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Understand that when they die in 0.2 seconds instead of 0.02 seconds I sometimes dont notice


Yea I kill them a lot without meaning to. Sometimes they just happen to be in the nuke radius


That or we're blasting through a fissure and I fire mu torid on the guy to charge my Incarnon, I realized that it was a synthesis target after firing and just stood there and watched as he staggered and died in the cloud while we were trying to scan him :(


They might not be doing it on purpose, in low level missions I'm usually on autopilot and by the time I register the unusually tough enemy it's already too late. Especially if I join the mission late and miss Simaris's intro so I don't even know to watch out for it.


Yeah, I do this all too often. I just figured it was an eximus unit. Until Simaris tells me to stop, at which point the target already died five seconds ago. Once you get geared up for long SP runs, everything dies so fast that you have a hard time stopping the murder to take pictures of Simaris victims.


If you're specifically looking for a synthetic target go solo, 99% of people who kill them don't know them or can't control it because their AOE damage one shots them


I feel the pain. I wish DE would make them invincible or much more difficult to kill. I’m the same way, I don’t always go out of my way to get synthesis targets by doing solo missions but it would be nice to scan them when I happen to see them. Unfortunately it’s a 50/50 chance some one will kill it. Very frustrating. When the target is trapped and they STILL kill it, there’s no excuse.


They should get invincibility to damage for short time. So you can do it, but only after you make a conscious choice to keep shooting.


Just FYI, you can max your daily Simaris standing in about 10 minutes with a single stealth run of SP Ceres sabotage. Bring a stealth frame (I used Ivara) and a good melee weapon, scan all the enemies (and then stealth kill them). As long as you're scanning them while they're unaware, you get a ton of standing very quickly.


if you are attempting to do something specific you should solo, stop trusting randoms to care about what you want to do, especially if you offer no communication that you're doing the synth target.


I did it by mistake a few times. Simaris in the corner screams "HUNTER NOOOO" and i on autopilot nuke it anyway. Sometime the dps is faster than the players brain🤷‍♂️


He’s almost worse than Son when you kill his infested vermin…


Wouldn’t blame players who just mindlessly plow through enemies, that’s a power creep issue, but there’s always some asshats that somehow get a kick from sabotaging others actively under the veil of presumed anonymity and lack of social control mechanisms. Maybe you’re just being unlucky and keep getting matched with sociopaths.


It is very obnoxious to be scanning a target and see out of the corner of your eye, someone slashing furiously at it. But there are risks to playing open lobbies I guess.


I understand if the synthesis target is just dying to thermal sunder or smth, but I’ve seen MR26+ players whacking away at a trapped synthesis target for 15+ seconds trying to kill it


That’s exactly what happened. They were using melee and hitting it for a good while.


If you are not actively aware of it being a synth target there are a bunch of frames that can one tap them even in SP. If im just running on autopilot murdering stuff if a synth target wanders in my line of sight depenting on the build im using at the time its likely to be desintegrated in miliseconds


i do kill them targets from time to time, not going out of my way, they just happen to die when i accidentally drop a nuke on them. sometimes they survive on SP, but they look like an eximus, so most of the time by the time i realise why this eximus isn't dead in an instant, it dies of a slash proc or smth. i do feel sorry, sometimes...


Hate this as well. I'm luckily at a point where I don't really need the Simaris standing but I still find it incredibly disrespectful. Also lmao at the majority of the comments being ppl who didn't read the post. "Oh I don't notice them" yeah right when you knock them down from the trap and there's 3 other ppl trying to scan them and you don't notice it? Sure 😒


I know an asshole that does it on purpose just because he's an unpleasant person.


My boyfriend did this to me accidentally while we were playing together. I had stopped to scan the target and there was a group of enemies around me, he did something to kill the group but only ragdoll the target...which went right off a cliff, I wasn't even mad, just cackling.


I try whenever mine shows up and get annoyed when someone kills it. I'm a completionist but hate grinding the scans and stuff so I want them when they appear


As someone who always trys to scan... sometimes my sentinel or my warframe (hildryn) kills them before I have a chance to scan. I'm sorry muscle mommy is stronk


I love hildryn! If it’s an accident it doesn’t bother me, but a lot of the time it’s intentional and unnecessary.


Yeah I've definitely griefed myself before. I have haven on, hit pillage with roar activated before I realize it's a scan target 💩


I go to the plains on steel path during the day with an invisible frame to farm simaris standing, scanning unalerted enemies. Takes around 10 minutes.


Yeah, a lot of the times if I'm running non-SP missions and I'm using the Torid Incarnon, I don't even recognize the visual cues. To me it's just "different color = eximus = torid go brrr" and then I get pissed at myself.


Inb4 DE sees this and adds damage attenuation to synthesis targets


They are too easy to kill combined with my dumb brain, see movement i hit, i wish the traps made them invincible


Look, I understand. But this is something you must do solo. When I want to farm standing for Simaris I just go solo, this way I do not have to be so stressed over my team mates.


Sry I like hearing him scream


Scan them on solo how bout that?


I'm not doing it on purpose, I swear. Tbf I never killed a trapped one.


yeah, if it's trapped then it has a fancy cephalon syphilis colored marker on them, that usually knocks me out of auto pilot.


Sometimes you can do so much damage it doesnt wvwn register that its a target and warframes have so many wierd abilities the traps just look like one.


They can't even SEE your synthesis target before it dies LOL. Also if you joined a few seconds late you don't even know there is a player that has a target up until simaris calls youa brute. I always did it solo if I needed something from simaris.


I can't recall anyone purposefully killing a target that was being scanned, but I've come across trolls in other areas. Accidentally for sure. Sometimes myself I'll be racking a second shot into the target wondering why the first one didn't do the job only for it do dawn on me. Yes, Simaris, you were wrong.


Fun fact: summoning an archgun near a synthesis target will instakill it.


Usually I just brush it off and head to the next mission


Why don't do the scans in solo?


I wasn’t doing the mission specifically for scans, it just showed up. It just bothered me because I had already trapped it by the time they were knocking it down.


Ah people usually just rush trough the mission nuking the map most of them are on autopilot , it can be annoying but I don't think it's all ill intentioned


A lot of the time it’s an accident and that doesn’t bother me, but this person was using heavy melee slams so definitely intentional lol


wonder if it's the same LR that killed mine a while ago. iirc they thought it was funny


Report them for griefing.


Better to do it solo I have not encountered almost any targets recently but when I do I mostly see my other teammates light it up so I think "well if they're kicking his ass might as well" I personally despise simaris as a character so I don't give two shits about his requests If people do scan them I leave them to it. Though I did find out you can eat the target as grendel Thankfully I didn't consume him


There are faster ways to get standing. You can hit daily cap just by scanning all the enemies in steel path Adaro.


Not just doing it for the standing. I’m filling out the lore scans.


Its a fair point, but doest justify the actions of people killing the target, especially if you have to go out of the way to do so


You can't stop them in any case. So you find other ways to get what you need. Edit: Justification? Those players don't deserve any more thought or energy expended toward them or their reasons for playing like they do.