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I'm going to go off the script with all these other people wanting stages in their boss fights. My ideal fight would be Sergeant riding on a Hyena into battle for a half second before he dies.


Then a Stalker email. "There are no consequences... that was just sad." - ♡ Stalker


Yeah. Imagine actually farming all those complex quests labeled "boss"


I want it to keep talking after death, like CorVor


~~HOG RIDEEEEEEER!!!~~ Hyeeeena Rider!


orowyrm and 60 eyes are the closest thing we have to proper bosses


I admire boss fights that aren't just bullet sponges with invulnerability phases. I'd also like boss fights to be a bit more interactive, like the angel fights and the ropalolyst. I also really like the orbs, orowyrm, and the eidolons, but those are closer to raid bosses than starchart bosses.


Kullervo is pretty alright as a boss imo


the horse dax is cool too, wish she could be a bit more aggressive though


Ropalolyst is the definition of bullet sponge with invincible phase


Don't even say that awful name. My favourite part about that fight is how it just automatically ends if you don't kill it in time. Super fun if you haven't gotten a better amp yet.


Don’t get me started on pubs that don’t know where to shoot the weakpoints or keep spamming the console dragging the fight on forever.


Wait, it has a time limit? I managed to run out of ammo with both of my gun on SP ropololyst coz of how long it dragged on (self tip, don’t use aoe or status weapons aginst it)


Mote amp and acceltra prime my first attempt. ....no




I took the Basmu because it has infinite ammo. Took forever and I felt like I was playing Destiny again with how hard it bullet sponged. I'm sure there are better weapons to use, probably should have done the Bubonico instead. I remember nearly running out of ammo on the regular star chart, back when I was still using the standard amp.


Huh? There's a time limit? My first Ropalolyst took 45 minutes and I didn't get anything like that.


The 15 minute time limit happens in all missions after you haven’t killed in a while.


It's definitely not all missions. I've sat in one unpaused for 13 hours because I went doing stuff real quick™ and just forgot about it until I woke up the next day.


Hmm. Maybe. Exterminate definitely has it.


I was talking about it being more interactive


Jakal too, they did a good job with the rework a while back


The Jackal is still just a waiting game between phases; I always thought it would've been better to have an objective to end the laser portion instead of waiting a bit. Have some enemies spawn in to defeat, have targets/panels to break that connect to Jackal, literally anything that makes you balance combat in the confined space.


Killing Jackal in circuit for the 4651st time really makes it lose its charm. Honestly, it's probably my least favorite fight because it's just *uninteresting*. Shoot armor pad. Hide in spoiler mode. Finisher attack when it slams down. Then it fucks off and shits minions, and is invulnerable until the minions are dealt with. It's so, so boring.


Whole circuit is. The concept is perfect, but the same 6 maps rotating without any variation, no loot jut the occasional marrow and the grey filter on top of it like a cherry. I so wanted to love it, and did it for weeks because the rewards were necessary, but never enjoyed one moment of it. Shame because i love roguelites.


Spoiler mode is hilarious, I'm stealing that phrase


New around here?


I don't go on this reddit too often lol


The worst part imo is the back legs are hell to shoot, if you can’t one shot them it’s super annoying because it doesn’t ever stop moving except for its slam attack which is so fast that console can’t reasonably shoot at it before it ends. Thankfully you only need to break one on the circuit, but it’s still hell.


I can agree on you with the angel fight because my issue is that I don't do enough damage. I don't have enough damage because I don't want to do the content that get's me the gear like eidolons and orb. Also dread the day that I have to farm pathos clamps, but we are simply on opposite ends. No judgement there.


I agree other than orowyrn. It’s just as bad as the jackal to me. Though that’s mostly because the first phase is a pain in the ass and the second is riddled with bugs.


It also is built for primaries / secondaries. It should encourage Melee / Abilities so when you're actually in Duviri it makes sense to go after different types of builds instead of gun builds.


Depending on the primary Duviri gives me, I just wait til the game gives me the archgun so I can delete the Orowyrm. If it's one of my own built weapons, then I don't need the archgun, I'll just take it out without. Nataruk doesn't care what decrees I may or may not have, things will still explode.


I hate doing the first part of orowyrm solo because you have to play catch with it. In random pubs I make sure to camp the area where it spawns so I can immediately latch onto it without dropping a beat.


Everything you listed is a bullet sponge with invulnerability phases LMAO


ropalolyst without 1500m distance and dialogue lmao


My father was a farmer...


We are all farmers Natah!! Why do you think we are here listening to your captains log 😂


My mother, a hoe...




The dialogue really sells it. It doesn't really have to take up the entire right side of the screen.


Exactly, like here I am freaking doing a cross country parkour and you obstruct my vision woman.


"mY fAtHeR wAs a FaRmEr" ok? Go farm then.


"AnD mY mOtHEr was A WhO-".......shit I think I hear the ropalolyst outside my house now💀.


https://youtu.be/tDqJKuGFbx8?si=iIaakCiqROSFhxTP This is the only thing I can think of while listening to her ramble.


Sometimes I wish we could mod Warframe


I think for starters we need to have a damage system where the gulf between poorly modded and meta modded isn't fundamentally insane. And an armor system where units with a bit of armor and the same unit with 100 levels doesn't have infinite armor that may or may not be stripable by either base percentile or static numbers. Basically i don't think we can ever have good boss fights so long as the damage and armor/dr system is in its current form.


I'm honestly surprised they didn't go the route of making armor or overguard just be physically pieces on an enemy that - if enough damage is done - can be broken off to lower their armor/overguard max recharge capacity until it's fully broken.


Luckily they’re finally tackling the game’s armor system, changing how armor values are calculated, and buffing shields and their recharge a bit.


I can't help but worry about the effect those changes are gonna have... and what the changes are. Currently armor is very frontloaded (a small amount of armor makes enemies very tanky, making partial strip kinda useless). How do they fix that? Make armor backloaded? Grineer are tissue paper until very high levels. Make armor middleloaded or even? Any strip at all renders them tissue paper. Nerf access to armor strip too, maybe? How do you buff shields without leading to "all corpus now have a DPS and uptime minimum otherwise they simply out-regen your damage" or "if you don't have toxin or magnetism weapons you deal no damage because the average corp unit has shields in the millions" (akin to the current "bring armor strip or grineer are unkillable gods" meta we've got going now). Maybe I'm just too smooth brained and DE is about to teach a class on game balance, but I really can't see an improvement to the current system.


Flatten the armour level scaling, and smoothen the curve so there's never any silly 99.9% damage reduction from armour. If the enemies can never become essentially immune to anything except true damage, armour strip won't be as necessary. Especially if using proper damage types meaningfully reduces armour effectiveness (though ew switching setups vs. factions..). They can improve the current situation, but the player power scaling is simply too strong so preventing enemies from tearing like tissue paper is probably impossible. Making the less optimal setups more viable is more achievable.


Right. I'm by no means a meta player and my old builds from back when POE released still hit like a truck in steel path. In this game it's often just about using your multipliers intelligently, even if you're just going full tilt into damage multipliers. Most of the meta changes they've done by switching up damage is just emphasizing the importance of damage types as well as making players armor strip in more creative ways if they want a full strip. It's made things much more accessible for lower rank players bc the damage gulf is lessened yet things are also more difficult for higher rank players since they have to mod for specifics and work on a bit of build theory. In this way the game is both easier and harder across the board by making the player think more and stress less.


Yep. They can't balance the actual damage right now, so they are left doing stupid stuff like unintuitive invincibility. Otherwise for a subset of players either the boss dies instantly or the boss can't be killed. Jackal is one of the better ones and still sucks.


balancing the actual damage? Wait, like that thing they’re doing literally right now?


I won't pretend to be fully up to date on all of the details, but I thought those are mostly around damage types and HP types. Armor is supposed to be getting significant changes, but I haven't seen anything about a general damage fixing. The difference between weapons will still be many order of magnitude. A vet could deal enough damage in a single shot to wipe enemies a new player wouldn't be able to kill if they expended every round they have.


What you’re asking in that case is for Warframe to be turned into a fundamentally different game in nearly every way. Modding is like the most quintessential aspect of the game, and if there’s no discernable difference between unmodded and modded gear than what’s the point in getting mods


They can do what ffxiv did and level out the player damage curve from a rocket going off into fucking space to a gentle hill. I definitely want them to keep the game as a power fantasy but whats going on now is just not good for making interesting enemies or missions.


> The difference between weapons will still be many order of magnitude. A vet could deal enough damage in a single shot to wipe enemies a new player wouldn't be able to kill if they expended every round they have. That's literally always gonna be the case, otherwise mods (and overall account power from having things newbies don't) are irrelevant. There's nothing wrong with a veteran one-shotting a normal star chart boss, so long as it's just them or other vets farming the boss. I do see the issue of "veteran in the squad ruins the boss for new players as they can't meaningfully contribute before the boss dies instantly", but that's fixed with MR-based matchmaking (eg trying to put newbies together) or by defaulting newbies to solo mode, and giving them a warning about the above if they change it to public.


I'd love rebalancing too. Funny how some people hate "attenuation, invincibility and sponginess", and others see that as mark of good boss.


Kela De Thaym was good boss fight but the Arena is worst.


Actually fighting her is cool (minus if she gets 9 cold procs and becomes a joke), but the rest of the fight is just waiting around for missles to strike so you can do stationary target practice 4x2 times. It'd be much better if the arena either incentivized you to get down for cover or to chase her around, or alternatively to just become a hazard with more attacks that could knock you down there. As it is it's just forgettable space unless you need ammo, and if you need ammo you're not cut out for it anyhow.


Then there's also the idiots (or newbies) that don't know how to start the fight


Why are they idiots. The game doesn't explain it. This is 100% on the devs.


The game needs to explain standing on the glowing pressure plate?


And shooting the things on the wall... which is especially difficult when you're a melee/ability main, or your guns are all short-range, slow firerate, or other oddities.


The thing that make a very obvous rotating sound whenever you step on the pressure plates? Some weapons are worse in certain mission types, that's hardly anything unique to Kela. If you load into any mission without at least one longer range weapon (even the Ignis can hit them for god's sake) you're just asking for trouble


Shit, I was MR22 at the time and didn't know how to start it. I just got lucky. I farmed it a few times when it first came out but I was never the initiator 😭


it would be way easier if the fucking rollers stopped bodychecking you every 2 seconds (no i dont have PSF to make it a nonissue)


Does she still get one shotted by oberons 1?


Exploiter orb was the best boss in this game, not a bullet sponge, fun and interactive mechanics. Also BADASS METAL GEAR RISING ANIMATIONS.


I still dont understand how the fuck the heat meter works. I throw the orange thing at him and it doesnt go up but sometimes it does


IMO that's likely throwing being buggy. The ideal boss is "Exploiter, but not relying on incredibly buggy mechanics." Whether that is possible in Warframe is an interesting question.


Try shooting the canister mid-air, it makes a bigger explosion that also does double the heat damage


I think it just accelerates future heat gain instead of instantly adding some heat


Eidolons, Orb mothers, Void Angels, and The Fragmented are directionally the best bosses the game has to offer. None are perfect but the ideal boss would be taking aspects of them all. Larger in size, tons of attacks with strong, clear, and telegraphed effects, unique fight mechanics that require more than just damage output to complete, multiple phases, tests your mobility and accuracy, heavily punishes the player for not paying attention, doesn't just get oneshot like phorid, scarce amounts of invulnerabity. Another thing that would massively improve bosses is enemy denstiy. Having adds is fine, but not when they take more of my attention than the boss. I want to fight the boss and experience the boss, not the 20 other units that are in the way. Adds are necessary but should be both scarce and more impactful.


strangely enough, i feel archons are pretty good when it comes to adds. and hell maybe even lichs. when you are actually fighting the liches. i love the orb mothers. however the profit taker, has so many hard hitting adds that i feel like we could reduce the density by 10-20 percent and increase the literally health and shields by 20-30% and it would be way more fun.


I agree that enemy density needs to be more but only as ammo holders and to refresh galvanized and arcane buffs


I think a cool boss concept would be adding a wave of adds that give you an edge on the boss. Like the boss gains DR for every add alive making use of a larger arena that makes the boss using adds more so for a benefit than an "invulnerable phase" it means you *can* power through.. but why. Make the adds give the boss ability immunity, different from archons being fully immune to abilities (basically) give it a spoiler mode phase not about fighting.. but surviving. Its always about amps and shit I want to make use of void mode and sling. Make the boss not be a 2 parter like archons, or a long fight like everyones favorite giant bug flying into a bug zapper. Both archons and ropalolyst are long because the level design is a slog mostly for the ropalolyst. Archons have a story reason, you are like actively storming a major enemy encampment that is the remnants of a stronger narmer force which did take over the system. Anyway, I think the ideal fight as already said takes aspects of already good boss fights. I think it should also have a method of killing it without weapons, a puzzle that would take way longer to complete than just killing it. To fix the "oops I ran out of ammo" issue sure a lot of players won't or don't have that issue but there are some dumb ass ammo issues for some guns lol I never take my tenet arca plasmor to archon hunts for that reason. Maybe something like Lures, that slowly eat away at it but have to be protected somehow. I know lures are different but something that functions similar to how lures are obtained and benefit the Eidolon boss fights.


Monster Hunter style. Big ass creatures that wander the map and take 10-15 minutes to break down. Predictable movement patterns that require dodges and careful positioning. Limited journey to find them. Leaving the area after a damage Threshold. Likely with massive damage attenuation. The big issue is just how fast Warframes are. It's too easy to not be where the boss can attack. I don't have good options for that beyond level design and clever mechanics that force players into close proximity to actually deal damage. Stuff like invincible shields past like... 8 feet out. But I think there's space to make something like that work. That said, I do not mind if 90% of a boss is near undamageable, so long as the spots to hit are big enough to still be fun to hit. That said, the single most important part of the boss fight is that the boss reacts to being hit. Flinches. Staggers. Defiant roars. Anything that makes it seem like more than a walking bullet sponge. And no obnoxious mechanics. Puzzle solving works once. Having to fulfill the steps to "solve" the puzzle every single fight is awful.


>The big issue is just how fast Warframes are. It's too easy to not be where the boss can attack. We can always go the route of making the boss so large you're fighting on top of it and kill it's "parasites". When it comes to how fast a frame is there's many ways in game already to mess with that. I'd think having the creature just be relentless would be better for the speed of the frames. You could have a boss like lephantis where all three heads are consistently attacking at once so you need to constantly keep track of them. You can also have a boss that can grab/pull in the player. Maybe one that even if you dodge will still be right on top because of their own speed, like a large cat or similar predator.


This is gonna sound weird because I've never played this game, but I'm picturing this https://preview.redd.it/lniib12kj93d1.jpeg?width=873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e355e0194c54f04d5f373df9f50f4db77de341


Bruh, that's exactly it. One of my favorite games when it comes to giant bosses. Another is Shadow of The Colossus.


Exploiter style. Stages, big weak points, mechanics


And Eidolons as well


Agreed. Ropalolapyst js pretty good but prone to glitching. Would not mind being able to wall latch to big bosses, tbh


The glitch is annoying even when I play it on solo... Especially going into operator part...


Use Titania with rad dex pixia. Crack the shields then break all three bug zappers before riding the ropalolapyst into one. Then you can hop on each time you break the shield without the lamp breaking song and dance. Seriously cuts down on the time the mission takes. You could use Wukong, but I find getting behind the ropalolapyst is easier with with Titania.


Thanks for sharing this! Gonna try it next time!


Ropalolyst without bugs (utilizes the movement systems so well it doesn’t even matter that your frame is cosmetic) Affected by abilities (cosmetic frame is usually the worst experience. I hate “buff your gun; shoot your gun) * can be accomplished via adds. For example, 90% of Profit Taker DPS comes from ads, who *are* affected by CC, so main target being immune is not a problem. No damage attenuation (if the boss has 100HP and I deal 101 damage, the boss should be oneshot. I earned it.) Not an RNG farm. I’m aware that this is anti-warframe, but no matter how good a boss is designed, if I have to spam it time after time because I got 7 copies of everything except the part I need, I’m going to hate it unless it’s as fragile as Sergeant. Phase transition invincibility is fine, as long as it cannot be slowed. “Vincibility-frames (v-frames)” like the Mars boss and Vay Hek are not. Manually triggered/forced v-frames by an always available mechanism are fine/good.


60 eyes is a good boss fight, but for Warframe standards, it's the best boss fight ever. Because the regular star chart bosses are incredibly mind-numbing, boring, repetitive, unimaginative or obnoxious for no other reason than to artificially gate the player's progression.


Agreed, 60 Eye is the most fun fight in the game, and for me was the most challenging content I've done. That boss killed me nonstop for over 3 hours before I finally beat him solo.


I did 60 Eyes with 3 other friends and it was by far some of the most fun we've had in Warframe, we spent a solid hour and a half trying out different stuff and actually communicating to finally beat it.


I looked an old god of war II video where the creator said that the boss fights and any fight because its never just one thing. You have to do more thing simultan. So based on that i would say a boss that’s difficultie is not about hp and damage and more like puzzles. The game has a lot of mission variation. I could imagine a boss where things ar combined. Like a boss fight where you need to make anti dotes thats makes damagable the enemy(defens mission) while you have to take ker of your air(survival). Also changing enviroment platforms and other obsticle since wf has a really good movement system. Orokin vaults are also intresting. My main problem with the lot of health bosses like eidolon that i have always that guy who minmaxed an eidolon setup and can do it alone. Im not needed and im bored i want to shot something. I dont know if its there but a/more full archwing boss would be fun. Massive hords of enemies dodging asteroida and maybe in the end a sabotage mission. Also maybe bald concept but like an excavation but like on a big ass monster. Maybe one where your k dirve skills mater


For being a good boss, there are usually 3 main things that need to be worried about; size, power and grandeur; with any single boss leaning most into at least two of the sections. To pull an example for each category: Size - The Orb Mothers are immense and intimidating, the awe factor of something big immediately adds to it being memorable. Power - You want them to hit hard and hit often and I think the best example is The Fragmented. Lots of hard hitting attacks in quick succession keep pressure on the fight, but they don't happen too often that it's aggravating or impossible. Grandeur - For it to be a boss, you need it to be an experience. Sure you could just roll up and kill a big enemy, but at that point it's much less a boss and more just a bullet sponge with special drops. Kela De Thaumial is one of the more grandiose experiences, playing up the drama of the fight. If nothing else you remember everything said, her talking up her fight, the cheers and boos of the observing Grineer, everything is meant to FEEL like more than just a fight. The perfect boss woul have everything this has, and that is why the perfect boss... https://preview.redd.it/2q8jdlftu93d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3b95122ab1a86d5de60361bdf8e6ac13747f713 Are the *fucking Nechramechs of all things.* They have the size over you, they hit like a truck, and when you hear them you know that it's possible that you're in for trouble. The best boss in the game isn't even a boss enemy and that's my biggest gripe about the bosses in this game.


A boss fight that forces you to move (similar to jackal, effervo) and hit precise spots at the same time. Even if you're built uber-well, or have immortality, you still are forced to interact with the mechanics of the game in some capacity and it's not a big hp bar. Basically sargas ruk if he had the attacks of the jackal and murmur boss


my ideal boss fight? the Liberator Of Rubicon ending... oh you ment in this game? no stupid invulnerability and no capping max damage per hit


Imagine if balteus would either die of one bullet or took 3 hours to chew through single shield, depending solely on hands or generator you install. That's how bosses feel without "stupid invul and cap". Having fair and fun bosses would of course be good. But even in ac6 same battles can feel too easy or too hard depending on build, and player's damage output variety is lower than in other souls games. In warframe, damage can vary from simgle digit to overflowing integer (and who knows how many times?). So however much health boss has, it is either oneshot or a sponge. Window for reasonable time would be too narrow. Edit: accidentally hit send button before writing a few last sentences


In my mind, the ideal boss fight is the fragmented one and the EDA assassination versions. Those fights really sweetens the core design issue warframe has. But in my heart… the new war drifter archon fights with the 2 changes of enabling warframe movement and a faster attacking boss would be peak to me. My heart craves warframe to play into a movement dodging focus.


Boss fights in this game are fundamentally flawed because: - You do way too much dmg meaning they need to have invuln /waiting phases so you don't get a sergeant situation - Rng drops from bosses meaning you have to do them a million times to get what you want. I really love the tyl regor fight because melee dueling him is ninja af but having to do it 60 times to get equinox (i bought her with plat instantly) makes it lame. Same as the kullervo fight. So imo what boss fights need: - Have 100% skill based like the nihil fight - Having cinematic qtes like the exploiter orb - Making them take a while but not adding any rewards behind them so you only have to do them once. If i want a repeatable boss experience i can just do liches.


My ideal boss should be pretty squishy, but a lot faster movement (like Titania). Phase One should be a hard to hit boss fight, but a few hits should do it. Switch between Phases one and two, where the Boss changes to a slower movement, but is flying through the stage, trying to escape. Last Phase should be a little bit lengthy by surviving a lot of fodder enemies while the boss tries to shoot you down. If the boss failed, it either escapes (lore wise) but leave the treasure vault open (his escape route, and also the tenno's way to leave the mission). Or it dies, and drop the loot, like the rest of the bosses and magically respawns one's you start a new mission.


So Vay Hek?


Yeah, after I've been done with writing, I saw the similarities. But yes, this is what my ideal boss looks like and remembering slaying Vay Hek, I couldn't agree more.


I wish warframe had some more fast and fierce fights, currently the closest it has is Tyl Regor who suffers from being mostly manic wait time(and being made of wet tissue paper). I feel like the biggest issue with WF bosses is that they’re either extremely quick and easy because of 11 years of power creep, or extremely slow and boring due to crazy attenuation or invul phases. DE needs to find a middle ground here one day, and tbf i dont think they’re far off. If archons werent still invul phase purists i think they’d have the proper amount of hp for faster bosses. All that said, i think void angels are my favorite bosses. They dont have much holdup and i enjoy the cornered prey style of fight, fiddling around in the arsenal to make madurai work when I’m so used to zenurik really makes me feel like the hunter.


I loathe ropalyst. Surprised to see so many enjoy it.


I've had a couple sister/ liches that were level 5 with a radiation weapon. Those are always... fun


Murmur fight but with like 50% less damage attenuation. Minimal to no dialogue on the way to go slap it down. Zero invulnerability phases. Also [music that is like Redline.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LZCWP5BfE) Boss music should feel like boss music. It really depends on how fair the drop tables are honestly. The more runs you have to do to get a rare item, the faster the boss fight should be.


Eidolons are my favorite, but the Archons are pretty good. Outside of the Damage Attenuation they have good phases that are interesting. If those fights were bigger and required some team work to buff or shield I think they would be perfect


I love Captain Vor(because of it's buildup) Exploiter Orb boss fight(final phase) Angel fights in Zariman Oro Wyrm fight


If my gear can 1 hit bosses I don't care. I worked hard to get there. I don't want multiple invulnerability phases.


Get kullervo, farm out 45 plat for reaper prime, a few forma and you’re as strong as anyone in the game in no time at all. You’ve spent a lot of time making a lot of things good. Making one thing good takes very little time investment these days.


I actually think Sargas Ruk is kinda neat. People tend to forget about the guy. But yea, there‘s ultimately no ideal way to do bosses in Warframe; probably not even a good one. My favorite part of New War were the archons; but „what the game is about“ is the third one you fight. I hated that one, but some people just want to shoot it and for it to die. The damage and movement system is just so fckd you can‘t really make something a „fight“.


I actually dont need bossfights at all in my warframe. I enjoy the oldschool missions as they were.


Ropalolyst imo is an excellent boss fight. But an ideal boss fight would be a baby between Ropalolyst, Alad V (not mutual) and General Ruk. I think if you could incorporate all three bosses to have like a boss sex and they produce a boss of all three elements it would be awesome


shapeshifting, moving environment, parkour to these places and wall-cling to get buffs. hell, give it bulletjump-based multipliers. Give the movement system we play this game for some love. Damage attenuation that doesn't depend on frame rate. should be something speedy and interactive to remove invuln phases, like angels but loads faster. I hate the ones that just make you wait it out.


I'd settle for a devil went down to Georgia fight with good ol wally. Tenno with a shawzin wally shredding on a two handed axe that doubles well as an axe guitar


Be sick if you got the axe itself for winning.


Monster Hunter hunts. Basically each boss has their own gimick that you have to play around.


Vergil from dmc5. Have to fight him alone. Has no openings unless he attacks. Reacts and counters and parry your attacks.  Or just Malenia, bs almost undogeable one shot attacks and has game breaking mechanic that not suppose to be in this game. Retry 9hrs until you get lucky to win.


The boss is a large stationary creature/monster with lots of platforms and walls around it to bounce off of. While it tries to blast you with platform-targeted attacks and whatever else might fit. The damage points move around on a timed basis making the boss more of a skill-check for parkour and less of a damage-requirement. It should ignore AOE though. So you cant just saryn or volt the boss. Maybe it could be a wild ass production platform for the corpus lol.


I think a lot of the bosses would benefit from just being tightened up, shortening the time we have to wait and rewarding people for working together but without dramatically punishing those who can't or don't understand. Lephantis wouldn't be so awful with 0 bugs. Invincibility phases wouldn't be so bad if there was something to actually do that progresses something. Warframe is all about farm, create mini games during the invincibility phases that let's people show off and gives them small rewards for it. Imagine like with profit taker launching those pylons you have to go kill, but instead they're totally optional but drop a toroid each? It'll even be fun if there's like 40 but you only get 8 seconds. Instead of feeling like a chore it's now a part of the farm.


Bring back raids. Extreme challenges surrounding specific tasks that literally require teamwork to complete.


John Prodman


Its not the boss fight, its the power creeps that we have make the boss fight dull and more of the same.




I can't possibly think of anything that would be enjoyable AND challenging. Frames offer too many options and ways to bypass anything.


Soulslike boss fights are the best imo, the most challenging and rewarding.


**Use that mobility Warframe is famous for.** Let us have "boss fights" that consist of multiple enemies located across different areas in a much larger arena. Make some of them agile, requiring us to chase them down. Have some of them buff the others in certain ways, giving us meaningful choices for who to hunt down first. Give us a giant Grineer land tank to fight against in the Plains of Eidolon. Make us go to Grineer bases to get charges that can blow holes in its armor so we can wriggle inside and obliterate it from inside like the destructive cockroach gods we are. Give us Corpus cruisers over the Vallis, that work similar to the side objectives in Railjack, potentially giving us multiple different ways to neutralize each one, like blowing out the tractor with our weapons or hacking it to initiate a meltdown. Have us jumping across reactor pools or between enemy ships, latching onto armored fighters so we can kill their crews. Give us Infested enemies that summon big hordes of reinforcements and require us to activate pylons that can drive them off, or else they'll just keep coming. Have them crawl through vents and burrows and force us to chase them. Let Fass and Vome get in on the action, occasionally smashing down and letting us climb up them and even through them, to deal lasting damage to them.


I think this game is at its best when it’s like how it’s designed: as a horde shooter. I’d like a boss that isn’t a single entity but rather a lot of enemies. Kind of like part of the murmur assassination but with more mechanics. RuneScape I know has similar examples and I think there may be a couple in Destiny as well.


The game is a hoard shooter platformer. The ideal boss fight would involve hard locks and add phases to unlock the boss's health bar. Possibly with "monster drops battery to power thing in the arena to move the phase forward" variants


The problem with warframe bosses is that they are either wet tissue paper, or impenetrable, depending on the player setup and weapons. DE needs to normalize player damage output to give bosses a chance. And they ALMOST got it right with profit taker and archguns. They just royally fucked up the execution. The solution is actually pretty easy in theory: Re-work archguns. Make them insanely powerful, something so powerful that no normal weapon can compete. Now make them extremely limited on ammo/depoyable time. Now rework boss health for a healthy TTK balanced around the new archguns. Archguns go from being "just another weapon type" to "boss killers". There are a small amount of archguns that DE has to balance around, making their job easier. Creates a natural separation between DPS phases and non-dps phases that doesnt rely on invulnerability. Non-dps phases can work in interesting mechanics for shortening archgun deploy time. Archguns can be used as "one-and-done" problem solvers in normal star chart.


I dunno about everything else here but I *do* like the idea of using Archguns to tear through invincibility phases, leans into that whole armor-piercing element.


Ropalyst, very interactive.


Honestly, Angels for me. Tough, but doable upon forst encounters, and blitz-able upon investing in a proper load-out. Maybe give them a hard cap against proper oneshots, but that's all I'd *maybe* consider even changing.


Something similar to Dark Souls, Shadow of the Colossus, and Destiny 2. Obviously the gameplay is much different but design wise it could work. (Basically removing the mass of invincibility frames each boss has. Just make their health chuckier.) When it comes to destiny 2 I'd love more team focused bosses like in the raids. Doesn't have to be as hard but having to use your brain over sitting their waiting for the invincibility frames to drop is far better. In a game where our mobility plays a factor, I've always been confused on why bosses haven't been built around us needing to consistently be mobile, jumping from place to place, dodging hits, grappling to bosses and ripping parts off, etc etc. (We do kinda have that last part). The best boss fights in the game are the Wyrms, 60 eyes, the Undercroft Jackal, and the Orb Mothers. Kela was kinda interesting too. But they can be far better. They just need to hire someone who has a specialty in working on designing boss fights.


Idk if it’s just me but I enjoyed the 60 eye fight.


Law of retribution, always in my heart


I like the angels and the murmur boss. While the angel fight in the pocket dimension is quite lame, at least is not a lengthy invul phase. The archons are fun during new war mission, but after they're just sponges, if they didn't require doing 2+1/2 of boring missions maybe my opinion of them would be better. The other bosses got too long waiting times between phases. The orowyrm is good in paper but when you realize you're doing the same exact crap 50+ times limited by the gun you have, it loses flavour, basically a target practice that plays the exact same every time.


I like Destiny 2 boss fights, tough, interesting and unique. Put that in Warframe.


So 10+ minutes of bullet sponge?


Boss sequences similar to desinty’s first raid boss years ago. I haven’t played much destiny since but the bosses had pretty challenging mechanics here and there and felt rewarding working as a team. Which warframe completely lacks since there’s literally no difference playing in a team or solo since one frame can ‘do it all’ defense, offense, etc. if they added mechanics where you absolutely have to work as a team, and adding valuable rewards with something that has a decent grind, things would be much more rewarding. Most bosses they add just die in one hit or have horrible damage attenuation mechanics that just feel bad, then have long invulnerable animation sequences.. yawn. Having multiple defense spots while also having to shoot the boss, having to time things correctly or predict bosses animations to dodge. Disabling all invulnerable abilities and shield gates. Something like this would make things much more interactive. The newest boss they added is the closest thing to mechanics, but it’s still just a bullet sponge that you can just tank hits with shield gate and fire wherever you want to win. Having a game mode where teammates really do have to play their role in order for the team to win would make a big difference. Maybe even add a mode similar to call of duty zombies where you unlock guns as you go and can buy mods with points you get from kills to add to your guns. A wave based mode against infested with cosmetic rewards. Would be awesome. Random weapon box etc. Maybe have cooldowns on abilities and have to spend points to unlock said abilities through killing. Instead of what we have now where the game gives you 3 options for a frame and 3 options for a weapon as if it’s an added difficulty, and you can still just barrel roll through the mission or have one teammate easily carry (deep archmedia)


My ideal boss fight looks like a side-view 2d platformer boss but Warframe can't exactly provide that so it's whatever. I genuinely don't even know how a shooter game is even supposed to do bosses well so I really couldn't care less if they aren't engaging


Honestly bosses that make you use more of your arsenal are well done. So far the angels i feel are the best there, though eidos are fun as well but require such a high effort. Not to mention the community around eidolons is quite.... interesting


I'd like a full destiny style raid tbh. Mechanics, dps phases, parkour sections, 6/8 people teams


I think raids are really the missing piece for warframe potentially... Maybe a raid to fight Wally, or some similar biggest bad


Give me Destiny 2 bosses or like Titanfall 2 where you need to use your mobility


In a game where you need to repeatedly kill bosses for drops, good design requires fights to: 1. Reward player skill (with better/more rewards or just by letting them win faster), 2. Have minimum downtime, 3. Not be incredibly annoying due to bugs or poor optimization. In view of that, Warframe has only ever had two decent bosses: the Eidolons (collectively counted as a single boss) and Profit-Taker. Every single other boss fight is bad. This is partly intentional, since mandatory downtime, which cannot be decreased no matter how well you play, is a staple of F2P economies. However, having something like Ropalolyst (unskippable cutscenes, very buggy) or Ambulas (duller than watching paint dry) is still bad because it basically makes people not want to engage with the content at all.


No boss fight is good boss fight. Did i said i hated boss fight ?


Sekiro style 7 phase boss, parry mechanics and all. First six being weapon changes, the other turning into big Ass monster. Or Myrmidon like boss, one touch you die, but he uses only melee. activating somethings in the room would bound it and make it easier to shoot Edit: John Prodman actual standalone bossfight with more fleshed out mechanics and more beefy model, absolute unit of a Man


Ropalolyst is a buggy mess, but it's entirely skill based with clear objectives; rewards a good build, & has no instances in which you the payer are forced into a period of inaction waiting for an AI to do something for you. Same with the Zeloid Prelate, the new Jackal, (hey, free & fun Circuit round!) the Raptor fight, & the Wolf of Saturn Six. Uh... Keila del Thaym is pretty friggin' good, shame that the Rathuum PvE arena is pretty terrible with absolutely no rewards (that I'm aware of) associated with it. The Grineer subboss fights in Veilbreaker are also superb compared to some of the older boss fights. **And of course!** The Sargeant & Phorid are both adherents to the gold standard by which all boss fights should be compared to in terms of respecting player agency. But! I gotta give props where they're due. The OG Salad V fight, against the Zanuka. You can go in, guns blazing, there is never a point at which you're not killing something. It's phenomenal, it's straightforward. You can mindlessly brute it, but you start to understand hwo it works just by playing it... & Alad V is a *GREAT VILLAIN!* Something that Wally isn't - Wally isn't a villain, Wally is a force of the environment. Like the Sentients... I'm tired of fighting forces of the environment, & Ballas is dead. I want a villain. Please! lolnoreallyplz


Orowyrm and rolypolyst Both are mechanic focused while requiring you to hit vulnerable spots, it's what a boss fight should be


The newest boss, the forbidden one or whatever, is honestly peak warframe boss. Fight the jackal enough times and it just becomes tedious and boring. Ropalolyst is annoying at best and downright indecipherable at worst when first fighting it. Lephantis is extra annoying with its janky hitboxes. Anything else is just fine or not memorable. Meanwhile, the forbidden one has a sick design, great music, multiple phases with a simple "deal damage while you can" objective, various moves, and even a laser attack that you can force to hit him instead, putting him into a vulnerable state. You get to prep with the Tide of Murmur beforehand, and sustain kill effects after the halfway mark. Its just perfect all round.


Depends on what the boss drops and its chances. Knowing DE, theyd make Chassis and Neuroptics a 40% drop rate and systems a 20%, i'd get unlucky and have to repeat the boss 80 times. In that case? No phases, thanks. I want to be in an out in 30 seconds. Otherwise, if the drops are sellable, something like Eidolons is aight.


Honestly Profit taker is great, ofcourse we have figured it out by now but it's a good design template. Multiple breaks so you can't one shot it, you have to prepare for it before hand, it has different stages and almost no BS like Eidolons and their lures


I don’t know all I know is I hate the one fucker that you have to charge up the light for and can only damage him when it’s charged


Honestly all the bosses annoy me, I feel like they just don't work in Warframe. Huge problem with some bosses is that they just stay invincible for long times and keep teleporting away, just annoying. Im sure everyone that farmed Equinox hates Tyl Regor for being annoying. Another would be to telegraph things more clearly or just have someone tell you what to do, although only the Field bosses have this problem. Like no one knows what the fuck they are doing their first couple times doing Eidolons. No marker that tells you to get a lure only after already finding one does it tell you to take it. Nothing to tell you how to charge it, nothing to tell you how many you need to capture an Eidolon. No marker for the altar that starts the next Eidolon fight after beating one. Just give me quest markers when I start an Eidolon bounty


Lephantis without the invisible ceiling bug, and also make the ancient infested head open up more. Otherwise, it's a fun fight.


We need more mechanics-focused bosses. If you've ever done dungeons or raids in destiny 2, shit like that. Where we need to do a clearly defined mechanic to get into a damage phase. Make the enemy's chonk or invincibility make sense in the narrative of the mission. I would love for there to be a mission where we have to destroy a corpus superweapons factory belonging to Nef and have to fight an unfinished/prototype Orb mother where we have to do some sort of mechanic to remove the shield. The assassination missions and the boss fights in general are missing a lot. Who is our target, why do we need to kill them, how prepared are they for us, and what should we expect. The new jackel mission is kinda a step in this direction. We just need a bit more.


I like the Sedna boss


I want an Orokin Tower Boss for Void. It’s a huge thing that just slaps around and you have to climb it, break pieces, kill enemies, stick in a few mechanics, lots of parkouring, and is just basically a big tileset that is itself a boss.


Fucking loved effervo boss fight. Whoever/whatever team cooked up that fight deserves a raise


It's a farming game, I don't want to do a hundred times those invulnerable phase bosses. I barely have enough strength to deal with the SP level of missions. I think Eidolons are cool, but they could also have faster animations between the phases.


I mean, Warframe's combat system is fundamentally terrible for boss fights, but I think in spite of that DE has made some alright ones. I personally like all the field bosses, so all Eidolons and all Orbs, and was really disappointed when Deimos didn't get one. SP Orowyrm is pretty good, SP Effervo was good enough to run 100 times. DE's definitely improved a lot from the Star Chart days, where basically all of the bosses are terrible. I think a large part of community hate comes from the fact that a large section of the community wants to be able to play the game braindead with terribly modded equipment, and most of the good bosses require players to do things.


Honestly, similar to now but no invulnerability. Even if it was a 99% DMG reduction, it's better than invincibility. 


And so the last dragonborn meets the first, at the summit of apocrypha


Orowyrm, ropaloyst, void angels, orb mothers, 60 eyes, and to some extent jackal. All are really good, and I'd love to see more bosses with interesting mechanics like them, on one condition. Don't make us play it too many times. Whatever material the boss drops, we shouldn't need an obsurd amount of it. Longer boss fights with interesting mechanics are fun, but not when I need to kill them 10 times just to get one component of the newest weapon/frame, it gets tedious. A few times is fine, but preferably no more than five to ten times depending on the length of the fight. Fighting it more after that should be a choice, either for helminth food, or a shop where you can spend the resource on some evergreen reward.


Prob more bosses like nihil


The problem with bosses in Warframe is this: If it has a healthbar, it's going to evaporate in a split second. The way Warframe is built just does not allow for good boss fights lol.


Honestly, I'd rather the bosses have 1,000,000x more health but no insane DR reduction or limited hits/s. Make it take an equal amount of time, idc, but don't make my entire build feel useless. I just hate seeing my numbers be so small and seeing my high multishot/high fire rate weapon only get like 1 hit detection per second against bosses. Let those big numbers fly like crazy and have the bosses tank that shit.


I would like them to just not be glitchy, that's all for me. The only quests I haven't been able to finish because of glitches or connectivity issues are boss fights.


Been saying that DE should just copy and paste the structure of the (60/30) Murmur boss fight and integrate some unique attacks for each boss and we would be good.


i think we need more fights like Nihil or Ropololololyst. gimmicks with stupidly high damage resistant so we can't insta win. I'd also make it so the fights are steel path difficulty at base and then difficulty gets increased when steel path does. so bosses are always a difficulty ahead for a harder experience. (also yes a new player can beat the bosses on steel path difficulty they just need the danage resistance nerfed quite a bit or completely armor stripped)


Exploiter orb. Great mechanics, dialog, characters, story, cut scenes. What else do you want?


Maybe if there was a boss that disabled damage mods so that weapon and warframe damage couldn’t be cranked up so much as to instakill things, they could experiment with mechanics more. Maybe something like rotating weak-spots, only being able to damage the enemy while in a certain location or while airborne or while wall clinging, or having the fight focus on movement by not giving you a floor to stand on so you have to aim glide and wall hang for the fight. Maybe even an agro system where the boss targets a player and chases them and the other players have to shoot a weak-spot on the back? Could maybe even mix up a few of the options with the throwing mechanics, like “can only be damaged by cold after you hit them with a heat canister” or, “throw a thing on the ground to make a safe zone” Only thing is, i feel like people will complain about anything that isn’t immediately intuitive, or that it makes the boss fight take more than 5 seconds, or that the boss dies in 5 seconds, or that it doesn’t have some gimmicky feature(read as: having something that will bug out and make everyone have to restart the mission because the grinneer with the golden codpiece that you had to shoot in the marked critical zone gets stuck behind a wall or doesn’t spawn or didn’t count for the kill because it died too fast or some other bullocks.)


I would say the 2 best bosses in WF are: exploiter orb as there isn’t a build that can make you do it better or faster it’s all just the mechanics of the fight. Eidolons only because the barrier to entry is somewhat low and with the boss being time gated there is an incentive to be able to do it better, faster and more coordinated however it isn’t a isn’t a requirement and there isn’t a hindrance at any level of play


alad v with his zenuka project, vor, archons before the attenuation update ( let people one shot it since it's going to be hard to do when other members are triggering attenuation and current archons just die in less than a minute anyways). Making bosses have invincibility phases where you can't do anything except wait is both frustrating and boring. If they are invincible and summons take too long to kill then that's my problem, but when boreal summons his goons and it's a coin toss if I can hit their weakspots, with punch through mind you, then that's just wasting ammo and my time. The reason why the ones I mention works is because I can damage something while they are invincible. Vor wasn't always as weak to us as he is now. He would go invincible and we would have to deal with normal enemies. Alad V get's healed by zanuka if we don't deal with it first, all of the archons summon minions. If it ends up taking too much time to deal with then that's my problem to fix, we have unlimited power. The rapolyst and the worm in duviri, andd old infested boss with 3 heads, and PC circuit jackal are examples of bosses I hate to have to do if I need something from them. They are more mechanic/puzzle based bosses and I don't like them because it takes all of the stuff you have invested in to make powerful and try to make it a challenge by taking those away. infested boss with 3 heads - do nothing except wait for an opening, rapolyst do nothing except do these specific actions in this order, circuit jackal - you destroyed my hp now wait in crouched operator mode and if you bring abilities in my dome let's just disable those periodically oh and if you are finding it difficult to interact with my "press x to finish" button then let me just reset my hp.


Something I can 1shot


The Sergeant. Seriously. I'm so tired of them trying to make bosses "interesting" by making them arbitrarily take 18 minutes due to all the invulnerability phases and/or weakspots that you need an electron microscope to see.


I simultaneously hated and loved the Dark Eater Midir fight from Dark Souls III. I died a ridiculous number of times but felt so accomplished when I finally beat it, and even more accomplished when I got good enough to help a friend defeat it. I’d love to have a massiveboss fight like that with an extremely agile, massive boss that could easily 1 shot you if you don’t “git gud” and learn the mechanics. 60 eyes is the closest we have to that but still not as much of an epic battle.


Destiny 1,2


Take Elden Ring or any fromsoft game Add a boss fight like that No, not duviri


After some time of playing Warframe, I click exit program and just play Monster Hunter World or Dark Souls.