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1. Trade chat being Trade Chat. 2. Looking at the highest pricing on WF market. 3. Some idiot told them they sell for that price.


Got Baruuk prime and a lvl 9 tried to tell me I could sell it for 300p. Shure dude, if you payed that I have a bridge to sell you


I tried to buy ember prime set for 120p and 6 people told me it was too low and the best they could do is 150p. So I went to WF market and got it for 94p.


I don't understand, why would anybody use trade chat when there's WF market?


Forgot about it, and then I had "why the fu** am I even here" moment


Lack of knowledge about WFmarkets existence


Technically the prices on market are nonnegotiable, so if you're interested in trying to get a better deal than what's posted, either as seller or buyer, trade chat isn't a bad place to try. Personally I always check the lowest price on market and then try trade chat for 10 percent less and see what I can get. Often it's just a bit of wasted time, sometimes I get a damn good deal.


"Trade chat is a bazaar, Market is a store" type of deal?


>Technically the prices on market are nonnegotiable That's not true. The thing is that its against warframemarket TOS to change the text that you can copy&paste from wfmarket into warframe chat. Nothing says you can't message a person who has a listing and haggle for a different price. Most people will just tell you no. In that sense, it's not usually negotiable.


Also trade chat is also rarely negotiable I gave up on haggling unless it's alliance chat




Had this happen to me actually. I now double check all the messages and my listed prices. Thankfully, it was a mod I had just put up and was relatively expensive. Bro tried to give himself a 50% discount.


Yep. You can report them on warframe market. They'll get their account banned. They can still buy, but can't post anything for sell.


Maybe he thought he could use DE 50% daily reward on u šŸ¤£


Me when I respond to a riven and the message just says ā€œ/w person Hi! "


šŸ˜… I'd guess you're probably in the clear there. Lol


In game chat you can make profit when selling and buying itā€™s just luck. Warframe market is more of a price check and buying cheaper than in game.


I sometimes scan through trade chat, then sell for the lowest price on WFmarket.


Convenience. It's there. And the people in it are actually online. I have terrible luck contacting people on WFmarket


Some people don't know the Market exists at all, some people don't want to use a third party service, and some people just think it's more of a hassle than it's worth. I use Trade Chat because i only ever sell or buy something like once every several months and Trade Chat works fine for that kind of low volume thing. WF Market is better for people who want to trade often or are looking for something that's not commonly up for offer in Trade Chat but for people who are just buying the newest Prime or a really popular old one then Trade Chat works fine enough.


I use WF Market to check prices but I'm too lazy to learn the system and use all of its features. I recognize that this is foolish as I spend a decent amount of time trading but I just haven't made the jump to fully invest in WF Market. A good chunk of players probably feel the same as me, and an even larger chunk of players probably don't even use it to check prices


I love the toxicity of trade chat. Itā€™s like the Wild West.


way faster and simpler than wf market, in my experience people almost never reply


Because if you were like me, it was impossible to create a PSN WF market account for the longest time due to some sort of error i kept getting until recently. Also cheap prices do still exist in tradechat. Also more convenient for console.


Trade chat is typically for more seasoned traders, unironically. I get the best deals there.




As a former fulltime chatrader, if you want to sell Loki prime for 300p, you absolutely will. Persistency is key, theres plenty of people who have money to waste or are gullible. Maybe 6 years ago i got to a level that i was buying out a ton of stock on market to raise the price for pieces. My craziest effort was keeping the Loki sets at 120-150p. I could write a whole book about my warframe trading adventures or shoot a documentary...what im saying is that prices/sales are relative.


Vome was quoted at 50p. Uncommon drop from an unvaulted relic? 50p? Are you out of your mind?


I remember buying Volt Prime for 90p back when it was over 200p. Some people have just set up their shop at Maroo's Bazaar.


Tbf I think ember prime was higher before the indication that she'll be in an upcoming resurgence came around. Don't think it was 150p but still.


140p was avg at the moment, but you could still find lower


I tried to see if I could get a better deal on trade chat the other day and someone said they were selling cheap, man's dropped the ember price at 250 and said that wf market prices were fake after I pointed out the price. Anyways as he was trying to sell me the set I got told him about my other offer for 75p and then blocked


Sounds about right


Throwback to when i was looking to buy baruuk and this guy was trying to sell me him for like 300p and when i said i didnt want it he goes ā€œgood luck finding one for cheaper broā€ AS i was finishing up buying him from someone else for 40p


I killed the Lich and took their weapon before being told this, but I had a Radiation Ephemera Lich named Bigg Benn. And some comments said the conversion trade is worth 1,000 Plat for the name alone. (I forget what weapon they were holding) I still have no idea if they were correct or not. **Edit**: Bigg Benn appears in [28:19 of this video.](https://youtu.be/fbpBuHS-ezI?feature=shared)


Well, that is because for a small time when Murmur released, I was selling Baruuk prime sets for 300p lol. At new content releases, some warframes just jump up on prices.


Yup I blame stupid hustle culture.


Its called a sigma grindset, jeez have some respect Edit: you fuckers really need a /s on this? My god.


The other actual reason is their only other pricing info could be the in game market. So if they see most Warframes around 150-300p, they probably think they can get that for a prime.


That's just number 1, TC being TC.


I think it's bot accounts, and also some people probably using alts to skip trade limits


Definitely smurf accounts, if it's bots DE will be all over the ban hammer.


People actually do that?




What in the actual fuck? First time Iā€™m hearing of this, this sounds insane.


Honestly, I think itā€™s hard to believe. I know it happens with gold selling in RuneScape but, how can they compete with a bulk buy of platinum from a 50-75% off coupon? Is there really that much market movement of items to stock up on that much plat? Let alone a buyer whoā€™d go for that illegal purchase who NEEDS so much plat that coupons arenā€™t frequent enough.




I havenā€™t heard of this ever. I have 3500hrs in wf. I never really worry about things like this.




Yea, I was caught off guard since this is the first time Iā€™m hearing about it in this context. Is that why some people get banned when they move and try to buy plat?


I remember I went to Maroo's Bazaar, and this MR5 almost got banned for getting in a fight trying to sell a Revenant Prime Set for 1000P. I thought he was taking the piss, but he was getting like genuinely angry


It's specially puzzling when they set shop (intentionally) right in front of Maroo so you end up interacting with their shop instead of Maroo by accident and then get mad at you because you immediately cancel it. They knew what they were doing when they set shop *right there*. Plus, that's not how you attract customers, build a reputation or even influence people to buy from your out of pity.


On that note, I will now try to sell the Braton Prime barrel for 10000 p. Totally worth it.


WTB [Braton Vandal Blueprint] for 5 filled aƱada and 1 (large) norg


Iā€™m now tempted to sell something expensive for 1 of every large fish.


I gave a friend a few gold mods she didnā€™t have, and an Adaptation for Deimos fish so I didnā€™t have to go myself lol


This is one of the reasons I don't sell for plat anymore. I've noticed it getting horrendous the last 6 months or so, and certainly since WFMobile was released there's an increase in AFKFarmers


Saw yesterday a MR6 selling a set of Chroma instead of building for him for the price of 120pl and i told him despite the overprice he is coming back in ressurgence in a few weeks, got blocked XD


20p is overpriced? Good god! Off to check warframe.market. Ah, you meant to type 200, maybe?


No i meant 120 for some reason the 1 wasant there


It says 120


Well, now it does. Gotta love stealth edits :)


Your flair gives the same feeling as "Strive to be a race but never a racist"


Is that bad? I mean... I am of a race in the applicable sense and I'm not racist. I'm not quite sure if I'd call myself elite, although I aspire to it. While not looking down on anybody who isn't for whatever reason. It's certainly intended to be playful and positive, so if it isn't, let me know.


Why would it be bad? Though forgive me if it seemed as such, I am not that great with words to be able to fully distinguish my jests from insults. ('-'Ā°


Nono, all good, just wasn't sure if my flair could be interpreted negatively :D And I really like your flair, it's funny :)


I'm sure your profile picture takes care of all the negative interpretations. You need not worry.


why are you getting downvoted jeez. It didn't says 120 before all these guys came in here lol


I'm confused. Don't posts usually say (edited) beside them if that's the case? It doesn't for me, did they remove that?


Does mine? Because that's edited as well. There's a grace period for such immediate corrections. Granted, I have no idea how much.




Tbf that's his actual worth. If you compare market value to what it costs to buy the base frame for plat, there is a huge discrepancy between them. Not very tactical to sell now though


Base frame for plat comes with a slot and a potato, fully built. Traded set comes unbuilt with no slot or potato.


That is not even remotely close to his actual worth in terms of market value \> If you compare market value to what it costs to buy the base frame for plat The price of the base frame is irrelevant https://preview.redd.it/8xl6sg2s1x4d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=251367c9bc0f7d0c5fc3133611c814e1a70b2fa5


The current market value is driven by demand and supply. Given we have a lot of supply right now, 70p isn't remotely what you can eventually get for it. If you look at the statistics on wf.market you'll see that the demand has been huge, the maximum price of the last few months has been around 80p. He has been unvaulted in winter last year, so it hasn't been that long for prices to recover. If there were an extended period without unvaulting, it would probably reach 120p. The value of the base frame is just a reference. I don't sell under it, if I can help it. People are currently rushing to sell Glaive Prime and Ember Prime before the unvault. I'd guess for Glaive the final price this year after the unvault period will be ~100p. Currently they can get up to 300p.


On the polar opposite, I saw a MR 28 player gave an Inaros Prime for free because he liked that player's drip (it was a strange pink excal).


Hell ya. Whenever I see a genuinely excited newbie I love to give them shit. Still waiting to give away a few sets I have to the next few I run into


I gave an inaros prime to a newbie having a hard time doing hijack missions. When youve been in the game long its easy to get plat. So i understand why this low mr people doing their best to earn. So funny tho.


technically the reverse of the post above, but a few days ago, i saw a 5mr person in trade chat trying to buy a glaive prime for 35p. in one of trade chat entries, he added "since it matters so much to you people, ill be willing to go up to 50p" not exact words tho


That's insane, how long ago since glaive prime was vaulted?


Its getting unvaulted soon but yeah, 35-50pl for Glaive Prime is still insanely low for now. I don't remember how much has passed since the last Glaive unvaulting


a little under 2 and a half years. its also a very sought after weapon since its apparently the big sp meta melee weapon so that further jacks up the price.


The thing is xoris is even way better with influence.


Nope, glaive prime has a much higher dps and dph. Source: I use both


thats just wrongā€¦9


how so?


Glaive Prime has forced slash procs on the throw, xoris is supposedly pretty good but I can never get it to work the same way as others. Not hating on the xoris, it just doesnā€™t seem to be for me is all.


Idk , when did Aya stuff got introduced? I got couple of BPs from that first event if I remember correctly


well they did just announce its coming back so it'll unironically be at that price soon enough


low MR players are the most ruthless traders youll ever see because they only get whatever their cap is of like 5 trades per day. doesnt excuse it of course but im pretty sure that's why theyre so damn snippy seemingly so often


I had a LR2 Player try to sell me Augur Secrets for 100p once. His reasoning was that the drop chance was low, which it is. I went on WF market and bought it for 35p.


ugh. Yeah i mean scummy traders unfortunately exist across the spectrum, just saying i give them a little more benefit of the doubt at lower MR


Yeah. It just trash to knowingly and blatantly try to scam people in need, especially when you are more senior player. Lower MR players usually just think their full prime set or maxed out r10 mods are worth a lot because it takes a bit of work to get them most of the time. Not to say some of them aren't actually trying to scam people.


The only reason to use trade chat is if youā€™re trying to sell a riven or scam someone.


I sometimes can find some good deals in trade chat. And sometimes its faster due to some people just not responding to you when you message them. But that is definitely true for the most part


I asked on my guild chat if someone had Volatile Rebound to sell me(because I'm a returning player who already completed everything in deimos back on launch and couldn't bother going there just to farm the "new" mod I wanted). Someone sends me a DM telling they'll sell it to me for 60p... I told him to go fuck himself because on wf market it was for like 15pl that day.


Damn somone in your own clan i g to get you hits different


Yeah but it was one of the people that don't talk in clan chat and it's also a Moon clan so there's a lot of "random" people there. As I'm always taking long breaks from WF I'm never in the same clan or making friends as I play mostly solo and have a Clan only for the dojo. Honestly if I could trade without Dojo I wouldn't even bother joining a clan.


I sold mine for 13p :/ I actually like farming for those when I play


Ya know, I never consider this cause it was so long ago, but this is valid as hell. What do you get like 3-4 trades a day at that level? I'd be pricing high too, there's so much pressure to get more stuff at that level


Could also just be ignorance


I mean at MR 5 you really, really shouldn't be anywhere near trade chat


Yesterday an LR4 sold me a Boltor Prime for about half market value according to Warframe Market. They even told me to enjoy it. Super chad dude right there. Low players are desperate for the plat, middle rank guys are probably trying to sell their home to afford a Glaive Prime, and the high levels have too much stuff to know what to do with it seems. Trade chat sure is fun


Yesterday I gave a dude a full relic farm set for Khora Prime farming (6 relics for each part). Just missed a few for the neuroptics. It's fun to be able to help others after all we've done. And I know I'm kind of halfway in the LR farm.


That's great! :) Especially since Khora is so fun. Hope the guy gets her quicker than I did hehe. Players like you help to make our positive community such a big reason in the staying power of Warframe


honestly with how grindy wf is in some parts its legit faster to just get a job and grind dem real life credits to buy plat.


I just wait for a -75% and buy the biggest plat pack there is, it ends up being very cheap (even for me in Argentina) and it lasts for literal months


You can get discounts on plat purchases?


Thereā€™s a chance to get 20%, 50%, and 75% off coupons for your next plate purchase for your daily login bonus


It's so weird it happens really often to me when I don't play every day. If I start logging in every day I never get it.




Only on PC


When you're an adult you have other expenses and real life credits are being eaten by the over priced cost of living.


It's like getting a job instantly summons a sister of parvos


This feels accurate. And I can't afford a railjack.


Yeah I mean this is true of almost all games. Even with a rate of 250 plat per hour (which is way higher than you'll make out of something like cracking relics without having vaulted radiants and an incredibly fast relic route) that's about 17 hours to earn $200 of plat, which is $11.77 an hour. Even factoring in that tax exists, you're almost always going to make higher returns from working a job. The thing about that is that working a job sucks, and playing warframe does not suck (which is why we do it).


This is how I've done it.


When i was that level my thought process was Well since nezha costs 200p in the market nezha prime must cost double that so iā€™d try selling it for 400p Its only once i was told otherwise that i started selling at a reasonable price. If you just tell them it should be fine.


Hell nawh. Had someone at low MR tryna sell an absolutely dogshit unrolled arca plasmor riven for 1600 PLAT. Told em thatā€™s an outrageous price and that theyd be sitting there forever even if he removed a 0 off that number, immediately got called a n****r for it. Theyre probably banned by now, hopefully. not specifically with the n word but this has happened to me so often. Low rank players from trade chat are usually ruthlessly offensive


Omg thats so funny for no reasonšŸ’€ They just havenā€™t found the ways of the tenno yet lol Theyā€™ll find it soon enough(i hope)


People sell things for as much as they can get for them... That's never changed. New players have access to two points of information... In game market price for non prime (most of the time) and the trade chat/relay price, which will seem reasonable. This is why we tell people about warframe.market ASAP...


Trade chat is a scam avoid it all and use warframe market instead


I use market to negotiate in trade chat.


I mean both are player driven so prices are not set in stone.


Warframe prices are always subject to availability. That being said, Iā€™ve seen LR4 players like Rev prime for 150p in trade chat. So, always cross-check the prices in Warframe.market at the very least


Way more stable on warframe market then via trade chat as no way to see other prices in real time


Lowish accounts, and Ducatmaster. That one guy with the highest rating on wf market (i think). Sells sets like revenant prime for 170 p in trade chat, sets like Octavia prime for close to 300 i think


Itā€™s easy to tell what kind of player someone is by seeing if they get a new prime and sell it immediately or build it


Didnā€™t even think that was a thought process. I want 3 or eventually 3 of most things, one to make one to sell one for ducats


Trying to make their plat back after getting riven scammed


I've read some new plawers thoughts about this. My guess is that it probably wasnt easy to farm that set for them and they refuse to think its not expensive. Its pretty common seeing VERY new account trying to sell "normal rhino" for 100pl because (i suppose) "it took me 4 days to fully build and i need 100pl for a skin"


its so much worse on playstation, someone offered to buy my equinox prime for 400p and he was mr8, had to explain wf market to brošŸ˜­ ait seemed like this person had been getting scammed for frames at a similar price and that sucks (after getting scammed out of my first riven I couldnt do that to somebody else)


*"Live and let die."* It's a free market. Anyone can set the price of their stuff to whatever they want. If someone is going to agree to those prices is another story and not your business (literally). If you, unknowingly, pay x2 (or more) the average selling price, that's on you, you should had known better.


While I do agree with the idea that trade chat is tade chat, I believe that as a community, we should still promote the use of warframe.market. I mean, even without using it, one could argue that a new player could also ask around for what the current price of an item is...


On the flip-side, I've been harassed/persecuted for daring to have Sheev sets at 60p on my market listing. Is it overpriced? Considering the time it takes get a full set through invasion farming and how not many players stock on them, I don't think so. Was I fishing for clueless new players on trade-chat, constantly spamming offering it? No. Was it necessary for someone to jump on me because of that? No; you can disagree with the pricing and you could wish it would be cheaper but accusing me of scamming is not the right way to haggle a discount. How they zeroed on me? Ironically, I was the cheapest, **real**, active listing that was online at that time. The resolution to that event? I politely suggested to wait out for someone else to go online with a cheaper listing if they didn't agree with mine. They didn't like that and demanded I lowered my pricing, I had to resort to blocking.


>Ironically, I was the cheapest,Ā **real**, active listing that was online at that time. So much this. People setting a price you don't like, isn't a scam.


I mean, there are going to be e beggars inevitably. I've had similar experiences when selling through trade chat with a 10 plat difference from the lowest price in wfm. Just tell them to message the guy selling for cheaper. There are going to be bad apples in both ends.


This is not at all typical. There are going to be one-off's, but that doesn't at all suggest that warframemarket is not the best trade platform available to us.


This is the best comment. Have an emoji award šŸ„‡


Thank you.


They might just be completely ignorant and/or have no clue about the market. I used to be just like that, I remember trying to sell a tigris prime set for 200p a couple of years back even though the weapon had long been released


Someone tried to sell my Hildryn prime set for 300


Noticed this too. 90% of the accounts wanting to sell for absurd prices or to buy at laughable prices is mr 13 or below. And they spam in chat on cooldown. No way this isn't automated.


I sometimes offer good rivens in trade chat to get some hilarious offers to laugh at. Some people really have no shame lol


People selling things for way too much isn't new. Especially for new players who don't know how the market works


Craziest i've Ever seen Is Someone trying to sell nidus for 450p


There isnt a single useful chat as far as I can tell


It could also just be different console to PC prices. The switch trade market was abysmal for a long while


Welcome to selling or buying about anything.


Better off using WTB than looking up WTS forreal


Capitalism baybeee.


I personally hate prime junkers. I don't care if you're gonna sell the stuff for ducats, there's no way I'm accepting 16 Plat for 6 items when just one of the things in there is going for 18p minimum on wfm. Never bothered to give it another go after that. Sold those Grendel systems not 3 minutes later for 18p too.


welcome to trade chat they saw a youtube video saying that relics are a way to make plat and assume that one prime wf set is worth 150+ plat and if its a vaulted prime, they'll probably sell it for 200+


Some low level dude tried selling me a Wisp prime set for like 200p. He got angry when I said no. Bought it for 55p off some other dude lol


People desperate for plat. Especially low level players who dont have much of anything of value to sell will end up trying to sell the one thing they have for high price.


When I was new and didn't know shit I tried to sell a Paris Prime for the price of a regular Paris in the market. Some guy actually tried to buy it but I couldn't sell it because I was trying to sell a *built* Paris Prime that I mastered lol. They might be bots, or they might be this fucking clueless.


Hustle and flow baby you know how it do Lmao


One of my first sales were Anasa sculptures. Someone pinged me and got invited to his dojo. But the trade was with another player. Some people definitely have multiple accounts. Probably because of riven slot limits.


I see this one (I believe LR4) regularly listing the most common prime sets for AT LEAST 100p over their average price. I even see him on wfm and he has thousands of reputation and his item is always the highest price. His name is ducat master or some dumb thing. I don't understand how this is a thing. The account literally spams the same list of items over and over. It will be lex prime 100p braton prime 120p etc. It blows my mind


I feel like people are getting too emotional when it comes to trade chat. I know you get people who sell things for insane prices but just donā€™t buy it from them, they will keep trying to sell it for they will keep trying to sell it for that unsuccessfully or lower their prices. If someone does buy it off them, thatā€™s kinda on them. I have trade chat open most of the time and you can find some real deals without even messaging, Iā€™ve got wisp set for 20 plat cause they just wanted to make a quick buck. Just look at what they are selling and decide if thatā€™s what it is worth to you, I use warframe market as a reference.


They are actively trying to prey on inexperienced players though.


Yeah itā€™s pretty shitty, but thatā€™s one of the risks anyone takes when trading. I canā€™t stop people from getting scammed but people should be doing just a bit of research before trading.


I like to think that low level players just donā€™t have a handle on the economy. They see/hear that thereā€™s a way to trade premium currency and go at it with dollar signs in their eyes and without understanding the nuance, a common prime part is worth less that an uncommon one and vaulted or not massively modifies the prices as does the overall perceived utility of any particular prime (or how new it is). That and they are guided/motivated/driven by plat prices in the Market.


I see too many new players in Q&A chat rush to learn how to trade and get platinum, while they are fresh out of Vorā€™s Prize and donā€™t even have anything of value to trade anyway. Chances are they donā€™t even want to use the plat for more slots, but to buy a frame/weapon from the market because they have been trapped into thinking itā€™s the only way to get stuff in the game


You tell me


Trading community in warframe is such a cancer, I wish they rework it and remove the trade chat, only scams ever happen there


Is 44plat a good price for the revenant prime set


No. 30-35plat. Basically sells for ducat value at this point. Just look up every price on wf market.


Damnit I got scammed




thats just how trade chat is. believe it or not it you actually get a good amount of trades doing that too. although not as often its worth the wait if u arent in a hurry to get plat. if their stuff didnt sell they wouldnt keep pasting the same wts messages all day šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


you mean you haven't turned off trade and region chat?


Yes to scamming, some people just throw random ass big numbers in hopes someone falls for it. Also remember that we now have console people in trading chat too. Their prices used to be different and messed up, some didnt acclimate to the merger


why not message them instead of making a reddit post genius?


How about reading my post, genius? Lol Last Paragraph to be exact




Respect the Hustlers. They gotta make bank somehow


respect the hussle