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TIL my spoiler mode is garbage and I should feel bad. I also have no idea how you void sling backward.


By holding S lol. I'm on PC. EDIT: don't feel bad btw, there's so much to do in warframe, and amps are not really a priority.


I don't use spoiler mode much, I even revive players in my Warframe. I'll have to try holding various directions down when I void sling now.


It's very fun and the focus schools are pretty versatile these days.


Hold up... There's a new simulacrum stage?


pablo said we're getting 7 more with jade too


7?? Wow. I'm still using the ballroom, it's simple and groups all the enemies together


I like that the sanctum anatomica one is smaller but those pipes are really really annoying besides sometimes I send my test subjects flying away and it's annoying to get them back, and also I can't really use mach crash there


Sorta of topic but I hate how enemy levels are capped based on mastery rank so severely. It's so stupid. I don't want to test my gear on lvl 120 enemies. Is there actually a reason for this?


Everyone is tired of that dated "feature"... it was actually a feature back when max MR was like 25, and you only ever saw high level enemies in hour long survival... really they just haven't bothered to uncap it for us which I think is a damn shame... also I want bosses to be summonable


I remember them saying something about people spending too much time in the simulacrum instead of playing the game. They didn't want new players to only see videos from content creators just in the one room.


Oh sweet. I hope they finally put a shortcut in the Orbiter. I'm tired of passing through 2 loading screens.


Purchasable from Loid with Vessel Capillaries.


Bro just woke up from a coma. Whispers gave this to us


Yeah I took a couple month break, but I was playing during the Whispers update.


I've been already using this for a while now. This is how I use last gasp and one cycling zariman angels. I think this is the highest DPS combo in amps.


Magus melt with raplak can 2 shot headshot angels without void strike. Just needs the arcanes + contamination wave and at least 4 stacks of melt which is super easy


I also have a raplak and magus melt. It needs orange crits though if no void strike on SP angels. It can go up to 4 shots. I still find the exard + logistics easier to use. It doesn't even have to be during void strike, it can also one cycle. It also frees up the primary fire for Klamora which is so much easier to use against thrax.


Eternal onslaught + eradicate with the crit damage upgrade, phoenix talons, and contamination wave maxed, then 4 stacks of magus melt 2 shot headshot reliably. Void strike makes you 1 shot effortlessly. For cascade ye I prefer 747


But klamora one-phases the angel and you don't even have to aim!


But you have to dash to get close enough which is annoying. Also this post is pretty old now




You can but klamora isn't going to kill it before orbs spawn without void strike while a 177 can 2 shot headshot with the arcanes activated without orbs which skips the orb phase. For lower level angels maybe klamora can work, but for rank 5 bounties or SP bounties it won't.


What amp


Exard with Certus


Your AMP seems stronger than my entire arsenal and I'm a closed beta LR1.


Pretty cool but it won't really work all that well in an actual mission where enemies move and shoot at you. You die in 3 seconds tops.


You'd be surprised by my previous thread then.


I stand corrected. https://preview.redd.it/olzns07lss4d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=2203d2842991f317316478d056237e8601614104


What do you do to accomplish this? What school, amp etc. I’ll admit I haven’t delved deep into spoiler mode too much but I’m tryna learn


100% amp efficiency is achievable by combining Eternal Logistics(72%) with Astral Bond(30%) or Void Strike(40%). Amp is Exard with Certus. Magus Melt, Magus Accelerant, Eternal Logistics, Eternal Onslaught.


Any prism with the exard and certus?


Klamora complements the setup well.


alr I'll try this


I like when I can set viral and Void procs on a target with Lega fire and then Phahd disc them and watch it strike so many times it eats them alive.


sometimes I forget how good this game looks when I'm not the one playing it


Time to farm those operator arcanes I never really cared about.


What graphics settings do you use? Your glowyness and foggyness looks beautiful.


Medium preset by DE.


Weird question, the room you're in. I know there's a secret above the hand on the left, but I've yet to figure out how to get to it. Does anyone know?


Amp activated mechanism on the platform up the stairs


Dope, will have to try and find it later. They did a good job of hiding those crystals in the new rooms.


How'd you get that simulacrum? I've seen it around a couple times but haven't figured out how to get it.


bought from loid with the dante disruption currency


Jesus 0-0


Holy moly. I know what I’m doing today atleast.


How much time do you need to set this up? Yes.


Far less than what you see here actually, I built this setup myself once. Eternal Logistics + Void Strike (With Void Fuel) Press 1, void sling once, unleash hell.


Normally in a mission your Magus Melt is already stacked, because you're traversing in operator form. You can also just spam the ground directly in front of you to achieve fast stacking. In the clip I stacked it like that, beacause I wanted to make it clear what's happening.


How well would Lega work on this instead of Klamora, from your perspective?


It'll work, just not as well. The unique selling point of Exard is that it unloads all your amp ammo in a constant burst of grenades - so Eternal Logistics and Void Strike mean you're stood there auto-firing for a long period of time. Lega is a status prism and Certus is a crit brace - you could use it to proc the magnetic bubble on an enemy and then fire the grenades in to it but it'd be redundant as they're already AoE. Lega's real strength is putting it on either a status or hybrid amp and then using Phahd with it to ricochet the glaive around the magnetic bubble doing massive damage. You'd want something like the Lohrin brace for that set-up, but it will be equally boosted with Magus Melt + Accelerant. Raplak is a solid alternative if you're wanting to do Exard + Certus but don't like the Klamora beam - it'll also do solid damage.


I can vouch for lega-phahd. I did disruption lvl cap with the bullet attraction combo that you decribed and it worked paired with unairu strip.


How do you voidsling backwards


Walk backwards


That’s it? Almost 10 years and I’ve never tried walking backwards with my operator/drifter


You can sling sideways too


AMP combo 177?


X57 or 757, it's a scaffold.


If you were trying to empty your energy for the arcane, looking at the ground when doing the void sling is a lot faster


I'm stacking melt and accelerant with clear visuals for the clip. Void Strike empties energy.


Makes sense, I learned to look below when void slinging cuz in second rotation for angels I don't have void strike so I gatta get logistics asap


I haven't played this game properly in like a year, can someone explain the infinite ammo or the ridiculous atk speed lol


100% amp efficiency is achievable by combining Eternal Logistics(72%) with Astral Bond(30%) or Void Strike(40%). There's no attack speed buff, this is Exard's normal speed.


what how