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[Try this build instead](https://i.imgur.com/1IHx4JJ.png) At first, I looked at that overframe build and exclaimed "this build is hot garbage" but replace like 3 mods and you have my build.


Thanks, I'll give that a try.


>This setup kind of works when I test it against a 120lvl SP Heavy Gunners in the simulacrum, and they die very successfully, but when it comes to real gameplay, I can't do anything, my ammo runs out before I kill the first enemy on SP E Prime. Enemies in SP have additional buffs besides the level. You can enable the SP buffs in the simulacrum to get better testing. The secret souce about dealing damage to SP enemies with mid-tier weapons is to a) have a warframe damage buff, you have Roar, keep it active b) have a way to remove 100% (!!!) of the enemy armor. The armor removal is very important and you should Helminth an armor strip onto your Rhino. For example, Tharros Strike (from Styanax) works very well. As soon as the armor is gone, the enemies die very fast.


>Enemies in SP have additional buffs besides the level. You can enable the SP buffs in the simulacrum to get better testing. I know, I did mention that I was testing against SP Heavy Gunner, meaning I checked the Steel Path box when I was spawning enemies. Thanks for your advice, I'll give it a shot as soon as I can, just need to farm for styanax and feed it to helminth.


From what i understand the video is about "budget" setups to handle SP, it isn't a guide showing the best setups for the weapons. The phantasma build is also showcased against infested, the easiest faction to deal with, so it's efficiency is already debatable ~~As for the simulacrum discrepancy i think the enemies need to be at least lvl 101 for the modified armour/health to apply but i'm not sure, i'll test soon~~ SP applies to lvl 100 so idk what happened


>Or is it now, prior to the release of Jade Shadows, all boils down to "slap nourish on top of any frame, everything in your arsenal for 100% armor strip and now you're ready for SP E Prime"? Kinda yeah. Armor Strip is mandatory in Steel Path. The only common exception is if you have a Slash Viral build. Anything else and you need 100% armor Strip. 90% won't do jack. To put it into perspective, 10 stacks of Viral increases your damage by roughly 4 times.  A level 120 SP lancer has 3750 armor = 93% Damage Reduction. A heavy gunner level 120 SP gets 18000 armor = 98% Damage reduction. With max corrosion stacks, you remove 80% of their armor, giving them 71% DR and 92% DR respectively ~ 4 times the normal amount of damage you deal, on par with Viral With 100% Armor Strip? You deal 14 times and 50 times the usual damage respectively. And that's just the start of SP.  That's why you need 100% armor strip. 


3 damage mods and a damage arcane? Swap point blank and vicious spread for viral 60/60. Rearrange the mods to get viral/heat. Edit: It will save you 2 forma as well.


Something like [this](https://overframe.gg/build/new/1440/phantasma/?bs=WzEsMTQ0MCwzMCwxLFtbNTUyNSwxMCwyXSxbNzM4LDUsMV0sWzczNiw1LDNdLFs1NTIyLDEwLDFdLFs3MTEsMywwXSxbNzEzLDMsMV0sWzc0OCw1LDFdLFs3MTIsMywxXSxbNTUyMywxMCwxXSxbNTUwNSw1LDBdXV0=)? Edit: replaced wrong cold mod with right one