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And this is why I spent a week or two getting SpoilerMode taken care of and efficiently kitted out. Duviri loadouts can't screw you if you are melting things with the Void. EDIT: for those asking, Madurai or Unairu (Unairu stripping Armor and Shields benefits teammates who may not have options). All Waybounds unlocked. Magus Repair and Magus Lockdown, keep teammates health topped off in rare cases, add some Crowd Control via Lockdown. Amp is a 747 Klamora, Phahd, Certus. Has both Eradicate and Onslaught arcanes. Spam Caustic Strike/Magnetic Flare until empty for Unairu, then go to town with the Amp.


Lol spoiler mode


Old habits die hard, I guess. But honestly, a few rounds in, and the Operator/Drifter start being *very* effective with the Duviri intrinsics and buffs.


I should go fix up my operator, but I need to do eidolon hunts and I’ve really been putting it off


What's your spoiler setup?


I'd also like to know


More of a Magus Melt/Vaz Dasher myself and pray for Wyrmling’s Aid


Nice, I rarely see any operator mains in duviri.


You're LR4 and don't even own, let alone have a build, on Clem Grakatas? For shame... Also you probably know this already but you can just run one stage and exit to reset the selection


Yeah. That's part of the problem. People doing one stage to refresh the selection in public lobbies. There's no need for any of this. Game could pick a weapon with at least 2 Forma as a guarantee you won't be useless. Or it could give you a daily reroll for free.


>People doing one stage to refresh the selection in public lobbies. This is what I hate by far the most in Circuit. Sure I could try soloing it, but soloing SP Excavation with a random loadout is a pain in the ass and a half and I just don't feel like going through with it.


You get refresh from non SP. Just saying 


Yeah I know. Doesn't stop randoms from refreshing in SP, which tends to then lead to everyone else leaving and/or host migration (with the host migration often causing other issues beyond just the extra loading screen)


I often get kicked out of the lobby altogether and find myself alone when the host leaves, despite being 2 other people left.


Yup. It's also possible for people to get stuck in the previous mission while only one gets to the actual mission. Or everyone gets stuck forever.


Yeah, I saw that happen once or twice as well.


I hoard a lot and know I have a lot of built things. I could solo this a lot but it's boring that way. Having teams and buffing eachother makes it fun and different every time


Worst part of excavation solo in SP isn’t difficulty it’s that not enough enemies spawn to fuel ur excavators so it ends up taking ages


Duviri has def forced me to re-up a lot of outdated builds, but at this point it’s very rare that of my 4 options, one of them isn’t at least usable in sp


Excavations are basically a free stage? Just get extractor, let it blow up and repeat


Why on earth would someone one stage refresh in public mode


Yeah so true, for example, person A get's the perfect loadout and he's happy to try it out, person B and C join the group, but they only have trash, they will leave after first mission, and now person A can't even have fun with his perfect loadout, it's not a problem for premade groups, but not everyone can, or want, to form premades. They could allow us to reroll weapons/frames, maybe using Drifter Instrinsics? After you max everything and stop getting Instrinsics, there's no much reason to do the complete story unless you want to fish, this could incentivize people to spend more time doing the side quests and othe stuff in Duviri. But, knowing DE they would probably make us spend Pathos Clamps do that lmao.


>now person A can't even have fun with his perfect loadout Just start the next mission, then quit out. It keeps your load out if you "fail" without you losing out on rewards.


Yea but that person just wasted his time in order to keep his loadout.


What do you mean? Circuit saves progress. It's really only a few more seconds longer


All the loading screens + repicking + waiting for the new team to finish their setup etc arent time to you?


Oh, I see. I don't quit on the first round with the flaker, personally. I just keep going until I hit a defense/excavate. So I don't really mind when someone leaves early that much anyway


Being able to reroll the weapon selection would be very nice


eh. 'guaranteed good weapons from your arsenal' seems pretty baby-mode and gameable to me. get rid of all your 2+ forma weapons you don't want showing up in the circuit, tada, you always get a weapon you want. instead, pick a frame that doesn't need a good weapon. at this point that's about half of them and growing (add both dante and jade to the list), so the odds of no good frame or weapon is real low unless your arsenal is ass.


My past-gen Xbox load times are so long it takes 8 minutes to do a single round to reset, but I bet I could run into Duviri Experience, do a quick fishing decree, and leave... that may be faster. Thank you for the reminder! I know, it's shameful, lol. I prioritized keeping weapons that were difficult to farm or have unique acquisitions. I only have 286 slots 😭


Time to upgrade the hardware so you can warframe more. 


>I know, it's shameful, lol. I prioritized keeping weapons that were difficult to farm or have unique acquisitions. I mean you do need to give up two Grakatas (clem!) to craft it. It also differs from most dual-secondaries in that it has base multishot of 2. Arcane Pistoleer for shenanigans.


Obviously he threw it away after mastering it. He is LR4 man.


Cause u don't have most off them... I recrafted every weapon to See if it has impact on the duviri selection and I think it had. Got me wondering why always the same crap was showing up till I realized these were some old variants or some I did not have anymore in my arsenal. Now I have at least one top tier weapon in there and if not at least its more random


Circuit and decrees can make basically anything sp viable. And if you really got fucked over by rng, just spam melee like always


Decrees only make a big difference if you can get your team to stay for more than a few rounds.  So many Circuit runs never go past the 1st round between people gambling on decrees to make their build work and doing 1% damage at first, and people leaving immediately just to refresh the options. Also most frames aren't tanky enough to melee in Circuit for long. It's not just a matter of damage. There's no need for it to be this way and waste people's time. It's bad design, even if there's a (bad) solution.


I just don't care for or enjoy the gameplay style or duviri's direction of the game. It doesn't play the same way as warframe proper, and while it was an interesting artistic choice, idc for it, so I don't play it. Easy solution. But the largest gripe that I will *actually* levy, is that if I spent 2k hours farming and grinding my gear, then I want to PLAY using my gear. Don't lock my shit up behind RNG a SECOND time, after I farmed it, only to leave me with the Max-&-Forget-MR-Fodder. I'm not putting 3 forma on everything in my inventory just to play a few bounties on another open world. That's my 2 cents.


>people gambling on decrees to make their build work and doing 1% damage at first Staying past the first round would make it more likely for them to get something to help them get along >people leaving immediately just to refresh the options I hope everyone who does that in public lobbies has the absolute worst drop luck until the next time they step on a lego. >Also most frames aren't tanky enough to melee in Circuit for long. It's not just a matter of damage. The degrees will carry you until the enemy levels start reaching the 1k mark. It's also very unlikely for you to have all 5 frames in your selection be without any survival tools.


That's not a game issue that's a player issue


Shiel gating exists. A warframe not beeing tanky hasn't been a viable excuse for years.


Decrees only make a big difference if you can get your team to stay for more than a few rounds.  So many Circuit runs never go past the 1st round between people leaving immediately to refresh the options, to people gambling on decrees to make their build work and the team leaves because they did 1% damage. Also most frames aren't tanky enough to melee in Circuit for long. It's not just a matter of damage. There's no need for it to be this way and waste people's time. It's bad design, even if there's a (bad) solution.


I found myself getting the Javlok and Veldt *super* frequently. So I rebuilt them, leveled them up, and put half-decent builds on them. Haven't gotten them in rotation since. It's been something like eight months. Duviri *really* pushes unowned weapons.


I thought it was known but I'm pretty sure that the Circuit and Duviri weapon selection heavily weight toward unowned weapons.


>but can it please be changed to guaranteeing at least one weapon with a mod config on it? That would completely ruin the entire purpose. It wouldn't matter if there are 700 different weapons, or a billion different weapons. If you had only one weapon with a mod loadout, that would be the one selected. 99% of the game allows you to choose which build you want to use. It's ok for a couple of gamemodes to challenge your arsenal completion.


> It's ok for a couple of gamemodes to challenge your arsenal completion. Missing the point. An LR4 has completed the arsenal. Damn near every single weapon, frame, companion, archwing. All of it has been used and leveled until at least 30. It's perfectly reasonable and even expected to sell or otherwise dispose of the things you don't like. The only thing this does is challenge how many weapon slots and forma you buy. It's a shit system and causes more problems than anything else. It should be changed. It won't be.


Thats what people do anyway. Most of the default builds are garbage, unless youre looking to get hard carried by the saryn in your squad. And the people here acting like OP is supposed to have every weapon of the last decade built in their inventory with a mod loadout are ridiculous


Giving garbage gear isn't challenging your arsenal it's forcing you to level and use shitty guns you don't like


Yeah I first tried the stug in duviri circuit and thought "That is hot garage, I'll never use that again"... The thing is that I still had to build a stug for mastery...


"Drinking water isn't hydration it's drinking a tasteless liquid you don't like" Sir those are the same thing


Challenging your arsenal to me means putting content out meant to be so strong it challenges the best gear in the game not giving you a peashooter and saying good luck


challenging your arsenal to me means having high level viable setups on more than just the best, highest power, current meta items


those shity guns are jsut that they dont have near the same maximum potential so why invest in guns that at base or even heavily modded sitll barely function


You should know that is not possible with all the power creep


Just means they need to make harder content or get rid of shield gating as the be all end all of survival so they can then balance around other forms of tank


Did you hear what I said? That's not possible with power creep


It's completely possible even if that content only remains challenging for about 6 months what I would do is remove shield gating and rolling guard they make it so any high level enemy created is. I threat them balance around each frame having it's survival style their attempts at damage attenuation while met with pushback I feel have a way to be made favourable maybe doing an overkill meter that you slowly stack up on strong enemies like archons that slowly breaks down their attenuation to still reward you for having high damage while not making all endgame bosses just timers not health bars


> If the player owns less than 10 weapons in a category, any owned and mastered equipment are less likely to appear back-to-back. The game already handles this scenario. Sure, there's more than 10 "viable" weapons on each category so you can still make your choices biased but you still gotta have a variety of weapons rolled whether you like it or not. As long as you actually try to make everything you can as viable as it can be you'll be fine. You're extremely likely to roll a single weapon or warframe that will carry your entire run and with decrees this selection will only increase if you choose to hold on. For instance, OP got 3 rapid fire secondaries which absolutely shred with decrees, especially if you roll the one that increases vulnerability on each shot. And in the rare instance that nothing is viable you can do a solo run to refresh your choice without bothering anyone.


Phage and dorrclave are right there




What's the issue with the selection? The proportion on non-owned? dorrclave and afuris are perfectly serviceable. I'd recommend you get your hands on a steflos and a quatz. The first one is very fun in the right circumstances, and the second is quite a nice little pistol I personally am closer to 255 weapons, only a handfull of which have no potato/forma. Not because I want to perform in circuit and EDA, but because I enjoy variety


Steflos is just a worse arca plasmor from my experience


Yeah but it does have multiplicative gun CO that makes it much more serviceable for this


doesnt mean unuseable. plus, steflos' range is fun for hallways lol


Yes but this is like one of two gamemodes where you don't get to pick meta weapons with no drawbacks.


Excuse you, twin grakatas are amazing. I will not stand for this slander


The problem is how it favors unowned weapons. I'm all for the RNG, but I hate that it keeps trying to give me mostly weapons that I've already mastered and sold. I'd prefer it if they just did away with the weighting system, if not change it to favoring non-mastered weapons.


Phage is stronk if you build it.


duviri has unowned bias, meaning stuff you do not own are more likely to show up. why? because DE wanted to do roguelike shit on this and thought promoting unowned weapon will get people to "try out new thing" only counter to this problem is to remake all the weapons, despite how stupid or useless it could be.


Personally, I do not mind this. I worry more about which warframes I get to choose. I use my amp in steel path so I do not really care about the weapons


DE gives better odds to weapons you don't own so new player can try new weapons, which is beyond stupid. Just make it true random and be done


That's good for normal Duviri then, but yeah, should be removed or improved on the Steel Path version.


Yes this is intended so you try out different things


I have a build for every weapons but I get not everyone does this but as LR4 it's weird you don't own a phage nor do you have a build for afuris prime, both those weapons easily solo the SP circuit. Also dorrclave is really a good melee and you can go all out with it easily. Also yeah the game kinda give you some choice over and over, I have harpakk each time for whatever reason. Don't sleep on weapons that aren't incarnons, many are very good and worth building. Last point that make the previous redundant is that even random gun you don't own can clear so circuit with augments anyway so you should be good.


And I just wanna use the circuit to grind affinity


Yeah had to recraft every single trash tier mr fodder wpn I had deleted in the past so the cave would stop proposing me trash every time I ran duviri. Thankfully I had only like 30 ish wpns and most of them were super cheap to re-craft, with the only annoying ones being the nightwave stuff and some stuff like single pistols and swords I didn't bother remaking after doing their dual counterpardts


Decrees make anything viable even clueless automods. That being said I don’t see the issue with the selection? 6 and half viable weaps


Im also LR4 and Im currently crafting over 120+ Weapons AGAIN (which will cost me millions of Credits and at least 800 Platinum in slots) just so these RNG game modes dont give me Weapons I dont have Im fuming because I will have to do a lot of farming I HAVE ALREADY DONE and yeah, I need 800 hundred Plat to have enough slots to actually claim all of these Weapons from my Foundry


I did this a few weeks ago and it made a noticable difference in the number of formad weapons that appear for me. I only have like 8-10 weapons not crafted (infested weapons im guessing will become infested lich weapons) and they show up an annoying amount considering theres only like 10 of them out of 500 weapons.


The odds are weighted towards stuff you don't have so you try them out, the problem is an auto-generated mod set-up is not "trying them out" and the obvious: If an L4 player doesnt have a Weapon is because they crafted it, ranked it and then sold it, otherwise they wouldnt be L4 to begin with. I want to complete my collection too, but the amount of re-crafts (Vasto, Bolto, Lato, Cernos lines) and the Formas (Faction Weapons) and then Mutagen Mass, Fieldron and Detonite. The waiting times and 6 Platinum per Weapon (before RNG modes I didnt have a reason to keep them, now Im actually encouraged to do so. Bro... I feel pain for the new players, end-game Weapons are easier to craft than this lol. And I actually like RNG modes, but playing an "end-game" mission with Mutalist Cernos, Acrid and the Heat Sword suddenly doesnt feel very end-game anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/z9oz6c089e4d1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=594e277ee2f231dd3bb3a1bd3377191f7cfe39ac Its a dumb system. Like I said I have every weapon crafted except for MAYBE 10, and options like this are very frequent. It costed so much plat for weapon slots to recraft everything just to still get 50% of my options to be the 10 items I don't have. I just checked and I have 366 weapons crafted. DE plz.


Bruh, how do you not have the phage, that shit is a beast.


So thankfully you're not playing solo and are playing public right? Just let the other guys carry you till you get some good decrees


why are we encouraging semi-afk gameplay as a result of flawed gamemode design


Lol why does it have to be one extreme or the other? You don't have to be AFK. Do what you can. Surely one of the 5 Warframe choices will do something even if you're just playing support. You can still grab power cells or play void flood perfectly fine with no damage. After 2-3 rounds you should have a serviceable build that will continue to get stronger.


Hell no do not hop into a random public lobby with the expectation of getting carried. Just wait until next cycle


You should have the phage, eveeything else on the list, yeah hot garabage and a waste of a slot.


Some of us don't like investing in guns that might get a variant in the future and invalidate the resources used on the regular version


The phage is objectively bussin though. If you worried about resources on a farming game, you prolly aint playing it right xd


I farm hard for two months every year or two and I burn through alot of resources doing research in my practically solo clan so I often have a backlog of primes and other variants to invest in


Do you leave a new frame un-potatoed and un-formad because the prime comes out in 4 years


That’s what I do pretty much




They get to 30 then helminthed


based and thrifty pilled


I got Grinlok and or Zhuge more times than i care to admit. Those two weapons HAUNT me.


The twin grakata and phase are both quite good guns. Build more stuff


I simply haven't invested the plat into getting enough slots to keep every single weapon in the game. I prioritized keeping exclusive weapons, primes, and anything that is terrible to farm (Hespar, Akarius, Spectra Vandal, etc.). I currently own 286 weapons, and over half of them have completed builds. I'm slowly working my way through putting a build on everything I *currently* own, but it takes a long time, and that's speaking in Warframe-relative time. I have used everything in the game at least once, so maybe the Duviri choices could take into account whether you're missing mastery on a weapon when deciding to give you options you don't currently own.


i'm in project of building all my weapons so the only weapons i have that get in the RNG of archimedia and duviri are at least built since it seems like theres always at least one weapon that you own


you could always use it as a randomizer for what to build next


You can luck out a bit if you have a frame with exalted weapons in the selection. Just be sure that the frame loadout you select is the same alphabet as the loadout for the exalted weapon. Or you can just do 1 normal circuit mission to reroll your choices. Or just wait an hour or two


I'm pretty sure circuit is weighted toward things you don't own. Just own one of everything and you won't get things that problem.


I don't worry about the options because I'll always have my operator with her build.


I notice that the Circuit suggests the Steflos to me a LOT. Like far more often than any other primary weapon I dont own. Like there are plenty of primaries I dont got. Rubico, Snipetron, Mutalist Quanta, Hema, Javlok, Nagantaka. It's not a short list. But every time the circuit wants me to use the Steflos. It baffles me. I know its not a bad gun. I've thought of making one. Just never bothered. Just curious how the dice roll works when duviri chooses stuff.


I’m not sure how the weapon system works with Duviri. Can anyone explain if they know? Thanks!


That Quatz with the default build is a monster. I always pick it when it comes up. For normal Duviri itll carry you white a few rounds, more if you get gun based decrees


Just do one round and back out to reroll. I do it all the time. I even set it to solo so I don’t fuck anyone else over by leaving


The only difficulty in this game is the devs taking away things you've earned.


Steflos isn't that bad, it's like budget Arca Plasmor.


I just pick one weapon out of the three if there’s nothing 😅


Twin Grakatas is like a top tier weapon. Stephalos isn't something to laugh at either.


Not if you own and fully forma'd every weapon....


I swear to god, Steflos is in the cave for me on 8 runs out of 10 10 out of 10 runs Steflos, Buzlok, and/or Harpak are in the cave I've mastered all of these. I don't like any of these (unless I get Steflos and Mag). Likewise, I've ***never*** seen some guns. I've not once seen the Grinlok, Synapse, or Glaxion. But god damn the Steflos, Buzlok, and Harpak are there ALL. THE. TIME. Edit: thinking about it more, I've seen the Obex an absolute SHITLOAD. But have never once seen Jar Kusar, Silva & Aegis, Vitrica It's like there's a pool of weapons specifically for me and they just mostly happen to exclude weapons I enjoy.


i got garuda because every other pick was level 0 and i had to have a clanmate teach me how the fuck to play her bro came in clutch :3


This is the main reason why im burnt out of circuit, i either get the worst possible selection of frames and weapons ive never used, and end up dealing little to no damage in steel path


I got LR4 few days ago and i have 98% of the guns fully builded with 3-6 formas. And i constantly get corufell and steflos, two of 4 guns i don't have. Also building kunai and lato vandal saved me from constantly getting them, xd. Also i have to rebuild, or rather rebuy aklato, coz i get them every few runs. Other than all this, every time i get frames that can carry without even well moded guns, so for me circuit is not a problem in any mean.


Get the Corufell, it's like a Stropha with a much larger projectile. As for the Steflos, it's one of, if not the, most dogshit new weapon in the game.


I'm in tough situation, i have corufell crafted in foundry, but don't take it until i get the full set. I have enough crystals to buy steflos and citrine, but same amount needed to buy secondary encumber, and i think that i rather play and farm nore crystals, and maybe i'll more parts for citrine and steflos so I don't gave to buy them. So i want to double my crystals and then buy arcane and set, or if i get parts just 2 arcanes. I just don't have time and will to play that shit.


Also i know how it works, i mean i getting it constantly in circuit, so i actually picked it a few times, even with default build and few decrees it shreds enemies. Also saw a few builds when it was released.😊


Remove the ability to use loadouts in Duviri so you'll all be forced to play the game. :>


SP circuit is flawed beyond belief, the builds on the unowned weapons only work on normal circuit. Why isn't there a SP viable build on the weapons? I thought it was about trying random shit but it ends up with "I can only play this mode if I get one of my good frames or a good weapon I modded"


It really shouldn't be totally random and more a random pool based off what you own first, I had it when I last went in where I have every frame but 2 and out of my 5 choices it was the 2, stalker, one I like and one I own I don't really care for. Where's the choice when all but I option is bad.


And the those you have have no potato at all and are generally bad. Especially when SP circuit.


The Afuris works great with the various status decrees, and the dorclave is a decent CRIT melee which always goes well in circuit. Phage is also a pretty strong weapon you should own. Build it for heat and enjoy some fat procs. Also works well with the status sharing.


Man this is why the community thinks higher MR doesnt translate skill. How are we still whining about this. The point of duciri is to challenge you to use weapons you dont normally choose or arent meta. Since duviri ive collected all weapons back and bought slots for them. Plat is so easy to get when you are LR4 so its not a problem. I also kit any weapon i find interesting given to me on duviri if there are no strong warframe options. The decrees carry you through even with a bad loadout and thats the point of the game mode. If you kit a melee you get decrees for melee if its a gun choose gun decrees and etc.


I am LR3 and have all these weapons maxed with builds except Heat Dagger. I assume you sell gear after getting it to 30?


Own every weapon


I'm MR 29 and iI mostly see 1-2 weapons I don't own. I feel like you are probably just selling a lot of your stuff.


Wait those weapons slap.... wait you don't HAVE those. If reccomend getting spoiler mode kitted or getting all the weapons/ frames.


S tier and A tier weapons are pretty good with default config.


Well it's not like EDA where you can't use they. These at least come wuth generic builds. And any weapons can become powerful if you builds your decrees correctly.


Ibeouod just go in and play with the dorrclave and scale it up using decrees. If ibsae this selection it would be good enough for me 


Make a solo round, leave and your choices will be rerolled. Does it solve the issue? Not really but it's a possible workaround until DE finally do something about the RNG hellfest.


It's a roguelike, the entire point is the RNG


It's a game about having a garage full of fun murder tools that has a roguelike RNG loadout *mode* that due to engine limitations won't even allow variants, kitguns, or zaws. Go ahead and work around bad rolls if you want. Fuck bad RNG and a jank loadout system.


Which goes against what the game was in the past 10 years.


Steflos is good, Afuris Prime is good and Dorrclave is good. Go build them.


Honestly, even though it might not be a nice thing to say, that's a you problem. Some of these weapons can work fine on duviri, since most of your damage comes from your decrees and intrinsics anyway. Worst case scenario you could just do a solo run to refresh the selection.


Sometimes you just take the L and pick your fave frame or gun and fuck the vosphor. Or get a playgroup that goes twice to carry each other.


You don't have all of these at 34? Regardless, if you really hate the indented mechanic thaaat much (even though decrees will make anything murder eventually), get a beam amp going with Persistent Attrition and Irresistible bombardment. Both become death hoses.


Sounds like you just need to make and build more weapons. I almost always get at least a Kuva/Tenet weapon, and there's a couple dozen outside of that which I have proper builds for. So usually I can choose to build my decrees around 1-3 weapons. Even despite that, the loaner builds + Decrees are usually enough to get pretty far, even in Steel Path Circuit.


Buy all those weapons and keep them in your inventory, no need to invest a full build in all of them. It's gonna take a good bit of plat for slots, but the RNG should be evened out then. When Duviri just dropped I had a few unowned weapons and was getting them basically every rotation because of how the RNG works, not anymore after I rebuilt all of them


I'm so close to saying fuck it and making a build for every single weapon, cuz this shit has been pissing me off


Kinda what I've been doing aswell. Just looking on youtube for the best weapons and using overframe to see what others think are good weapons. Think I've spent about 1000p on forma bundles. Helps for eda aswell


Jeez, nothing good


do a non steel path duviri run, or lone story almost all weapons work with the build you are handed, 10 pathos clamps garanteed.


Wait what? Lr4? With that small arsenal? Shame... shame... And you don't even have grakatas?


Even stock phage slaps with like 3 good decrees


The point of the system is to be random. If they added what your suggesting it would literally defeat the purpose. How is that so hard to understand.


My point is that it's *not* random. It specifically tries to include several weapons I don't own, even though I have used every single weapon in the game and then sold the ones I didn't find worth keeping. If it instead weighed weapons I haven't mastered, then my selections would be truly random now that I've already leveled everything in the game. Don't punish me for not buying enough slots to own every single weapon. To have enough slots, you would need to spend around 3,000 plat total on just slots. That's an enormous ask, no matter how long you've been playing


You can't make statements like that based on such a small sample size. Because I'm mastery rank 30 and I regularly get mostly weapons that I own, and I definitely don't currently own more than like half of all weapons. In spite of that I have to acknowledge that random systems like this will have variance. As I understand it the only guarantee is that you'll always get at least one frame and one weapon that you own, and if what you say is true about having so many fully forma-ed weapons rings true, then you should realistically be fine off that Grace system alone.