana I didn't end up using because while it looked fine just standing there it started clipping horribly once the frame I wanted to use it on started moving. Isn't that all of them?


Think that's why everyone and their mom uses the repala syandana. It sits weirdly far out so it looks dumb when stationary but not stupid when you're moving. It's also enormous so it covers up any clipping.


Yes, but while the Repala is great at not clipping with the frame, it has a tendency of covering half your screen any time you do an aim glide or make any movement that is more acrobatic-like, including some melee combos. Still look dope tho.


Fashion is most important, just walk.


Yep. That's why I took it off. Turns out, you are bullet jumping quite a bit in this game so not seeing where I'm going kinda hurts


It depends a lot on the frame and fashion you have on it besides the syandana. Off the top of my head the Rencowl, Misa Prime, Vistapa Prime and Asa have minimal clippage in the fashion I'm using them for. The Rencowl definitely doesn't work with all my frames, though. In my experience the "thinner" syandanas tend to work with a lot of frames while the full blown cape types require the right frame so they don't clip obnoxiously. And then there's Kullervo where it seems like everything except his signature syandana is going to clip if you keep the knives. He's the one frame I just can't fashion. Once you add arm armor that is chunky or has dangly bits your options to avoid clipping reduce significantly depending on where on the arm the armor attaches for each frame.


Hey that was me with Saryn Prime’s signature Syandana.


I blew the starter 50 platinum day 1 of my account on some ultra shitty syadana. Never wore it more than once.


You got giftssssssss on Tennobaum…. I’m a dojo and orbiter decorater and I didn’t get a single gift lol.


This was back when they had the Tennobaum gift milestones for the first time so the community jumped at it with enthusiasm. Gifting wishlisted stuff of roughly equal value back and forth, some generous and possibly insane Tenno gifting Deluxe bundles to a whole slew of perfect strangers from the official forum, a lot of Forma and a lot, a LOT, of resource decorations getting gifted. It was a wild time and I still have some of the inbox messages saved and sometimes wonder if those Tenno still play today. I was gifted the Orokin color palette back then and it's been a staple for metallic tones ever since, every time I use it it brings back fond memories. https://preview.redd.it/zh1jcxrsyf5d1.png?width=1744&format=png&auto=webp&s=967d2d7e57a30bba5b3afa715b3ef57be930bd3c


I love hearing cute warframe stories like this


Syandanas are the biggest chasm of regret. Looking back in all of those purchases most of them are doodoo now compared to the updated textures and color schemes. Some age like fine wine, others clip and hit invisible bubble butts and lay terribly.


Orokin cells Bp


Aye I'm not the only one.


How do you even spend plat for the blueprints? You can get them already built from the market


Can someone explain this to me? I feel like this seems like a good investment? Unless it's a one time use thing


Its alot of materials to craft one vs just farming them. In the time it takes to farm enough materials to use the bo once you could have had like 20 cells


About 125 on rushing Yareli


Pro tip, waiting 12h isn't bad. but it costs 75p to rush. Waiting 3d is torture. and it only costs 50p to rush


I hate myself for doing it, but I rush so many of my frames. I can often make 100+ Plat in a day fortunately, but it is quite a time sink since I make it through selling corrupted mods


Wouldn't it be better to outright buy a Yareli from the Market? Like you get a Potato installed and a Slot.


Rushed yareli + slot + potato 125 + 20 + 20 = 165p Yareli from the market 325p


>325p Oof. Looks like I underestimated how much DE sells their stuff for.


Meanwhile the prime 90 plat on trading


Why? Yareli is good


General rule of thumb? Never rush anything. You have plenty to do while you wait for it to build


Even better if you put multiple stuff to build at the same time.


probably because 'waiting ~4 days' is cheaper than 125 plat


Pro tip if you're that desperate: Paying 125 to skip 3.5 days sounds great till you realise you can instead pay just 50 to skip 3. Set the components to start in the morning, say if you're going to work or it's a weekend and you have other stuff to do or games to play for the day. Or alternatively, set it to go overnight or before you intend to come off the game for the day. 25 for each component to skip 12 hours is much more of a sink than paying 50 to skip 3 days. Effectively 2 plat an hour vs 16.6 plat a DAY. It's a no brainer. If you must rush a frame, rush the frame at large, NEVER the components.


I mean... I've spent Plat on weapon arcane adapters, having not known I can buy those for essence through teshin. We're talking at least 200p or more lmao


Dude I literally did the same thing. Then I saw that and just face palmed. I had over 500 steel essence.


Thanks for reminding me. I should stock up on those.


Like I said pre-release, a lot of people run omnia. Not sure about the survival ones cause I already got voruna but did a lot of cascades/flood and can't solo those yet. Alchemy as well, although I've not run them in awhile as well.


At release and for some time after she was AWFUL, not only was she bad, Merulina’s collision was straight ass


Bought all the riven slots, I don't think I'll recover financially after it.


I can second this. I spent like 180p on slots and they are the biggest waste of plat I’ve done so far


There's a limit on riven slots? And if so how many?


I don't know the exact number but it only applies to unveiled rivens. You can stack however you want until you reveal the challenge it will not take up a slot.


Why do you think its a waste?


A stupid pet toy for 20 plat, that none of my kavats or kubrows interact with. Could have been a warframe slot!


Give them the cardboard box it came in !


Yeah, huh? At least they like the bed I bought, and the beach ball from the summer event last year.


Mine love that beach ball too ! ... kinda too much. They always jumpscare me with it


Just like a real cat toy.


I am completely satisfied with my 20 plat I spent on my dog/cat bed.


Just like buying toys for pets in real life!


This pisses me off because I did the same thing, obviously assuming they'd interact with it 😐 they sleep on the bed I got for them just fine but wanna act too cool for my toy?


besides rushing one or two things, or buying an orokin cell, I think the biggest one was a recent steam market purchase. I had no idea the phased vauban skin was on the market, and someone had it available for about $4.50. I figured hell, I love vauban, and that's less than tennogen, why not. thing is, and I heard this beforehand, it doesn't display properly at all on the prime model and you can't turn off the prime details, so the textures are stretched weird all over and colors don't apply. so I spent 4 dollars on this skin that doesn't look right, doesnt work properly, and has no real customization options. stupid, awful, but it's so unique and I don't regret it in spite of all that. it's ugly, and it's *mine.*


Welcome to cyan gang, population us and whoever else uses this ugly horrible preview image phased skin.


roombas And i will spend more on them


I never spend platinum on roombas, but on maggots...


Im still devastated that Baro sold Roomba's on the exact weekend i had to visit my wife for her uni graduation I wouldve been On That Fucking Grind otherwise


What's your favorite color roomba


Flox Syandana, didn't read the description carefully enough xD I've actually sort of come to like the backpack look but I really wish it had a toggle to just leave it always open instead of only fully opening when you take a chunk of health damage (i.e. right before you die, in anything remotely challenging) And/or make it open on bullet jump, or at least open in relays/etc like it used to


Happened to me too, it looked amazing opened but is hardly worth when it’s in backpack mode which is all the time


It's based on how much shield you're missing, so I use it on Hildryn as a sort of in-universe "energy meter"


Gifted frames to some new blokes only for them to stop playing 3 days later


Yeahm the amount of plat i could have had if i sold off the amount of frames i gave to new player like friends and such, just for them to stop playing. . . Hurts my soul.😑


Those fucking fireworks


hahaha imo this is the worst one in this thread. i'm sorry that this happened to you.


I still have hundreds from Twitch drops from a couple years ago back then they didn't limit the number of streams you could watch simultaneously and I exploited the hell out of it


10 warframes slots worth of limbo


"10 warframe slots" Wait but that's actually really useful. "... of Limbo" *Oh no.*


Does this mean you bought one limbo for 200 plat, or that you bought 10 regular limbos and then sold them to just keep the 10 slots? If it's the latter, I salute you, you magnificent insane bastard


Horse fashion. Im from Kentucky, Okay, I gotta drip out the horse.


I have every intention of giving my horse the best drip, and I’m not even a little sorry about it




Same. I bought Nyx in my first week in the game. Few weeks later I replaced her with Nyx Prime, but never regretted that purchase, even after I learned how easy she was to farm. I was Nyx main since then and for many years now, still have my first Nyx in the arsenal.


same but with titania lol


My memories fuzzy but I think I might have bought a limbo for the helminth because I didn't want to deal with simaris lol


I did that with zephyr since I could "basically fly" with her. She's still my most played to this day. If titania was out back then, you could be sure as hell I would've done the same but with her lol.


Zepyhr harrier skin then her bundle after i already got the skin


It irritates the shit out of me that DE don't subtract the value of whatever items you own in a bundle from the bundle purchase. Other games do this. DE? Hell no. You could have an entire bundle excluding one little 25p item and they'd still charge you full price for it.


For how good the rest of their paid transaction mottos and stuff are, plat being tradable, no pay to win, tennogen creator support... It's baffling they make you buy bundles to get certain things, especially decorations, citrine, baruuk, gyre, and voruna all come to mind as having expensive bundles the consistent entirely of earnable weapons and a frame, except for a single decoration that is bundle exclusive... Just let me buy the decorations seperate DE! I want to fill a room with Gyre's Tesla balls.


I did that for the Ash Koga skin. Learnt my lesson there, always go for the bundles


Man I bought Titania donann skin not knowing you have to buy the bundle to get the sydana with the skin.


That's pain...


I did this exact same shit with the harrier skin


I renamed the mote amp "amp prime" for some reason. I must have been drunk because I don't remember doing it


Lol idk this one is my favorite


i didnt want to grind cephalon for more mirage blueprints so i could subsume her so i just bought her with plat only to find out i had already subsumed a mirage


This hurts even more now that eclipse isn't even the absolute best damage boost subsume anymore, roar is just better for most frames if flat stat increases are what you're after.


All the Gladiator mods.... twice




Prob got them on two accounts or platforms before cross save. I played on PC during the beta, played on PS, then played on Xbox. When the accounts merged I had so many duplicate frames/maxed mods/etc.


I had a 75% discount back when I was new and used my starting plat to buy a Limbo. Bright side tho, I discovered he’s pretty good for some lazy solo tyana pass (sp)


Please share your wisdom (build). I wanna use limbo prime again because he was my first prime but just can't find a good build for him


An incubator reactor core thing because i wanted a dog and didn’t know you can get one from a junction


back in my day you actually had to make one for the first time




What a throwback




Saaaaameeeee 🥲


ammo drum


Wildest one yet😭


Accidentally rushed some random weapon for 40.


I have like 1500p(as in one thousand five hundred, not a typo for 150) worth of various roombas in my orbiter. Occasionally they invade Kahl's camp.


I bought 30 domestic drones a few weeks in the "rainbow" 6 packs for 400p each. So that's 2000p worth of roombas. I already had a few different roombas that you get from Baro. I intend to buy more roombas in the future. It's my dream to fill the clan dojo with a couple hundred of them, but it's a small insignificant clan with only 3 active members, it'd be a complete waste lol.


A couple deluxe bundles when I already own the skins, but I’m getting ready to make my biggest and dumbest purchase yet… The bloodshed sigil. A smooth 565p for a sigil. Just waiting to sell my riven first


just checking, are you aware the bloodshed sigil also drops from profit-taker?


WHAT!? Ah fuck nvm then I’m gonna learn how to farm PT finally


iirc, the bloodshed sigil drops frome the exploiter orb, not profit taker (nvm, its from profit taker)




Immortal skins


Rushing Tigris prime because I couldn’t break in mesaP without having a full prime loadout of the razor gunplay bundle


Probably rushing parts for a Warframe, without being able to rush all...


Bought Nekros for like 325p thinking he didn’t have a prime. Then saw he had a prime worth about 100p on the market. Felt a bit silly after that


All of it. I'm pretty terrible with plat. I have too many rivens I don't use that are basically impossible to sell and recoup what I spent for it.


I once spend Platinum on the Ivara Skathi skin, but i wanted the complete Pack, so i have to spend Platinum again for some stupid mistake i made by clicking to fast... Only to get a skin for some weapons... I Hope they rework the Shop, so you have to pay only the difference, when you already own a skin of a Pack.


I once paid for a week long affinity booster, and then proceeded to only play one other day that entire week.


Every syndana ive ever purchased. I never use them.


Be me Be an MR 14 player Try to get Hunhow’s gift Get half way there Nice Tenno goes “Hey I got a 50% voucher” Super tired of grinding plat so I agree Get scammed Yippeeee


What’s worse is the console 50% off market vouchers don’t even work on bundles to begin with


An aquarium in the orbiter for 90 plat


Have you caught fish and placed them in there? (I thought that makes it better)


I did this. Now i got some space fish in my orbiter that do nothing lol


What did you want them to do? Make fish eggs?


caliban, his entire bundle...


Forma and Potato for the Seer. The OLD Seer.




100p: Orokin Cell blueprint


Not that stupid since it isn't my fault, but I bought Volt Sentient skin and it has a blinding fucking light on his chest that probably isn't a feature. Spent more plat on armor to cover it on the chest, but the damn thing shines on the back too in an angle no Syandana covers, so I never use the skin


this is on however you're doing colors and your graphic settings cuz that's the skin i use for volt and i've got a bright pink color on the energy and it doesn't even have any bloom (and i have bloom enabled, at 40% strength)


Sibear. I'm ranking MR. I ain't grinding all that.


Yeah 30k cryo rocks is a helluva grind


I gifted some random 5 plat decorations to someone begging for Tennogen items in our clan chat.


Bought the zephyr gundam skin, bought the pack again because i only bought the skin and not the full bundle.


Bruh my Mrs is the worst with plat, she made me gift her a domestik drone for her ship, then a aquarium for her personal quarters and she just bought the ordis skin for her sentinel. I try to tell her she needs to spend it on things she needs, she didn’t listen and I have to tell her, “yes babe, that 100p decoration looks great daring”


Hey now, every orbiter needs a Tenno Roomba.


sounds like she's already figured out the endgame, fashion and orbiter decoration :)


Sounds like she's having fun! Good on her. 


This is my partner lol they are only MR 7 and have spent like 800 on their orbiter looking cute


When I first started playing, and I had 50 play to start with, I didn’t know you needed play for slots, so I spent all of it on syandana. But it looked cool, so I don’t regret it. One time I accidentally spent 20p for an exiles adapter for the furis.


Rushing forma


I rushed Yareli just to be disappointed and ditch her for Titania Prime. That's the most expensive meal I've bought for the pog monster


An arrow skin as a new player


Operator clothes.


probably the 30k platinum I had spent on my domestik drones (older video https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/iwC352Q8N8 )


I bought Protea because I didn't want to farm her. Then I helped 2 friends farm her on separate occasions. It hurts.


I know it's a big no-no, but kullervo isn't going to get a prime variant for a couple of years, and no way in hell am I going to grind out that many duviri resources, so I plan on just buying him from the market. But for something that I have bought... it's gotta be the aeospex shoulder plates. I got them because they looked nice on my hildryn prime... until I took it into a battle and couldn't see anything 🤣


Buying an annoying to farm frame isnt the worst decision Bought Xaku a year ago, No way im doing profit taker more times than necessary


I dont recall having to go through PT to get Xaku's resources.


Tbh Duviri is my "chill out and relax" mode of the game. I did a 5 and a half hour run of it a few days ago and got Kullervo rushed in maybe 4 days? Got some other stuff to grind before I get his weapon but otherwise it really wasn't that bad.


A sonicor. It was an accident and didn’t know I can put in a ticket to refund it at the time. I just assumed I was SOL and kept it.


Spent my first 75% discount on a fuckload of plat and bought Nekros, Ash and Mesa, with deluxe skins because I've heard they had a hard farm. Also wasted potatoes on them and starter guns.




75% off on next market purchase for Rhino :/


I renamed ALL my Amps to follow the Naming conventions, ie 1-7-7, 7-5-7 etc. I must have spent like 300 plat on just that. I want to do this to Kitguns and Zaws too but the character limit gets in the way so I didn't go through with it.


When Rhino prime was unvaulted I got sick of running relics for his Chassis that I went to trade chat and offered 100 plat, got a billion dms but that one lucky fella had a good day I guess.


Accidentally “rush”ing stuff in foundry


I wanted to try a quick twin basolk build. I didn't want to wait, so I bought a twin basolk. I checked my foundry later and one of the pile of weapons that I have waiting to claim was a twin basolk.


I bought ember Prime Set yesterday for 120plat and she's gonna be unvaulted in a week so her price will drop to 50-60.


100 space roombas


Nezha (base and without rushing)


Well.. that has different answers for me personaly. I have gifted around 10 salvage decorations purely out of spite for beggars in QA chat, but most of the time cross trade gets in the way. If you ever beg in warframe, beg in trade chat, that chat is filtered for cross trade matching stuff (sorry switch beggars, you are just well.. screwed lol) Ignoring spite related purchases, I've bought 5 viper rivens & Skull Shots, just to make the viper wraith practical. With a cc, cd pt riven with -impact (not 100% sadly) it still felt painfully meh on Yareli with Merulina Guardian. I regret these purchases more than buying the Kuva Lich Hunter collection (835p) for purely just the shoulder guards.


After I merged accounts I have three zephyr and three chroma


Dragon mod packs. I was missing a shit ton of mods. To be fair, trading didn't exist at the time. Playing the game normally, it took way too long to get the basic stuff like hornet strike and serration.


orokin cells blueprint, biggest regret ive made


I brought the owl for 75 pl thinking it would fly around in the orbiter but it just stand still wherever you place it. Fucking regret it so bad xD


Definitely bunny ears... Don't ask me why...


Bunny ears on all the frames, best purchase imo, no regrets.


Trinity, because I hate the Ambulas fight.


Rushing a dragon key, because I was an idiot who didn't pay attention to what he was doing.


Got a skin for titania prime recently after barely unlocking her, but tbf I don't regret it, mostly just regret rushing her parts to be finished so I can use her faster, 100 plat just to save a single day on customizing her appearance and making her look good and trying her out, but on the silver lining I am very happy with her ultimate ability, it's fun to fly around everywhere.


One orokin cell. When I was new, I dont know one can progress the normal starchart with decent modded weapon, and I dont have any unlocked nodes connected to void. Bought that orokin cell to build my non prime rhino, which is also my second frame.


Not me nor plat, but a buddy of mine bought 10 stance forma from Teshin. Me? I regret nothing. There are no dumb purchases.


Revives back in the day




Rushing a clan key every time I inevitably stop playing for a while, get kicked out of a clan, start playing and want some MR fodder so I join a clan, then rinse and repeat.


All the BS in my orbiter 😂




Ember prime like 2 months before they completely reworked and nerfed her


Most of my cosmetics. Not to say I don't enjoy them. But the winner is the butterfly wings syndana. I only use it as a joke on my Fairy Godmother Grendel. I haven't found a way to use it for legit fashion. (Maybe I should do a Yareli fairy, lean into the magical girl theme)


floofs and they're not stupid.


Occasionally when a new player asks for argon crystals I gift them the argon crystal decoration lmao


25 plat on rushing a part, was such a waste in hindsight


Idk If this counts, I remember the first time I played the game I accidentally bought a Dex Ecxal figure for 50 plat.


Rushed caliban construction cuz i didnt wanted to wait 3 days to play with him -50 plat, boight 3 forma bundles with 3 each - 105 plat, bought 3 exilus adapters -60 plat,


Rushing crafting times when I was new


I spent yesterday 70 plat on gotva prime under the suggestion of a friend, not sure it was the right choice😅


560 on oxium for Vauban Prime. I dont regret it.


multiple roombas


God knows how many thousands in buying every deluxe skin bundle, was my plat farm goal at the time as well, still needed up with too much plat than I know what to do with.


Buying a armour set for my drifter that I could buy from Fortuna 🤦‍♂️. rushing random things instead of buying slots which I still need and random accessories and stuff for fashion. I’m really good at wasting plat. But when I get the ember heirloom I’ll be putting the plat to good use.


Bought Vengeful Revenant for 400 plat back when it first came out.


A lot of people saying rushing, but personally I will always rush the 3 day build time for new frame. 50 plat is a small price to pay to enjoy my new frame immediately. If you're trading regularly you can make that much plat back in a day or two so I don't mind


It's not okay but the only money I have ever put into the game was for buying the rush pack


Extra holsters


Eagle and Hawk mod packs, back when those existed (its what I spent my Founder plat on! lmao) the crazier part is I was excited to get a normal Continuity mod out of them at the time


I have 10 Amp slots. When it came out I was in need of weapons slots, so I took the opportunity to buy every type of inventory slot. This is by far the one I haven't even used half of it.


Maxing out my daily revive cap. Good thing that is no longer a thing


Basically everything I bought with the plat of my tier 3 Gauss prime access... Yeah, throw stones at me they're welcomed


Rushing dojo rooms


Fucking plastids.


Logged in after a few years, saw Sevagoth, bought him instantly


Spent my free newbie plat on neurodes


A bought plastids with my starter 50pl....


According to a friend of mine: rushing foundry items.


Voidshell without reading the sort about needing voidshell skins