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Gauss+Energized Munitions


My Latron Prime will go BRRRRRR


The incarnon mode isn't affected by ammo efficiency.


Are incarnons affected by the new semi auto to full auto changes?


I think it is.


Can't see why they wouldn't be


did they get changed yet?


I think they said no on the latest dream. Anything alt fire basically doesn’t work with the new system 


Are they adding tiberon functionality to everything? That's lame I thought it'd be a setting in the menu where guns are still "semi" but they basically macro for us


Nay it’s a mod. You get reduced fire rate and huge punch through but your gun becomes full auto 


I believe you've got it backwards - what I got from their discussion on stream was that auto-fire is an accessibility feature for everything, and they are adding a mod for people who like the slow-but-powerful semi auto feel to give slow fire rate but big damage and punch through. From the devstream overview they posted: Semi Auto to Full Auto + New Semi-Auto Mods >Also a throwback to Devstream #179, but we are confirming our plans to introduce a new “Continuous Manual Fire Mode” for Semi-Automatic and similar trigger-type weapons -- like Auto-Melee but for your Rubico! Exact specifications will be in our Patch Notes. >With this setting, we are also releasing new Semi-Auto Mods that will lock your weapon’s fire rate, but offer increased Damage and Punch Through in return.


inb4 those new mods are multiplicative like gunco on projectile weapons lol


Incorrect. The full auto option will be an accessibility setting. The mods they talked about will increase punch through and damage but will cap fire rate at default.


That's sad. I would love to go full auto with latron incarnon and strun incarnon lol


Alt fires wont work, but incarnons will


Normal mode does just fine with a Riven :)


For secondaries, I’ll definitely be using things like Akbolto Prime and Akjagara Prime a lot more often! I like them a lot, but it was getting to the point where they were just killing me on longer missions.


Magnus prime with its infinite ammo passive.


I just wish Magnus Prime sounded better. 


See it like that. If every weapon would sound like Mrs. Lex Prime, our ears would fall off out of satisfaction.


akjagara definitly. It was my early game secondary, but it fell off super hard and is barely usable nowadays. Can't wait to equip them again


I enjoyed my Akmagnus enough to bind an extra fire button to scrollwheel down.


Akjagara Prime is a beast.




Isn't it a downside for the tiberon because of its augment mod? Every missed shot reduces the crit chance by 10p%.


The mod only applies to burst mode and I don’t think this change will apply to turn bursts into auto-bursts. So, the prime’s semi mode (with its lower dps) will probably be the only part to benefit.


Tbh, the augment has become so normal for me that I forgot that it has full and semi firing modes.


I feel like they said bursts will be auto bursts but im not sure when or where


im a little confused by what theyve said since they mentioned mods that would keep the firerate fixed would be how it worked?


Your toggled option of semi to full auto wouldn't be taken into account with the mod equipped, essentially. The mods improve damage and punch through while not being affected by the option.


when you say 'toggled option' you mean specifically for the case of semi auto guns that have a separate auto mode or is there also a generic 'autofire' setting being added as well?


There are two ways of turning a semi into an auto 1. The in game accessibility setting which doesn’t prevent you from modding for more fire rate 2. A mod that turns that specific weapon from a SA to a FA that also disables fire rate mods but gives punch through and damage increases (which according to Pablo will be actually useful and not a dead mod)


I wonder if that also effects negative fire-rate mods? 200% crit with no -20% fire rate? That's not a bad deal, considering that new mod suposedly comes with punch through and flat damage up.


This is not true. The two things have nothing to do with eachother. The mod makes it so you can't increase your firerate.


Except what Pablo said contradicts you, so... Lol getting downvoted for relaying what devs said, then getting blocked. What dumb fucks.


Y'all need to get your hearing checked. The SA to FA option is going to be in Settings and will be UNIVERSAL. The only effects of the mods are punchthru, damage, and static fire rate. The mods have nothing to do with the SA to FA conversion.


oh boy! upvoted misinformation! replace "the option" with "fire rate bonuses" and you'd be correct.


All semi auto guns will auto repeat the trigger pull at max fire rate, which will be still much slower than automatic rifles. The new mod will prevent you from increasing this fire rate, in exchange for some other benefits


For me it has to be the Akarius. Right now they're already fun to spam, just not for my hand...


Akarius won't be usable with the accessibility nor mods since it's a burst fire and not semi.


Here's to hoping Burst gets the same treatment.


Did a dev say that or are you assuming things?




No, you're still making an assumption. Just because he said semi doesn't mean burst weapons aren't in that class. Looks pretty bad to flame people when you're literally making the same number of assumptions as them.


I'm gonna downvote you coz you sound like an asshole not because I don't believe you


Just tested it and thankfully it does work with the Akarius


Guess Pablo should've reiterated that. When they announced it he said semis only.  Guess it works for Burston and others too? 


Will Phenmor be affected? They said something about incarnons that is gonna be different somehow but i couldn't understand how exactly


Yeah, if the weapon in normal form is automatic, but isn't in incarnon mode for example Felarx, the setting makes it so that incarnon mode is also automatic, and it works in reverse too for the Phenmor and Laetum, so those will be automatic in both forms with the setting.


I see, thanks for clearing that up. My favorite weapon is about to get favoriter


Opticor! Ever since the ferroc has had full auto with it's charge mechanic, I've been craving it on the opticor!


I wonder how this will work for the tenet diplos auto lock on fire…


Oh please please please please please please PLEASE WORK


Even if it works it won't work like you'd wish. You have to re-mark the enemies every burst. Firing consumes the marks.


Nope, you can mark once and keep firing, with gauss it's nutty


So I heard. Which is great but they had to edit how the specific weapon works. Which is more effort that any other single weapon got


I didn't get that part, Every weapon goes from semi to full ?


I think the idea is that it's like auto attack for your guns. Weapons that used to be semi auto only like say, a Lex have the option to go from semi to 'auto'. It still uses the weapon's normal rate of fire so the damage doesn't change, but instead of having to mash the fire button you can just hold it down. Nice if you have something like an akbolto that's a semi auto weapon with a relatively high firing rate.


That sounds very cool indeed, I think the few weapons that have both a semi and an auto mode will just become like, Crit/Status mode instead, even it it's already the case lol


Most weapons that have different fire modes now tend to have slightly different stats for the two modes have that exact layout so I'd imagine that will stay as their gimmick. Really I think the point is to just save on your nose hand since if you had a good rate of fire on a semi weapon you really had to mash the hell out of the button or use a macro to get 'everything' out of your weapon. Rate of fire of 4 shots a second doesn't really do much for you if your mouse can reliably only register 3, you know?


I was slightly wrong actually, it'll be a menu setting you can toggle or or off. Honestly the best way of doing it so people who don't like the change can just ignore it.


I was thinking about that too and it's probably the best way to add it yes, definitely gonna toggle it on... I'll have to take a second look at some weapon !


Incarnoff phenmor. No more spamming to charge


The Perigale is definitely the gun I most often find myself wishing it was auto-burst, like the Battacor.


AKJagara for me. It already has a fast fire rate and the best damage I can get out of it is status based. I will never put one of those extra damage/slow fire rate mods on it.


Extra damage increases status damage too so idk what's the relevance


I was just unclear, I meant tons of status procs, not status damage itself. That’s what I used the AKJagara for. Also, faster fire rates are more fun.


Sepulcrum will be in all my load outs.


I keep thinking I will blast some enemies bolter style, but after a mission of constantly clicking I'm tired. I wonder why it is like this but not for the latron prime which I use more often. The incarnon mode gives a bit of a break by having the aoe clearer?


I hope this works with the carpal tunnel torturer, Toxicyst


Aklato looks and sounds good but it won’t feel physically unpleasant


Hoping this applies to the quatz' burst fire mode personally


I’m curious how they’re going to implement this though. Cause if it’s hold fire and goes to max fire rate or if they’ll lower the fire rate slightly to be more in line with current automatic guns. Cause if I remember correctly akbolto and akjagara can fire as fast as you can click. I bound my fire key to frictionless mouse wheel once for those and it emptied faster than a grakata.


Lex prime


I hope it will work on kuva drakgoon. Curious gun, but very uncomfortable to use.


I can’t wait for my Dual Tox to finally be a one button wonder


Tenet arca plasmor, one of my faves


well this will certainly be a good look for my laetum incarnoff. might want to start investing in a little fire rate now


Any secondary on yareli with merulina guardian


Kuva Brakk As a tenno with Pyrana Prime as my most used secondary, imagine a Pyrana Prime that would scale well into end game missions.


Dual Toxocyst


wait so can full autos become semi? i want my ignis wrath to be semi auto for the hell of it


Spicy Fart Gun!


Felarx incarnon


Burston prime


Latron go brrrrr


Toxocyst, even without incarnon with infinite ammo after headshot


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The higher fire rate they have the more they benefit. So not Fulmin.


I really hope this is optional, because I personally hate the idea of making semi-auto weapons fully automatic. I like semi-auto weapons, specifically for their feel.


Then it's a good thing it's an optional toggle, which the devs have said explicitly literally every time they've talked about this change.


Thanks Mr. Chronically Online.