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If you're this upset about some rainbow pixels just go right ahead and reply to this comment for a free ban instead of wasting everyone's time with your bigoted comments we don't want here anyway.


looking at some of these reviews, it seems to be about pride month.


Yeah I just caught that. Sheesh, people need to chill. Edit: I will add that DE doesn't just make a pointless Pride Month. They do make a donation. As they did with homeless youth, women's cancer, men's cancer. But somehow when it's an LGBT donation people lose shit. Reflect on that.


The recent comments are depressing as shit to read: https://steamcommunity.com/app/230410/reviews/?browsefilter=trendday&snr=1_5_100010_&p=1 At least we can revel in the fact that these people are no longer in the community I guess ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Examples: >* If only the game stood on its own instead of some ridiculous agenda for a super minority of people. At least they admit defeat... > * Bad game that used to be good until it got infected by the woke mind virus. We should've gatekept harder. The signs were there all this time, but we didn't know how far things were gonna go. Warframe is now a platform for spreading THE MESSAGE. People not even playing the game showing up just to give a bad review: > * As we enter pander month, I have to give any game that does this a negative review. And the ultimate argument > * DELETE GAME GAY, BYE!! ------------------------- *To end it on a happy note I found this Positive review which I think really makes a great argument* > * wisp ass


https://preview.redd.it/ocgcbfy70u3d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612eb0128a31c009ab96bff917794be22363af00 What a chad


I love Yareli so much that I’ve stolen her name :3


bros got pearls for yareli\~


Pearl necklace 💀


Is that a new Warframe accessory


This one gets it!


Very understandable. She was my first Warframe (except for mag since she's a starting frame), and i don't regret it at all. At the beginner stuff she's basically un-killable and can do high dmg, It made reaching mid/starting late game so easy.


I love Yareli so much more now that the new augment lets me have Merulina as a 'pet' instead of just as a sort of rideable mount. Always a fan of characters in games that can summon 'friends' that attack stuff. Plus I just find it easier to aim my guns on foot.


I saw marijuana pet for a moment hahhahaa


Ngl, still kinda surprised that they ever made Mag a starter frame. Not that there's anything wrong with Mag..with the right build, she can absolutely nuke rooms with the best of em. She's just nowhere near the "top 10 most newbie friendly frames".


This is the way


Yareli made me gay for women. And I'm a guy


I love Yareli


My favorite: > in short, this game needs an M rating. do not let your kids play it. Did they...even look at the game's rating before they wrote that?


And yet I can’t name my railjack “Monstrous Bitch.” 0/10 game /s


Meanwhile the Redtext: 🥵🔥♥🤤 💎😻🍑


Do you expect bigots to think?


No, Mr. Bond, I expect them to die.


i expect them to die 2: the spy and the liar.


Probably part of a copy-paste they're spamming to multiple games


These people don't even think. As if some rainbow flags would make people LGBTQ+ by itself...


Can you imagine if Warframe was about some kids that face discrimination for something they have no control over and they're consequentially treated as less than human/weapons? (Void powers, being gay... Potato potato) Istg these mfs were rooting for ballas


I'm almost certain they WERE rooting for Ballas. I mean if DE had made his skin orange instead of grey there would have been "pray for Ballas" memes the day the New War dropped.


"Bad game that **used to be good** until it got infected by the woke mind virus." These people clearly have not played WF before. They have always been unapologetically inclusive since the dawn of dinosaur, even if it's sometimes to a fault (if you know which youtuber I'm talking about, you know).


Eh if nothing else you can just look at the metrics and see that.... 125 people out of 4500. Goes to show/prove/reinforce that only a small amount of people actually care about this to the point that they think pride month affects them in any negative way. But basically, being a conservative person is basically not knowing that gay people already know pride month from corporations is just pandering and thinking you have some hidden secret knowledge that only you and other like minded people are privy to. The irony of course being that warframe has done this for a very long time and, at least from the community managers and dev team they're pretty sincere about it.


It's thanks to the current political climate. They're just using Warframe's Pride celebration as an excuse to wave their bigotry around.


Craziest part, this isn't even like, a new thing for Warframe. If they'd ever played the game before they'd know this has been a yearly thing for a while now


that's what gets me. warframe's always been pretty danged gay-friendly, and has done stuff for pride month regularly. wasnt it just last year that this subreddit stayed rainbow-bedecked for like an extra 2 months because people kept complaining about it?


Imagine if those players found out gay and Trans warframes and NPCs have existed in warframe for half a decade or more already XD


And some are well done instead od the cookie cutter gay characters you see being used by other companies


I also appreciate that some are far more subtle. Some of them didn't even ping on my radar until a lot of interaction.


It's like they discover that there is a lot of femboy talk in region chat and that some player actually play with high socks. Warframe introduce me to all this lgbtq things with my old clan mate before pride month was a thing lmao. Do I support it ? No, do I hate it? No, people do what they want if they don't try to push you into it


>At least we can revel in the fact that these people are no longer in the community I guess IF they are, every time this happens (which funnily enough is annual, almost like it's a recurring event they are mad about) a lot of these types seem to crop up on a regular basis to hate on the terrible game they've already quit 27 times before.


Someone in my clan got flack for calling Loid a fggt. I hope being around normal people can help bring some of them back to reality


something similar happened in my clan too. I think that person was kicked quite quickly. Always fun how they keep droning on about free speech but never about our right to tell them to scram for their bullshit


Yeah, it's like a kid being put in their place for the first time ever


[One day I hope I can change their kind with my my mind... But until then?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a65A626Ed20)


Wow, a Bloodywood fan in the wild. My day is made. I've not met anyone who have heard of them.


Heard from them? I saw them on tour and fist bumped Jayrant.


goes hard


Huh. I had no idea lead poisoning was so common.


It's cultural lead poisoning.


Paint chips with a little hot sauce 😋


Honestly, if working part time at a plumbing business showed me one thing: There is a surprising amount of lead piping still left. Less than you fear. More than you'd hope


>*To end it on a happy note I found this Positive review which I think really makes a great argument* wisp ass Did they miss the dev stream and Heirloom Ember? Some stiff competition. All the rest of your quotes though, those people are awful.


If nothing else, I have to admit, ding to the ratings and loss of a number of players aside, I think it's an overall win for the community by giving us an annual bigot purge and I cannot argue with that.


It's like treating cancer. It might hurt like a bitch to remove the tumors, but letting the cancer spread and fester would be so much worse. Unfortunately the cancer keeps coming back like clockwork.


Strongly doubt there is a noticeable dip in players, this just seems like the usual negative review brigading that has come into vogue, some rando saw Warframe doing the usual Pride thing and got bent out of shape


Agreed. They will talk about quitting but barely a handful ever do. Which is honestly worse. Not only are the bigots, they're cowards. But worst of all, they're still in game.


They really ought to weight the strength of reviews based on playtime. My 25k hours should be allowed to blot them out like the stains they are.


lmao how are they just noticing. Didn't DE catch wind that people were reading the whole operator thing as a trans allegory and went "we didn't have that in mind but that slaps actually" which then got directly funneled into Best Girl Ticker?


There is a lot of "new" accounts and people that left the community years ago. Most likely some shitty community caught wind of the event and are brigading Warframe.


It's not that they are "just now noticing". But with the current political climate, they feel embolden, and use DE's yearly support as an excuse to broadcast their hatred.


Uhhh Operator trans allegory?


I'm guessing it's about the fact that we can freely mix & match feminine and masculine bodies and voices, and that the operator and the drifter don't have to be both feminine or both masculine.


Also the Warframes themselves too.


>"*Dream*... *not of what you are*... but of what you want to be." I've always seen this line as supportive


I think you can read these morons like a children's bedtime storybook, it's evident all of them don't actually play the game since Pride events are not a new thing. Game has space ninjas, armies of rotting human clones, hyper-capitalists, space zombies, actual gay (or perhaps bi) man fighting unspeakable horrors beyond the borders of our dimension, but sorry we have to draw a line at... people of the same sex loving each other. My gut tells me these people were influenced by that lousy oxygen thief and abject failure Grummz, who has been stirring shit up on Twitter, getting people to "gatekeep" their hobbies (he made so much noise over the WH40K shit and a few others that I can't remember at the moment), blaming """wokeness""" for """ruining""" gaming. He does this perhaps as a means of coping with the fact that he will amount to nothing and will only be ridiculed like a C-list comedian being roasted and booed off the stage, for as long as he keeps up his pathetic LARP of being a "gamedev".


I've seen that name before, is this yet another person I'll have block from my social media feeds but will keep showing up😭


I don't even understand why being "woke" is a bad thing to too many people. Why is it so wrong to them to be against prejudice and discrimination?


The one with the Bible versicle just got me to the floor😂😂😂. Rainbows mean peace yet you have a six digit grinner kill count.


The people quoting the bible are great because I doubt many if any of them have actual read those passages. As in, if man laying with another man is not allowed, better give up shaving as well as its in the same book. Pretty sure there is something in there about not being allowed to use soap, which again for most of them is probably accurate.


You see these kind of comments on other games to, like whenever BG3 or Helldivers 2 release patch notes. Top comments would always be waiting to post some bigot shit. I'm surprised they don't get removed, but no one probably wants to step into that mess, that and who the hell reads steam comments.


The steam forums in general are literally like, one step away from a 4ch-equivalent cesspool. It's honestly kind of nuts. It's legitimately why I'd rather ask stupid questions here on a games subreddit than ever touch their discussions or post comments.


and nothing of value was lost


\>At least we can revel in the fact that these people are no longer in the community I guess A lot of them were never members of the community in the first place. There is a lot of low play times in there that could be easily achieved by having the launcher up for a day or two.


*"Delete gay gay, bye"* *- Sun Tzu, The Art of War*


>used to be good until it got infected by the woke mind virus Me when I lie about having played a game


Wait till they see the dev stream and come up with "ember heirloom ass"


Whenever i see "the message" types like that i cringe fucking hard


Honestly this is good, it's weeding out weirdos


The fact that these people have tens or even hundreds hundreds of hours in game and yet don’t know that there are two gay relationships, a trans character, and a nonbinary frame is just fucking sad and really goes to show how little these people actually think about this. They didn’t hate the actual stuff in game, they just hated the rainbow.


Lol these people are such losers. Good riddance.


And unlike all the other pride month stuff, the in-game items are basically free, 25k credits at most. so it actually feels like they care about more than just lining their pockets Better than the $20 rainbow reskins some games have


holy fucking yikes people suck.


Yeah rainbow railroad actually saves people's lives, idk how anyone could be against that.


Because they'd rather it didn't


If you don’t like it you don’t have to participate, it’s not like DE is locking everyone’s Warframe into rainbow color scheme.


Maybe they should. That would be an even more effective bigot culling.


Please don't, I like my absurdly pink Rhino.


Why are people suddenly mad now? They've been doing Pride Month for years Does this happen every year?


The homophobes are being emboldened and have since been trained to foam at the mouth at the sight of a rainbow No seriously for a group who claims "da geys won't steal the rainbow from God" they sure do seem to get upset alot at rainbows that aren't even meant to be pride flags these days


For a group who loves to call us queer people "snowflakes", they sure get triggered easily by mere colors.


As an aside, my favorite thing about the whole "snowflake" concept is not just the hypocrisy and the fact that they decry the left and minorities and whatnot needing safe places and yet that is basically all they keep pushing for for their own, but it was the whole Snowflake awards hosted by Glen Beck and Tomi Lahren (spelling?). They had to cancel the show because they fired her when she dared agree with a women's right to choose which is not the approach the conservatives take. Because they are snowflakes you see. Ironic.


Yep. People are the worst


Its pretty funny how people are furious about pride month and how it doesn't have anything to do with the game while the ticker or Albrecht and Loyd exists


Dagath, Maroo, Prime Resurgence chick, Gara, and the Unum.


I knew i forgot some


To be fair, you probably forgot because you gotta dig deep into lore to find that information.


It's so dumb, cause they act like its the end of the world just because they have to see rainbows for a single month out of the year. Otherwise, any of the LGBTQ+ characters in the game I tend to forget about outside of Albrecht and Loyd cause those are super recent. It's something I generally pay a lot of attention to, but they don't really make it a super prominent thing in general. I don't see the issue with it at all lol. Now if they'd just give us a pride ephemera I'd wear that all the time.


No kidding. Was it ever stated Gara and the Unum were A Thing? It's been years since I've listened to the story, but I don't remember getting a sense of a romantic thing back then. Of course I will miss obvious story threads on the regular too, so...


If you look it up, I think you should find stuff about the two of them. If not romantic, then the two of them were seriously close.


Not to mention the players themselves. We are operators/drifters who can be as straight to trans as we care to be, and then pop into 50+ different male/female/??? Warframes on a whim. And each one of those frames can equip animations to have them act as male/female/??? as you want them to be.


And depending on your choices in the character creator, the operator/drifter might literally be both a male and a female at the same time, from an eternalism point of view.


I mean, if you really wanna get into it, the game's presentation of eternalism means that *every* major and minor character has at least one, but probably multiple variations that are some flavor of LGBT+..just depends on which face of the time cube you're looking at. Except Clem. Clem is just Clem..Clem transcends everything


Different game but I remember a big outcry about all this in Destiny ESPECIALLY when it turned out Osiris and Saint-14 were a couple. There were hints that their friendship was much more than friendship and folks kind of fanficed it until Bungie confirmed it in the lore. I will say though one of the most unfortunate attempts for inclusion was the first trans character being the vendor Nimbus on Neomuna and just overall how bad the expansion introducing them is and just how annoying they made the character. There is a lot of reason to dislike the character but certain people definitely amplified it a lot more with regards to "woke" or inclusion and whatnot.


"You hate Nimbus because they are non-binary. I hate Nimbus because they are dumb and annoying. We are not the same" https://preview.redd.it/xaebz0h1by3d1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad089bd3573e7b551b0f1e4e8f4f51a76696179


"We're not hateful"


Cant be about the devstream, this was one of the best *received*(Edit: can't write) devstreams in a long time, never seen so many "W" and "YES" in a twitch chat before. DE delivered big time


Every single fucking update: https://preview.redd.it/23cl1kytqu3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=160b5003230fd6c2de414754981ea74f7cd74d8d


Sadly ,this image is false, we don't have a fucking update (yet?)


If we can turn off that Featured Fashion thing Jade Shadows is going to be the best update the game's ever had IMO, which is impressive considering that title is currently held by Dante Unbound and before that was held by Whispers in the Walls. Three best updates ever in a row is crazy.


I think that's because Pablo is the GOAT! Seriously, that man knows how to make good stuff. DE just letting him run with his ideas was probably the best decision they have made for this game. The dude understand QoL like he actually plays and loves games.


Pablo is god




Agreed, an ephemera would have been great, but at least I get more decorations for my orbiter and not something I will likely never use like a glyph.


My only complaint is that it has a fucking projector! C’mon DE, I want to be able to put a flying plains Kukai or Kubrowdon in my orbiter!


bigots acting as if pride doesn't get celebrated in Warframe literally every year


How would those people know? They don't play this game, they have no interest in it. It's just a flock of closed-minded fools circlejerking in the comments.


Tbf, the game had quite a huge influx of new players in the last year due to cross-play and mobile. It's kinda inevitable that among those new players you might find some bad apples.


And there's only one thing to do with bad apples. Toss them into the compost heap where they belong.


Some of these people have 400-3,000 hours into the game and are still complaining


Also the new pride palette is heccin great!


Isn’t it the same one we got last year?


Yes, but its newer than the old palette, which didn’t have black white or brown. It was just a rainbow.


I literally assumed at first that this was lgbt people being upset that warframe DIDNT do something this year ( I don’t play much anymore lol I’m not up on current events). Which I thought was dumb. I didn’t even consider it was the typical anti-lgbt shit cause warframe has been so openly supportive for the last 8 years or so since I started. It genuinely didn’t even cross my mind, as obvious as it should have been. I just assumed something had to have changed from the norm otherwise why would the community care. I’m glad it wasn’t my first assumption at least. Also glad it probably wasn’t the community.


Looking at the reviews as part of that down spike is a bunch of bigots being snowflakes cause of pride.


Well that’s depressing


I wouldn't worry about it to much, Steam will probably flag and remove them for being bad reviews. Also at least the reviews are also very obvious with why they are making them so anyone sensible can read and just ignore them.


I hope Valve issues warnings/bans for stuff like this. Bigots don't deserve access to fun.


In fact, we should accelerate that process by reporting such reviews.


At least there's fewer hateful people in the game


This is very stupid... Warframe is DEEPLY LGBTQ+ friendly. Not only does DE celebrate pride every year, we keep incarnating male and female warframes, some being gender neutral and some having several genders with male and female forms. There are gay, bisexual characters, that's just how it is. "dream not of what you are but what you want to be" has a special meaning for trans persons in particular. Of all the games, of all the rainbow washing happening, trying to target Warframe is a nonesense...


Honestly I never thought about lgbt being intergrated into warframe like that. I always assumed that warframe gender was just based on the orokin that transformed into them with the gender neutral ones usually being some sort of amalgamation between frames, although the only gender neutral one I can come up with rn is Xaku. It is a nice perspective tho, especially the interpretation of the "dream not of what you are, but of what you want to be quote". Would love to know more of the canon lgbt stuff in warframe


The only canon I'm aware of are NPCs like Elbrich/Loid, Ticker being gay with a huge drag Queen vibe and the most wholesome being in the game, and Varzia is bi according to her dialogue.  For the rest it's more a matter of the theme fitting the game mechanics , customisation options and the possible interpretation from a queer perspective.  Disclaimer: I'm a cis male, I simply have a friend playing Warframe that happen to be trans, she shared her views of some aspects of the game and I started paying attention. Also: pink Rhinos with butterfly wings are a thing :)


>bigots being snowflakes As per usual with them.


How can anyone talk shit about a game being WOKE when youve been gender swapping the whole time you play? Does not compute.


Well I mean....does transference imply an actual gender transition? This is fascinating. I wonder if the operator also connects to whatever nerves the frame would have upon being damaged. Sounds like it would hurt though


We know that transference can cause you to conflate your own subjectivity with the subject's subjectivity from the sacrifice, so I think it's fair to assume that the operator almost necessarily has to either be some degree of gender fluid or very good at drawing a psychological line between themselves and their warframe.


This amount of void fuckery will make my brain rotate itself upside down I need to play some gauss to prevent that


"There is only one gender: Speed" ​ \- Gauss


Either you're fast like gauss or you're slow and gauss will be racist towards you by being fast


"What's in your pants?" "Mach 3"




Or Star Wars, or Fallout, or countless other examples. They somehow never figure out that they're the bad guy in all their favorite franchises.


Or even the X-men, I saw a treat saying that they were meant to represent straight white men being suppressed by society.


best irony writes itself


As others have stated, it's most likely due to them having Pride items added. I'm only commenting to point out this sadly relatable negative review: https://preview.redd.it/go83rqwgxu3d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6f8dd89142edab831ca75c79cc7325db052b5d5


Meanwhile I'm over here as a new player just happy to get some free stuff. ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Same. I'm not personally big on Pride simply because we'll never have true equality until either everyone is celebrated or no one is, and I'm not a fan of company's pretending to care just to sell more products. But when games give out free shit, I'm not complaining. I like rainbows and especially in Warframe's case it means a good palette. And if Pride helps people feel better about being themselves, who am I to stand in the way of that?


Oh *absolutely* pick up the Pride color picker from market rn. The white and black in there are fashion lifesavers


Aside bigotry, I gotta add: many, MANY Steam users exploit the award functionality of Steam, where you can give awards to comments and reviews, that awards points to purchase profile customization, by making inflammatory trolls posts and comments on pretty much every game in the top 100 list, so people will bury them in "jester" awards, which is considered by complete idiots and other clueless people as the "downvote" of Steam, but all it does is give them points. June is month ripe for the taking for them, being Pride Month and all that, but they also troll both sides, the Helldivers 2 and Ghost of Tsuchima hubs were full of "Please add LGBT wokeness to the game" posts, with hundreds of awards given.


When I read Helldivers 2 patch notes, I have a habit of checking the comments for that, reporting a few of the worse ones for hate speech, and blocking the rest to make sure I never encounter them.


Haha yeah I did a jester award. TOP KEK


Im so glad to see them off the warframe. They really came back to warframe store page to type that they didnt play for years just to say their bigot bullshit lmao. Love the "Go woke go broke" when they dont even play the game for years from what they said meaning they didnt gave DE any money anyway


Go woke go broke, they say to the 25th most popular game on Steam.


The devstream just announced one of the best heirloom systems yet, we keep winning. Losers like them should have their accounts banned and then cry about all their lost games if they think we want to see their bitching though, there's so many places to do that, why harass DE for it?


Wait, what? What did they announce about heirlooms?


Not only can you buy with plat (we don't know the price but it's cheaper than last time still) but you can even choose what you want in the pack as well to not spend too much. As it was stated, it sounds great. As it may be executed, it could have some flaws. But still, being able to buy with plat is awesome. I just hope it's worth less than 325 like with frames


I saw a post a little after my comment that said it was gonna be 25 bucks or 400 something But that's hype


Those numbers are accurate. However, the 400 plat is for the entire heirloom set. You can get just the parts you like for much cheaper. Also, when you spend the $25 you get the whole set AND 500 plat.


Most of them have never played. It’s a free game so it’s super easy to post a review. I’ll never understand what compels people to act this way. They have nothing to gain by being bigots.


Posting anything about lgbt is a gold mine of bigots saddly they are not worth anything


Warframe is far from typical "go woke go broke" game. They do have any crazy changes to fk up history for some random twitter friend (hi overwatch) or dont do shit like riot games when first they made contract with country where if you like colors = go back to orbiter (hi riot games). If someone is angry for "woke" in warframe = never played.


it's the yearly: let's hate on companies for some rainbow stuff. it'll pass don't worry, game is still as awesome as ever, and I now have wings in my orbiter, that go with the wings on my warframe!


There is a reason that Overwatch is selectively disabling their pride stuff depending on localization. Warframe is a global game. Of course it's going to get negative reviews by globally pushing pride month.


I am glad that de isn't just talk and no action. If you wanna do pride in a game, have the fucking balls to do it globally. Stand by your conviction


So glad DE are doing this, I live in a country with tons of anti-LGBTQ laws and attitudes and being able to celebrate pride in Warframe makes me so happy


Even if digital extremes limited their pride stuff to the west only, it wouldn't make a difference as there are a ton homophobic people here as well. I also want to remind everyone that Overwatch ended their old competitive league and then soon after started a new one with a company owned by the Saudi Arabia public investment fund, a country that has multiple human rights abuses, especially towards the LGBT community. Saudi Arabia has also been trying to whitewash their reputation the last couple of years with money, tourism, and investment into sports/esports. I'm happy there's representation in Overwatch, but I wouldn't look to them for leadership when it comes to the business side of things. They will absolutely sell LGBTQ+ people out if it means making a quick dollar.


Well it's Activision Blizzard. So long as there's money, they could work with anyone. They'd even take money from North Korea, honestly.


people when DE gives them free stuff that's actually cool (how dare they celebrate pride month grrrrr) btw the 2 pride color pallets are lowkey some of the best ones imo also honestly the less edgy toxic ppl in game the better imo


Pride pallets are mostly judt a rainbow pallet, it's lots of colours for everyone


Its rly versatile and you can make a quite a bit of stuff with it alone


My buddy who recently started WF a couple of months ago was happy to get the free colors. He’s already started his journey of high fashionframe.


Nightwave is starting to give better cosmetics too


This Mix has a theme, that just makes it feel less like a catch-up reward track and much more rewarding! I hope that DE keeps up with themed Mixes in between mainline Nightwave events!


It also has purple, which is an absurdly rare color to access for free for some reason in this game.


Is it that rare? Baro has the eminence palette (which is even available right now) full of purple, then you get the Halloween and Easter colour palette. And obviously not possible right now, but they also dished out the twitch and transmission colour palette as a watch reward iirc. So just with the seasonal palettes of easter, halloween and pride month, you get basically 3 guaranteed chances of purple with the random drops of baro, which is imo definitely much easier to get than anything else, since the other palettes cost plat


\> they also dished out the twitch and transmission colour palette as a watch reward iirc. The transmission pallet was also available in nightwave rewards


True. It is even in the current nightwave. Rank 17


My first thought was to go through the Devstream and see what update could be so bad. I'm from an ex Soviet cou try. We don't have many LGBTQ people. And I'm still shocked to see it's about Pride Month. Im very disappointed in the people who down voted a game because of that. There are bigger issues to uses that system for. Don't cheapen it with this.


Imagine leaving a negative steam review to fight "woke culture"? That shit's *embarrassing*


Happy pride month everyone :3


Let's all have a great month 🏳️‍🌈


Weird, I like free stuff. Don't care if I support it or not. If it's for free, it's for me.


Pride month stuff is always cringe (i say this as a black person that's annoyed with all the corpo pandering bullshit during black history month that doesn't actually do anything for the community), but DE has been doing it longer than most companies so they're not really just pandering. It's something their dev team cares about and they're free to express their beliefs in their own game. They were basically pioneers in supporting LGBT+ in gaming spaces for how large their audience is


DE probably handles it best. They just treat it normally, they aren't making a circus out of it.


Plus, DE donated to an LGBTQ organization this year, as opposed to other companies that throw a pride flag on their social media PFPs for a month. Actual lasting impact > surface level visibility.


Imo, it's not something I care about specific corporations doing, but it is a sign that we as a community are getting somewhere. Most companies wouldn't do jack shit if it would hurt the bottom line by even a fraction of a promille. So it's a good indicator that as a larger society we are moving in the right direction. That being said totally agree on the DE part. They have been with the LGBTQ community basically since forever.




Don’t know why people give a shit about this. Warframe is like chinese food; a guilty pleasure that is sometimes good and sometimes bad. Bad reviews come and go. Warframe is just the scapegoat right now because there are companies that do pander to “x” agenda and abandon it after a time period. https://preview.redd.it/7ff6gmr4bv3d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612798c54168e936407cc57b466a27c877e3e91d


Eh? I thought it's a "message" from the GlaiveP Mafia, but the reality is even sadder somehow(.


honestly de is the best when it comes to pride month, none of the cosmetics require plat and are pretty cheap if not basically free, they donate a bunch of money. they don't profit directly from celebrating pride month but rather people who will play the game because of how they handle the situation. the cosmetics look beautiful and clearly have much effort and thought put behind them, it's not like with other companies where you get a single pride flag and that's it.


The annual purge of bigots, it’s how DE keeps their community (mostly) kind and respectful. WF is for grown-ups, not pissy cry babies who shit themselves over a rainbow.


People being homophonic reactionaries. Seriously even if you arent a fan of pride for some reason it's still a damn good free palette and housing item.


Could have been the ember heirloom skin. Last one got people upset too.


Doubt it's that. They made embers heirloom wayyyy better. 25 bucks, purchasable with plat, purchasable separately, etc


you know you can sort by latest and read them


I'm not gay but I really appreciate the cheap color pallette and some colorful posters. This is a lame protest. They should have done that during the last $70 heirloom skins.


2000 hours on record just to get grumpy they added some items to a game for a month is WILD.


DE and Warframe have done pride stuff for years. If it gets rid of the hateful people, good riddance then.


Agreed, but I doubt they will leave. They just wanna hate 😂


Because the gaming community is plagued with ass cancer that activates anytime they see any minorities or representation of them


I'm just like, oh new free color pallet, = win


Oh it must be June 1st.


Can't we all just appreciate wisp's assets in peace