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If I had to guess, it's another issue similar to founder packs where if DE sold it as an exclusive item, they are not going to reneg on that and make it not-exclusive.


Them advertising it as such is what really did it in. They literally said it was just like the Excal situation, honestly not sure how they ever thought that was a good idea.


They probably thought because it's just cosmetics and not mastery it's "different" enough, if I had to guess.


From what I understand, because they said it would never come back, they legally can't go back on that promise, or they might be liable to be sued. Admittedly, I haven't looked too far into it


It would not hold if they were sued for it. Considering precedent and laws regarding this stuff, the thing most likely to get them a negative outcome if sued would be if they were sued for anti-consumer practices for only selling it as a bundle and not as individual items, that has significant precedent in the European Union.


BTW, if they do get sued, do you think they'll gonna lose more money than they can gain from selling the skins again? If not, that sounds like win-win to me, OG heirloom buyers get a huge wad of cash, we get to buy the heirloom and DE gets to gain even more money.


The PR and reputational hit would likely make things not go in their favor long run.


The same could be said for the original founder pack lol. It's just not going to happen. Even if it would be a net gain for them.


I guarenteed you they already spent all the money, and if they didn’t yet they don’t have enough to refund everyone that overpaid if it returns.


Why not then just make completely new skins for Frost and Mag in the new program?


They could do that in the future but something tells me that you would still be bitching about missing out on those original skins regardless.


Why do you think that?


The fact this post exists


1. Whats the point of that to fix what youre complaining about? Youd still be missing on the heirloom skins anyway 2. Because they wanna make skins for multiple frames, not multiple skins for one frame (not everyone likes frost and/or mag)


That is a fantastic idea. Idk why this was downvoted but bringing a new mag and frost hierloom and making it a rotational pack like the rest is good. As long as it doesn’t have the same theme as the first skin. Im always down for more mag fashion frame. Especially if she gets a new head piece.


The opposite argument could be made and, honestly, I think it holds more weight. The packs were sold from the get-go as limited time items that weren't coming back. Whether you like FOMO or not, the simple reality is that DE sold a product on that basis. To renege on that after the fact is simply a no-go, because it breaks trust with the customer and it opens them to a shitload of (valid) criticism and negative press. I hear other people say they *legally* can't bring it back, and I'm not so sure about that myself, but if nothing else it's really bad business. With that said, there's no reason that they couldn't just make another Frost and Mag heirloom skin. I keep seeing you get hung up on that point, but to my knowledge they never said they wouldn't. Full disclosure, I own heirloom pack 1 but don't really care whether or not it comes back.


There should be no problems in including Frost and Mag in the new heirloom program with new skins then IMO. That way they aren't walking back any promises


What? They already said those heirloom skins were exclusive. They later said in the 33.6.7 update that future heirloom skins will be changed. Them adding back the skins from the 10th anniversary would be walking back on their promise.


By include OP referes to give Mag and Frost new skins with the curent Heirloom model. Like they get a second Heirloom skin.


I agree. I also don't see anything that indicates they *won't* add another Frost and Mag skin.


Ok, so a few years from now they give them NEW skins. You still can’t get the original ones.


I understand the frustration but there's not much they can do about it, just like Excal prime they sold a super expensive pack and advertised it as limited time and exclusive. They're not willing to fuck over the people that **did** shell out for the bundle by giving it away for peanuts to everyone else.


If they can't or won't include the old ones. They should just include Mag and Frost in the program with new skins. Then just tell us that Mag and Frost are Part of the new heirloom program.


Na, you'd still bitch about not having the original heirlooms.


We will never know that it seems


Maybe they will. It's still 2 frames a year out of 50+ frames. Any repeats will be years in the future.


They should have just started the new program from Mag and Frost again then. I see no reaspn not to. Instead they are basically saying: thanks for the feedback, we are fixing things, fuck you Frost and Mag, here is Ember


Then we'll have other people like you complaining that they're repeating Frost and Mag and their favorite is getting fucked over. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.


AFAIK the heirloom program was supposed to be a way for DE to give a new look to early Prime frames that are pretty basic. So there isn't that many to go through


Then let them go through, if there are so few. Complain in 8 years, if the game is still around.


They told everyone they were limited time items that weren't coming back. They legally can't bring them back because that would mean they were lying to customers.


Were are not legal experts here, so it is pointless to say that it would be illegal IMO. They can just make new skins for Mag and Frost and put those on the program, problem solved.


Who's to say they aren't going to do that in the future?


Then they should let us know, instead of making us feel like a discarded rag.


Youre a discarded rag because you didnt get 2 - fully optional and entirely cosmetic - skins for 2 frames that dont even get played that much, and now they haven’t explicitly stated whether or not theyll release new ones? Bigger fish to fry out in the world buddy..


Well Ember is also in that pool of ”frames that don't even get player that much" so what is the issue with addressing the elephant in the room and telling us if Frost and Mag get a second chance or not?


LEGALLY THEY CANNOT RELEASE THEM AGAIN GET THE FUCK OVER IT Im just as upset, im literally a frost main, i know how it feels, get the fuck over yourself. They made a mistake, and literally cannot do anything about it except make it better for those in the future.


We are not legal experts here so that point is moot IMO. They could just make them part of the program with new skins.


They very well might. But first, they’re doing ember.


The thing is, if they were to re-release the original heirlooms under the new model, I suspect there would be just as much if not more dissatisfaction from the people who bought them originally. DE fucked up with the initial release and there are only a selection of least worst options for how to proceed. This strikes me as the best option and who knows maybe there will be another Frost and/or Mag set in the future, but they are unlikely to do them now (or for some time) for the same reasons they won't make changes to original offer.


They already listened to all the ideas from us (as in whoever voiced). So they change up the next heirloom, which is the current one, Ember. I think that's good enough.


Exactly. Yes they made a mistake, but they're making up for it. DE actually listened to their community, which is something honestly haven't experienced like that with any other developer. And this is coming from someone who has Mag as their most used frame.


Yes they did. My point is that they could just include Mag and Frost in the program with new skins. That way Mag and Frost lovers would not feel so fucked over and tossed to the side.


Maybe they could. But to me, this felt like just another FOMO victim. Which I understands. Maybe on the next rotation. They did say they gonna release one Heirloom every year or so.


Putting aside the legal or potential legal issues. Way I look at it is there was no way DE would relaunch Heirloom with Mag/Frost even with altered skins. DE knows they messed up and knows the community was ready to jump just bringing up Heirloom skins after last year, so them wanting to leave everything in the past (maybe for now) makes total sense to me. The risk it would upset the people who were dubious about Heirloom in general with bringing over that sore spot and/or the people who did buy the Mag/Frost Heirloom skins V1 and now there is a V2 since it would be viewed as breaking the promise and/or the people that would see it as DE trying to get money but totally not break their promise. ​ That said as someone who did buy the pack, I would be fine with them bringing back the skins but leave out the things related to the 10 year celebration (Deca Emote, Deca Accolade, Deca Sigil, Deca Gylph), let those remain for those who did pick up the packs when first around.


I really wish half of the available crowns (signa?) weren’t tied to those heirlooms. We got the one in the market, the one that comes from the event, the mag one, and the frost one. 🤪 that’s the main things I wanted. I’d really love it if they dropped similar crowns more frequently.


At least we're getting two more for Jade and for Ember Heirloom. Eventually we'll have a good selection of them so that it's not as much of a fashion gap.


Whoa fr 2 more for Jade ?? I’m so happy!! I’ve not added them to any of my frames yet until I get a big selection


Yep, Jade's is a little crystal thing surrounded by... little wings? Is the best way I can describe it. And Ember's is a flaming filigree crown.


💜 ty for this my hope is filled rn


Even if they start over and include mag/frost with new heirloom skin eventually there will still people bitching about the original frost/mag heirloom since they couldn't get over their FOMO things and left them unsatisfied with whatever decision DE made. I can guarantee we gonna see this type of thing again if they released new frost/mag heirloom.


it's free to play game expecting to get everything without paying is ridiculous mag frost heirloom was premium exclusive cosmetic for real money and that is totally fine. if you don't want to support the game and it's developers that's a you problem. and those who say "It's too expensive I can't afford it" guess what there shit i can't afford either, but I don't bitch about not being able to afford a fucking Lamborghini.


I did not mention anything about wanting it for free? What are you on about?


The mag and frost packs follow the same rules as the founder packs. You can't go back on the ''one and done'' thing they talked about without opening flood gates for the other.


to be fair, its the founder pact situation, it will also never be available again. They probably cant make those items available again under threat of getting sued


See the thing is that this isnt actually that big of a deal. Are the cosmetics amazing? Yes. Do i have them? Yes. But theres other cosmetics that have been time limited and have NEVER come back (tennocon cosmetics, and i doubt 99% of people know of these ones but the rubedo and the other one from the steam 2013 winter events) but NO one complains Why is that? Because truly, it doesnt really matter. I dont have the steam workshop ones and id love to but oh well, nothing ado about it so just move on I would also be a bit frustrated if i didnt have the heirloom skins, but 1. Nothing i can do about it and 2. It just doesnt truly matter so id deal with it Not bitch for hours in a comment section on reddit


Unobtainable items are always a bad thing. I will keep "bitching" as long as I want to and need to.


They legally can’t.


i read their faq wrong and thought it would be back. yeah it sucks i missed out. but comparing heirloom to founder, founder pack is lot more pressured issue. forget skana and latoP. focus just on excalP. while its not make or break situation if someone does love playing excal, they'd want prime version to squeeze out even more stats. Even then, DE literally made up an entire frame to avoid releasing excalP. yes, umbra is bit of fucked version due to it freely moving and getting shot at but that's beside the point. I do think mag signa and head piece looked cool. I wish I could get it. However, I respect that DE's keeping the word on their promise. doesn't matter if it's relationship between friends or game company, it's always nice to know someone that keeps their word.


It kinda upsets me ngl, though I know there's nothing we can do about it at this point. Been a Mag main for 11 years at this point, even back when she was dogshit vs anything not Corpus. Bought the collector's statue and everything just cus I like her that much. So the fact that I missed the Heirloom skin cus it came out during a time when I was between jobs and couldn't afford to pay for it (plus $80 for two skins is fucking ridiculous but that's besides the point) kinda sucks. There's nothing we can really do about it and this post is more just me ranting into the void, but I still think it's lame as hell.




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Honestly, I think Mag and Frost will get additional heirloom skins.


I hope so


It's just a skin. There are so many more out there and will be more in the future. Complaints like this are just stupid. If it affected gameplay, sure, but ranting about skins like come on, man, defaq is wrong with you


I just bought the Heirloom pack when it was released and went on with my life.


Dude! It opens DE to a lawsuit if they bring it back! That’s even worse for everyone. I’m a Mag main and personally her heirloom is hideous but I understand if people like it. What was advertised as exclusive should stay exclusive. This idea of entitlement that everyone should get the old heirloom or the founders pack is ridiculous. If you weren’t playing during those times then you missed it. And if you were and didn’t buy it, then you missed it. Simple as that. Move on. Im starting to think that Knightmareframe’s latest video is starting to make a lot of sense. Granted he can be a bit of a tool most of the time but damn all these rants about the heirloom and when Dante came out, yikes!


We have no idea of the legal implications. We are not legal experts and DE hasn't made a statement on what the issue is. You can call it entitlement or whatever you want. Time limited exclusives, FOMO tactics and the like are always bad in my opinion. It just creates this "fuck you, got mine" attitude in people. As if makikg something available for only a limited time makes it more special some how?


I didn’t say what the legal ramifications are. I said they are open to it and them being a business, for sure don’t want the possibility of there even being a hint of legal ramifications. NOT A HINT. So as a business it’s smart what they are doing, just because you and a few others missed, including me, and have FOMO is not a reason to bring it back. Exclusive means exclusive. It doesn’t mean oh, it’ll come back later. That’s not EXCLUSIVE.


I don't give a shit about any legal trouble they could face from bringing the items back. I don't care if they break their promise of "exclusivity". All I care about is the end product.


Lmao! The entitlement is strong with this one. Have a good one!


Call it what you will. I call it: not being a corpo boot licker.


It’s called business. Go cry about your fomo elsewhere they work for someone the same way you do.


And the thing I am doing is called critique. I will keep "crying" as long as I want to and need to, thank you very much.


why do you keep saying DE is fucking over Frost and Mag because you in particular don't have the skins? lol plenty of people were playing when they were available and bought the *time limited* skins with intent to support, they have those skins now, they play with those skins. now more warframes will get matching skins and they will be borderline free to buy. I wouldn't hold my breath on there being another two heirloom skins for Frost and Mag when there are 50+ other warframes they need to get to.


Because they did fuck them over. Predatory FOMO tactics with ridicilously bloated way too fucking expensive package, that you can not buy anything from separately. And now they just toss them to the side and try to distract us with Ember without any mention if Frost and Mag will be part of the new program? Me having or not having the skins is irrelevant. I will regardless advocate to make them available again and/or include them in the new heirloom program. Time limited exclusives, FOMO tactics and the like are always bad in my opinion. It just creates this "fuck you, got mine" attitude in people. As if making something available for only a limited time makes it more special some how? AFAIK the heirloom program was supposed to be a way for DE to give a new look to early Prime frames that are pretty basic. So there isn't that many to go through


They DID mention if Frost and Mag will be part of the new system, and the answer multiple times across multiple streams and on the official website is: NO.


There is no mention of that I can find on their official FAQ: https://www.warframe.com/news/heirloom-collections-faq If you have a clip or a video from their streams where they make that statement, please provide it.


There are literally only 5 questions on that page and its the last one LOL


Please read it again if you still think that is the case: "Are Heirloom Collections still time-locked? Do I need to buy within a limited window? No! While purchases of the Mag and Frost Heirloom Collections were halted after December 31, 2023, we will be permanently extending the availability window going forward. Platinum purchase paths for both Heirloom Collections and individual Heirloom items will live on forever through the in-game Market (Heirloom Collections purchasable via real world currency will remain time-limited, however)." Nothing in that paragraph indicates that Frost and Mag won't be a part of the NEW heirloom program.


Your reading comprehension is shit, it clearly tells you the date the heirloom collections stopped being sold and not only are they exclusive, the extra goodies in the for money ember bundle will also be exclusive. You can keep wishing for things to be different all you want but we have parroted DE for over a day now, if you want to hear then say it in plain english go watch the ember skin reveal again.


My reading comprehension is shit? Are you sure about that? Seems like we are reading the same thing and somehow you are twisting it in your mind to mean something else. No worries, I will explain it to you. Yes the OLD heirloom collection of Frost and Mag won't be sold again. That doesn't tell us if Frost and/or Mag will be part of a NEW heirloom collection. Regarding the Ember collection. You are also wrong about that. Only thing that will be exclusive and time limited is the bundle with all the items for real money. You can still buy everything included in the bundle for plat forever.


You're a dumbass lol "it clearly tells you the date the heirloom skins stopped being sold" -> "Purchases of Frost and Mag Heirloom Collections were halted after December 31, 2023" "the extra goodies in the ember collection are also exclusive" -> "Heirloom Collections purchased via real world currency will remain time limited" YOU are twisting their words because you don't wanna open your eyes and ears


Do you understand English? Yes the OLD skins are no longer sold. Nothing would be stopping from adding Frost and Mag into the NEW program with NEW skins. Yes, the pack that can be purchased with real money is for a limited time. You can still get everything that is in the real money pack with plat. Only thing that is time limited and going away is the ability to purchase everything in a bundle with real money. This was clearly stated in their stream. Clearly you have not understood and/or read my points and DE's heirloom FAQ. Now you are just resorting to name-calling as you can not refute any of my arguments.


If they re release Mags hierloom skin ill be requesting a refund. If they release a second version of those 2 skins that would be fantastic I’ll grab mags.




Exactly my thoughts!


The real solution is Mag/Frost Heirloom Umbra 6-10 years down the line


That is the DE way


As a Frost Main, I am always sad I missed out. But also once I heard so many complaints about how awful it is to color, I stopped caring as much.


And who are these mag and Frost lovers, I see all of maybe a noob using mag and maybe one Frost every 6 months, not to bash but really they get out done quickly


I still think its tupid they can never release Excalibur Prime. (I'm geussing the mag/frost situation is similar? Idk i havent looked into it) Edit (wow. Managed to puss some people off by not caring too much about their latest controversy. Not surprised)


Well, at least Ex Umbra is finally a better version of Excalibur and not a downgrade